Note: Well my friends, I've managed to write another fic in the Final Fantasy VII Universe! This was originally going to be a oneshot, but evidently the fic was getting pretty long, so I'm dividing it up, and it's now officially my first FFVII chapter story! This tale takes place before Crisis Core, and the plot is based on an episode called "A Bite to Eat" from the anime Rave Master. If there's anyone of you who's familiar with that episode, I'm sure you'll discover what I have in store for Zack... anyway, I hope you enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own anything in the Final Fantasy VII compilation. And you know what? I'M GLAD I DON'T! I only own the bully in this tale, whose name I gave as a tribute to Star Wars (you'll know what it is once you start reading).

The Guilt Trip

Chapter 1: Hunt for the Scaled Behemoth

To say that fifteen year old SOLDIER Third Class Zack Fair was excited about taking part in this latest field training mission was an understatement. Leaning back on his seat in the truck, he grinned as he thought back to the briefing only a few days before.

"We'll be heading to a place called Dagger Valley, a vast wasteland located near Cosmo Canyon." Angeal explained to a group of young SOLDIERs, "The locals there have reported sightings of a dangerous monster roaming the area."

"So they sent for us to get rid of it, huh?" Kunsel asked.

"That sums it up." The Heart of SOLDIER replied, and then cast eyes on his pupil, who, of course, was starting to daydream. "Zack?"

Startled, the young Third scrambled up to face him. "S-Sir!"

At this Angeal smiled. "This could be the moment you've been waiting for, Zack."

"Huh?" Zack replied in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I've nominated you for Second."

The young Third widened eyes blinked once. Then twice. Did he actually hear that right? "What…? R-really? You mean it?"

His mentor chuckled. "I mean it!"

There was no denying the happiness that soon appeared in the boy's face. Letting out a cry of joy, Zack bounded to his feet and glomped his mentor. "ANGEAL! Oh, I love you, man!"

The Heart of SOLDIER practically squirmed himself out and pushed his student away. "You're embarrassing me." He stated, though there was a playful smirk on his face.

"Sorry Sir…" Zack muttered, rubbing the back of his head, although the smile never left his face.

I still can't believe it! Me! Nominated for Second! Zack thought, eager to move, If all goes well, I'll be one step closer to First in no time!

"Hey Zack!" a voice called out, interrupting his thoughts.

"Oh! Kunsel!" Zack gasped, facing his friend and fellow SOLDIER.

"You seem pretty happy." Kunsel replied.

The young Third chuckled. "Can you blame me?"

"Actually, I don't. I'm just as excited as you are about the whole thing. I mean, depending on how things go, you'll finally become a SOLDIER Second Class like me!" The Shinra-issue truck suddenly ran over a bump on the road, bouncing its occupants inside.

"Yo! Take it easy over there!" Zack called out to the driver.

"Sorry!" the driver called back. The two SOLDIERs gazed out at the scenery before them, which happened to be a wide expanse of barren red rock and gravel.

"By the way, Zack," Kunsel noted, "This is your first time at Dagger Valley, right? I tell you, this place is infamous for its rugged terrain; the locals in Cosmo Canyon say that the rocks here are as sharp as knives, hence the name."

"Really? That sounds pretty dangerous." Zack muttered.

"Yeah, but many of those locals still come here for many reasons. The main reason, of course, is that Dagger Valley is the only place in the world where you can find wild prickleberries."

Zack stared at his friend, expressing his confusion. "Prickleberries? What are prickleberries?"

A brief silence filled the air in the truck, before Kunsel finally stated, "Is it any wonder why you're still in Third Class?"


Hours after arriving at the base located at the grassy edge of Dagger Valley, Zack made his way toward his mentor, who was at just finishing a conversation with Sephiroth and Genesis. Questions concerning the prickleberry had filled the head of the young Third since the moment it had been brought up, and eventually he realized… who better to ask about the berries than the very person who loves nature? Soon, other two Firsts departed. "Angeal?"

Angeal looked up at his student and smiled. "Zack! What brings you here?"

"Well," answered Zack, "There's a question on my mind that been nagging me since I came here, and I figured you would know something like this, being an expert of plants and all."

Angeal's eyes lit up as he sat down by the supplies he got out of his truck. "Oh! I see what you're trying to say! What is it that you want to know?"

The young Third took a seat by the Heart of SOLDIER. "On the way here, Kunsel mentioned something about… 'prickleberries'. What exactly are prickleberries anyway?"

"Ah, prickleberries!" Angeal noted taking out a book on plants from his pack. "The official name of that fruit is the Cosmo Thorn." He laid out the book with a page turned to the plant in question, complete with detailed illustrations. It depicted what looked like pale pink strawberries covered with small thorns instead of seeds. "The locals of Cosmo Canyon were the first to give both of those names, for obvious reasons. Most prickleberries you see in the marketplace are cultivated in farm villages like Banora. Wild prickleberries, on the other hand, are extremely rare because they grow only in Dagger Valley, in places most people find inaccessible."

