It was always Natasha's and Clint's understanding that the birth of their unborn son was going to be done in the hospital wing of SHIELD by Bruce Banner. Not in a broken down elevator of the SHIELD's headquarters and the person delivering the baby is none other than Steven Roger.

Natasha didn't really have a choice because she inexperienced when it came to child bearing and stuck with one man who knew what he was doing while the other was being a huge pain in the ass.

This will sure be a story to tell the kid when he's older…



She sighs heavily throwing her body against the back of the couch. She glances over and sees her sigh had made no impact.

She did it again. She saw that she got a small smile as a result.

So she did it again. Finally, two blue eyes flicked up towards her, an eyebrow raised.

"Yes Natasha? Is there something you need?"

Natasha groaned irritably, sitting up straighter. "No, I'm just bored and uncomfortable and fat. Also hungry." She adds as an afterthought.

He laughed and shook his head, "Well I can do something about your hunger and, possible, make you less uncomfortable. What would you like?"

She got excited, "A big bowl of chocolate ice cream, smothered in honey, sprinkles and whip cream with a side of pickles."

He shook his head and put down his sketchbook, "Yes ma'am. Anything else?"

"No, but thank you Steve!" She yelled as he walked away.

Looking around, she finds the remote sitting at the edge of the coffee table and groans loudly. "Great, just great." She muttered, lifting her butt up slightly to shift towards the edge of the cushion. A quick glance around tells her no one will be coming to help her so she shifts a little more and stretches to grab the remote. It's only a few centimeters within her reach. Maybe if she just reached out a little more and shifted her body towards the left, she could just… touch…

"What are you doing?"

Startled, she jumps and what little part of her body was on the couch slips. Her back arches and she lands painfully on her knees. Her hands shoot out to brace herself on the coffee table. Almost immediately, pain strikes in Natasha's lower stomach. She yelps, a hand coming to rest on her stomach.

"Holy crap!" Tony rushes to her side and grabs onto her arm. "Natasha, are you okay?"

"Tony, what happened?" Steve asked running out of the kitchen.

Before Tony could say anything, Natasha reached and punched him in the groin. Tony's eyes widen and he falls forward until he is on his knees. "That was for scaring me." She grabs onto Steve's outstretched hand and maneuvers her back onto the couch

"Natasha are you alright?" Steve asks with real concern in his eyes.

Natasha glares at Tony and gives Steve a sweet smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just trying to reach for the remote and he scared the crap out of me."

His eyebrows furrow and his voice softens, "Are you sure? I saw you grab your stomach."

She nods, kicking Tony in the side. "Hand me the remote." She demands. Rolling his eyes, he tosses the remote carelessly and crawls his way onto the couch. "I'm fine, but do you have my ice cream?"

Thor's laugh is heard from the kitchen and he comes out carrying a plated filled with pop tarts and Natasha's ice cream. "Is this what you are looking for?"

Steve shrugged and grabbed it from him before handing it to Natasha. "I heard Tony yell and I ran." Sitting back down in his spot, he grabs his sketchbook and continues whatever he was doing. Subconsciously, Natasha kicks her legs up and places them on his lap as she flips through channels. Tony frowns and lays his head on the sofa arm, extending his legs and putting them on Steve's lap as well. Steve stops his drawing, looks at the two extra legs on his lap and raises an eyebrow at Tony. "Excuse me?" He asks.

Tony points a finger at Natasha. "She's doing it!"

"Yeah, but are you 9 months pregnant?" Tony frowns and Natasha laughs kicking his feet off of Steve taking up all the space. However, her laughter is abruptly stopped, she is stopped by the pain again.

"Ah!" She sits up in her seat and places both hands on her stomach. Breathing heavily, eye brows creased, she stares down at her stomach curiously.

Steve's eyes follow her gaze and he grabs one of her hands. "Natasha, are you sure you're okay? Maybe we should go to the hospital." Steve says concern evident in his voice.

She shakes her head and sits up taking her legs off Steve. "I-I… I don't think so. My water hasn't broken yet." Rather than her voice becoming panic, it holds a sense of curiosity and calmness.

Tony sits up and pulls out his phone. "Just because your water didn't break, doesn't mean you're not in labor. I'm calling Fury."

