HELLO EVERYONE ( ̄ω ̄;)/ I have returned from my long... very long hiatus -.-; and as well in use of a laptop again ;D

Even though it's late I would like to say I'm very sorry to those who have been waiting patiently for this story to update especially to 'Tomoka Kuroki' and 'JazRose' these two gave me strength with what they said (>人<;) and also a public reply to someone's review

A reply to Cancer718; Thank you for reviewing on what you honestly thought of the chapters and pointing out something I unintentionally did. In this story I didn't want Ritsu to be the grumpy, stubborn adult we all know and still love. I wanted him to be a very pure and innocent adult, but what's done is done and I'll try to stay with that shy, carefree personality for Ritsu from now on. Please continue reviewing on what you think of each chapter(That also goes for anyone else! I'm not holding you back) (^v^)

Sorry for the contrast of personality ;v; #failureofanauthor \(-v-;)/

**NOTE**In the last chapter Takano was saying local diner in the small note, I made it into a small restaurant, lets just imagine that he wrote that


"Pardon me," the brunette said as he entered the small restaurant through the sliding shoji doors, its wooden frames squeak lightly as the brunette closes it shut the paper screen glowing white from the high sun outside. The building itself was made out of stone and held a pale beige color, two stories high with the second floor being the elderly owner"s apartment. The small two story building was meshed in with the crowd of stone architect, with gaps between each building being about three inches long, holding the shops and vendors of other men and woman trying to make a buck to feed their family. The tightly-knit area was quite quiet with its busiest hour being around early sunset/late afternoon for all the business men and women wanting to purchase some home necessities and school kids wanting to grab a quick bit before heading home.

The interior of the first floor was rather small but cozy, plain white walls with a giant counter top nearly taking up most of the space in the room for the kitchen was in view of all the customers every cooking utensil being used to cook was made of silver with the actual customer counter top being in front of the silver with rows of high wooden stools being set before the wooden counter top. For it allowed any customer wanting to watch the cook prepare the meal before their eyes or wanting to spark a conversation with their cook to get to know them. It allowed trust to be built between the chef and customer, reassuring that the customer would visit again. Shelves of all different sizes of glass bowls, plates, and cups were stacked atop one another with the shelf hanging against the wall behind the steal counter as well as an assortment of ingredients, oils, and spices placed on the side.

Lone tables with their own individual seats ranging from two to four seats at a table lined up against the wall with their own light hanging from the ceiling in shape of a white paper lantern. Posters and photos hanged on the walls giving the plain walls a little life. Next to the "kitchen area" was a white door that read "DO NOT ENTER" for that door led to the stairs leading to the elderly owner's living quarters.

Walking towards the empty wooden counter top, a elderly man behind the stainless steel counter looked up from what ever task he was doing. Wrinkles already lined the man's tan skin along with graying streaks in his brown hair and bright, puppy brown eyes accompanying the man's looks. A warm smile was apparent on the elder's face, revealing more wrinkles near his eyes and mouth giving the hint that the man had smiled many times in his life.

"Welcome, Ritsu!" the elderly man exclaimed with joy as he welcomed the brunette into his restaurant.

"Good evening, Ito-san" the brunette greeted happily.

Taking his usual seat on one of the high stools giving a good view of the stove, the pale adult rested his chin onto his hand as he watched the elder cook. The small apartment restaurant was very familiar to Ritsu for one, the owner of this shop was fairly close to Ritsu's boss, Tsubaki. For they have both had been childhood friends ever since his family decided to move from their family farm in the countryside to Tokyo. Two, the elderly man was also Ritsu's other boss, Kichiro Ito, for this small restaurant was Ritsu's second job.

Kichiro also knew of Ritsu's illness and happily accepted Ritsu into his working staff with open arms, when the brunette came to ask. The elder was kind to Ritsu and took great care into deciding which job was perfect for the brunette's illness to withstand. In the four years Ritsu had met Kichiro, the brunette now sees the elderly man as family just like how he sees Tsubaki as family as well.

"So Ritsu what brings you here? You don't come to work until nine o'clock?" the tan elder asked as cooked.

"I'm suppose to meet someone here," the brunette replied just as the chef placed a cup of water before the brunette, who happily accepted.

Remembering, how in the note it did not read any sort of specific restaurant name, Ritsu decided to make a recommendation by writing the small place's name and slipping it through the editor's mail slot.

"Oh! Is it shojo manga editor?" the man questioned just as he stirred the meat within the pan.

Choking on the dorayaki Ito had given him, Ritsu had to spit out the rest of his bite of the fluffy confection. "H-H-How did you know?!" the brunette asked burning a red similar to the red bean paste within the dorayaki.

