Hima slowly approached a tent in a large, green forest.
Her hair reached her shoulder-blades now, and she had it free-falling with a small braid wrapped around the back and held by bobby-pins. She wore grey leggings, big brown boots, a purple dress that went to three inches above her knees, and an oversized brown jacket. She still wore green contact-lenses.
Her expression was forlorn as she grabbed a flap and pulled it aside, looking into the tent before sighing and stepping inside, letting the tent flap close behind her. Hima tread across the grass to approach a figure in the corner of the tent. He was sitting with his back to the corner, his knees hugged to his chest with his forehead rested upon them, and the pale girl paused about four feet away and picked up a Grimm mask that had been lying on the ground.
"Adam?" Hima asked quietly, clutching the mask and holding it to her chest. The young man didn't reply, and she slowly sat down next to him. "My convoy just arrived... I heard about what happened." Adam hugged his knees tighter to his chest, and Hima noticed that his usual red ribbon had been sloppily tied to cover his eyes. The knot was on the side of his head, and the ribbon was slack. "... Adam?"
"... You should have seen the way they looked at me." The older boy spoke softly. "Like they were looking at a Grimm... Like they were looking at a monster."
"My semblance... It's wrong, Hima." He gritted his teeth, lightly shaking his head. "It's wrong... I'm wrong." Hima frowned at him, then she looked forward. Slowly, she stretched out her hand and focused, closing her eyes, and Adam blinked before looking up as a spinning glyph formed on the ground. "W-what's that?"
"Something I've been practicing." Hima replied, opening her eyes and gazing at the glyph. "As you know, Schnee glyphs are affected by Dust and I can grant myself special abilities with them. Lightning is time-dilation, gravity is launch-pads or grounding... But Adam, there is an ability of the Schnee semblance that we tend to keep secret. It would make people even more afraid of us than they already are."
"Why's that?"
"This ability does not require Dust. It is the strongest form of our normal glyphs... It's called summoning, Adam, and it allows us to conjure our defeated enemies and make them fight for us." Hima took a deep breath. "If I kill something —like a Grimm—, I can make it come back and control it." Adam stared down at her, stunned. "So... At least you can only kill monsters and bad people with your semblance, Adam. You don't have the power to become worse than them by bringing them back and telling them what to do, telling them to hurt others." The glyph vanished. "I cast it for the first time a few days ago, just to see if I could... It's wrong, and I should stop—but at the same time, I feel as though I shouldn't because I can use it to help the White Fang. I made a promise."
"Hima..." Adam's expression became forlorn. "You don't have to-"
"I made a promise." Hima's eyes narrowed. "I told you, Adam—you say the word, and I will stop holding back. I'll summon, I'll use my magic, I'll-... I'll kill, if you ask me to. I don't want to, but I will."
"I would never ask you to do that, Hima. Just look at what it did to me! Taking a life..." Adam looked down. "I-I was trying to be better, Hima. I haven't killed since my first accident, two years ago. But today... He couldn't have been a year older than Ilia, Hima, and my semblance just activated on its own and I killed him."
"... Would he have killed someone else, first?" Hima asked quietly. Adam sighed, shaking his head.
"Adam, forget his age and forget his face. Was there a gun in his hand?"
"Was that gun aimed at someone?"
"Yeah, it was Perry. He-"
"Was he far away?"
"Did you panic?"
"... Was there any other way you could have stopped him in time to save Perry?" Hima asked the bull-Faunus. Adam looked down at her, his expression forlorn. "Perry has a wife, Adam, and a baby on the way. I heard him tell you, two days ago—it's a girl... I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now, but you need to focus on that."
"He was just a kid..." Adam looked back at the grass, then he closed his eyes and sighed. "Armed, attacking, an enemy. He was going to kill one of our men... I stopped him in the only way I could, given the circumstances."