"Do you possibly think the child inside was startled from your fall?" Thor proposes to keep Natasha calm as he sees her start to panic. "Probably nothing to worry about Ms. Romanoff, the child must want out." Natasha nods her head and leans into the couch grabbing onto Steve's hand tighter.

She shakes her head, "I don't know, these don't feel like regular kicks. These are different. Stronger." She looks at Steve, "Where's Clint?"

"Fury called him in while you were sleeping."

Natasha sighed loudly before tensing up, her hands gripping Steve's wrist. "These definitely…" she breathes, "aren't kicks."

"Jarvis contact Bruce tell him we are on our way to the hospital." Natasha looks up at him with an eye brow raised. He nods "I don't want to take the chance… Jarvis?" He repeats when the AI doesn't respond.

"Just contacted him Mr. Rogers. Dr. Banner is preparing the hospital as we speak. Mr. Stark, Dr. Banner needs you to bring Mrs. Romanoff to the hospital wing of SHIELD at once along with Captain Rogers, and Mr. Odinson."

Tony places the phone away from his ear, "Happy is downstairs with the car and Pepper ran to grab the hospital bag. We just have to get Red down there." He looks at her, "Can you walk?"

She nods and starts to stand, but a moment later she shakes her head. "Holy crap!" Her knees buckle and she almost collapses back on the floor when Tony and Steve grab a hold of her arm. "I think walking just became a whole lot harder. This is progressing way to fast; Bruce said it should be a couple of hours."

Pepper runs out of the elevator and into the common room, a bag slung over her shoulder. Quickly passing it off to Tony, she grabs a hold of Natasha's upper arm and smiles reassuringly, "Come on we've got to go. We've got a baby to deliver." She helps Steve get Natasha to her feet and takes her out of the tower. Downstairs a car waits with Happy in the driver's side and once all the passengers are seated he's speeding down the freeway towards SHIELD headquarters.




All the Avengers runs inside the compound to find Fury standing there waiting for them. "Dr. Banner is upstairs waiting for your arrival. Jarvis called him and he informed me." He says immediately, but his attention is grabbed when Natasha's body tenses noticeably her hand gripping onto Steve's hand with a vice tight strength. Once the contraction is over, she leans her body heavily into Thor, trying to keep her panting down to a minimum.

Pepper looks at her watch. "Her contractions are 5 minutes apart." She says ushering them towards the elevator. Before anyone can move her though, Natasha stops them and turns to Fury. She's raises an eyebrow,

"Where is Clint?" She asks as calmly as she can. Fury looks at her for a long moment and nods his head,

"Still in his office, no one has informed him-"

Natasha laughs and shakes her head as if she expected this. "Typical." She mutters to herself. "Will someone go and inform him that his wife is in labor and that his son is going to be born really soon?" Everyone near Natasha starts to tense. A calm and collected Natasha is scarier than a screaming one.

Thor volunteers before Fury has any time to say anything, "I will go collect Clinton and accompany him to the hospital wing." Pepper volunteers as well guiding Natasha's body towards Tony. "We shall meet you in the healer's center."

Tony's eyes widen and he grabs Pepper's arm, "Hell no! I'm coming with you and Thor."

Pepper laughs as if that was the stupidest thing Tony has ever said. "No you're not, you going to help Steve get Natasha up to the medical center." She says passing over her stopwatch and Natasha's and Clint's hospital bag. Tony takes it and stares at the watch in confusion then up at Pepper. "Use it to time how far each contraction gets. Tell Bruce as soon as you get there." Pepper kisses Natasha's forehead and smiles encouragingly, "Don't have the baby without us!" Then they're gone.

Natasha tenses again and her head snaps towards Steve's, "We… need to… go." She grits out. Steve nods and begins maneuvering her towards the elevator. It opens automatically and only three people file in. "You're not… coming?" She asks Fury. "I thought you were in the betting pool as well."

Fury shakes his head, "I'll come see the little guy later." He turns to leave, but adds as an afterthought, "And collect my money." Fury's laugh can be heard through the closed elevator doors.

