Chapter 1: I quit!

Summary: Naruto has been in Fairy Tail for most of his life, but he personally feels like the embarrassment of the guild. He is the weakest member with only the ability to use weak spells, like transformation or magelight. He watches as events transpired with him being helpless or the likes of Erza or Mira telling him he wasn't strong enough to help. Finally he was fed up with his situation when some of them laughed at him when he questioned Makarov's decision in not even considering him for the S class trials. He ends up leaving Fairy Tail because he doesn't find himself worthy enough to be here. During the time after he leaves, he meets a beautiful 16 year old swordswoman who saved him.


Demons within the bodies of angels and angels hidden in the images of demons

"Let me help Mira-chan!" a 13 year old boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes yelled to the white haired beauty in front of him. He wore an orange jumpsuit with his ankles taped with sandals.

The 19 year old barmaid glared at the little boy in front of her, as he tried to get involved against the invading Phantom Lord. Mirajane was stern in not letting him fight with the rest of them. "This is my guild too, so let me fight!"


"Why not!" Naruto yelled back as he tried to glare at Mirajane. He was forced to stay back when they attacked Phantom Lord, so he should at least be allowed to fight now. "I have to fight, for jiji!"

"No, you'll get hurt!" Mirajane tried to reason with him as she stared at Naruto's face. Naruto gritted his teeth as tears threaten to fall down his eyes.

"I don't care, I'm going to fight like everyone else!" Naruto was going to walk past Mirajane, but was surprised when Mira grabbed his wrist and turned him around. The next act surprised him even more, she slapped him across his face. He stared at her with shock and touch his cheek that was stinging with pain. He's been punched by her when she was younger, kicked by her, strangled by her, but never slapped.

"I'm not letting you get anyone hurt because they have to worry about you the whole time. Now I want you to stay down in the basement and stay there! Do I make myself clear!" Mirajane yelled in a scolding manner before turning around and leaving. Naruto clenched his fist as he let tears fall for his own weakness, how could he grow up around strong people, but not be strong himself.


Strength can be acquired if you have the conviction to match it

"Erza-chan!" Erza turned around when she heard the voice of Naruto. She just finished packing for her trip to Akane resort, where Lucy got tickets from Loke after everyone found out he was a celestial spirit.

Naruto gave one of his signature grins as he was prepared to ask her for training. He's been weak long enough and it was time in training to become strong. He tried to ask jiji for help, but he shrugged him off saying he doesn't have the magic capacity to learn any of his spells, so to leave him drink. He was discouraged until he thought that maybe Erza would teach him how to wield a blade. If he was able to wield a blade, people would actually take him serious and see him as the weakest member.

"What is it Naruto?" Erza asked the slightly excited Naruto. She was surprised by his attitude, so she crossed her arms around her armored chest and gave him her attention.

"I was wondering that when you return, if you will teach me how to wield a sword!"Naruto yelled the last part with a stiff bow. He felt that if he acted more respectful toward the scary redhead, she would no doubt teach him.

"No." Erza bluntly said, causing Naruto to look up with confusion.

"But, but why not?" Naruto asked with confusion and slight pain of the sudden rejection. Naruto just wanted to become stronger so he wouldn't hold back his guild. Erza gazed at the expression Naruto gave her and sighed in annoyance.

"Naruto, I said no because I don't want you to get hurt." Erza explained, which Naruto didn't understand. He wanted her to teach him to become stronger, so why deny him out of fear of him getting hurt? He would take any pain and any torture so he would no longer be a burden to his guild.

"That doesn't make sense... I want to get stronger so I wouldn't burden the guild, so why not train me so you wouldn't have to worry about me?" Naruto asked again, sounding more desperate than he was before. Naruto desperately stared at Erza, for any change that may occur. Sadly, she shook her head in denial, denying him once again.

