Chapter 29: The Naming Ceremony

"Are you enjoying your bath?" Regina asked, cooing at Henry. He sat in a little tub Tink had set up with warm water in the parlor as she washed him for the first time. For the most part, he didn't really react to the water except to scrunch up his nose every now and then.

"I think he is," Robin said, resting his hand on her hip as he looked over her shoulder. "Or he tolerates it."

She hummed before motioning to the side of the tub. "Can you hand me a towel? I don't want him to catch cold when I lift him out of the tub."

"I have it," he said, holding up a towel. "Just hand him to me and I'll wrap him up."

Regina gently picked Henry out of the water and he started to cry, even as his father quickly wrapped him in a towel. Holding him close, Robin rubbed his back. "I know. You were having fun in your bath and Mama and Papa had to go ruin it," he told the baby boy.

She chuckled before motioning to their bedroom. "We should get him dressed and then I think it'll be time to nurse him."

"Whatever you feel is best," he said, bouncing Henry a bit. "He'll probably go to sleep after so much excitement."

"I wouldn't be surprised," she replied, tickling under her son's chin. It drew a little smile from him and she grinned. "You're going to need all the rest you need. You have a big day coming up."

Robin nodded. "Yes, you do. Everyone is going to be so excited to meet you, Henry. They are going to love you."

"Yes, they are," Regina said, watching as Henry yawned in response. She glanced up at Robin. "He's very excited."

"Clearly," Robin replied, now cradling Henry as they headed into their room. He sat down on the bed. "We'll all have a good time for him instead."

"Sounds like a good plan." Regina pulled out a fresh shirt for Henry as well as a clean diaper. She approached the bed. "Lie him down please."

Robin did as she asked, tickling Henry's stomach. "Mama is going to get you all nice and dressed before she fills this little tummy."

Henry's little legs went toward his stomach and he waved his little arms as he responded to his father's touch. His eyes, though, were focused on Regina and she felt a flutter in her chest at his attention. She smiled, leaning down to kiss forehead. "Is Papa being silly, my little prince?"

"Yes, he is," Robin replied, pitching his voice higher. "Very, very silly."

She laughed as she put the diaper on Henry and then slid him into the night shirt. Picking him up, she bounced him a bit. "There we go! All clean and dressed," she told him.

Henry settled against her chest, one little hand grabbing onto the collar of her dress and his other one resting on her arm. She rubbed his back as she rocked him. "Now let's go get you fed, hmm?"

She carried him out into the parlor, settling down in the rock chair. Robin followed her, leaning against it. "Do you need any help?"

"Not right now," she said, untying the laces holding her dress closed in the front. She freed one of her breasts and maneuvered Henry until he could latch onto her nipple, suckling eagerly. Regina relaxed as his hand rested against her breast, his eyes focused on her as he took in his fill.

She enjoyed these moments with him, knowing it was strengthening her connection with him. He still found comfort in her heartbeat but no longer needed it to recognize her as his mother. Now, all he had to do was look in her eyes and he calmed down, reassured he was safe in her arms. Regina did everything she could to ensure his trust was not misplaced.

Robin kissed her head. "Alright, sweetheart. I'll let you two have your moment. Henry and I will have ours later."

"Oh?" she asked, curious. "And when will that be?"

"When I give you a break and change his diaper," he replied. "I'm a bit faster when it comes to that."

She made a face, remembering how unprepared she was for the stream that had come from her son as she tried to change his diaper. "Yes, you are," she agreed.

"I might read him a story," he continued. "Of course, you are welcome to join us. You're always welcome to join us."

"I know," she said, raising her head to kiss him.

She then looked down at Henry as he released her nipple, his stomach full. Regina smiled at him. "All done, my little one?"

Robin draped a rag over her shoulder and she brought Henry up to it, patting his back to encourage him to burp. It took a few pats but he let out a loud one. She resumed rubbing his back. "That's my boy."

A knock on the door interrupted their family moment and Regina frowned, looking up at Robin. "Are you expecting someone?"

"No," he said, moving toward the door. "I'll see who it is."

She resumed rocking, humming softly to Henry. Regina hoped to lull him back to sleep so she and Robin could have some alone time. Despite their best attempts, they had still yet to be intimate and she was not ashamed to say she was growing frustrated.

"Regina, we have a special visitor," Robin said, a giddy tone to his voice. Intrigued, she looked up and her spirits soared.

"Snow!" she exclaimed as the teenage princess entered the room. She had on a fur-lined white traveling coat and her brown hair was in curls that now reached halfway down her back.

Her green eyes lit up as she approached Regina, a parcel in her hand. "Regina! I couldn't wait to see you again and to meet your son."

"We've been excited to see you, Snow," she replied, cradling Henry now so that Snow could get a better look at his face. She smiled down at her son. "Isn't that right, my little prince?"

Henry yawned in response, drawing laughter from the little group that now surrounded him. Snow leaned closer, almost resting against Regina's arm. "He's so adorable, Regina. And you look so happy."

"I am happy," Regina said. She then looked up at Snow as she added: "Especially now that you're here."

Snow's eyes started to tear over before she looked down at the parcel in her hands. She held it out. "I brought your son a present."

"Thank you, Snow," she replied, motioning to Robin with her head.

He reached out, taking the parcel from her. "I'll put this to the side so you can have your hands free again."

She thanked him as she inched closer to Regina yet again. "Can I hold him?" she asked sheepishly.

"Yes," Regina said, standing up. She gently placed Henry in Snow's arms, adjusting them to better cradle him. "Always support his head. His little neck isn't strong enough to do it on its own just yet."

Snow did just as she was told and her eyes widened as she held Henry. "He's so warm. And heavier than I thought."

"Wait till he falls asleep," Robin said, wrapping his arm around Regina. "Then he gets even heavier. It's like magic."

Regina chuckled, rolling her eyes. She then softened her tone as she asked: "Do you want to sit down? It might be easier that way."

Snow glanced at the couch before nodding. "Yes, please."

"Here, I'll take him while you get settled on the couch," Robin said, gently taking Henry from her arms. He rocked the baby as Regina stepped forward, taking Snow's arm.