Smirking, "Ritsu, Tsubaki and I know each other like the back of our hands and you are considered a son to both of us, who we care for a lot. Wouldn't Tsubaki tell me something about your life because I am involved as much as she is. As well, the fact I also need to give consent to this man for I am also your 'parent'. Also did you take your medicine? An old man needs to keep his heart in check just in case you pass out from skipping it."

Lightly chuckling, the brunette nodded quickly with a soft smile, smiling as well the elderly man chuckled with the young adult. A silence overcome the two after the small laughing fit. The quiet laugh was the same as the day they first met. Ito can remember how he first met the shy brunette.

~Four years earlier~

"OI! KICHI! KICHI! OVER HERE! KICHIRO!... LOOK OVER HERE YOU BAG OF DRIED SARDINES!" A elderly woman yelled from the door entrance with silver hair tightly placed into a bun, her roots of black hair were slowly fading.

"WHAT?! I'M BUSY YOU HAG!" the aging owner yelled across the small room as he bustled around with his staff for it was rush hour.

"I WANT YOU TO MEET SOMEONE!" the woman continued with her conversation across the room hands cupped around her wrinkled lips.

Becoming irritated with the stubborn woman, "DON'T YOU THINK I'M TOO OLD TO MEET SOMEONE NEW?!"



"WHY I OUTTA-" the old Librarian's voice was drowned by the crowd as she walked out letting in a whole new wave of customers.

"PREPARE FOR WAR!" Ito yelled.

"YAAAAAAAAAA!" the staff battle cried.

~After rush hour~

The elderly owner was cleaning off the tables, deciding to close up shop early for the rush hour that day was the craziest and Ito wanted his staff to be refreshed for tomorrow's work. So the sun already dipped behind the horizon and the moon was just rising.

Hearing the wood framed shoji doors open, Kichiro was about to speak when he noticed the visitor. "Tsubaki? What brings you here? A witch your age shouldn't be walking out at night," the owner said sternly.

Before the man knew it he was slapped behind the head, hard enough to barely stand on his own. "That was for what you just said..." the woman said as she held to her purse. Then a harder punch came to the arm. "That was for before."

"OUCH! WHAT THE HELL H-" Kichiro spoke as he clutched he already bruising arm but stopped when the Librarian quickly raised an arm up high preparing to slap again.

"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! What did you want to talk about anyway?!" Ito quickly responded with arms raised to defend his head.

"I want you to meet someone," the woman said as she lowered her arm becoming composed again.

"I already told you I'm too old-" a slap came to the back of the head again but it was softer than before. "OWWWW!-"

"IT'S NOT THAT YOU LONER!" Tsubaki retorted with fury.


Composing herself the woman coughed before she spoke, "I met someone a year ago-"

"Don't tell me this is your new boyfriend," Ito had cut off just as another slap came.

"LET ME FINISH FIRST YOU DUMBA-!" the aging Librarian restrained her annoyance with a growl.

"OKAY! OKAY! Continue I'll be quiet," the owner promised as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Okay, anyways..." the woman glared at the old man who raised his hands in innocence with tightly shut lips, "To continue on, I met someone at my library a year ago. He's very shy and sick, the reason why I didn't introduce you to him sooner was because it took me a while to get close to him and a longer time for him to open up and get comfortable with me. He works at my library and as compensation I let him also live there. His name is Ritsu, he doesn't have a surname so I gave him the name Sakurai but he says he is okay with just being called Ritsu. He is quite an adorable young man... Ritsu! It's okay to come in now!"

Looking towards the open doorway, a small pale hand held onto the wooden frame half of a face appeared behind the door, the thin and petite silhouette of the young man could be seen through the paper screen of the shoji doors. Ito could notice how, the jewel green eyes glowed brightly with the moonlight and strands of long chestnut brown hair feel across the young man's cheeks. The young man's brown hair nearly reached the man's shoulders

"Come on, boy! Don't be shy! I won't bite-" the Librarian slapped the elder's shoulder lightly.

"Give him time, this is the first person I have ever introduced Ritsu to someone he is terrible with new people," the woman whispered.

Nodding, the owner stayed silent, just as the elderly Librarian spoke again, "Come on Ritsu, Kichiro is a childhood friend of mine, he won't do anything. Don't worry there is no one in here only Kichiro and me."

After a few minutes the pale man decided to walk in. The young man wore a baggy shirt with an over-sized cardigan sweater with regular black jeans and brown shoes. The man's hair was in fact nearly reaching shoulder length with bangs nearly covered the man's eyes. Hands were tightly clasped together as he walked in. The man's skin was deathly pale and looked unhealthy thin with the same emerald eyes holding a innocent yet lost and saddened light. A apparent rose pink color remained on the young man's cheeks and lips giving some relief to the elder that the young man still had blood flowing throughout his milky pale body.

"It's he just a precious young man," the old woman gushed, " I just want to eat him up, don't you think so too?" she asked as she smiled happily towards her new treasure.