"Huh?!" Zack gasped in amazement, "Wait! You can actually buy those berries?! And EAT them?!"

The Heart of SOLDIER laughed. "Of course. Whether in the farm or in the wild, harvesting the Cosmo Thorn is a difficult, and slightly painful, process. But the effort is always worth it! The berries themselves have an amazing taste, and they're very nutritious to boot! Even the thorns are edible, though it makes it a challenge to eat them raw. In fact, prickleberries are known best for their powerful healing properties, especially wild prickleberries; at least ten berries are used to create a medicine that can cure even the most serious of wounds."

"Whoa! So I guess these berries give Shinra's elixirs a run for their money!"

"That's one of the reasons the Cosmo Canyon locals make treks on foot across Dagger Valley to gather them." Angeal explained, "And they never take more than they need."

Zack leaned forward, staring at the prickleberry illustrations. "I see… somewhat. Those thorns look pretty sharp. How do people manage to pick them, let alone eat them raw?"

There was a smug look in his mentor's face. "Very carefully." He rose up to his feet and began to walk away. "Anyway, the mission will take place tomorrow in the late afternoon, so this would be a good time as ever for last minute preparations."

"Oh, right!" Zack exclaimed in eagerness, standing up as well in order to follow, "Let's get it started!"

The next day, the various SOLDIER operatives began their trek at Dagger Valley, with Angeal taking the lead. Sephiroth and Genesis opted to stay behind at the base, saying that to go with them would be a hindrance for the Seconds and Thirds; after all, this mission was chosen to be part of their on-the-field training. Glancing around at his new surroundings, Zack noticed a few rock formations jutting out here and there; he had to admit, they made for some breathtaking views. But now was not the time for sightseeing. There's a monster that needs to be hunted down. What kind of monster it was, he didn't know, but one thing's for sure: it's a very powerful creature.

"Hoo! I tell you," Kunsel complained, scratching the back of his head, "walking through Dagger Valley is a real pain—and I mean literally! Sure, the Shinra-grade combat boots we're wearing right now are made to withstand this kind of terrain, but that still doesn't make the experience any more comfortable for the feet they're protecting."

The young Third couldn't help but glance down at the craggy rocks and gravel as he replied, "I guess I can say for sure that I don't blame you, now that I'm experiencing the same thing firsthand. Angeal said something about the Cosmo Canyon locals making all their treks here on foot, and feeling those rocks under my feet right now… damn, how do they do it?!"

Apparently, Angeal had overheard the conversation. "Zack, they have their own special shoes that they wear for this purpose. But no matter if it's that or the boots we're wearing, they both spell the difference between mild discomfort and sheer agony, especially when running."

"In that case, I'll take your word for it." Zack stated.

The Heart of SOLDIER nodded, and took out his standard issue sword. "We are now approaching the place where the monster has been sighted," he addressed the other SOLDIERs, "Stay alert. Whatever it is, it could be waiting for us."

The other operatives, Zack included, placed their hands on the hilt of their blades, ready to draw them out. The young Third smirked in anticipation. As the group moved forward, however, a sudden yelp filled his ears, followed by a thump… and mocking laughter.

Both Zack and Kunsel spun around to find a thin but beefy Second Class SOLDIER taunting a Third Class who was lying on the rocky ground, scrambling to get back on to his feet. "Oops!" the large SOLDIER stated mockingly, "I'm sorry! Did I get in your way?" At that, he kicked the smaller operative back down. "Maybe you should be more careful with those 'speed bumps'! Ha, ha, ha, ha!"

Zack couldn't help but glare at the punk in SOLDIER's clothing. He knew him all too well. "Tch… Jabba…" he growled, "Why did he have to come along on this mission?"

"I'm surprised the jerk managed to reach Second Class." Kunsel agreed. Ever since Zack had joined SOLDIER, the bully, Jabba, had been the bane of his existence. He reminded the boy too much of a certain village bully he fought with back in Gongaga, and that's saying a lot. Whenever Zack would come across Jabba, he always found him beating up some poor weaker-looking SOLDIER, or even a cadet in the infantry. If that wasn't bad enough, Zack himself was the bully's favorite target in the matter of verbal assaults. Almost every time they crossed paths, Jabba would taunt him to no end, mocking his successes and insulting his failures, even going as far as to calling him names. Even now, Zack's mouth filled with the taste of bile just thinking of him; even just seeing him or hearing him was enough to make him tremble with a growing rage. Oh, how he hated that jerk! He wanted so badly to rush over and beat Jabba to a pulp, just as the latter had done to several others. But it was only the thoughts of Angeal that prevented him from doing so and getting himself in trouble… so far. Still, that doesn't mean that he would just stand by and do nothing while a fellow Third Class was being used as the jerk's punching bag.

