Here you guys are! So, like I mentioned last chapter, I made a Snapchat for my writing. I'l be giving chapter progression updates through there as well as looks into my day to day army and personal life. My snap name is of course McKnight2.0 so add me! Thanks for the person who suggested the idea! You know who you are! Enjoy the chapter guys!
3rd Person POV
Thursday, January 4th - 2:30 PM
South Las Angeles
Nightwing's black stealth jet swooped low, only twenty or so feet above the Las Angeles streets, and the black and blue clad hero flipped from the ship's hatch, landing smoothly on the ground as the auto piloted jet continued on, setting itself down on a nearby roof.
Nightwing observed the now vacant, ghost town looking city streets, seeing store windows smashed in and cars tipped over, their alarms still sounding off in annoying fashion. These things, whatever they were, certainly knew how to make an entrance. A red streak, otherwise known as the Flash, came zipping up to his side, coming to a skidding stop just as Starfire landed on the opposite side of her boyfriend. Only seconds afterward, the rest of the team arrived in the Titan's jet, it landing on the building that Nightwing's had.
As the Titans made their way over to the other three heroes, Nightwing ushered them to hurry, so he could give them a more detailed briefing of the situation and formulate a plan before they went to hunt down the creatures, but before any of that could happen, a dark mist, one thicker than any Gotham smog he had ever seen, began to float toward them, seemingly appearing from nowhere. As the dark grey gas neared it began to take form, three separate almost humanoid ones in fact.
Nightwing raised his hand to halt his gathering teammates. "Get ready, guys."
Three sets of four glowing red eyes appeared in the smog and slowly they took solid form, revealing themselves to the team. There they stood, three creatures darker than the night sky with evil grins and long, slender, dangling arms that had claws of complete blackness at the end of them.
In the back, behind the rest of the team, Raven swallowed. It was a good things her cloak hid her face, otherwise the rest of the team would have surely seen the astonishment on her face. The eyes, they had given it away. They were clearly demons sent by her father. Suddenly, she could hear his voice in her head. "What's wrong, my daughter?" he laughed. "Are you telling me you do not recognize your own brothers?"
"Brothers? That's impossible," she thought to herself.
"I am telling no lie," the demon king responded, able to hear her every thought. "These are my three sons of darkness. I do not have enough power to allow myself to get to Earth, but I can get them through, and unless you agree to summon me, they will kill all of your friends one by one, while you are forced to sit by and watch."
"I can't let you in! I want!" she snapped in her mind.
"Then they will die just like your mother!" Trigon retorted in a rage.
Suddenly the beings of darkness charged at the team. Nightwing and the rest of the group were prepared to defend against them, but somehow all three simply vanished, sinking into the ground, before appearing once again directly behind the Titans. The monsters went straight for Superboy, Blue Beetle, and Cyborg, jumping on their backs and taking them to the ground. The demons clawed at them, but as the rest of the team rushed to fight them off, they once again vanished, fading out of existence in the blink of an eye
Nightwing eyes jetted from point to point, drawing his bow staff as he carefully scanned the area, but all of a sudden he felt something grab his shoulders and with incredible force sling him backwards as if he were a child's doll. As he flew through the air he could see one of the demons disappearing right where he had previously been standing, making it clear that one had been the culprit. He attempted to flip in the air in order to land on his feet, but before he could, one of the pitch black monsters, most likely the same on who had thrown him, appeared right below him, catching him in mid air before power bombing him into the concrete below, effectively knocking all the air from his lungs and busting open the back of his head.
"Nightwing!" Starfire screamed and was about to jet toward him in an attempt to save him from the demon, which still lingered over him, but when she attempted to take off, she realized that something was preventing her from moving. Looking down, she saw two black hands, coming straight from the concrete below, holding her around her ankles.
In a panic she fired her eye beams down at the hands, but before the scorching green energy could make contact the demon's hands sunk back into the earth below, causing her beams to only hit her own self. "Shit!" she screamed out in pain before gasping and covering her mouth, knowing that was a bad word. It looked like she had picked up some bad habits in her time on Earth.
Superboy, sweat dripping down his face and his muscles pulsing, swung madly at one of the demons, which seemingly made a game of appearing in front of the Kryptonian teen, only to vanish right before his fists had any chance at making contact. The demon eventually became bored with the game apparently, and appeared behind Superboy this time. Using it's demonic strength, it tossed him into Red Arrow and Artemis who were continuously trying and failing to hit the creatures, them not having nearly enough time to get a shot off on them before they once again vanished.