Steve notices Natasha sweating profusely and the rapid shaking in her legs. "Do you want to sit down?" She considers this for a moment before nodding her head and letting both men assist her down. Once she's on the ground, the pressure on her legs is released and a relieved sigh passes through her lips. The elevator ride is quiet, except for Natasha's breathing. They were only a couple floors away, but that's when all the lights in the elevator go out. All occupants look up. 10 seconds later the generators kick back up and the lights come back, but the numbers on the screen stay at the level 12. "Fuck…" Natasha throws her head back in exasperation. "You've got to be kidding me."

"What?" Steve asks, oblivious, "What's going on?"

Natasha shakes her head and a rueful smile spreads across her face, "The elevator's stuck." She looks up at the men, "SHIELD isn't quite known for its electric repairing's, especially when it comes to elevators so…" she shrugs as if indifferent. "We're going to be stuck in here for a while."

Tony flips out immediately and begins pacing, "What!? No! We can't be stuck. I don't do well in confide spaces." He quickly slams his hand on the emergency elevator button, "Hello! Hello! Can anyone hear us? We're stuck in the elevator! Natasha's in labor and there is no way I'm watching her give birth! HELLO!" Static is his only response and he curses loudly. "The system's down. Damn it!" He rubs his hands together nervously and glances around to trying to find a way out. His eyes latch onto the roof of the elevator, "Roger give me a boost."

Tony looks down to find Steve preoccupied with Natasha as she goes through another contraction. "A little busy here at the moment."

"I think I can get this elevator to move. I just need to go out in the elevator shaft." Tony proposes, his voice starting to get higher in octave. "I can fix it."

Natasha shakes her head, her hands gripping Steve's tightly, "Fix it all… you want… but there isn't going to… be enough time."

Steve leans closer, "Nat, what are you saying?"

Once the contraction is over, her head falls back against the wall and she stares up at Steve seriously. Her voice is calm with a hint of panic and fear, "I'm saying… this baby is coming now."




A knock on his office doors catches his attention immediately and interrupts his focus. "Come in." He says irritably. He was tired, hungry and wanted to spend a quiet morning with his wife and unborn child. So he was angry as well. Once he finishes this paperwork, he's allowed to go home so he doesn't want any distractions. Pepper and Thor open the door and rush inside, both wearing large, goofy smiles. Clint barely spares them a glance and continues to rush through the files. "Something I can help you with?"

Pepper saucers up to his desk and sits in the chair opposite of him. "No, but there is some place you need to be."

His eyebrows furrow and he stops writing to look up. "If this is another mission, tell Fury he can stick it with someone else."

Thor laughs heartily, "No Barton, it is not a mission we have come with. We have come bearing great news!"

Clint smirks and goes back to writing, "Oh yeah, what's that? But if you do see Fury on your visit here, you can tell him that I'm not going to a foreign country when Nat can go into a labor any day now." Pepper and Thor share a look and stay quiet, smiling knowingly at Clint. When the pair don't respond, he raises an eyebrow and looks up at them. They continue to stare each other down until it clicks in his mind. His hand drops his pen and he jumps up from his seat. "You mean that she's…"

"Uh-huh." Pepper smiles bigger and stands up as well.

"Where is she?" Clint demands rushing up to her and grabbing her shoulders. "Who's with her?"

"Relax," Pepper laughs. "She's with Steve and Tony on the way up to the medical center. We came to get you. Now come on daddy your son is about to be born." She loops her arm through his and pulls him out the door with Thor following.




A scream finally rips through her throat as an extremely painful contraction overcomes her. So far, only a few moans have passed through her mouth, but otherwise she stays silent. None have come close to making her shout until now. Her hand grips tightly on the jacket beneath her and the man sitting next to her.

When the worst of it is over, her head lolls to the side to rest on his shoulder. "Geez… that one was strong."

He smiles encouragingly, "Well you're doing great. Just keep breathing."

Natasha eyes him suspiciously as she pants tiredly, "Not that this isn't a plus to being stuck with you two, but why aren't you freaking out and rocking in the corner like him?" She inclines her head towards Tony fiddling with his fingers in the corner.

Steve laughs, "Let's just say the 1940s prepares you for situations like this when all child bearing happened in the home. You pick up a few things. Besides," his eyes goes over to Tony and shakes his head sympathetically, "Tony didn't grow up like you or I. He's used to being sheltered." He gestures around at the elevator, "This is a little more exposure then he's used to."