"Naruto, you will only get hurt if I try to train you and I don't want to hold that over my conscience." Erza said as she prepared to leave once again. She walked passed Naruto, but was stopped when he grabbed her wrist. She turned around to see tears streaming down his face.

"Just say it, you think I'm too weak to handle your training." Naruto said with tears streaming down his face. Erza sadly looked at him, as she reached her free hand to caress Naruto's cheek, but failed to do so. He slapped it away and glared with his teary eyes.


"...Naruto, I-" Erza began, but Naruto wasn't having another excuse from her.


"Yes! I'm sorry, but you aren't capable of handling my training methods." Erza reached her hand toward Naruto's shoulder and squeezed it. She didn't want to hurt Naruto in any way and seeing him like this hurt her emotionally. She really cared for him and always tried to look the best for him. She would have trained him, but keeping him safe and away from the fight was her best option. She walked away from him to give him some time alone. She knew it was better for him to understand that the guild was just looking out for his safety.

'I'm just too weak in everyone's opinion...' Naruto thought as his tearful eyes glares at the back of Fairy Tail's strongest female member. She walked with elegance and confidence, traits he so desired. 'I am a nuisance, holding back the progress of Fairy Tail's journey to greatness.'


A smile can make any situation simpler.

"Hi Lucy-chan!" Naruto waved at the other blond who decided to sit next to him. Naruto was sitting by the bar, during the brawl that occurred when Gajeel accidentally stepped on Natsu's foot. Lucy managed to evade any attacks from the guild and headed toward a safe space that was with Naruto. She smiled toward the boy as she reached out and ruffled his hair. She giggled when she saw the light blush he had and the childish glare he was giving.

"Hi Naruto, you're not still angry with me for not taking you with us?" Lucy asked the smiling boy, who couldn't look through his facade.

"No, I'm over it."

"Good because we ran into some trouble, you could have been hurt if you went." Lucy said which affected Naruto more then she realized. He kept that fake smile he was slowly becoming accustomed too, but inwardly he was feeling the effects of weakness again.

'Being told I'm a burden again...' "Oh that must have been something!" Naruto said as Mira walked up to him after her performance and set a bowl of ramen in front of him. She gave him a smile before going back to serve the rest of the guild. She still felt horrible for slapping him, but it was for the best. She cared for Naruto and if he got hurt, she couldn't explain the guilt she would feel.

Naruto stared at the bowl as he didn't feel like eating after he heard what master said. Makarov said that the reporter was going to come to the guild tomorrow. Naruto didn't lose his appetite due to the bad rep Fairy Tail would obvious get after Jason came, no it was the words Jason asked him last time he saw him.

"Why are you so weak and in a guild like Fairy Tail..." Naruto silently whispered to himself as he recalled Jason's words. He questioned that every time he is forced to only go to missions only if someone else goes with him; or when Makarov doesn't allow him to be involved in the usual fairy tail brawl; or when his own 'family' unintentionally calls him weak!

"Did you say something Naruto?" Lucy asked, hearing Naruto whispering. Naruto turned toward Lucy a smile before standing up.

"Oh nothing Lucy-chan, I'm going home now. It's getting late." Naruto smiled as he turned toward the door to leave. He gave one glance toward his grandfather figure before leaving. This guild is suppose to be a family, yet he doesn't feel like he even belongs.


One after another, they fall while you helplessly watch

"I...I..." Naruto couldn't believe what he was seeing. Laxus just announced an all out Fairy Tail brawl for the title of strongest mage of Fairy Tail. While he watched one after another fall to their own allies and Naruto was forced to stay back and watch each other fight. Naruto just witnessed master's last hope Gray and Elfman be defeated by both Bickslow and Evergreen.

"Haha! You have no one left old man! Mystogan is nowhere to be found and Erza is in a rocky situation, hahah!" Laxus taunted through his thought projection. Laxus then noticed Naruto shaking next to his grandfather.