"Hey!" Zack barked, "Leave him alone, Jabba!"

Jabba looked up and snorted. "No way, Zag! Time flies when you're having fun, and I'm having too much fun to quit now!"

"I highly doubt that your 'punching bag' feels the same way about your idea of 'fun'." Zack shot back.

"All right, enough out of you two!" Angeal interrupted, "You need to concentrate on the task at hand." Zack nodded and drew out his sword, and all the other Seconds and Thirds did the same.

"Don't get distracted now Zag!" Jabba taunted, "Not like you have any focus to begin with!"

"Shut up, Jabba!" Zack snapped. Luckily, the bully chose to quit his banter, as a figure began to ripple in and out of view. At first glance, the shifting form seemed transparent, but there was no doubt that it was huge. A heavy growl echoed in the empty air.

"What the heck is that thing?!" a Third Class operative gasped.

"Looks like some kind of Behemoth." Another SOLDIER noted.

"Are you sure?" a Second Class pointed out, "I think I saw wings!"

Angeal let out a small gasp. "Not good!"

"Angeal, you know what it is?" Zack asked.

The Heart of SOLDIER glanced back at the others, as the creature began to shift out of its transparent state. "Look alive everyone!" Right at that moment, the beast fully manifested itself, as if leaping out of thin air. It had the appearance of a gigantic hunched canine, as most Behemoths tend to appear to be. But this Behemoth… this one had scales, and wings like that of a dragon! It let out a powerful roar and reared up.

"Whoa!" gasped Kunsel, "I've never seen a Behemoth like that before!"

"It's one of Hojo's experiments!" Angeal stated, "I never thought that it would actually escape the lab!"

"If that's the case," Zack reasoned, "let's kick its butt before it becomes a bigger threat!"

"Good call!" Angeal stated, and sped toward the Scaled Behemoth. The sword clashed with the monster's horns, and it gave a shove that sent the Heart of SOLDIER flying backward. Thankfully, he was able to keep his balance and land on his feet, and immediately the other operatives began their assault. A Second Class SOLDIER activated his Thunder materia, stunning the beast, while Zack and another Third slashed at it with their swords. The Scaled Behemoth recovered from the shock and swiped at them with its paw; Zack barely managed to dodge the sharp claws. His comrade, on the other hand, was knocked to the ground, but nevertheless he managed to escape unharmed. Jabba, in an attempt to show off, yelled as he used the Jump materia to get on the monster's back and stab into it with his blade, and a few other operatives followed his example. This only made the Scaled Behemoth very angry, and it flapped its wings with such force that it shook every one of the SOLDIERs off its back and sent forth a gust of wind that sent rest flying. Its eyes soon locked on Kunsel, who was scrambling to his feet. He looked up just in time to see the Scaled Behemoth breathe out a fireball heading right in his direction.

"KUNSEL, WATCH OUT!" Zack shouted. The Second Class operative heard his friend's warning loud and clear, and he barely managed to leap away from the firey blast, dropping his sword in the process. The young Third glared at the monster. "I'll teach you to mess with my friend!" Raising his sword again, he rushed over toward its rear. "COME AND GET IT!" As he was about to strike, however, the Scaled Behemoth struck him in the stomach with its tail, and he crashed unceremoniously to the rocky ground. Considering how sharp the rocks were, it was amazing that they didn't tear his clothes too much. Before any more action could be made, the Scaled Behemoth's body shimmered, and as it charged in another direction it once more became invisible with a rippling splash in the air. "Damn! I almost had him!" Zack barked as he slowly rose up, quickly taking advantage of his Cure materia to heal the wounds inflicted by both the beast and the rocks.

The other SOLDIERs healed up as well, but Angeal kept his sword raised. "Don't let your guard down just yet." he warned, "That Scaled Behemoth is still out there." Most of the other SOLDIERs raised their swords as well, as if sensing the presence of the monster. Zack kept his senses on high alert in order to track down the beast. Or at least he tried to.

There was just one problem: Jabba.

"Ha! You called that fighting a monster?!" the bully taunted, "A grunt can do better with a just a blitzball!"

Zack gritted his teeth. "Like you were any different!" he growled.

"That's just a warm up!" Jabba bragged, "Wait until I start my attack on the beast for real! Compared to me, you have no place in SOLDIER!"

"Shut up!"

"Zack," Angeal stated calmly, "If he's bothering you that much, just ignore him." As much as he wanted to beat the crap out of that jerk, the young Third saw the wisdom in his mentor's words. With a nod, he started once more to tune in his senses in order to pinpoint the location of the stalking Scaled Behemoth.

"That's right Zag!" Jabba shouted with a mean grin, "Go follow your master, like the loser dog you are!"

