Frisk had gone home that night, she knew Toriel was probably waiting for her to get home, after she had left Sans sat on the couch, an immense absence suddenly making him feel a little down. He flicked on the TV watching the pictures flash along, it was stand up comedy, this guy was pretty funny, "That bitch made me run!" the comedian was a large fellow, complaining about almost missing his flight and how the woman who took his ticket said he could make it if he ran. Normally he would find the bit very amusing but he found himself unable to laugh.

He felt a lot of emotions suddenly. Guilt, sorrow, and longing seemed to be the prominent ones and he couldn't figure out why. As he began to fret over it he felt doubt and anxiety. Thoughts flooded his mind… was last night just a fling… did she really like him or was she just overwhelmed by the extreme change that had happened that day… he knows what she said but he felt only doubt.

He wanted to call her to ask. But then a voice in his head sounded "but what if she doesn't like me? I don't want things to change… but I've already changed them… what if she leaves?"

He felt his heart rate climbing, he was having a hard time breathing, he broke out in a cold sweat, he tried to stand from the couch to move to his room, somewhere more private, but he fell to his knees… the whole room seemed to move, everything felt like it was collapsing in on him… he heard a weird shrill noise that startled him… wait… that was him, he made the noise… he clutched his chest, his heart-rate still climbing, he was shaking uncontrollably, he distantly heard Papyrus calling out to him as he ran down the stairs to his side, he tried to focus on his voice to calm himself, "Sans?!" he was panicked "Sans what's wrong?!"

He tried to steady his breathing to speak but he couldn't, he was hyperventilating, he tried to figure out if he was alright, "I'm…" he struggled to speak, he wasn't okay, all he could think of was what was going on in his head, what if she hated him… what if she never spoke to him again… that would kill him… he wasn't okay… he was dying.

Then everything went black.

It hurt to open his eyes, it was too bright in the room, he tried to look around. When he moved he heard a voice. "See Papyrus, I told you he would be fine…"

He sat up stiffly… "Paps?"

"I'm here Sans!" his eyes focused on his brother, he looked tired, was it daytime? "What time is it?"

"It's six AM." Alphys said, he hadn't realized she was here, why was she here? "Sans how are you feeling?"

He thought about it… "Confused… what happened?" his eyes finally focused fully, he was on the couch in his living room.

"why don't you take a minute and tell me?" she was writing notes in a notebook, taking the role of a doctor… why was she doing that?

Then he remembered, crushing doubt and stress, he was unable to breathe and felt like he was going to die… "I couldn't breath… I totally lost control of myself… am I okay?" he started to feel fear.

She looked at him reassuringly, "You're going to be fine Sans… It's my fault, I hadn't taken into account that you would have a hard time dealing with human hormones… you had a panic attack, a lot of people have them, humans and monsters alike…" he felt stupid, she could tell, "it's totally normal… it was probably just the stress of your extreme change."

She looked at the clock, "I have to get to work, but next time you feel anything similar coming on you call me… I'm sure I can help you through it."

"Okay, thanks Alph, sorry for bringing you over here…"

"Sans, it was absolutely no incontinence, in fact you actually helped me with my research on other side effects I hadn't considered." She smiled, "I'll see you later."

He nodded, "thanks again."

The door clicked shut, Sans looked to Papyrus, he still looked worried. "what's bothering you?"

Sans tried to pinpoint exactly what was bothering him, "I don't know Pap… I just felt unbearable doubt, it stressed me out."

Papyrus looked thoughtful, "Doubt about what?"

Sans thought about it, and stumbled immediately on the answer, "Pap…"

"yes Sans?"

"Do you think Frisk loved me?"

Papyrus went to state that she obviously loved all of her friends, but quickly realized that what Sans had meant was different. He paused for a moment, trying to think of the right way to approach this, "I can't speak for her…" he started, he noticed Sans start to look very lost, "but based on the events of the night before last I would assume she did." Sans didn't look any better, "But I can tell you right now that for your own good what you need to do is go talk to her."

Sans looked at Papyrus, he looked like he was going to protest but decided against it.

"She is likely up now," Papyrus explained, "you should call her."

Sans nodded. And Papyrus left for his room to give him some privacy.

Sans stared as his phone for a long while before rapidly typing in her number and hitting call, making sure he couldn't chicken out.

She answered on the first ring, "Hey!" she sounded happy to hear from him, relief washed over him immediately, "You're up early!"

He chuckled, feeling weight lift from his shoulders, "yeah, had an early night." She had no idea… "do you think I can come over today?"

"Yeah, sure!" she seemed really giddy, "you can come over right now! Mom left for work, just let yourself in."

"Okay, I'll see you soon."

They hung up.

"Hey Pap!" he called up the stairs, "I'm heading to Frisk's."

A/N: this was going to be just a one-shot but since it was so well received I thought maybe I should build on the whole skeleton-dealing-with-being-human thing... more smut to come!