"Hey, I resent that!" Tony stands from his spot, "I was not sheltered. Daddy dearest and momma didn't have another child after me so experiencing child birth never seemed to be a part of the plan." He pulled his phone and groaned again. "No signal. Who doesn't have signal in an elevator?!"

Steve and Natasha share a glance and he rolls her eyes. Immediately after, her body tenses and she grits her teeth to keep in a scream. "I-I… I can f-feel him. He's… not g-oing to stick around… any longer."

Steve leaves her side and goes to sit between her legs. "Natasha we need to take your pants off, but I'm going to cover you with my jacket. Okay?" She nods subconsciously, too preoccupied with the pain. Tony turns around immediately and places his face against the elevator walls, groaning pitifully. "Tony, can I get a little help here?" Steve turns to find the billionaire trying to keep in his breakfast and takes pity on him. "Never mind." The contraction only lasts a minute, but after Natasha and Steve slowly and carefully peel away her pants. Tossing it away, Steve quickly takes off his jacket and places it over her legs to offer some form of protection. "Nat, I need to check. I need to see how far along you're dilated."

"What?" Tony asks, his eyes going wide. "There is no checking happening. You don't need to check, she just needs to cross her legs."

Natasha laughs roughly and shakes her head. "Doesn't work like that." She nods her consent to Steve and whimpers uncomfortably when she feels probing down there.

"Yes I see the top of the head." But if this baby is coming now, they're going to need something to wrap him up in. "Stark, why don't you make yourself useful and hand me your jacket." He holds his hand out for it.

Tony raises his eyebrow, "This is a seven hundred dollar jacket." He wraps his arms around himself, "It's meant for bike riding, extreme weather and it makes me look good. Nowhere in the description did it say 'child birthing'."

Natasha lets out a particularly loud scream and she begins to bear down hard. "No, Natasha, don't push. You're not dilated far enough." She meets his eyes and if he sees the tears swimming in her eyes he doesn't comment on it. He holds her eyes and shakes his head. "You can't push."

Her strong façade begins to slip from her grasp and the pain takes over leaving her in a vulnerable state. Taking a shaky breathe, she lets out a whimper and reaches out to grab a hold of his hand. "It hurts… too much. I h-have to."

"You'll just tire yourself out and it could hurt the baby. Just breathe and keep calm, okay? Don't think about anything else except this baby." Steve assures her, running his thumb over her knuckles. He sits up higher on his knees and leans over her when she suddenly yanks his hands towards her in a painful contraction. "Ssh, breathe… That's it." He looks over at Tony who's overseeing the entire scene, frozen in fear. "Damn it Stark, we don't have time right now!" Steve snaps, nodding his head towards the hospital bag. "Look for some towels or blankets. Also some water, we need to keep her hydrated." Tony continues staring until Steve meets his eye and pleads desperately. "Please Tony, I can't do this by myself." Being called by his first name jars him out of his trance and he looks around for a moment before seizing the bag. He practically throws things out in his haste to find the things Steve requested. As he's searching Steve helps Natasha sit up straighter and quickly checks her progress. "Crap, she's dilating faster than we expected."

Nervously, as if he doesn't want to know the answer, Tony crawls up to the two and hands over a baby blanket and two towels with a water. "How fast?"

He sighs and glances at the two in front of him before shaking his head and laying out the towels and blanket. "We're going to have a baby here in less than 20 minutes." Crawling up to Natasha's head, he helps her drink a couple of sips of water and wipes her forehead and neck with a towel. "15 if Natasha pushes with enough strength." Tony's eyes begin to roll to the back of his head and he would've fallen if Steve hadn't of grabbed him and shook to bring him back. "No you can't faint on me now Stark. This is a two man job."

Natasha sits up straighter, her hands going to grab onto her stomach. "Steve!" She shouts tears cascading down her cheeks. "I-I can feel him! I need to push!"