"There you go." Hima gave a small smile. "Life is terrible, sometimes—but you're no monster, Adam, and your semblance isn't wrong. It helps you protect the ones you care about, and it's over for the enemy in seconds. It isn't evil, it's mercy—as long as there is no other way."
"There was no other way." Adam opened his eyes and nodded to himself. "As long as there is no other way, I'm not bad. I'm not bad..."
"Would I be here if you were?" Hima grinned, and Adam blinked. "I think that's how you used to put it."
"... Hey, Hima?" Adam looked down at her again, the light returned to his eyes. "Keep working on your summoning, okay? You're wrong about it, you're not worse than the monsters... You're doing for them what we do for each other." Hima blinked, surprised. "You're chasing away their darkness and giving them something real worth fighting for."
"I..." Hima seemed genuinely stunned. "Adam, I-I think you're giving me too much credit. I-"
"You are the best friend I've ever had." Adam wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Human, Schnee—it doesn't matter... You're Hima, first. And I would fight for you any day." Hima slowly began to smile, then she leaned into his hold and wrapped her arm around his back as she closed her eyes.
"I'd do anything for you, Adam."
"I know." Adam nodded, then he looked up at the roof of the tent. "That makes you the one hope I have for this world, for humans... Don't change."
"Only if you won't. Okay?"
"... Okay." Adam replied, then he frowned. "Hima... Why won't you look at me?"
"I noticed your ribbon falling when you raised your head... I'm not going to look at your eyes without your permission." Hima answered, and Adam's eyes widened as he looked down at her. Hima was still smiling, her eyes closed as she relieved herself of his hold and kneeled in front of him. She carefully reached out and grabbed the ribbon from around Adam's neck, and Adam stared at her in awe as she tied it back into place, the knot on the back of his head - not too loose, not too tight. Hima opened her eyes and smiled as she lowered her hands and let them rest on her lap. "I don't care if you keep secrets, by the way... Just know I'll never be anything but honest with you. Alright?"
"A-alright." Adam managed, still stunned. Hima hummed softly, then she sat down next to Adam again and leaned against his side. "... You're something else, princess." The bull-Faunus wrapped an arm around the lost heiress once more, beginning to smile as she wrapped her arm around him again. "Something else..."
It was a rare experience, getting to stay in a room.
Sienna Khan had set up an official "secret headquarters" for the White Fang in Mistral, complete with a throne-room. There were "apartment" below the complex, for members who were staying long-term. They were designed to occupy groups in order to save space, so they—Adam, Hima, Ilia, and Blake—stayed together, while they were there.
There was talk going around. Soon, people said, Adam would be promoted to oversee the White Fang sector in Atlas, Vacuo, or Vale on Sienna's behalf. He did not want to get his hopes up, but Adam had told his friends that he was hoping for either Atlas or Vale, since those places would give him the most action. The girls were proud of him.
Hima was surprised to find that, when they came to the apartment, a piano was waiting in the "living room". She asked about it, and she learned that it was placed on Sienna Khan's orders. Hima was stunned, but she couldn't help but smile.
Sienna Khan listened idly as an twelve year-old Hima played her violin one day, the woman sitting at a desk in a tent while Hima sat on the floor in a corner, and the tiger-Faunus raised an eyebrow.
"He's really keeping you away from anything regarding hand-to-hand combat, then?"
"Yes, ma'am." Hima looked up at her, smiling sheepishly. "Thank you, for letting me stay here while he trains Blake and Ilia. I think he's worried that I'd run off to watch and-... Well..." Sienna blinked, then she sighed.
"It's no problem... You play well." The woman noted, and Hima paused. "Who taught you?"
"... My grandmother taught me violin." Hima replied quietly. "It was her excuse to get me away from my father. When I was younger, my mother did something similar: she taught me piano, and how to read and write music."
"Your mother?" Sienna was intrigued, now. "Willow Schnee... She's practically vanished from public eye."
