Redheadsrock1010 if you're reading this please don't cut my head off. So yeah l got "inspired " by your story that's similar to the one. Don't worry though l am Not a full time copy cat. Any who to everyone reading this l hope you enjoy!

Prologue: Must not's

"So l was think-" he cringed and gritted his teeth when he was once again interrupted by his friend's laughter.

He ignored him and continued his conversation. "As l was saying, before l was rudely interrupted," he took one quick glance at Tucker ,"l was thinking that we sh-" Danny's eye twitched as he turned away from Sam to look at Tucker who was laughing hysterically on the floor, with a Pda in hand. Sam abruptly stood up and grabbed his pda competely ignoring his complaints.

She sat next to Danny and started to browse through it. Danny leaned over her shoulder to see what she was looking at. "1000 things l will never do this year," Danny voiced out.

"It's hilarious, read number twenty seven!" Tucker said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

Sam scrawled down the page in until she found it. "I will not rest till Danny Phantom shows that goth girl her place," Sam narrowed her eyes and flipped through the page until she found what she was looking for. "Wait Paulina posted this... that explains a lot," she said angrily. Danny sat up and chuckled, "leave it to her to be the trend maker. Tuck, pass me the pen and paper, will yah?" He asked. Confused Tucker grapped the requested materials and handed them over to the halfa.

He tapped the pen onto his chin before scribbling on to the page. Sam and Tucker shared a wary look before scooting closer to Danny

Things I am not allowed to do in Amity Park

Upon reading the title Sam and Tucker tried to stifle their laughs and they failed miserably.

Danny simply rolled his eyes and continued writing

1) l will not use my Danny Phantom voice in human form

Tucker looked at Danny with a look that said l-think-l-know-where-this-is-going and grabbed the paper and pen and repeated the same steps Danny took when he was preparing to write

2) l will not write a fanfiction about an adventure we went on

Sam reaped the paper out of Tucker's hands. She read out loud what he had written. "Sometimes l wonder why l am even friends with you Neanderthals," Sam said with fake sympathy. Danny grinned at her sweetly and a hand over her shoulder. Suddenly his sweet exterior broke when he yelled, "Because you love us!"

Sam held her ears. She balled one hand into a fist and prepared to punch Danny and instead she hit Tucker. "Owww! Why me," he pouted and rubbed his shoulder. "Cause you are the one that polluted him," she stated as a matter of factly.

"Are you sure that it isn't the fact that you li-oww!"

"Yeah you better shut up," she threatened while shaking a fist at him. "Ey Dan-" she turned to him but stopped when she saw him writting, "You are actually serious about this," she stated as she took the paper from him ignoring his protests.

3) l will not intervene into the A-listers conversation about Danny Phantom and say l or me when l am referring to Danny Phantom.

She read it out loud and grabbed the pen from him. "You guys can't have all the fun," she said cutely( almost too cutely... for a goth) . She wrote in a neat handwriting on the paper and handed it over to Tucker.

4) l will not dress up as grim reaper and 'predict' transfer students and freshmen's death's.

He read it an started to chuckle, "You are one evil mama," he remarked. Before they knew it they were writing the list. They laughed at each other's not resolutions and passed the paper amongst themselves.

6) l will not pick a fight with a bully and start yelling random names of ghosts l know to come and fight them.

5) l will not sing the Danny Phantom song on Casper highs annual talent show

7) l will not host a 'hug a human day'

8) l will not overshadow Paulina in her sleep and make her believe Danny Phantom is Dash's ghost half.

9) l will not lie that Vlad's mother was a ghost and his father was a human as a hypothesis to why he is half ghost.

10) l will not volunteer Cujo as my puppy for a Biology lesson to observe 'dog's nature and habits'

11) l will not poke Dash and blame it on Danny Phantom (although it was him)

12) l will not write a letter to Paulina to make her think that Danny Phantom is in love with a human girl who is not her (he-he... it's true)

13) l will not ask Amorpho to morph into Lancer and lock Lancer into a storeroom, while Amorpho gives pictures of Lancer in a sweaty shirt and boxers to all the students

14) l will not annoy the box ghost

15) l will not dress Danielle like me and confess that l am bisexual. Guys will have to touch her breasts.

16) l will not go to school in ghost form wearing teenage clothes and freak out phan girls, teachers and other peers then dramatically disappear.

17) l will not dye my hair white and restyle it, put on green contants and wear tanning spray and tell the pupils that I'm Danny Phantom's exghost girlfriend going to seek revenge on all pretty girls.

18) l will not lie to students that l know voodu and that l can make corpses resurrect. N.B l may have to demonstrate.

19) l will not kiss a girl and run away in ghost form.

20) l will not trade my pda for my life.

21) l will not turn my head intangible and stick it into a wall in front of people

22) l will not use my ghost powers to make it look like l can use Doom cheat codes in real life.

23) l will not talk people into making someone think they have turned into a ghost.

24) l will not go to school late wearing a Superman costume.

25) l will not go around Amity in ghost form asking them to guess my real surname.

Sam's watch started beeping signaling that it was now time to go home. Sam stood up and waved at the two boys. "That was fun, but l have to go home before mother sends a report to the police claiming that I'm missing," with that, she left.

Danny chuckled and stood up with the paper in hand. "Sam's right, in my case l have to go home before a ghost decides to rear its ugly head," he turned around and walked to the doorway. He crumbled up the paper and threw it at Tuck ,"like we will ever use that crap," and he walked out of the house.

Tucker grabbed it and shoved it into his pocket, "Memories, we can use it for memories," he yelled to no one in particular.

So this happened when they were fourteen after phantom planet. Only this time his identity was never revealed and he and Sam never made it (if you know what l mean). The only people that found out are his parents.