She knocked with shaking hands on the door to the outskirts of Minerva McGonagall's chambers, or did she just call her 'Mum' from now? She didn't know what she was going to say to them or what they would say to her. The situation had never in all her years of life come across her thoughts. She never imagined she would find her parents as her school teachers, even when she thought she was just a muggle. It was McGonagall that pulled open the door. She smiled down at her and stood aside for Rebecca to enter the office.
"Hello." It was a quiet and uncharacteristic greeting from the woman. Rebecca had never seen McGonagall act like this. It was a little disconcerting. "Albus and I were just brewing some tea in my quarters."
She gestured to a door and walked through, holding it open for Rebecca to follow after. Rebecca walked behind wringing her fingers nervously. She smiled, however, when she saw her professors personal space. There was a wall full, from floor to ceiling, of just bookcases, crammed with so many books that some were laid sideways in front of other books. There was a fire in front of a sofa and an armchair, that lit the room with a few lamps, the glow adding to the gold and red decorations of the Head of Gryffindors rooms.
Albus was sat smiling on the armchair, pouring tea from a teapot on the coffee table. He gestured for her to take a seat. It was funny, she thought, to see Albus so at home here. She knew they were together, but Albus as the head of the school probably had his own office and private rooms somewhere in this school. She was also willing to bet they were hidden from plain sight, no doubt along with a swimming pool. The thought made her chuckle.
"May I ask what is so funny, dear?" Albus' eyes twinkled at hearing her giggle. He was taking it as a sign that this wouldn't go completely south.
"Oh well," She shrugged. "Just thinking that it wouldn't surprise me if there was a hidden swimming pool in this school."
Albus laughed himself then gave a non-committal shrug along with a wink to her, which made her laugh. Minerva made her way over just then. She made a show of rolling her eyes for Becca to see, before gently slapping Albus' arm.
"You really shouldn't encourage school conspiracies." She scolded. "No wonder parents complain to the school board."
"Why would anyone complain about a school swimming pool?" He shot back indignantly.
Minerva didn't reply just pursed her lips and reached for her tea on the table. Minerva looked their daughter over. She was smiling, though she still seemed a little hesitant. Minerva wished that she could simply grab the girl and hug it all better, but she expected that it would take time for Rebecca to be comfortable with their role changes. Summer was quickly rolling in though, and of course the girl would stay with them. Albus had already been, discreetly mind, to the ministry with the proof she was alive. They hadn't changed her name though, nor would there be an announcement. Only those close enough would truly know who she was. It was too dangerous otherwise. In the public eye she was simply an orphan student that needed somewhere to stay, and that was with Minerva, her teacher and head of house, not her mother. But no one had to know the truth.
"So, Rebecca," Minerva got the girls attention while she seated herself in an armchair. "We'd love if you would come stay with us over the summer. What do you think?"
Becca fidgeted. She wanted to, but she was still unsure on where she stood with the whole thing. She thought that maybe it would be best to just say so. Minerva wasn't really all that much of the intimidating teacher she had met at the start of the year, and Albus, well, who wouldn't be comfortable around him?
"I'm not sure."
"It's okay if you want to give it some thought." Albus said gently. "We still have two weeks left until the end of school, and during these last few weeks we'd like you to get to know us and vice versa."
Becca nodded her head. "That sounds fair." Then added as an afterthought. "Where would I stay if I didn't stay with you?"
Albus and Minerva looked at each other. They hadn't really thought about that choice. They were too desperate in wanting her with them they hadn't really put any thought into it. Though, Minerva had no doubt that Albus had thought through a safe place for her to stay when not with them, and she was willing to be she knew who.
"The Weasleys, I suspect, would be happy to have you for a while." Minerva smiled gently, if a little downtrodden. Her guess confirmed when Albus nodded at her. "Though perhaps Andromeda, a good friend of mine, would probably be a more appropriate arrangement. She is trustworthy."
"Which I'm afraid brings me to a more serious point." Albus added. "It is important Rebecca that you do not announce this to anyone. You may, I should think, be able to trust your trio of friends, perhaps the twins even. However, I must impress upon you the seriousness of the matter. We lost you because Voldemort and his Death Eaters knowing about your existence. To know that you were alive again, would put you in danger."
Minerva had flinched at his name, and then pursed her lips at the mention of danger. It seemed calm that much was true, but the calm was a lie. The storm was yet to come, and she knew Albus was sure that it was to come soon. Especially with Harry now a part of the Wizarding World. Rebecca nodded slowly, but looked completely serious and as though she understood. Albus seemed happy enough with this response and smiled at her.