"Well well, Fairy Tail's biggest failure. Weakest mage Fairy Tail has ever seen, Naruto Uzumaki." Laxus taunted, which Naruto glared from his spot. He knew he was weak and useless, but hearing it from the man responsible for all this pointless fighting, really pissed him off.

"Laxus stop this, I surrender." Makarov interrupted Laxus from insulting Naruto any more. Naruto turned toward Makarov with a shocked expression. He couldn't believe that Makarov was actually surrendering to Laxus. Naruto tuned out the rest of the conversation as words that he heard from people before, directed toward him.




"Nothing." The last was the worst of them all. He remembered being called that by Natsu one time, even though Natsu was punished by Erza, it was still enough to ring in his head from time to time.

He continued to look the world pass him, as he helplessly continued to watch. This was the curse he will have to live with being Fairy Tail's weakest mage.


Everyone suffers physical pain while your pain is caused by witnessing their pain

"Everyone is hurt, while I'm fine because I was being a coward." Naruto whispered to himself as he sat at a table alone. Everyone in the guild that helped take down the lacrimas that powered Thunder Palace, were bandaged to cover the severe burns they received from the backlash in destroying those lacrimas.

"Naruto..." Naruto turned to the right to see Mirajane walk up to him. He quickly wiped the tears that were threatening to fall down his cheeks and gave her his strained smile. She smiled toward Naruto before sitting next to him.

"You aren't hurt are you?" Mira asked as she scanned him for any injuries. Naruto sheepishly chuckled at her motherly personality when it came to him. He never understood it, but she acted differently toward him.

'You ask me if I'm hurt while you're bandaged up.' "I'm okay Mira-chan." Naruto said relieving Mira's worry. She smiled as she reached for Naruto's hand. Her thumb caressed his hand, trying to calm him down from the inner turmoil she knows he is suffering from.

"I know how you are feeling right now Naruto." Mira said, getting Naruto's attention. "I know you are feeling completely weak and useless."

"I felt the same way when I lost my sister and I felt like that too when I watch my guild get hurt while I am unable to help them." Mira continued to explain to Naruto. Naruto was staring at her in a hopeful manner. Did she understand his pain, the feeling of weakness like he does?

"But you should also know how I would feel if I lose you then, right?" Naruto's hope for understanding was destroyed. Mira understood that he wanted to help out and protect the guild he was raised in, but instead made him feel like he was a helpless child that needs to be taken care of his entire life. He wants to be strong, why don't they understand!

"Mira, I think I left my faucet running in my apartment, bye!" Naruto made a fake excuse as he ran out of the guild. Mira was confused by Naruto's sudden action, but decided to ignore it. He would eventually figure out that everyone cares for Naruto and they're just looking out for him.

Naruto ran until his legs gave out in an alley. He leaned against a wall as thoughts of his own weakness kept popping out of his mind. Inability to help his allies, watching people he cared for get hurt was to much for Fairy Tail's youngest mage. Dropping to his knees as one thought kept wondering more and more in his head. How do I become stronger?

You will become stronger once you recognize me, when you can finally hear my voice

"I want to become powerful and not be a burden to those who I partner with." Naruto said as his eyes glared at his hands. His weak pathetic hands that can't protect those he care for.

I will give you the power to protect your loved ones, just hear my voice!

"If no one will teach me magic, then I will become strong without it!" Naruto said with conviction as he clenched his weak hands and ran toward the forest. Normally Makarov would not allow him to train for fear of him getting hurt, but what they don't know won't hurt them.

"I will become strong without powerful spells and only with my fists!" Naruto yelled as he ran faster toward the forest.


Driving for success will only lead to a road full of failure

"Hah, hah, if I can't do 500 push ups, then I will do 600 squats!" Naruto told himself as he struggled to finish his 400th push up. He was going up for his 400th, but fell before he can do it. He painfully inhaled for any air he can find as he stood up and prepared to do his squats. He was going to start until he heard the voice he least wanted to hear.