"Give me you're jacket, now." Without waiting for him to reply, Steve quickly begins to yank Tony out of his jacket. It takes Tony a moment before he helps Steve get his jacket and he sits there confused, unaware of what to do. Seeing his confusion, Steve nods his head towards Natasha. "Sit behind her, she's going to need support when she's pushing." He watches Tony clamber to Natasha's side and helps Natasha shift forward so Tony can sit behind her. When she leans back against him, her hand immediately lashes out to grab onto his. Steve smirks placing Tony's jacket over his lap. "Hope you're immune to pain, she's got a nasty grip."

"Holy fuck!" He shouts when a contraction hits and Natasha screams loudly, her other hand finding purchase on his thigh, and she begins to push.

The smirk is wiped off his face and he leans forward placing his hand on Natasha's ankles. "That's it Natasha, you're doing great. Keep going, keep pushing!"




Clint rushes up the stairs with Pepper and Thor right behind him. He makes it to the medical center in record time and rushes up to Bruce, worry in his eyes. "Where is she? Is she okay?"

Bruce turns around and bites his lip nervously, "I'm afraid I have some bad news."

His life suddenly flashed before his eyes and he should his head in denial, "No… no. She's okay and so is the baby. I know they are. My wife is strong."

An eyebrow rose and Bruce stares at him perplexed, "What are you-… Oh!" Realization dawned on him and he shook his head almost immediately. "No, that's not what I meant."

Pepper looks around, "What did you mean? Where are they? They should be here!"

"'Should be' are the key words." Picking up his tablet, he hands it over to the concerned father. "They're stuck in the elevator shaft. We got the message 20 minutes ago, but we couldn't understand what was being said. It was gargled, but I was able to clear it up."

Clint played the message and Tony's panicked voice immediately fills the room, "Hello! Hello! Can anyone hear us? We're stuck in the elevator! Natasha's in labor and there is no way I'm watching her give birth! HELLO!" The message ends and Clint looks up at Bruce, anger in his voice. "You mean to tell me that my pregnant wife has been stuck inside that elevator, in labor, for the past 40 minutes and nothing has been done about it!"

Pepper places a hand on his bicep, trying to calm him down, "Hey, it's okay. She's not alone, she has Steve and Tony. And I'm sure SHIELD is doing all they can to get the elevator up and running."

Bruce ushers them over to the set of computers along the wall and pulls up the security footage of the elevator Natasha, Steve and Tony are on. "Yes, Fury has ordered all agents to be on the job, but from what we've been watching, it doesn't look like Natasha is going to hang on any longer. We don't have audio, but footage is all we need." He looks up at Clint and nods his head reassuringly, "We haven't abandoned them completely, we're keeping a close eye, but it looks like Steve has it covered."

Clint places down the tablet and leans closer, desperately watching Natasha. He cringes when he sees her open her mouth in a pained scream, but, like Bruce said, he can't hear her. "What am I supposed to do? I need to be with her!"

"You can still be with her, just… not physically." He hands Clint the tablet again. "I managed to hack into the system and fixed the glitches with the emergency call button. You can talk to her. Be the voice to help her hang on."

Clint glances down at the tablet before looking back at the screen watching the scene unfold in front of him.




He reaches inside the bag, pulls out another rag and wipes her sweaty forehead, breathing with her. "I-I.. don't think I can do this." She shakes her head miserably as it rests on Tony's shoulder, body limp and tired. "I'm so tired."

Steve opens his mouth to say something when Tony surprises all of them by speaking. "I have never once heard you say that before." He whispered softly to her as he continued to wipe the sweat off her forehead. He picks up the water bottle and helps Natasha sip. He waits till she's done before he continues speaking. "Not on missions… not when Fury sends you on an undercover spy deal and you have to dress up as some girly girl and dye your hair some ridiculous color… Clint told me that you never said it in Budapest, either. You crave danger, you love the rush, but what you really love most is the challenge. Yes… yes you can do it. Don't let this difficult one overpower you; come on Nat, this is just another one of my dares. You never back down from a dare and I know you won't back down from this. You're son needs you right now."

"He's right 'Tasha." A familiar voice speaks through the elevator's speakers.

Her eyes widen and she sits up straighter, "Clint!" She calls in relief.

"I'm here baby. You're doing beautifully."

Tony laughs and shakes his head, "Clint, you son of a bitch, this should be you she's squeezing the hell out of. What's the news on the elevator problem?"