They settled down on the couch together and Regina moved a pillow to help give Snow some support. She nodded to Robin. "She's ready."

"Just as Regina said, make certain to support his head," Robin reminded Snow as he laid Henry in her arms. He yawned before settling against her, eyes focused on Regina as if assuring himself that his mother was still nearby.

Reaching out, Regina grasped his foot as she smiled at him. "This is Snow. She's going to be your honorary guardian."

"I am?" Snow asked, her eyes wide as she looked up from Henry to Regina. "Is that like being his godmother?"

Regina nodded. "It's mostly honorary but I want you to have a special role in his life."

"You're pretty much family," Robin added.

Snow sniffled. "I am an honored. Thank you so much."

Henry started to squirm in her arms and she turned her attention to him, a panicked look in her eyes. "Is he alright?"

"Yes," Robin assured her. "You've got a good hold on him. He's just fighting sleep because he doesn't want to miss anything."

"But he does need his sleep. I'll take him now," Regina said, promising Snow that there would be more times where she could hold Henry. The princess placed the baby in her waiting arms and Regina moved him so that he was pressed to her chest again, her hand cradling her head.

Regina stood, still holding Henry close. "I will be right back once I put Henry down for his nap."

She walked into bedroom and laid Henry in his crib, covering him with a blanket. Pressing a kiss to her fingers, she placed them to his chubby cheek. "Sleep tight, my little prince."

"You're a great mother," Snow said softly. Regina looked up to see her watching from the doorway, a soft smile on her face.

Walking over to her, Regina wrapped her arm around Snow. "I hope you don't feel bad. I still don't think I would've been a good mother to you."

"I know," Snow replied, leaning against her. "Even though you seem older, we really are closer in age than not. By the time Henry is my age, you'll be even wiser because you'll have more experiences you've lived through."

"You must be study diplomacy because that was a very diplomatic way of saying I would be old," Regina teased her.

Snow chuckled. "You'll never be old, Regina."

"You are going to be young and beautiful forever," Robin agreed. "Me, on the other hand. I'm probably going to be gray and decrepit."

"I think you're going to only get handsomer as you age but even if you're right, I will still love you," Regina assured him, resting her hand against his cheek. He grinned at her, kissing the underside of her wrist.

Snow let out a soft aww. "I hope one day I find someone who loves me as much as you love Regina, Robin."

"One day, I'm certain you will," he assured her, clasping her shoulder and giving her a bright smile.

Regina reached out and pulled Snow into a hug. "I know it too. You'll find someone who will be your whole world as he will be yours. You two will be very happy together and will be wonderful rulers."

She pulled away, smoothing some hair from Snow's face. "You must be tired after your long journey here. Why don't you go to your rooms and get some rest before supper?"

"After you open Henry's present!" Snow declared, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "I can't wait to see your faces!"

Laughing, Robin took Regina's hand and motioned to the door with his other one. "Lead the way. We can't wait to see what you got him."

Snow bounded out the door and they followed at a slower pace. When they entered the parlor, she had already picked up the parcel and was motioning to the couch. "Sit down and then I'll give it to you."

They did as she said and Robin wrapped his arm around Regina as they settled on the couch. She held out her hands. "May we have it now please?"

"Here you go," Snow said, placing the parcel in Regina's hands. She then backed up, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waited for her to open it.

Regina untied the ties holding the satin bag closed and opened it. She reached in and pulled out a beautiful white blanket with the Sherwood symbol embroidered on it. Holding it close, she looked up at Snow. "Who made this?" she asked.

"I did," the princess said proudly. "Well, Johanna helped but I did most of it."

"It's beautiful, Snow. Thank you so much." Regina handed the blanket to Robin and stood. She pulled Snow into a hug, holding the girl tightly.

Snow hugged her back. "I'm glad you like it. I didn't just want to give you something from our treasury. It seemed cold and impersonal. So I made you something so I could put my love into it."

"We love it," Robin said from the couch. "And I know Henry will love it too. Thank you so much, Snow."

Regina pulled away, cupping Snow's face. "It is a thoughtful and beautiful gift and we are so grateful for it. Now, though, we want you to go get some rest. We'll send someone to wake you for supper."

Snow nodded. "Thank you, Regina. And thank you, Robin."

"You're welcome," he said, motioning for someone. Tink emerged from the shadows and he asked her to escort Snow to her rooms. Curtsying, Tink agreed and left with the young princess.

Regina picked up the blanket again, smoothing a hand over it. She felt tears prick her eyes. "Snow is so thoughtful."

"She is," he agreed, hugging her from behind. "I think Henry is going to love that blanket."

"Me too," she said. She then pulled away from him, heading toward the bedroom. "I'm going to give it to him now."

Regina approached the crib, looking down at her sleeping son. His little chest rose and fell evenly, one hand curled next to his face as he dreamt away. She gently laid the blanket over him before running her fingers over his feathery soft hair. "There you go, my little prince," she whispered.

She turned, almost smacking into Robin. He grinned, rubbing her arms. "I think you should get some rest before supper as well."

"I am fine, Robin," she assured him. "I've recovered completely. Your own physician said so himself."

"I know. But I also know I'm the one getting a full night's sleep while you are constantly getting up to feed Henry. You should get some rest when you can," he told her.

She bit her lip, knowing he had a point. It had been a long time since she had gotten a good night's sleep and she felt it start catching up with her. Her eyes often grew heavy and she found herself nodding off if she stayed still too long. It wouldn't do if she nearly passed out while dining, even if it was just with her family and Snow.

"You're right," she allowed. "I guess a little nap won't hurt me."

"No, it won't," he agreed, kissing her forehead. "Sweet dreams, sweetheart."

Regina turned around, brushing her hair aside. "Can you undo my laces? I'd rather nap in my shift."

"Of course," he replied. She felt him start to pull on her laces and her bodice grew looser on her. Her arms slid out of her sleeves as the dress pooled at her feet.

She stepped out of it and faced Robin, wrapping her arms around his neck as she smiled sweetly. "Want to join me?"