"Well this where you been running off." Makarov said as he walked into the clearing. He had an expression that showed that he was not happy. Naruto swallowed the lump in his throat as he stared into the eyes of Makarov. He was expected to be lectured or punished for training, but instead got a book tossed toward him.

"That book has some fighting styles that may be helpful." Naruto was shocked by Makarov's words and sign that he actually approves in him learning how to fight.

"I don't want you to feel helpless your entire life, so learning how to fight won't be that bad." Makarov began, but Naruto appeared in front of him and hugged him tightly. He span the short old man around as he couldn't control the joy he felt this moment.

"Thanks jiji, I'll get you the next issue of that perverted book you like reading, next time I find it!" Naruto yelled as Makarov patted Naruto's head, as he let out a perverted giggle. He really didn't want Naruto to go out and fight strong enemies, but it was unfair to keep him from ever developing.


Hollow Rocks and Silk Crow's caw, One is false and the other is a self imposed illusion

"It's amazing isn't it?" Wendy heard as she turned to the right to find a blonde kid in an unusual jumpsuit sitting on a chair. He was about the same age as Wendy and didn't appear to want to get involved in their scuffle.

"Oh hi! My name is Wendy." Wendy said as she held out her hands. Naruto smiled toward Wendy before shaking her hand.

"Name's Naruto Uzumaki, future S class mage and the guy that will kick Natsu's ass!" Naruto announced, getting an awe expression from Wendy. She didn't know him or anything about him, but she was interested in him. She also felt that having a friend her own age may seem like a good idea.

"You must be strong if you wish to fight Natsu!" Wendy cheerfully said, getting a blush from Naruto. He was in that age that he has been noticing the beauty and bodies of women. After that talk with Macao during that mission Makarov allowed him to be taken to and the pervy book he decided to read from Makarov's collection; he couldn't help from blushing when Mira or other beautiful women from the guild get close to him or getting compliments from pretty girls around Magnolia.

"Well errr yea, I can kick Natsu's ass to the next town." Naruto stated, getting more wows from the small girl.

"Haha don't joke around Naruto! You couldn't beat me if I let you give me the first punch!" Naruto froze when he heard the voice of none other than Natsu behind him. Naruto turned around as he glared at the man who ruined any chance of getting a girl to actually believe he wasn't worthless.

"Well I became stronger you bastard!" Naruto yelled as he stood up and got up on his face. Natsu just sneered by his words. He mockingly poked his forehead repeatedly to prove his point about him being weaker than him.

"Haha I'll just have to see that myself." Natsu went to poke him again, but Naruto grabbed his arm and created a jumping cross armbar. Natsu was surprised when he unexpectedly ended in the floor with Naruto pulling his arm back, ready to break it any second.

"Yield!" Naruto said as he pulled the arm farther back. Everyone turned to Naruto who held Natsu in an armbar. They were laughing at Natsu, as he was childishly kicking his legs to get out, but Naruto had a tight hold on his right arm.

"Let go of my arm!" Natsu yelled as he struggled comically. Naruto laughed as he stretched it farther before an angry redhead walked up to them.

"Naruto let go of his arm!" She said with her hands on her waist. Naruto stared at the fierce brown eyes of Erza, before he let go of his arm. Natsu stood up and grabbed Naruto by his collar. Natsu pulled his arm back to punch him for surprising him.

"Bastard, you surprised me!" Natsu was going to punch Naruto, but Erza appeared behind Natsu and knocked him down to the floor. She then turned to Naruto before reaching her hand out toward him. Naruto closed his eyes, awaiting his inevitable fate by the redheaded enforcer of the guild. Nothing ever came, instead he felt Erza gently run her hand through his hair. He opened his eyes to see Erza gently looking at him.

"Naruto, I don't want you to get in fights." Erza gently said. Naruto glared at her when he heard her words and slapped her hand away. Erza was surprised by his actions, reminding her of when Naruto asked her to train him.