Immediately, Zack grew stiff. Now that he can't ignore! He spun around to face his adversary, fury in his eyes. "What did you call me?!"

"Ah, finally struck a nerve, eh?" Jabba mocked. "Didn't I say this once before?! I said you're a loser dog!"

Loser dog?! Zack thought, his anger boiling over, How DARE you!

"Don't listen to him, Zack!" Kunsel warned, "He's trying to psyche you out!" But no amount of advice would calm the young Third down now, not with an insult like that; the Gongaga village bully made fun of him the exact same way those many years ago!

"Maybe you should go back to kennel where you belong!" Jabba laughed, "Which reminds me—Who let the DOG out?! WOOF! WOOF-WOOF, WOOF-WOOF!"

At that, Zack's anger finally exploded. "All right, THAT'S IT!" he roared, "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS, YOU JERK!" And he rushed toward the bully, hands balled into fists, ready to beat him to a bloody pulp—only to have Kunsel lunge at him and pull him back.

"NO ZACK!" Kunsel shouted, "DON'T!"

Right away, the young Third started struggling to escape. "LET GO OF ME KUNSEL!"

"HE'S NOT WORTH IT, ZACK!" Kunsel tried to reason.

But Zack would have none of it. Immediately, he placed a hand on Kunsel's chest. "I SAID LET GO!" And he shoved his friend away with a force that sent him flying. At that exact moment, the Scaled Behemoth reappeared—right in front of Kunsel! Before the Second Class SOLDIER even had time to react, the beast caught him, biting him in the midsection with its sharp teeth! He let out a scream of pain as it began to toss him about in its jaws. In that very instant, Zack's anger turned into horror as he realized what he had done.

"KUNSEL!" Angeal exclaimed, watching as the Scaled Behemoth threw the wounded SOLDIER to the side and sent him crashing and tumbling to the ground, knocking him unconscious. Then it leapt toward him, ready to tear him to pieces with its claws—but the Heart of SOLDIER intervened, slashing the beast across its chest. It let out a roar as though in pain, and turned in a direction away from its intended path and away from the SOLDIERS, before landing hard on its paws. There was a brief pause as it looked back with a growl, as if to say 'I'll be back!', then it charged away in retreat.

Zack snapped out of his daze as he saw the Scaled Behemoth run away. A small blast of rage built up within him alongside his feelings of increasing guilt. No way was he going to let that monster get away, not after what it did to Kunsel.

Not after what he did to Kunsel.

"HEY!" he bellowed in its direction, "Where do you think you're going?! GET BACK HERE!" He attempted to give chase, only to be held back once more—this time by Angeal, who blocked the path with the Buster Sword and gave his student a disapproving glare. With no one to follow it, the Scaled Behemoth leapt up and disappeared into its surroundings. It had escaped. Gritting his teeth, Zack let out a scream of frustration and tossed his sword to the ground. His rage spent, the young third turned back toward the still form of his wounded friend and his expression became that of worry. "Kunsel!" he gasped, rushing over as quickly as he could. The other operatives had already gathered around, some even trying to use their low-level Cure materia to heal the grievous wounds their fallen comrade had sustained. The bite wound was bad enough, but add that to tumbling over sharp rocks… it was not a pretty sight. The rising and falling of the Second Class' chest was a strong indicator that he was still alive, but the fast-paced wheezing sound coming from his throat made it all too clear that he was struggling just to breathe. Zack fell to his knees by his friend's side. "Kunsel, wake up! Please! Wake up!" he pleaded desperately, shaking the operative's shoulder, "I… I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get you hurt like this!" When he got no response, his eyes misted over. "WAKE UP!" It was no use. Kunsel didn't move an inch, and that fact added to the young Third's overwhelming guilt. "Oh… Gaia, what have I done?"

"Sir!" an operative stated as Angeal approached. "Our Cure materia doesn't seem to be having any effect!"

"They've healed a few wounds," explained another, "but there's no change in status. In fact, he seems to be getting worse!"

That's not good! Angeal thought worriedly, and he scooped up the unconscious Second. "Everyone head back to the base! We need to treat Kunsel as quickly as possible!"

"Sir, yes Sir!" the SOLDIERs answered in unison, and they sped away from the scene toward the base.

Angeal once more glared at his student. "As for you, Zack Fair, you and I are going to have a talk once we get back."

"A-Angeal!" Zack gasped as his mentor walked away from him without turning back. His shoulders sagged in sorrow; he really messed up big time. Why else would Angeal be so angry at him?

Note: Things are not looking good for either Zack or Kunsel! In the next chapter, we find out what's wrong with our Second Class SOLDIER operative, and Zack is about to come face to face with an angry mentor. What will happen after that heated confrontation?

As a side note, I'm sure you noticed the reference to Final Fantasy X, namely the blitzball. Until Next Time!