"Desperately," he admitted with a weary sigh. "But I have a lot to catch up on. I need to go back to being king."

"True. Your people need you," she said, smoothing down his shirt. She gave him a kiss. "Just don't work too hard."

He chuckled. "I won't. Sweet dreams, my love."

She pulled back, climbing into bed. As she got comfortable under the covers, Robin left the room. Her eyes fluttered closed and with a sigh, she imagined the feel of his arms around her body as she drifted off for some much-needed rest.

Henry woke before the sun the day of his naming ceremony. Regina nursed him in bed as she didn't have the energy to walk over to the rocking chair in the parlor. She held him close as he suckled greedily, filling his stomach as if understanding he needed energy for his big day.

When he finished, she kept him in the bed with her. She laid him down between her and Robin, lying on her side to curl around him. He squirmed on the bed as she rested her hand on his stomach, rubbing it as she tried to encourage him to fall back to sleep. "Come on, my little prince," she cooed. "Mama needs her sleep."

Robin's warm hand covered hers and she looked up, meeting his eyes. He smiled. "You get some sleep. I'll stay up with him."

"Thank you," she replied, letting her hand slid off Henry's stomach. She watched as Robin lifted their son onto his chest, the baby squirming until he was comfortable. Robin rubbed his back as her eyes fluttered closed, sleep claiming her again.

When she woke again, Henry and Robin were both asleep. Henry was curled up on his father's chest, Robin's hand on his back to keep him from falling off. It was an adorable sight and she smiled, wishing she had a way to capture the moment to always remember it.

She moved closer to them, kissing Robin's cheek. He let out a little moan before nuzzling her, still asleep. Regina sighed, content to just lie there with her family.

The thought still made her giddy.

Robin stirred, his eyes blinking open. Once they focused, he smiled at her. "Good morning, milady."

"Good morning, my love," she replied with the same smile. She leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

As she pulled back, he leaned forward to capture hers again. She smiled against his lips, reaching up to make certain he still had a good grip on their sleeping son. Henry didn't seem to notice any movements and when she broke the kiss, she found he looked as peaceful as ever.

"This is probably going to be our last peaceful moment until tonight," Robin said, rubbing Henry's back.

"Then we should make the most of it," she suggested, resting her head against his shoulder.

He hummed in response as Henry squirmed on his chest. Robin tightened his hold, keeping the baby in place as he rubbed his eyes. "I think he's coming around," he whispered.

"I think so too," she whispered back, smiling as Henry blinked his eyes open. She reached out, running her finger along his cheek. "Good morning, sweetheart."

Henry yawned before sucking on his fingers. She chuckled. "I guess someone had a good sleep."

"Of course he did. He had a full stomach and a clean diaper. Nothing to stop him from getting a good rest," Robin replied.

She nodded. "He has a pretty good life. Not a care in the world, except for when his next feeding is."

"And maybe a clean diaper," Robin added. He patted their son's bottom, frowning. "Which I think he needs."

Regina bit her lip, not wanting to move from the bed just yet. "He doesn't seem to care. Maybe we can wait a little before changing it."

He nodded. "Sounds good to me. What do you say, Henry?"

The baby looked up at him and just kept sucking his fingers, smiling around them. Regina smiled as well. "I think he agrees."

"I love these moments," Robin whispered. "Just you, me and Henry. Our own little family, in our own little bubble."

She looked up at him, watching as he gazed at their son with awe and love. It made her heart skip a beat and she pressed a kiss to his jaw. "I love you."

They laid there even for a little longer as the early summer sun warmed their small family. It was a perfectly peaceful moment and Regina was certain it was going to be her favorite memory of the entire day.

Catherine entered the room, carrying a beautiful wooden box engraved with the Locksley crest. She set it down on the table. "This is the royal naming gown. Every Locksley baby has worn it for his or her naming ceremony," she announced.

"We have?" Robin asked, frowning in confusion.

"Yes," she replied, pushing the box closer to him and Regina. "Your father wore it, you wore it and now Henry will."

Warmth spread through Regina as she opened the box. She lifted a white gown from inside it, holding it up so she could admire the full garment. It had puffy sleeves and pearls sewn onto the bib of the gown, which was made mostly of lace. Elaborate designs were tatted into the lace at the very bottom, the part that would assuredly hang past Henry's little feet.

"It's beautiful, Catherine," she said, awestruck.

Robin made a face. "It's lacy. Are you certain I wore this?"

"Yes," Catherine replied, trying to hide her amused smile. "And you hated every minute of it. Cried throughout your entire naming ceremony."

"And you want us to put Henry through that?" he asked her.

Regina shot him a look. "If it's tradition, we'll do it. I'm certain he'll forgive us if he ever does remember this."

"Don't forget the hat," Catherine said, lifting out the little satin cap with lace around the edges from the box.

"Can I draw the line there?" Robin asked, looking physically pained as if he was the one who had to wear the cap.

Catherine gave him a withering look. "It's part of the outfit. I doubt Henry will mind wearing it."

Regina decided to step in between mother and son. "He's probably going to sleep for most of it anyway. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Catherine replied, hugging Regina. She then hugged Robin. "I'll leave you two to finish getting ready."

He kissed her cheek. "Thank you, Mother. I may not like the outfit but I appreciate you bringing it to us."

She patted his cheek in response, smiling proudly. "That's my sweet boy. I love you, Robin."

"I love you too, Mother," he replied softly. Catherine nodded before reaching out to squeeze Regina's hand. She then backed toward the door before slipping out into the hallway.

Regina picked the gown up again and studied it, smiling softly. "I think this is beautiful."

"It's a lace monstrosity," her husband replied in deadpan.

"You are being dramatic," she told him, carrying the gown into the bedroom. "Besides, I like what it represents."

He followed her, crossing his arms as he leaned against the door frame. "And what is that?"

"Our son's connection to a bigger picture. That he is a Locksley and the rightful heir to the Sherwoodian throne," she replied, glancing at their son as he laid in his crib. He kicked his legs a bit, as if he knew they were talking about him.