"I have become strong enough to take care of myself." Naruto said as he looked toward her. "Ask Macao, he saw that I can take of myself."

Erza turned toward Macao, who rubbed the back of his head and gave a sheepish smile. "Is this true?"

"Yeah, I took him to take of some bandits, and was able to handle them on his own." Macao said without making eye contact with Erza. Erza turned toward Makarov with shock when she heard this information.

"Is this true, master; you've allowed Naruto to take dangerous missions like that?" Erza dangerously asked Makarov, who was laughing nervously as he looked away.

"Well they were just bandits and Macao was with him, so I wasn't worried of any major danger." Makarov said.

"He could have still gotten hurt!" Erza replied getting Makarov to change into a more serious demeanor and slammed his mug on the table.

"Erza enough!" Makarov said with authority. "I've allowed him to learn how to fight so he can defend himself."


"He is stronger than he appears, Erza. He may not be able to use magic, but his spirit is strong and desires strength." Makarov said, causing Naruto to look at him with tears threatening to fall. Erza was unsure what to think, so she sighed in acceptance before giving Naruto a stern look.

"I will see for myself, I'll accompany you to your next mission." Erza said in a manner that she was not asking for permission. Naruto lit up and nodded happily.

"Yea, I'll show you how strong I become!" Naruto happily said, causing Erza to nod with a smile.


You seek solace in those you rely on, yet this is the source of your pain

"Old man!" Naruto happily said as he stood in front of Gildarts. Gildarts smiled at the excited blond before setting his hand on his head.

"Seems you haven't changed much shrimp. You're still as short as I remembered." Gildarts said, causing Naruto to give an angry look.

"Don't call me short!" Naruto yelled back. Gildarts laughed at him before ruffling up his hair.

"I'll stop calling you shrimp the time you start growing." Gildarts said, causing a small smile to form on Naruto's face. He hated being called shrimp or short, but he did enjoy the attention Fairy Tail's strongest mage gave him. His smile quickly began to change to a frown when he heard Gildarts next words. "Probably still need to be taken care of too."

Without realizing it, Gildarts called him weak. Gildarts smiled at Naruto before turning toward master, to tell him that he was leaving home early to rest. Master nodded toward Gildarts, which he replied with his own nod. He then told Natsu to meet him at his house later before leaving. Naruto stared at the retreating form of Gildarts as his words began ringing in his mind again. He clenched his hands before heading out to train again. 'I am not as weak as you remember old man!'


Reunion with the dead can lead to many events

"Lisanna!" Naruto yelled with tears in his eyes as he hugged Lisanna tightly. Lisanna smiled at the blond boy tightly hugging her.

"It's good to see you too, Naruto." Lisanna softly said, causing Naruto to blush by her beautiful smile.

"How did you get here? Are you a zombie? Where did the black cat come from? Do I get bad luck if it walks by me?" Naruto bombarded Lisanna with questions.

"Hehe well I don't know if I'm a zombie... Let me find out!" Lisanna said as she tried to bite Naruto. Naruto blushed by this and pushed her back.

"Lisanna, I'm little anymore you know, I'm a teenager now." Naruto said with his blush still visible. Lisanna laughed at this and stood high in front of him.

"Well it doesn't appear that you grown much since I last saw you." Lisanna joked around, causing Naruto to give a small glare directed toward her. Naruto began to argue with Lisanna about his height, which Lisanna responded with a cocky grin and her own come back. Their argument caused others around them to laugh remembering how they always acted since they were younger. Lucy noticed this and asked Grey, who was sitting next to her.

"Were they always this close?" Lucy asked Grey, who gave a nod.

"Yea since they first met, Lisanna always babied Naruto. When she disappeared, Naruto was the guy who was by Mira's side during her grievance." Grey informed, causing Lucy to nod in understanding. She smiled toward the young blond who can't help but make people like him.