Rebecca looked thoughtful for a moment before asking a question that scratched at her curiosity. "Do the other teachers know that you're together?"
"Some of them yes, others no." Albus smiled at her. She nodded again.
"What's your favourite animal? Apart from a tabby cat." Albus chuckled at this question, but quickly the sensed the new get to know each other tactics.
"A phoenix. Beautiful birds with extraordinary powers." She nodded. She had read in the library that phoenixes had healing tears, and could be reborn from their ashes when they died. She looked curiously to Minerva.
"Hmm, well if I'm not allowed to pick a cat," At which Minerva looked mildly annoyed. "Perhaps an owl."
Rebecca giggled. Of course, Professor McGonagall if allowed, would choose a cat as her favourite animal. Rebecca took a sip of her tea as she allowed herself to think over what she should ask them. There were a lot of things she could ask, all menial and not very in depth, such as favourite colour.
"Unfortunately, kitten, I have marking to do." Minerva broke into the silence. She thought end of year assessments were very useful, but at this very moment she wished that they didn't exist. "Don't worry, I shall be sat over there at my desk. Feel free to interrupt with questions or other."
Rebecca nodded and watched Minerva settle herself heavily at the desk placed in the corner of the room. She moved from her spot in the armchair to spot beside Albus on the sofa. He smiled at her before pulling out a chess board from under the table.
"Chess?" He asked smiling.
"Why not?" She smiled. "The wizards kind, right?"
Albus nodded. He allowed her to make the first move of the game. She played okay, but not well enough. Albus managed to beat her in under nearly five minutes. Ron had been her teacher, and he was very good, but she had never beaten him. It made sense that she shouldn't win against Dumbledore. She shook her head smiling.
"Mind if I give you a few pointers?" He said gently. She nodded back, and then listened avidly as he explained a few simple strategies that would help her in the game.
Minerva, needless to say, didn't get much marking done that evening. She stopped most of the time to watch the two. Her daughter, her kitten, sat with Albus listening to him. She made a few jokes along the way of his explanations which Albus giggled at like a conspiring schoolgirl. She often wondered just how many children it was that she cared for. When the end of the evening came, they each hugged her and sent her on her way to her friends, though not so late. Minerva didn't doubt that the Weasley boys, Potter and Granger, would know about her parentage soon enough. Lord knows, she wasn't looking forward to the comments of messers Fred and George making small jokes of it all the time. Though perhaps the jokes wouldn't be quite so widespread, if Becca managed to impress upon them the same seriousness of the matter as Albus.
She sighed as she watched her go. She hoped that it wouldn't always be like this. Her meeting up with her daughter in hushed conditions, and only ever behind closed doors, or when in close company. One day, she thought, one day they will be able to just live normal. But for now, she was sure it would all be different, but not normal.
It was late in the evening, but that didn't really bother any of the three. They were sat with the windows open, on the sofa sipping mugs of hot chocolate. Rebecca was snuggled into the sides of both Albus and Minerva, now going by the names of Mum and Dad. She had called them that after spending two weeks with them at McGonagall Mansion. Albus was able to stay with them a lot of the time which helped. Rebecca was sure that she had had the best summer of her life. She had more than she ever had just a year before. Before she hadn't any proper friends, and of course, her parents were with her, and it didn't hurt that magic was a real and genuine thing.
She sighed, and placed her mug on the table in front of them. She leaned back and snuggled further into her Dad's side. Both himself and McGonagall had to go back to Hogwarts and start setting everything up for the upcoming school year. In Dumbledore's case, he had meetings he'd postponed for quite some time to attend with the minister. Becca wished that they didn't have to go back but she knew they did. She had originally wanted to go with them, but she was told all staff were required which meant she would be a very obvious presence; a presence that would be questioned. Instead she would be spending the last two weeks of summer with the Weasley family, starting tomorrow.
"I'm going to miss you." She said looking up at her parents. They both smiled down at her.
"We will too, kitten." Minerva said. "But you can always write to us, and two weeks isn't so long."
Rebecca nodded but sighed still. Needless to say, none of them moved far from the other that night. Rebecca stayed between her parents until her breathing evened out and she fell asleep. Minerva and Albus smiled at each other, just watching their daughter rest peacefully. This time, this year, they would be starting it with their daughter. Albus had no doubt that the year would be full of mischief from their daughter bet that with the trio first years, or the twins. He hoped that the end of the year, however, would not end quite as their daughters first one had, though something in him doubted that. For now, though, he was simply grateful. He had two of the most important people with him, and for now, that was enough.