The Morning of the Deeper Magic
Why are the monarchs of Narnia going different ways? And who are they meeting?
Once a year, in the spring, the two kings and two queens of Narnia go their different ways.
Queen Susan stays at Cair Paravel. Someone, she points out, as she waves the other three off, has to stay home and get things organised. Each year, Mrs Beaver and some of the Dryads drop in to help.
Queen Lucy goes to a high green hill, in the very heart of Narnia. The Stone Table still has its great split right through it, but Lucy does not linger beside it. She stands on the edge of the hill, the place where they dared not look round from, and looks out across free and happy Narnia, to the sea and the Eastern End of the World. Each year, Master Tumnus comes to join her.
King Peter goes to the fields at the Ford of Beruna. The High King walks again the battle lines to the point where he looked up to see the second army coming to their aid. There is a phrase that always seems to wait for him there, a phrase he remembers from the Other Place: I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my aid... Each year, many of the other veterans from the battle of Beruna come to walk the fields with him.
Except Edmund. King Edmund goes alone, and the furthest, to a small, dark dell in the woods. On a stump, that is really a stump, just outside the dell, he sits and waits. Each year, Aslan comes.
Vast and glorious is thanksgiving feast which awaits them on their return. For the Emperor Over The Sea who made the Deeper Magic made also the lesser magic of sticky fingers and shared laughter and a breaking bread with friends.
A/N: Happy Easter, everyone! :)