Your heart can only withstand so much, before you break down

"Master is choosing who is participating this year!" Naruto said with so much excitement, as Wendy looked at him with a smile. She became close with the blond since they were so close to the same age. She could even say she developed a sorta small crush on him.

"Like the old man would even consider you." Wendy's cat companion said with a slight glare. Naruto glared back at Carla

"I so can be an S class mage!" Naruto yelled back.

"Aren't mages suppose to wield magic, you dimwit." Carla replied.

"Carla, that was mean." Wendy told her companion, getting Carla to cross her arms and look the other way.

"Cocky cat... I should get a dog to teach you a lesson..." Naruto whispered to himself. His demeanor changed back to that of excitement when he heard Makarov.

"Attention!" Makarov said loudly from a stage he stood with Erza, Mira and Gildarts.

"Since long ago, this has become Fairy Tail's custom, and now..." Makarov looked at the crowd of mages awaiting Makarov's announcement. "The announcement of the participants of the S class trials!"

"The venue of this year's trials will be in Fairy Tail's holy land, Tenrou Island." Makarov said, getting several gasps from the guild.

"Strength... Heart... Soul, I've been watching for each of these things this past year." Makarov said with clenched fist. "There will be eight participants in this year's trials."

"Natsu Dragneel." Natsu perked up when he heard this.

"Grey Fullbuster." Grey gave a cool smirk when he heard this.

"Juvia Lockster." Juvia looked surprised that they picked her.

"Elfman." Elfman gave his own smirk and went on about him having to be S class to be a true man.

"Cana Alberona." Cana didn't appear to be happy about her name being called.

"Freed Justine." Freed gave a confident look as he talked about being worthy of replacing Laxus.

"Levy McGarden." Levy smiled at Makarov's announcement of her name as Jet and Droy gave shouts of encouragement.

"Mest Gryder." Mest had a confident look as people around him talked about him being close last year.

Naruto stood still as the people around him sulked or either congratulated the mages who were chosen. Naruto walked forward until he was in front of the stage. Makarov noticed this and stared down at Naruto.

"Master..." Naruto began to talk but stopped when Makarov sighed in annoyance.

"Look, I know you want to be an S class mage and actually became proficient in hand to hand combat; but you still aren't ready." Makarov explained, but was taken back when Naruto gave him a sad smile.

"...did you even consider me?" Naruto sadly asked, getting the attention of everyone around. Erza walked up to him and gave him a warm smile.

"Naruto being S class is no laughing matter, you just aren't ready." Erza said. Naruto ignored her as he continued to look at Makarov.

"Was I even a choice?" Naruto asked again.

"" Master turned away from Naruto and walked away from Naruto. Naruto looked down for a bit, until Natsu appeared next to him and wrapped his arm around his neck.

"Haha did you really think you would be a S class mage before me?" Natsu said in a joking matter that caused Naruto to look at him. Natsu then said something unintentionally that would be the straw to break the camel's back. "Besides you're too weak to be S class."

'Weak...' Naruto kept hearing the word repeat itself in his head. Elfman also walked up to him and patted his head. "I agree, you're not strong enough to be in the S class trials."

'Not strong…' Naruto couldn't help but keep hearing more about his weakness floating around in his head. Macao walked up to him too and gave his own words. "You learned to take yourself against some bandits, but S class is something else kid. Just be happy that Master didn't consider you, you could have really got hurt."

"Hn, imagine if that kid got picked in the S class trial before us?" Naruto heard some other members talk about him.

"Yea, that wouldn't look good for our reputation." Another mage said as he and his friend laughed about it.

"Why is his still part of the guild again, he can't form any strong spells." One female mage said from the table she was sitting at.

"He's only in the guild because master raised him." Another person said.

"He shouldn't even be here."

"He's too weak."

"He's unqualified"

'I shouldn't even be here…' Naruto thought in his mind. He turned around when he saw Wendy walk up to him and set her hand on his shoulder. She was giving him a sad look that made Naruto feel like shit.