Robin pushed away from the door frame and approached her with a frown. "Have you been worried about people saying that?"

"Not until now honestly," she replied, hugging herself as she looked at him. She had been focused on recovering and then bonding with Henry, she hadn't thought about much outside the royal chambers. Now, though, she remembered there were those who still disliked the fact that she was a foreign-born queen. Those same people would no doubt care that Mist Haven blood flowed through the crown prince's veins.

"Henry is as much a Locksley as I am and if anyone disputes his claim to the throne, I will be happy to have more than a conversation with them," he told her, fire in his eyes and voice.

She frowned, recalling his confession about what had happened while she was in her magical coma and how he had lost control with Keith. Taking his hands, she gave them a squeeze. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that," she said softly.

"Indeed," he replied, calming down a bit as he no doubt realized his anger was getting the best of him.

He then walked over to the crib, picking Henry up. Robin pressed a kiss to the baby's cheek, smiling at him. "Our people are going to love you, Henry. I just know it."

Regina's insides melted as she watched her husband with their son. She set the baby gown down, deciding they could wait a few more minutes to dress him. Instead, she stepped forward, leaning against Robin as he rocked a smiling Henry, just cherishing the moments the Dark One nearly stole from her.

"You look beautiful, Regina," Snow said, her green eyes widening as she watched Regina and Robin enter. "I think that dress is even more beautiful than your wedding gown!"

"The royal tailor keeps outdoing himself to dress Regina. I think he loves designing for her and is trying to outdo himself with each new gown," Robin replied, grinning at her as he kept one of his hands on her back for support.

Regina had to agree with him. Each time she was presented with a new gown, she was amazed by how elegant and beautiful each one was. While her favorite gown was still the one she had worn for the harvest festival, this one was a close second.

It was white silk gown with lace sleeves. Green fleur-de-lis were embroidered on her skirt, which looked voluminous due to the several layers of petticoats the tailor advised her to wear. Little pearls were sewn along the square neckline, her breasts squeezed into place by both her stays and the corseted bodice of the dress. A green satin sash was tied around her middle and Tink had pinned the bow to her back to keep it in place. She had paired it with an emerald necklace Robin had ordered be brought from the Royal Treasury as well as a matching bracelet and earrings.

"Thank you," she replied, gently bouncing Henry as he dozed in her arms. He didn't seem to mind his voluminous gown or the gap covering his head.

She looked over Snow White, admiring the beautiful pink gown the young woman wore. It had long bell sleeves and was encrusted with ermine and jewels, marking her a princess as much as the gold coronet resting on her brown curls. She was looking more and more like a woman every day, blooming in her beauty.

"You look beautiful too," she told Snow. "You're turning more into a woman every time I see you."

"Thank you," Snow said, blushing. She then turned to Robin. "And you look very handsome."

He grinned, tucking on his green satin coat. "Thank you, Princess, but I know I pale in comparison to all the beautiful women in this room."

Snow giggled as Regina reached out and gently tugged on his coat with a smile. "You really do cut a dashing figure in this outfit. I quite like this look on you."

"You do?" Robin asked, his chest puffing out a bit. "Well, I'll have to let the royal tailor know so I get a few more made up in this style."

"Order one in royal blue. It really brings out your eyes," she advised him.

She watched a pink tinge come to his cheeks before he kissed hers. "Whatever my queen decrees."

Lady Wellingsbury entered the room, smiling at Robin and Regina. "Congratulations, you two. Everyone is excited to welcome Prince Henry to our kingdom."

"You hear that, my boy?" Robin asked their sleeping son, running a finger along his cheek. "The kingdom has come to see you."

"The royal carriage is coming around to take you to the cathedral," Lady Wellingsbury continued. "It's the closed one so that Henry can sleep and not get overwhelmed."

Gratitude filled Regina and she thanked Lady Wellingsbury. "I know everyone is going to want to see him but he's still just a baby," she said.

The duchess nodded. "They will get their chances to see him – either when you present him on the cathedral steps or on the balcony here in the palace. That will have to please them for now."

"It appeased them when Edward and I presented Robin," Catherine said, entering the room. "It will now as well."

John entered the room, dressed in his ceremonial uniform with the roaring lion emblazoned on it. He smiled as he bowed to those in the room. "The carriage is ready, Your Majesties."

"Thank you," Robin said, pressing his hand against Regina's back. He motioned to the door. "After you, milady."

She thanked him, following John down to the door leading to the courtyard. Guards milled about the area but they quickly stood at attention as she and Robin passed through the door. Robin acknowledged them with a wave before helping Regina and Henry into the carriage. He climbed in next to them and John closed the carriage door.

"Here we go," Robin said, trying to pat Regina's knee through her skirts. He was a little off but she still found it comforting.

She glanced down at Henry, still asleep in her arms, as a worry crossed her mind. Regina thought about how the carriage jostled and rocked when moving and didn't know if she could keep a good hold on him. The last thing she wanted was to drop him or for him to get hurt on the way to the cathedral.

"Can you hold him?" she asked Robin, holding Henry out toward him. "You have stronger arms and will have a better grip on him."

He took Henry from her, holding the baby close as he kissed her forehead. "Don't worry, sweetheart. Nothing will happen to him."

"Thank you," she said, breathing out a sigh of relief. She leaned back as the carriage lurched forward, starting its short journey to the cathedral.

Henry squirmed a bit in Robin's arms, letting out a few mews of protest. Regina leaned over, rubbing his stomach. "It's alright, my little prince. This will pass soon. Until then, you're safe in Papa's arms."

"Mama's right," Robin said, patting Henry's back. "I know it's unpleasant but we've got you. Nothing will happen to you as long as we are here."

Hiccupping, Henry started to settle down. Robin kept his tone soothing as he said: "There you go, my boy. All better, right?"

"Yes," Regina cooed. "I think he's feeling better now. Hopefully the crowd doesn't upset him once we get to the cathedral."

Though she knew Robin was right that the people would see Henry as a Sherwoodian prince, she still didn't want their first glimpse to be him wailing on the cathedral steps. While most would understand he was just a baby responding as babies did, she knew there were others who would see it as an insult and proof that he wasn't a true Sherwoodian because her Basque and Mist Haven blood also ran through his veins.