"It's his fault." Hima stated bitterly, and Sienna blinked. Hima hesitated, then she closed her eyes. "It was a few months before the White Fang came for me, I think. Weiss and I's tenth birthday... They were fighting over the same old things, how my grandfather would be ashamed of what Jacques had done and how Jacques was cruel and manipulative." Hima took a deep breath. "And then, Jacques told her something we all knew. It had just never been said... Jacques married her, had three children with her, and took everything her family had to offer, but he never loved my mother. He just wanted wealth, power, and fame." She opened her eyes. "After that, they began avoiding each other however they could and my mother began drinking. All of this, it might have been what pushed my grandmother over the edge... The piano music stopped, and the house was silent unless I played my violin." Hima looked at Sienna, frowning. "It's probably like a crypt in there, now—cold, stone, and silent."
When Hima saw Sienna Khan again, catching the tiger-Faunus in a hallway, the thirteen year-old smiled up at her.
"Thank you, ma'am."
"You're welcome." Sienna replied, managing a small grin. "Put it to good use, while you're here. Alright?"
"Yes, ma'am!" Hima beamed, nodding. Sienna's tiger-ears flicked back as she sighed, watching Hima run off.
"Hm." Sienna turned away, still smiling softly. "Cute little thing..."
Hima sat at a coffee table in the living room, leafing through some hand-written sheet-music. Ilia entered the room, stretching, then she raised an eyebrow as she noticed her friend, then she walked over and snatched the papers.
"Hey!" Hima complained, standing up. Ilia looked at her, giving a small smirk.
"Hiding something?"
"Maybe!" Hima placed her hands on her hips, then she held her right hand out. "Give them back!" Ilia rolled her eyes and looked down at the music.
"... You wrote all of these?" Ilia asked, surprised. Hima went silent, seeming afraid, and Ilia began looking through the music sheets. There were names written on some of the sheets, and Ilia gave a small smile. "You wrote songs for people? Cute."
"Huh." Ilia blinked, pulling one sheet out. "Smile?" Ilia read it over, then she looked up at Hima. "... I want to hear it."
"Ilia, I-"
"Now." Ilia grabbed Hima's wrist and pulled her over to the piano, and Hima reluctantly sat down as the chameleon-Faunus placed the music before her. "... Well?"
"I... I imagined the first part being sung by a male singer." Hima spoke quietly. "'Cause, well, you said-"
"My father's words." Ilia nodded, keeping her expression neutral. Hima nodded shakily, then she looked at the piano and took a deep breath.
"I imagine drums." She admitted, closing her eyes as she tapped her foot to create a soft beat. "Then, piano..." The pale fingers of one hand began gliding across the keys. "
Child, our daughter,
Sit while we talk awhile.
You've done no misdeed -
Still, they'll put your life on trial." Hima nodded with the music. "
Born like your family,
'Far from any state of grace'...
You're as perfect as the wind and sky,
But they'll treat like you're out of place..!" Hima looked at Ilia as her free hand began tapping its fingernails on the side of the piano to create a rapid little beat to go with the piano and 'drums'. "Increase in pace... A woman's voice, now."
"Hm." Hima looked back at the piano. "
This world is cold...
The power's with those who would judge and control!
But we have a chance to make it right, for you.
This is what you'll do..." Hima closed her eyes as she stopped the rapid beat. "Both voices, now...
Show them how you smile,
It's only for a while.
Take what you need,
Leave them to bleed -
Let them know bitter
While your revenge is sweet..."
"... Adam and Blake's words, when I first joined the White Fang." Ilia noted quietly. "Revenge was all I wanted, and they supported it. I never thought you did, too."
"Ilia... Humans destroyed my life, too." Hima paused and looked up at Ilia with a frown. "The last time I was certain that someone in my family loved me was when I was with my grandmother. When she was dying, I... I was told to remain strong, but also to keep our secrets and remain steadfast. And-"
"Hima." Ilia looked down at the human girl. "... We're alike, aren't we?" Hima blinked, surprised. "I can hear it, when you sing... We've done nothing wrong, but we're the outcasts. You consider your family to be a disgrace, and they would think of mine like that... The world is cold, judge and control—that's for both of us. That's..." Ilia blinked, then she sighed. "Your grandmother."