"Naruto…" Wendy started speaking but Naruto put up the mask he been used to for so many years. He gave his fake smile as he laughed about the whole situation and brought up his hands and put them behind his head.

"Guess I'll have to wait for next year." Naruto said with his forced smile, causing Wendy to smile back at him. "I'm going home early, I have a limited edition instant ramen at my house, waiting to be eaten!" Naruto said as he ran out of the guild. Wendy looked at Naruto's running form with a sad smile. She knew he was forcing the smile, since she did the same. She was completely sad about losing her guild, but so Carla would not worry, she forced a smile.

'Don't worry Naruto, next time we will both be stronger.' Wendy thought in her mind as she gave a confident smile. Wendy didn't notice Carla looking at Naruto with a feared look. She gained a vision of the whole guild in their knees as a humanoid dragon descended from the sky. He had black scales that radiated black energy, his sharp slitted blue eyes staring down at them. Next thing she saw was a giant explosion.

(Later that Night)

"Guess this is will be my last night as a Fairy Tail mage huh? Naruto said to himself as he looked at the retreating form of Magnolia Town from the distance. He sat behind a wagon filled with hay belonging to a farmer who was nice of him to let him hitch a ride. Naruto had a bag next to him and a black sealed book Makarov once said was found with him when he found Naruto. He never understood what was within the book, but since it seemed important, he took it with him.

"Grandpa, Wendy, Erza, Mira, Lisanna… and even you Natsu, I'll miss all you guys." Naruto said quietly to himself as he closed his eyes and let slumber take him. Sleep took him again that he didn't notice a black energy force surround his book and a seal formed around his stomach.


"Ramen!" Naruto yelled as he stood up instantly. He look around to see that the old man who was nice enough to take him with him was cooking breakfast. He laughed at his euthisiathism and put two eggs on a plate. Naruto let some drool escape his lips as he stared down at the food before him.

"Thanks old man!" Naruto said as he grabbed the food. The old farmer laughed at his attitude and the way he called him.

"Is that your usual way you thank someone?" He asked causing Naruto to look at him and give a laugh.

"Hee well I'll you back soon old man." Naruto said as he gave the old man a smile. The old man laughed at Naruto and stood up to check on the status of his wagon, but fate had different plans. A giant snake appeared from the earth and launched him in the sky. Naruto looked on with horror as the giant snake opened his mouth and devoured him.

"Old man!" Naruto yelled with horror as the snake chomped down at the man, causing blood to slid down the corner of its mouth. Naruto became even more afraid when he saw the snake look at him this time. His tongue flicking forward as he lowered his head, as if ready to strike at Naruto. Naruto stood there frozen with fear, as the snake lunged forward.

The snake didn't make it far because a brown haired girl jumped out of a tree and landed on its head. She pulled a katana out of its sheath and dug it deep inside its head. The snake thrashed around to get the girl off its head, but she stood their tightly. She continued to stab it deeper as it continued to thrash. The snake brought its head up one time, before crashing down in front of Naruto. She pulled her sword out of its head as she stared down at Naruto.

'Cool.' Naruto thought as he saw the woman who saved her life. She jumped off from the snake and appeared in front of Naruto.

"Are you okay?" She asked with such a calm composure, that Naruto was just thinking of how cool she was.

"Woah, you're so cool! What's your name miss!" Naruto said with a fan boyish manner.

"My name is Kagura." She calmly said. She was completely taken off guard when Naruto went down on his knees.

"Kagura-sama, may I become your student?" Naruto asked with a respectful manner.


Alright this is a new story I decided to write.

It would be probably be a pairing of Naruto/ Kagura/ ?.

Naruto will start off weak until he releases his inward power he has sealed, it would be explained in future chapters.

Please give me reviews of how I did, I read all of them and I feel like my story is successful if it gains many reviews.

Oh, and please excuse my writing. I mostly write my stories in my phone and sometimes miss some words.