He kissed her forehead. "If he cries, he cries. Babies cry. If anyone tries to read anything more into that, then that's their issue."

"I know," she replied, sighing. "I just worry."

"They will accept him as their prince," he assured her, continuing to rock Henry in order to lull him back to sleep.

The carriage came to a stop and Regina took a deep breath. She let it out slowly. "Here we go."

"Everything will be fine," he assured her, placing Henry back in her arms before kissing her. "I promise you."

John opened the door and Robin climbed out first. He turned back, holding out his hand for her. She cradled Henry in the crook of one arm as she took his hand as she climbed out of the carriage, ready to greet their subjects.

The cathedral towered over them, the sun shining behind it. Several marble steps lay between them and the golden doors at the entrance. Robin let go of her hand and placed his hand on her back instead, steadying her as she cradled Henry. Ana appeared on her other side, lifting her skirts so Regina could walk without worrying about tripping. Together, they made it to the very top and paused, turning to look at the gathered crowds.

People crowded the streets and Regina noticed a few had climbed trees as well. A cheer rose up as they got their first glimpse of their prince, several people waving banners with the royal crest embroidered on them. Everyone looked so happy and Regina relaxed a bit, certain they were welcoming her son as one of their own.

"See?" Robin whispered to her as he waved to the crowd. "They already love him."

"They do," she agreed, waving to the crowd as well with one hand as she kept a good hold on Henry as he slept in her arms.

Behind them, the doors to the cathedral opened. Ana and Robin helped Regina turned to face it. Tuck stood in the doorway, smiling at them. He beckoned them to come closer and they did, ready to start the ceremony.

"What brings you to this holy place this beautiful day?" Tuck asked as the gathered crowd quieted down. No doubt they wanted to hear every word they could of the ceremony.

"We are presenting our son, the future king of Sherwood," Robin replied, speaking louder so more people could hear him.

Regina patted Henry's back as Tuck nodded. He motioned for them to come forward. "We welcome His Royal Highness to the cathedral. You may enter with him."

Another cheer rose up from the crowd and Regina smiled as she walked into the cathedral with Robin by her side, Ana following to help with her dress. Tuck led them down the main aisle she had last walked at her wedding. She glanced up at Robin before looking back down at Henry, still sound asleep in her arms. It still felt so strange that it had only been a year since that ceremony. She felt as if it were another lifetime ago.

They arrived at the altar and Tuck turned to face them. He motioned to Henry. "King Robert and Queen Regina, please present the prince."

Robin pressed his hand to her back again as he leaned closer to her. "Let me know if you need any help with the steps."

"I should be fine but thank you," she said, walking forward with him. She carefully walked up to the steps until she and Robin stood in front of Friar Tuck.

Tuck smiled at the two of them. "King Robert, Queen Regina, is it your intention to present your son to the Great Being?"

"It is," they said in unison. Regina was grateful that Catherine had gone over the ceremony with them the night before so they were prepared.

"And what name have you given him?" Tuck asked them.

Regina glanced over at Robin, know he had to be the one to announce their son's name. His voice rang out clear and strong as he said: "Henry Robert Christopher Edward William."

Murmurs rose up from those gathered in the cathedral. Regina tried to block them out. There was no reason to worry about their opinions of her son's name. His name was important to her and Robin and that was all that mattered. Everyone else would just have to learn to accept it.

"It is a good name," Tuck said. "It honors several men in your lives who have shaped you into the people you are today. And while it is rooted in our history, it also plants the seed for our future."

He then held out his arms as he approached Regina. "May I take him please?"

She nodded, carefully lying her son in Tuck's arms. Henry stirred for a moment before settling back down, remaining asleep as the friar carried him over to the altar. Regina reached out for Robin's hand and he gave her a reassuring squeeze.

Tuck lay Henry on the altar before opening a little jar of oil. He dipped his finger into it and then drew some sort of symbol on the baby's forehead. Catherine had explained that it was a circle to represent that Henry was part of a chain of monarch that would have no end. He was the appointed future king and would one day be the rightful ruler of Sherwood.

After cleaning his fingers, Tuck picked up Henry and held him over his head toward the large window at the back of the cathedral. He then started to pray: "Oh, Great Being, we present our son Henry Robert Christopher Edward William to you. Watch over him as he grows, give him health to become a strong man and wisdom to become a great ruler of your people here in Sherwood. Guide him as you have guided his forefathers and foremothers and grant him your blessing."

Slowly, Tuck turned to face the congregation with Henry still held aloft. "Long live Prince Henry," he declared.

"Long live Prince Henry," the people gathered chanted. Regina was relieved that there hadn't been the same long pause she had experienced after her wedding. They had accepted her son.

Tuck lowered Henry before placing him back in Regina's arms. "Congratulations, you two," he whispered to her and Robin.

"Thank you," she whispered, cradling her son again. He started to fuss a bit from all the activity and she soothed him, humming softly to him until he settled back down.

"I ask the guardians to approach," Tuck said, moving on with the ceremony. He motioned to a few kneelers set up as Henry's appointed guardians, including Snow White, approached the altar.

Tuck arranged them according—Will and Ana on one side of Snow White and Ella and Lord Hutton on the other side. They knelt at their respective kneelers and he instructed them to bow their heads. Raising his hands up, he prayed over them and asked the Great Being to bless them as Henry's guardians.

"Rise," he told them, motioning with his hands for them to stand. "You will be charged officially at the palace. May the Great Being guide you."

"And you," they murmured. Regina figured someone had taught Snow White the responses she would need to know as she joined them.

Tuck whispered that they could take their seats. Will escorted both Ana and Ella while Lord Hutton offered his arm to Snow White. She smiled at Regina as they passed and Regina returned it, glad she was there.

"With the Great Being's blessing, go forth and present Prince Henry to the people of Sherwood so that they may welcome their future king," Tuck decreed.

Robin helped Regina turn around and then guided her down the aisle. "Now we'll head back to the palace for the second presentation," he whispered.