As trio fell to the ground roughly, the Flash used his speed to finally land a hit on one of the creatures, knocking it back and two the ground before it simply faded out like a shadow, however, he failed to notice that another one had sunk under him. Raising it's hands out of the ground, it tripped the speedster, causing him to fall and roll with such velocity that he went flying through a store window before coming to a sliding stop inside of the building, pieces of glass now protruding from his skin. "Ouch," he cringed as laid on the floor of what appeared to be a laundry mat.
Nightwing, who had finally made it back to his feet, was watching the chaos unfold, trying to find away to stop them, despite the pounding headache he had. Whatever they were, they were kicking their asses badly and they couldn't hold up much longer. He had to think. He watched the way they moved, how they could simply vanish before reappearing somewhere else. It was like they were made of pure energy, but if that were true that would mean they weren't just defying physics and simply teleporting, they were jumping from one magnetic field to the next. He had an idea.
Nightwing looked over at Raven. "Raven, put a barrier around us," he ordered.
"It won't help," she called back. "They can still vanish and reappear in and out of it." Technically, Raven could do the same thing the demons were doing, but just not as fast. A draw back of only being half demon.
"Just trust me," he stated.
She wasn't sure what he was up to, but she did as told and raised a huge barrier around the entire team. The demons didn't seem to care and continued to kick the Titan's asses in the most absolutely mischievous ways possible, which was exactly what Nightwing wanted. With them distracted he turned to Static. "Can you magnetize the force field?"
"Yeah, but..."
"Just do it ," Nightwing demanded. What was up with all these questions? Just listen to the man!
Seeing Nightwing meant business, he nodded and fired an electric pulse at the barrier, causing the black energy to start to spark. Nightwing wasn't sure it would work, but when Superboy finally managed to land one hell of a hay-maker punch on one of the demons, sending it flying into the force field, where bounced off of it like a bird crashing into a window, he assumed it did.
The demons all glanced at each other, seemingly realizing they could no longer escape. It was probably the biggest oh shit moment they had ever experienced. The Titans, all realizing they could no longer flee, began to smirk at each other. It was payback time. Cyborg and Blue Beetle fired their cannons. Starfire berated them with Starbolts from above while Superboy practically cooked them alive with his heat vision. Nightwing, specifically targeted the one who had knocked the wind out of him, and began to give it the ass whooping of a life time. He may not have been to actually become a shadow like them, but for the demon, it certainly felt like fighting one, it unable to land a hit without its teleporting powers.
Within moments all three of the creatures of darkness laid motionless on the ground, but before they could round them up, something very odd happened. Simultaneously, they all bursted into flames, managing to force the team to move back, covering their faces from the unbelievable heat as a result.
Just as suddenly as the flame had appeared it was gone, no trail of smoke to be seen, and even stranger, the bodies of the demons were also vacant from where they were just seconds beforehand.
"This is not the last you have seen of your brothers, my daughter," Trigon echoed in Raven's head, causing her to frown under he cloak. "They will come again. Next time they won't be alone. I suggest you heed my warning."
As the force field dropped, the Flash looked around at the rest of the bruised and battered team, pulling yet another piece of glass out of his arm before tossing it to the side. "Well, that happened. Anyone want pizza? It's on Nightwing."
Nightwing just frowned at his friend, but in the back of his mind he knew something definitely wasn't right, and he needed to figure out what it was and figure it out fast.
3rd Person POV
Friday, January 5th - 1:00 AM
Dick's Apartment
The brightness of the computer screen in front of him caused his eyes to squint narrowly as he read over file after file, document after document, looking for anything to help him understand what those creatures were that they had fought earlier that day. He had ruled out anything organic, after all, organic things didn't move the way those creatures did, and when he consulted Hal Jordan about the possibility of them being some form of alien race, the Green Lantern said that he knew nothing even similar to that existing, so basically he was at a dead end.
Leaning back in his chair he sighed and covered his eyes with his forearms, only vaguely aware of the sound of Kori's soft snoring coming from his living room couch not far behind. He glanced over his bare shoulder, finding her laying with her head hanging off of the couch cushion and her feet hooked over the back of the frame. He guessed she had passed out at some point, although how she slept in that position, he had no clue. She was weird was the only explanation he could give himself at this point.
It was one in the morning and he had been sitting there, buried in his computer screen for four hours at least, so he didn't blame her for going to sleep. He knew she must have been exhausted, and it wasn't like this was her first time sleeping there, far from it in fact. She slept either on his couch or in his bed quite often. Not because they were up to anything mischievous, but because they genuinely enjoyed being around each other and it was just easier for her to pass out there, rather than to go to the pent house only to return the next morning. They were both mature adults, that could control themselves, so there was no harm in it.