"... Show them how you smile." Hima gave a weak grin. "It wasn't the first time I'd heard it, back when we met. And when I heard your story on the roof a few months back, back in Forever Fall, I... I had to write this."
"Hm." Ilia gave a small smile. "... Keep going, Elurra." Hima blinked, then she looked back at the piano and gestured for Ilia to sit on the bench next to her. Ilia sat down, and Hima began playing again.
"I hear guitars and drums."
"Oh, yeah." Ilia smiled deviously, nodding. "It's an ass-kicking song."
"Without a doubt." Hima agreed, and the two girls snickered. "
Keep the secret,
Pretending you're just like them!" Ilia gave a small smirk as the lost heiress rolled her eyes. "
Live there like a 'princess',
In the kingdom of selfish men..!"
"Play their game, now -
Do what it takes to win!" Ilia cut in, and Hima looked over at her with wide eyes at hearing her voice. "What can I say? I practice in the shower...
Steal it back, all they keep from you!
They refuse to look beyond your skin..!"
"And as you grow,
You'll gain from their knowledge -
But your heart will know!" The two girls sang together, unaware that they had observers. Blake and Adam had entered the room, and they blinked in surprise as they listened. "
When the time is right to end the lie,
You'll know what to do
When the charade is through..!"
"May I?" Ilia asked, beaming. Hima looked up at her and smiled, nodding. "
Show them how you smile..!
It's only for a while!
Take what you need,
Leave them to bleed!
Let them know bitter,
While your revenge is sweet..!"
"You might think that 'maybe they're changing',
You'll pray that their hatred is waning!" Hima sang, continuing to play as she looked back at the piano. Ilia looked at her, surprised by the high notes. Blake and Adam seemed impressed, too. "
That's when it hurts most to find-..!
The story unfolds,
And their cruelty's exposed!
You'll be glad you're not their kind..!"
"Ready?" Ilia asked, seeming genuinely happy. Hima looked up at her, smiling and nodding. "... Together."
"Really?" Hima's eyes gleamed. Ilia nodded, placing a hand on Hima's shoulder.
"Yep... I think we both need it." She told her, and they both looked at the piano. "And hey... We are sisters, after all." Hima's face lit up, and the girls both sang together.
"Show them how you smile,
It's only for a while..!
Take what you need,
Leave them to bleed -
Let them know bitter
While your revenge is sweet..!"
"Whoo!" Ilia laughed, punching the air. "Awesome!" Hima hummed softly, smiling, then she and Ilia blinked as clapping rang out and they looked back to see Adam and Blake.
"Not bad." Adam smirked, crossing his arms. Hima was so flustered, when she went to cover the piano keys, she accidentally knocked the music to the floor and scattered it.
"Oops!" Hima kneeled on the floor and began gathering the papers. Ilia laughed, standing up and looking down at her.
"Hopeless." She joked, then she frowned. "Need a hand?"
"I-I've got it!" Hima assured, shaking her head. "I just need to find a good place to keep them. Maybe I can ask Perry for a folder..."
"... Hey, Hima?" Ilia asked, and Hima looked back at her, her arms full of messy papers. "Just so you know... You forgot to put your contacts in." Hima blinked, then her eyes widened. "Your eyes, they're not your mother or father's."
"... They're my grandmother's." Hima gave a small smile. "Thank the gods, I've only seen you guys and High Leader Khan today... I'll go and put my contacts in, before I leave the room. White hair and blue eyes are kind of a giveaway, aren't they?"
"Yeah." Ilia grinned, turning away. "But I think they suit you... Someday, you won't have to hide anymore."
"That's the dream for all of us, isn't it?"