"Will you hold Henry in the carriage again?" she asked back in a whisper. "Please?"

"Of course," he assured her as two heralds opened the door. Bright sunshine hit her eyes and she blinked a few times as her vision adjusted to it.

People cheered as they paused. Robin leaned closer to her. "If you can wave, wave. If not, that's alright. Everyone will understand."

With Henry cradled in the crook of one arm, she raised the other and waved along with Robin. The cheers grew louder and they waved for a few more moments before Robin lowered his arm. She did the same, rocking a fussy Henry as Ana and Ella helped her down the steps.

"Peace and health to you, Queen Regina!" someone called out. Regina looked up to find a woman in a brown dress and a white shawl wrapped around her shoulders. She held out a flower.

Regina walked over to her and took the flower. "Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome," the woman replied, curtsying. "We are all so glad you recovered from your childbed fever."

"Long live the queen!" a man next to her yelled. The cheer went through the crowd and she felt herself tear up.

Robin came over to her. "I hate to break up this moment but we need to go," he whispered to her.

She nodded, waving to the crowd as she slowly backed up with Robin. He then took Henry so she could climb into the carriage, the people still cheering. Robin then easily climbed in with Henry in his arms, settling next to her as their son slept on.

"He's doing so well," she said, rubbing his foot. "I'm so proud of him."

Robin nodded, patting Henry's bottom. "He is doing very well. Though I think he's going to need a new diaper before we present him."

She sighed. "I'll have Tink bring us a fresh one once we get in. We can get him changed quickly enough."

"We don't have to rush. The people can wait for him," he assured her, smiling down at their son.

He turned that smile toward her. "Our people love you."

She looked down at the flower in her hand and nodded. "It's wonderful to see and hear them accept me."

"They've always accepted you," he told her. "The court doesn't reflect them."

"No, but I'm not surrounded by them. I'm surrounded by the court and so it's easy to forget that," she replied, holding on as the carriage began to move.

He nodded, rocking Henry as the boy reacted with a howl of displeasure at the sudden jolt. "I've got you, my boy. You're safe. Papa's got you."

After a few seconds, Henry settled down. He blinked his eyes open for a bit, staring at his father. Robin smiled down at him. "Hello, Henry. Are you enjoying your special day so far?"

He yawned before settling back down in Robin's arms. Regina chuckled. "I guess it's not very entertaining for a baby."

"Clearly," Robin replied. "That's alright. This is more for our people than for him anyway."

She nodded, once again rubbing Henry's foot. He looked at her and gave her a little smile, his eyes lighting up when he saw her. "Hello, sweetheart," she cooed at him.

"Look how happy he is to see you," Robin told her. "I do believe you're his new favorite."

"I think he loves both of us equally," she replied. "He is just as happy to be with you as he is with me."

Robin hummed, rocking their son. "I suppose so. I guess we'll see what happens in a couple years."

The carriage came to a stop and he looked out the window. "We're back at the palace. Here, you take him while I get out."

He handed Henry to her and she held their son close, looking down into his blue eyes. "We're almost done, sweetheart. Then you can get out of this outfit and just sleep in your crib. I promise."

"I wish I could get out of this outfit and go to bed," Robin said, opening the door. A gust of fresh air filled the carriage before he climbed down.

She scooted closer to the door, smiling at him. "You're looking forward to the ball tonight, admit it."

"I'm looking forward to dancing with you," he said, taking her arm as he guided her down from the carriage.

Regina held onto Henry a bit tighter until both feet were on the ground. She kissed his forehead before looking up at Robin, smiling. "I am looking forward to that as well."

Tink hurried out to greet them, curtsying. "Do you need anything?"

"Help changing the prince," Regina said. "We don't want him to cry through his presentation because of a wet diaper."

"Oh, that's true," Tink replied. "I have a clean diaper waiting for him upstairs. Shall we?"

Relief swept through Regina. "You're the best."

They headed up to their rooms and Tink took Henry from Regina. She laid him down on the changing station she had set up and frowned. "Oh, I see why you need help. This is definitely going to be a two-person job with this outfit."

"Yes," Regina replied. "What do you want to do? Diaper or holding up the gown so it doesn't get in the way?"

"I think it's best if I change the diaper in case Prince Henry decides to shower one of us," Tink said. "You don't want to get urine on your gown."

Regina looked down at her dress before nodding. "Good point."

Together, they were able to change Henry's diaper with only a little spray – which Tink used a rag to block. Once he was in a clean diaper, Regina fixed the gown and picked him up, holding him close. "Alright, sweetheart, it's time to meet our people," she told him. "And then I'll feed you. Promise."

"Shall we?" Robin asked, holding out his arm to her. She took it as she cradled Henry in her other arm and they left their rooms together.

It didn't take them long to arrive at the balcony. Their family waited for them, including Lady Wellingsbury. "Shall we begin?" she asked.

"Yes, please," Robin said, nodding to the herald. The man bowed and stepped out onto the balcony.

"Cover his ears," Catherine told Regina. "The trumpet is going to be loud, even in here."

Regina nodded and Robin pressed his hands to their son's ears as the herald blew his trumpet three times. It even made her wince and she couldn't imagine how painful it would've been for Henry. He still squirmed in her arms but didn't cry out.

"Time for us to go out," Robin said, removing his hands from Henry's ears. She nodded and he pressed his hand against her back as they stepped past the doors and onto the balcony.

People filled every inch of the courtyard. They cheered as Robin and Regina drew closer to the balcony's railing, some waving flowers and others waving colored pieces of cloth in the air. Robin waved to them and another cheer went through the crowd.

He then held up his hand and a hush fell over the crowd. The entire city fell silent as they listened to their king. Robin smiled as he addressed them: "People of Sherwood, you honor myself and my wife with your presence here today to welcome our son. Thank you!"

A cheer rose up from the crowd before they quieted again. Robin turned to Regina. "You're going to want to support him in a sitting position," he instructed her.