He ran his hands through his messy black hair as he thought about the details of the creatures. How they moved. How they looked. Their pitch black color, darker than the deepest depths of space. Their long dangling arms that were so slender that it was scary. Those demonic red eyes. ...Wait. Maybe that was it. Maybe they were demons or some form of spiritual beings. Dick was not religious in the least. To be honest he didn't even believe in God or any holy entity for that matter, but he had exhausted all the other options he could think of and Batman had always taught him to be as thorough as possible when it came to any potential leads, so as unlikely as his very rational brain believed it to be, he decided to give it a shot.
Sitting up, he typed in the first thing that came to mind. 'Types of demons.' The first thing to pop up was a website link which belonged to the occult and in it were pictures and descriptions of all the different types of demonic entities that they believed to exist. It was pretty creepy to look at to say the least.
Dick scrolled down and read description after description for at least an hour, but could find nothing that matched the creatures he had seen that day. He was about to just call it quits for the night and go lay beside Kori on the couch, but something inside of him, maybe intuition or maybe something else, told him to keep going just a little longer, and sure enough he scrolled just a bit farther and that's when he saw it... or rather him.
It wasn't the creatures of darkness that he had seen earlier that day, but rather it was a much larger red demon with giant white horns and flowing grey hair. None of that would have even caught his attention if it weren't for one other unbelievable characteristic though. Four glowing red eyes, that looked exactly like the ones on the other creatures. It could simply have been a coincident, but inside, he just knew it was more than that.
He looked down at the the name of the demon. Trigon, the demon king.
3rd Person POV
Saturday, January 5th - 1:00 AM
Gar walked down the streets of Gotham, enjoying his free time. He learned to appreciate it a lot more since he became a Titan. With all the training, missions, and being attacked it seemingly every other day, it was very limited at times. Since everyone else had their own things going on that particular day, he decided he would go out by himself for awhile and his first stop was to get lunch as his favorite pizza place.
Whistling as we walked through the door, he walked up to the counter and ordered a large vegetarian pizza and went to take a seat at an empty booth while he waited for it to be prepared. He scrolled down his Facebook timeline, wondering how Dick got like three thousand likes on a single selfie and watching funny cat videos, which had him so distracted that he barely noticed when footsteps came walking up to his table. "You had one large vegetarian pizza?"
"Yeah, that's..." he paused when he looked up seeing the very same blonde that he had met on the previous day. "Terra? You work here?"
She laughed in a slightly awkward fashion. "Yeah man, I started yesterday."
"Cool," was all he could say as he observed her beauty, which stood out even in her red and white 1950's style store uniform.
Terra glanced at her management, seeing they were paying no attention to her, and they really weren't too busy, so she decided to take a seat across from Gar. "So, I saw you guys on the news last night. What were those things you were fighting?"
Gar shrugged as he took a slice of his pizza. "Don't know. Nightwing is working on that I think. We have a meeting later today, so we might find out something then. He's pretty good with figuring things out."
Terra nodded, a hard to read expression on her face. "He seems like he would be." She seemed to refocus on Gar and her normal smile reappeared on her face. "Hey, I don't know what time your meeting thing is, but I get off in an hour if you want to hangout or something."
Gar was caught off guard by the request, even to the extent that he quit chewing the large amount of pizza he had stuffed into his mouth. He wasn't used to girls actually asking to hang out with him. In the past it had been the other way around and typically he got rejected. Green skin, point ears, and fangs weren't exactly the hottest features one could have. He swallowed roughly, nearly choking himself in the process. "You want to hang out with me?"
She laughed. "Yeah, why wouldn't I? You're awesome! Who else can say they get to hangout with a super hero?"
Gar began to blush. When he heard the term super hero, he thought of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, even his teammate, Nightwing. Legends were told about the them. They were like gods. Could someone actually be putting him in the same boat with names like that? He was flattered to say the least. "Cool," Gar cooed before realizing he sounded completely dazed, forcing him to catch himself. "I mean, yeah. Sounds good," he responded in his best 'cool guy' voice.
Terra smiled widely at his acceptance of her offer. "Awesome. See you in a bit," she chimed happily. With that, she stood and scampered off, Gar possible checking out her ass as she did. If hot girls were going to be hitting on him like this, becoming a Titan just might have been the best decision of his life.
Pretty good chapter I do believe, but things are going to pick up quite soon. If you haven't guessed, this Arch deals heavily with religion, well DC universe religion anyway. It's going to get dark and angsty at times. My favorite types of writing ironically. Keep up the great reviews, guys!