"Yeah... And it'll come true. We've just got to keep fighting, and smiling."
"Yep." Hima beamed, and Ilia departed with Blake. Adam watched her go, then he looked at Hima with a grin.
"Sisters, eh?"
"Yep." Hima agreed, kneeing to begin sorting her papers. "... It feels pretty good, knowing I have a sister who would look out for me like I'll look out for her." Hima looked up at him, grinning. "When we get Jacques Schnee, we can each take turns with one pinning his arms while the other punches him in the face."
"Save some beat-down for me." Adam walked over and kneeled next to her, picking up some papers and holding them out for her. Hima nodded, reaching up and grabbing them with that small, devious grin still etched on her face.
A few weeks later, Blake tied her bow into her hair, concealing her cat-ears, before she looked back at Hima with a frown as the human girl put her contact-lenses in. They were sitting in a bathroom at the White Fang headquarters, getting ready to go out and protect recruiters at a rally.
"... Do you think that your family still thinks about you?" Blake asked, and Hima paused, her eyes widening. One was covered by a green lens, the other was still blue. "Sorry, I... I've just been thinking about family a lot. It's been almost two years since my parents left, after all."
"I see." Hima spoke, then she put her other contact in before looking back at Blake. "I honestly don't know, Blake. Jacques might still drop my name for pity-publicity, but as for the others? My mother's probably drank the memories away, Winter's probably moved on with her life, Weiss has probably tried to forget me, and Whitley might not even remember me... It should bother me, but it doesn't. My life is here now, with you three."
"What about that butler, Klein? Would he remember you?"
"I don't know." Hima told her. "... But my family was different from yours, Blake. I'm sure that your parents think about you, every day." Blake's eyes widened, then she looked down. "Maybe we can visit them, sometime."
"Yeah. Maybe." Blake replied, then she sighed and closed her eyes. "No... I called them cowards, Hima. I don't think they'll ever forgive that."
"Yes, they will." Hima assured her, and Blake looked up. "They're not like my parents... They love you, Blake." The two girls were silent for a moment, then Blake turned to face Hima.
"And we love you, Hima." Blake told her, and Hima blinked. "I... I know you still haven't entirely forgiven Ilia and I for looking at your scars and trying to make Adam show you his face, or for how we treated you when we learned who you were. But-" Hima raised her hand. "Hima, we-!"
"Blake." Hima raised an eyebrow, grinning. "Seriously?" Blake blinked, surprised. "I'm not mad at you for how you treated me. It was a fully justified reaction. And... Yes, I'm still hurting a bit about Adam's eyes and my scars, but I'm not mad at you. You and Ilia are like sisters to me, more-so than my blood-sisters ever were." She lowered her hand. "I know where I stand here, and I'm happy."
"... The White Fang's getting more-violent." Blake reminded Hima, frowning. "Adam has even killed people, Hima."
"Accidentally." Hima crossed her arms. "It's Adam, Blake. He would never do something like that on purpose." Hima looked down, then back at Blake. "He protects people however he he has to. That doesn't make him a monster."
"I never said it did." Blake told Hima softly. The lost heiress blinked, then she looked down. "Hima... Maybe you should talk to Adam. Most of the time, when people and Adam are talking, it's them listening to him. But... He listens to you."
"I have talked to Adam." Hima looked up at Blake, giving a small smile. "He's okay, Blake."
"Blake, please - he's my best friend." Hima turned away, the girl fidgeting with her jacket as she looked in a mirror. "And my roommate, too - we're practically attached at the hip, at this point... If something was seriously wrong, I would know." Blake looked like she wanted to protest, but she just sighed and nodded.
"... Okay."
"In conclusion, if we are to make any difference in the treatment of our people, we must take action. So please, support the White Fang so that we may-"
"High Leader Khan, get down!"
"Miss Elurra?!"
"Don't worry, ma'am! Blake and I will get you out of here!"
"Adam, there are too many!"