She nodded, adjusting Henry so that his bottom was resting on one of her arms. The other was wrapped around him as she held him against her chest. Her heart hammered in her chest as she stepped even closer to the balcony's railing and she tried to keep from imagining scenarios where she dropped her sweet, helpless son. She tightened her grip on him and prayed the moment went by quickly so she could retreat with him to a safer position.

"Presenting His Royal Highness, Henry Robert Christopher Edward William of Locksley, Crown Prince of Sherwood!" the herald declared.

"Long live Prince Henry!" someone yelled in the crowd. The others repeated it over and over, more people joining in until Regina swore the entire kingdom was chanting it.

Robin rubbed her back before whispering: "We can step back now. The people have seen him and recognized him."

She nodded, letting him guide her backwards as the people continued to cheer. Regina adjusted Henry until she was resting against her shoulder, his breath warm against her neck as his little hand gripped her dress. He was safe in her arms and she hadn't dropped him.

"Listen to those cheers," Snow White said, peering out the window as she looked down on the crowd below in awe. "They absolutely love Henry."

Henry Sr. approached Regina, gently caressing his grandson's cheek. "Of course they do. He's adorable."

"You're biased," Regina pointed out to him, laughing a little bit.

"You bet I am," he replied, winking at her. "And I'm proud of it."

Baby Henry grew fussy in her arms, his little hand now hitting at her breast. She kissed the top of his head. "Excuse me, I need to feed him," she said.

"We'll be in our rooms if you need us," Robin added, placing his hand on her back. They left the room together, Tink following them.

A few minutes later, they were settled in their rooms. Regina sat in the rocking chair with Henry suckling at her breast greedily. She patted his back as she watched her husband pull off his boots. He laid on the couch with a sigh, throwing his arm over his eyes. "Our son has perfect timing," he said.

She chuckled as she kicked off her own shoes. "This is a perfect little respite, isn't it?"

"It is," he agreed. "We can get some rest before the ball."

"My feet appreciate it," she said, lifting a foot and wiggling her toes as he laughed.

Henry finished and she burped him before handing him to Tink. "I think you can change him out of that gown now," she told her handmaid.

Tink nodded before saying: "I'll set it aside to take it down to the laundress before it gets boxed up again."

"Thank you," Regina said, standing after fixing her dress. "I appreciate all your help. I hope you know that."

"I do," Tink assured her before disappearing into the bedroom with the prince.

Regina settled down next to her husband, who wrapped his arm around her as she rested her head against his shoulder. "This is a long day," she said.

He kissed the top of her head. "It is. But it's almost over. Then tomorrow, we can just relax."

"Oh, that sounds heavenly," she replied, closing her eyes. Her stomach then rumbled and she grew sheepish. "Can we get some food before the ball, though?"

"As you wish," he said, standing. "I'll ring for another servant to come. Tink has her hands full with Henry."

She watched as he crossed over and pulled the rope to ring the bell in the kitchens. He returned to her side, wrapping his arm around her again. "Someone should be up shortly. They'll probably bring something with them – the cooks are usually on top of these things," he said.

"Even with the ball tonight?" she asked, knowing how busy the kitchens had to be in preparation for that.

He nodded. "Even with that. They usually try to have some cold meats ready for anyone who needs a meal or a snack to hold them over before the big meal tonight."

"That's impressive. I don't know if I would manage to do all that," she said, feeling guilty over how hard everyone else was working while she had just been lying around her rooms most days.

Robin rubbed her arm. "Is something wrong? You've gone quiet there, love. And not the sleepy kind of quiet. The pensive kind."

She looked up at him, surprised. "I have different kinds of silence? And you know the difference between them?"

"You do and I do," he replied. "You are my favorite subject to study. I love learning everything about you. Which is why I know something is bothering you. What is it?"

"I now feel like I've been unhelpful the past few weeks. Everyone else planned this ceremony and ball," she admitted.

He shook his head. "You've made plenty of decisions."

She sighed. "I still feel like I could've done more."

"You pushed out an entire person, fought off an infection and then had to fight for your life in a magical coma," Robin pointed out. "You've done plenty and you needed to rest. There will be more balls, Regina. It's alright if you didn't plan this one."

Regina took a deep breath and nodded, knowing he was right. She had been through a lot in a short amount of time and hadn't needed the stress of planning a ball. It was alright that she couldn't plan this one.

"You're right," she said. "I shouldn't feel guilty. But I'm still going to make certain our staff knows how much I appreciate what they've done."

He kissed her forehead. "I know you will do that."

A maid emerged with a tray of cold meats in her hands. She set it on their table before curtsying. "Do you need anything else, Your Majesties?"

"This should be all," Robin told her, helping Regina stand. "Thank you."

The maid bobbed a curtsy before leaving the room to head to back to the kitchens. Robin pulled out a chair and motioned to it. "Milady."

She chuckled before taking the chair. As he pushed it in, she reached up and took his hand. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he replied with a soft smile. He then pulled away before taking a seat next to her. "Let's eat!"

They reached out and started to take some meats to put on their plates. Regina relaxed for a few moments, glad for these quiet moments ahead of the ball. She didn't have to be queen and Robin didn't have to be king. They just had to be themselves.

"Goodnight, sweetheart," Regina said softly, kissing Henry's forehead. "Papa and I will see you in the morning."

She laid him in the crib, admiring him for a few moments before walking out of her bedroom. Tink waited for her there, watching her with a soft smile. "Do not worry. He's in good hands."

Regina reached out and took her handmaiden's hands, smiling back at her. "I know. But if you need anything…"

"I'll send word, but I feel he's probably going to sleep most of the night. You go and enjoy yourself," Tink told her.

"Wise words," Robin replied, holding out his arm to her. "Shall we, milady?"

She took his arm. "We shall."

He led her from the room and they headed down to the ballroom, finding the rest of their family waiting for them. "And here are the guests of honor," Will said, smiling.

"Shall we signal for the heralds to begin? Or do you two need a moment?" Catherine asked, resting her hand on Regina's arm.

Regina shook her head. "We're good to begin."

"Signal the herald," Robin ordered.