Ito just looked at the blushing senior and gasped, "Tsubaki! I didn't know you were a cougar," the man whispered in shock towards the old Librarian, another slap landed before he knew it.

"I SWEAR TSUBAKI YOU'RE GOING TO GIVE ME A CONCUSSION!" the aging owner yelled as he held the base of his head, which was throbbing.

"THAT'S YOUR FAULT!" the elderly woman retorted.

The two arguing seniors than remembered the extremely shy young man standing before them, who was just standing stiffly shaking like there was a cold draft within the small restaurant.

Sighing at his childish behavior, Ito stood from his and held out a hand, "Nice to meet'cha Ritsu! I'm Ito Kichiro, you can call me Kichiro or Ito, chose which ever,"

Nodding, Ritsu shook the senior's wrinkled hand before bowing, "Nice to meet you, Ito-san, I'm Sakurai Ritsu but Ritsu is fine."

"Wow! Your hands are ice cold for it being a perfect spring evening," the owner said with great enthusiasm.

The brunette quickly retracted his hand and clasped them together, red with embarrassment.

Lightly punching the owner in the shoulder, Tsubaki smiled and walked up to the red brunette, "It's alright Ritsu, he's just an idiot. Anyway they say those who have cold hands have a kind heart."

Even though Ito just met the brunette, he could tell by how the young man's eyes slightly brightened with comfort as the aging Librarian walked up to him with a warm smile that the two had already had a strong bond. Softening as he saw the brunette smile and nodded with reassurances towards Tsubaki, Ito walked up to the two and placed a hand over the brunette's head, ruffling it. To Ito's surprise the hair was soft and fluffy, had an amazing silky touch.

Smiling kindly towards the stiff brunette and ignoring the death glare by his childhood friend, "I know a great barber shop nearby, I'm good friends with the owner there, let's go tomorrow and get you a haircut, huh? Even though Tsubaki here doesn't seem like it she hates long haire-" Before Ito could finish his sentence a hard step on the foot stopped it. Not wanting to yell out in front anti social young man, Ito just bit his lip in agony.

Oblivious to the elderly owner's sudden pained face, the brunette became worried, "A-Are you a-alright? D-Do I need to c-call for help?"

Shaking his head as reassurance, the man smiled, "That won't be necessary, a 'snake' just bit me," the owner replied adding emphasis to snake as he glared a kindly smiling Librarian owner.

"SNAKE?!" the brunette squeaked in horror as he scanned the ground for any stray reptiles, instinctively grabbing for the elderly Librarian's arm.

"No, no Ritsu-chan there's no snake here it's just a metaphor, the senior woman reassured with a smile. The the brunette sighed in relief.

Composing himself from the pain, "Sorry Ritsu, it's really nothing, anyway lets fatten you up, even a twig can snap you," the owner joked which was rewarded with a slight chuckle from the silent brunette who nodded in agreement.

It was a quite unique first encounter, but soon after their first encounter, Tsubaki and Ritsu would visit frequently and soon enough Ito was let in on what sort of illness the brunette was baring and what symptoms and effects the disease had on the young man's body. Ritsu then one day came to Ito's restaurant one day asking for a position to work in his establishment. At first, Tsubaki was furious that Ito allowed but calmed down when Ritsu had explained his reasons and reassured her that he was going to be fine. Thankfully, the elderly Librarian had taught the young man the ropes around cooking and such for the brunette had fit in with the kitchen and night staff easily. The staff treated the new employee with kindness and were told of the brunette's odd sleeping patterns.

"How was the rush hour today, Ito-san?" the brunette asked as he finished the rest of his dorayaki.

About to reply the two heard the sliding shoji doors open to reveal a man with dark hair, striking amber eyes, and an emotionless expression. Ritsu noticed the bag in his neighbor's hand and could tell that the man just got off work. Already blushing red at the men's presence.

"T-Takano-san, you're earlier than expected," the brunette said with an embarrassed smile.

"Well I can't be left in the dark forever can I?" the editor claimed as he took a seat.

If no one noticed...


Even though I haven't been posting a lot(I mean come on, I haven't even reached twenty chapters TvT) I would still like to be happy about this one year anniversary for I have learned many things from writing this, as well as this story being my first ever fanfic (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

I will also try and update my other story "Eight Lives" this week(end), no promises -v-;)

If anyone notices a change in something please review, because I forgot somethings and had to skim over my last few chapters, to regain my memory, or if you became confused on anything, as well if any of you notice any grammar mistakes because I still don't check back on my writing (#failureofanauthor) XD


FREE HUGS! ⊂( ´ ▽ ` )⊃

Sorry, I won't be able to post as often for school, drawing, homework, procrastination, and life is just taking up most of my time now ( ╥ω╥ )

Bye, can't promise that I'll be able to post in a month (✿✪‿✪。)ノ