"Ilia, go with the other two! Get our people out of here! I'll handle this!"
"No, I'm not leaving you! We need to run, together!"
"A... Adam? What's going on?"
"... I have a plan. Go."
"Where's Adam?!"
"He stayed behind to- Hima, wait! Come back!"
Hima ran into the warehouse, her eyes wide as she came to a stop. A line of twelve Mistralian police officers were line up like a firing squad, and Adam stood before them, alone with his weapons in hand. Innocent Faunus laid on the ground in pools of blood, dead by the officers' hands in the panic.
"No..." Hima stared at the scene, then her eyes narrowed as she reached into her jacket pockets. "No."
Adam had his back to the lost heiress, and he had not seemed to notice her coming into the building. The red of the bull-Faunus' form began to glow, and he prepared to draw his blade as the officers raised their guns.
"Tch." Adam gave a small smirk, anticipating the moment. He was craving the rush of battle...
Just as the officers opened fire, a flash of color suddenly intercepted. Hima dropped to her knees and slammed hands filled with Dust onto the floor, and several glyphs shot out across the floor from under her hands and disbursed the Dust throughout the warehouse. Adam looked up, his eyes wide, as a massive wall of ice formed in a burst of blue light, seprating himself and Hima from the officers.
"Adam, we need to go!" Hima stood and grabbed Adam's arm, her eyes wide as she tugged on him. "The ice won't last forever!" Adam shook out of his awe and looked down at her, suddenly livid.
"What are you doing, in here?!"
"Saving you!" Hima told him, unfazed by his anger in her fear. "Now, come on!" As Hima tugged again, Adam sharply pulled his arm away, and Hima shouted as she was sent falling to the warehouse floor. She landed in a pool of someone's blood, and her eyes widened in horror as it splashed onto her clothes, her hair, and even her skin. "Ah!"
"Huh?" Adam looked down at her, and Hima looked up at him as a strange look came over his face. For a moment, Hima was afraid—there she was, a Schnee covered in a Faunus' blood—and she thought that her partner would lash out. However, instead, Adam was suddenly placing his weapons at his belt and picking her up in his arms.
"Adam?!" Hima asked, stunned, and Adam began to run. The bull-Faunus was silent as the Mistralian police began to open fire, Hima's ice holding the gunfire back as Adam carried the lost heiress out of the warehouse.
When Adam and Hima arrived at the place where bullheads were evacuating White Fang members, the bull-Faunus set his petite student on the ground and grabbed her wrist.
"Ow!" Hima cringed at his tight grip as Adam led her to where he could see Ilia, Blake, and Sienna. "Adam, you're hurting me!" Adam blinked, then he looked down at her forlornly as he released her wrist.
"Hima, I-"
"HIMA!" Blake and Ilia shouted, running over. Ilia arrived first and grabbed Hima's shouldersl her eyes wide.
"Oh, gods! So much blood... What happened?!"
"I-I'm not hurt." Hima shakily assured her. "I just... I fell." Ilia's expression became confused.
"Fell?" She asked, frowning. Blake looked up at Adam, and he looked away.
Hima took a shower to wash the blood from her body as soon as she returned to the apartment, that night. Even after she was washed clean of crimson, she stood in the shower and stared blankly at the white tile, her eyes wide as she hugged herself. A moment passed, then she closed her eyes and sat down, hugging her knees to her chest as water washed over her.
All of that blood, all of that death... And the thing that scared her the most that day was Adam Taurus. He looked down at her, and she did not even have to see his eyes to see how angry he was with her. He yelled at her, and his face...
"Hm." Hima opened her eyes and looked down at her wrist. If it had not been for her aura, she would have bruised. "Adam..."
Hima left the shower and changed into her pajamas - a blue nightdress and white leggings -, and she put a white robe on. She brushed out her long, white hair and left it to hang free, and she made her way back to the apartment, her bare feet padding on the floor.