Will nodded, stepping closer to the curtain that separated them from the ballroom. He pushed it aside and whispered the command to the herald standing there before returning to Ana's side. "Here we go."

Everyone quickly lined up as the herald began announcing them. "Presenting her Royal Highness, Snow White, Crown Princess of Mist Haven!"

The curtains parted and Snow stepped through to a trumpet fanfare. Regina watched as the curtains were returned to their normal position as the herald then announced Ella. Once again the curtains parted and the trumpets blared to welcome Robin's cousin.

Ana and Will were introduced next, followed by Joseph and Eleanor. Catherine stepped closer to the curtain, glancing back at Robin and Regina. "See you on the other side," she whispered.

"Presenting Her Eminence, Catherine, the Queen Mother," the herald declared as the curtains parted for Catherine to enter.

Robin reached over and patted Regina's hand. "Ready to return to court?"

"I think I am," she replied, smiling. "At least to take this first baby step."

"This seems to be a bit more than a baby step," he told her as the curtains pulled back for them and trumpets sounded.

They stepped forward as the herald proclaimed: "Their Majesties Robert and Regina, King and Queen of Sherwood!"

People applauded and Robin waved to them. Regina followed his lead before lifting her skirts as they walked down the stairs. When they reached the bottom, they greeted everyone. "Thank you for coming to celebrate our son, Prince Henry. We are honored by your presence," Regina said.

"A toast," Joseph said, raising his goblet. Everyone did the same before he declared: "Long live Prince Henry."

"Love live Prince Henry!" everyone cheered, raising their goblets. They all took sips as did Robin and Regina.

Lord Hutton then raised his goblet again. "Long live King Robert and Queen Regina," he said.

"Long live King Robert and Queen Regina," everyone chanted, drinking from their goblets in their honor.

Robin turned to her and raised his goblet. "My queen."

"My king," she replied, raising her own goblet. They clinked them together before taking sips to honor each other.

Wrapping an arm around Regina, Robin turned back to their guests. "Enjoy the ball!" he declared.

The musicians took that as their cue and they started to play. Robin took Regina's goblet from her and set them aside before holding out his hand to her. "The first dance is ours, milady," he said.

"Lead the way, good sir," she replied, taking his hand. They walked to the center of the dance floor and he stopped, guiding her as she continued walking until she stopped in front of him. He placed his free hand on her waist as she placed hers on his shoulder and they started to waltz around the room.

Regina's footing felt sure and confident. It was as if her last ball was only the week before rather than months. She felt strong and back to her old self as Robin twirled her around the dance floor and others joined them.

When the song ended, he bowed and she curtsied before they walked off the dance floor together. Others continued to dance but they headed to their table so they could eat. There was no formal sit-down dinner, allowing their guests to focus on dancing and eat at their own leisure. Regina liked it as it meant no one would really be watching her every bite.

"You and Robin dance so well together," Snow told her as Regina took a seat at the table. She sighed dreamily. "I hope I find someone who I can dance like that with one day."

Regina patted her hand. "I know you will. Just not too soon. Enjoy being young for as long as you can."

"I would second that," Robin replied. "Your prince is out there and you'll find him when you're both ready."

"Until then, just have fun. Like me," Ella added, sitting down next to Snow with a bright smile.

Anastasia shook her head. "I have a feeling those two are going to be trouble together."

"They're young," her mother said. "Let them have their fun."

Snow and Ella moved their chairs closer, talking in low voices and giggling every so often. Regina was glad to see them getting along as she continued to eat her meal. Everyone was enjoying themselves that night and she let herself relax.

This was a celebration for her son and so she was going to celebrate him.

"You are glowing."

Regina turned from the punch bowl to find Maleficent standing there. She wore a deep purple dress and her blonde hair was pinned up with curls framing her face. Maleficent smiled as she looked Regina over. "You are happy."

"I am," she replied, taking Maleficent's hands in hers. "Thanks to you."

Maleficent shook her head, squeezing Regina's hands. "You did all the hard work, my queen. I was just a gateway for you."

Warmth spread through Regina and she felt a little rush of pride. "Well, thank you. And I look forward to working with you soon."

"Me too," Mal told her. "I suspect you will be just as powerful as me in no time at all and you will be great a sorceress."

"That is a great compliment," Regina said.

Maleficent's smile brightened. "But it's the truth."

"Am I interrupting, ladies?" Robin asked, stepping up to them with a smile. "I was hoping to steal my wife away for a dance."

"Steal away, Your Majesty," Maleficent said, releasing Regina's hands as she stepped back. She gave them a quick curtsy. "Enjoy."

Regina curtsied back. "You too. This ball is as much for you as it is for everyone else. You helped ensure we could celebrate today."

"I agree," Robin said, motioning to the dance floor. "Go, be merry! Enjoy yourself."

Mal laughed. "I will, Your Majesty."

He then escorted Regina to the center of the floor as the music changed to a song more suited for the waltz. She tilted her head as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "Did you request this song so we could waltz?"

"I did," he confirmed. "You know I love to waltz with you."

She smiled. "I love to waltz with you too. I actually feel graceful when I'm in your arms."

"You are graceful," he told her, moving around the floor. "You are a queen."

"I am, just like my mother wanted," she said, trying not to think of the woman who raised her. She then looked up into Robin's eyes, full of love. "And I'm loved, which is all I ever wanted."

He pulled her close as they stopped in the middle of the dance floor. Others continued to waltz around them as he said: "You are very, very loved."

She rose up as he leaned down, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. Regina didn't care that they were standing in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by the entire royal court. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she parted her lips as he slipped his tongue inside. She held onto him, enjoying how much she loved him and he loved her.

Regina was truly blessed.

A/N: Henry has been welcomed by the people of Sherwood! And Regina's returned to court life. So it's time for the little bubble around her and Robin to pop as well and for them to be royals again.

In case you missed it on Twitter, there's a prompt party coming up at the beginning of August! Prompts can be submitted until the end of the month, so if you have any ideas please submit them! And I assume that personal prompts will be accepted again, so if there's anything you want to see in any of my established verses, don't be shy and submit them as well!

Hope everyone has a good week!