"Mirror, mirror - what's behind you?
Save me from the things I see..." The girl sang softly as she arrived at the door. She grabbed the doorknob and turned it, opening the door, and she blinked in surprise at what she found.
Ilia and Blake were leaving the main room, going to their part of the apartment. They were gazing at Adam reproachfully, and the bull-Faunus had his head hung. The two girls closed their door, shutting him out, and he sighed and raised a hand to his face, removing his mask.
"Adam?" Hima asked, and Adam looked back with wide eyes. One eye was blue, the other was scarred crimson and grey by a SDC brand... Hima had her hands covering her eyes. "I didn't see, I promise!"
"I..." Adam stared at her, stunned, then he placed his mask back on and walked over to her. Hima cringed as he nudged her aside and closed the door, and she winced as he grabbed her wrists.
"I-I'm sorry, I-!"
"Hima." The nineteen year-old spoke, gently coaxing her hands down. "It's alright. My mask's on." Hima slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him warily, and Adam sighed. "... Hima, I'm sorry."
"For what?" Hima knew it was a mistake as soon as she said it. Adam's expression flashed with surprise, then he looked down.
"Hima, no... This isn't okay." He told her quietly. "What I did today... It wasn't right." He looked at her, frowning. "I was going to kill those men, if you hadn't stopped me. And what did I do? I lashed out, and I hurt you."
"Adam." Hima protested, stepping forward as her eyes narrowed. Adam blinked behind his mask, then he sighed as he walked over to a couch and sat down. Hima walked over and sat next to hims, frowning. "... Stop. I grabbed you, and me falling was an accident that was completely on me. You didn't hurt me, you just... Startled me."
"I... I saw you, scared and covered in blood, and I-..." Adam looked down, placing his face in his hands. "You looked terrified... It snapped me out of it." Hima blinked, then she reached over and placed her hand on his shoulder.
"I'm okay." Hima promised him, her voice soft. A silence fell between the two, then she looked down. "I'm sorry, Adam. I-I just got scared, I thought you were mad and part of me thought you were gonna-"
"I know... I could see it, in your eyes." Adam hung his head, his hands dropping to his sides. "What's wrong with me?"
"Don't lie."
"I'm not." Hima placed her hand on his and gently squeezed. "You just... You should have left with Ilia. You made a bad choice. Your stress, it must have gotten the best of you."
"Yeah... Stress." Adam nodded shakily. "That must be it. I... I'm not evil." He hesitated, then he looked at Hima. Adam's next words came as a whisper. "Am I?"
"No." Hima shook her head, giving a small smile. "You're you, and Adam Taurus could never be evil." Adam gave a small smile, turning his hand over and gripping her hand back.
"Thank you, Hima... I don't know what I would be, without you." The bull-Faunus stated quietly, and Hima rested her head on his shoulder. "Don't worry... I'm going to make things right. I promise."
I love character development. It makes things so much more fun when everything inevitably goes to Hell.
I want to know what you think of my portrayal of Adam's slow downfall. I'm trying to make it, as Blake called it in Volume 3, "gradual, little choices that began to pile up". "Accidents", then "self-defense". He even tells them "not to worry". This isn't the "edgy ex", this is a freedom fighter who is slowly starting to lose his grip.
Ow. This story actually hurts me.
But at the same time, we've got some other development. Anti-edge bits, like Ilia and Hima messing around with the piano and Sienna Khan showing a softer side. Plus, Hima and Blake acknowledge their family dilemmas and Hima shoves a little bit of the edge away by reminding Blake of how awesome Ghira and Kali Belladonna are because SOMEBODY APPARENTLY HAS TO!
I'm trying to build this little group as a family. Each member is different and has their own struggles, but they stick together because they're all each other has. That's what makes what happens to Adam all the worse, since they're watching him sink while he tries to stay afloat for them.
... Ow.
I only own my OCs. Please read, review, check out my other stories, etc. Thanks! :)