There's a moment pause before his voice comes back, "They're fixing it, but Bruce says it's too dangerous to move Natasha right now."

"He's right," Steve said from between her legs. "His head is almost out Nat. I need you to push Nat.

Natasha panics, "Clint!"

"I'm here baby and watching everything. Don't worry, just do what Steve says."

This seems to perk her up and she gets a better grip on Tony's hand. "One, Two, Three… push!"

Natasha leans forward and pushes hard letting a scream rip through her throat and out of her mouth. "AHHH!"

Steve's smile grows bigger and bigger as he sees the head come out, inch by inch. "He's coming… he's coming. Keep pushing." Natasha pushes for a few more seconds before falling back into Stark's arms. She takes a big breath and gasp for much needed air. Tony grabs the water bottle and places it to her lips, she takes a generous amount and sits there panting for a moment. Steve gives her this moment of reprieve and wipes her sweat. "Do you want to see what I see Nat? It's amazing."

A moment later, Natasha nods and watches Steve produce a mirror from the hospital bag. It takes a few tries before he finally gets the right angle. She begins to cry softly, her head leaning against Tony's chest. "Clint?"

There's a cough before Clint's choked voice comes on the speaker, "Its beautiful Nat. He's got my hair color."

Tony and Steve make eye contact and share a smile before another contractions ruins the moment. "Okay, you've had time to rest, now you need to push." But when she does push, this time Steve's smile does not grow bigger. He frowns when he realizes the tiny head isn't moving anymore.

He doesn't realize what is happening until Natasha screams, "It's burning! IT'S BURNING!" she says sobbing trying to push, but feeling as if her body was on fire.

"Stop pushing Natasha!" Steve exclaims putting his hand under the tiny head to support it. "The baby is crowning, you need to stop pushing." Steve places his hand on the baby's head carefully.

Clint's immediately shouts, "What? What's happening?!"

"The baby's crowning." Steve replied slightly perplexed. "Is Bruce with you? Put him on."

Bruce's voice follows a second later, "Nat I know you feel the urge to push, don't do it. You can't push or else you'll tear something. Steve you need to help ease the baby out." He instructs calmly. "Is the umbilical cord wrapped around the neck?"

Steve leans closer to check. "No, his head is normal coloring."

Natasha begins to panic, "What's happening? Is he okay?" She pants heavily, her hands grabbing onto Tony's.

Tony wraps his arm around, keeping her still. "Ssh, everything's fine. Don't move though. Keep calm, they're just finding a quick way to get your son out safely."

Bruce clicks his tongue once before continuing with instructions, "Good, the baby is not suffering, but if we don't something soon he will. Just slip your hands in around the baby's neck, don't squeeze, just lightly touch." Steve does as Bruce says and nods once he's done. "Try to turn the baby so the head slips out. Don't add too much pressure or it'll hurt the baby and Natasha." As quickly and swiftly as possible, he tries to turn the baby a little to allow its head to slip out. "Do you have it?"

"Almost got it…" A moment passes before Natasha lets out a sigh of relief once the pressure is gone. "There you go." With his hand still under the baby's head, he looks up at Natasha and gives her a nod.

"If you got the head out, Natasha can start pushing again." Bruce says.

Natasha, exhausted and fed up with everything, refuses to push though. "Nat, you have to. The baby won't come unless you push." Tony says looking down at her.

"I-I cant… I need C-Clint." She complains tears streaming down her face, "I need drugs!" She screams.

"Nat it's too late for drugs and you need to push so your son can come out. So you and Clint can finally meet him along with the rest of us. We want to meet the little guy who's been inside you for 9 months kicking the hell out of you." Tony replies trying to help her.

"Nat… you can do this. I know you can do this. You can do anything." Clint's voice seems to get to her because she sits up even more and rests a hand on her stomach while the other grabs Tony's. Without being asked to, she pushes with all that she has left.

A tiny cry fills the room as the baby slips out and into Steve's arms fast, but Steve was prepared for it and caught him just in time. Natasha falls back against Tony's chest exhausted and out of breath. Tony looks over at the tiny thing in Steve's arms and Steve smiles down at the baby. "It's a boy." He announces wrapping him in Tony's jacket.

Once he's warm and secure in Steve's arms the crying stops and he lays his head on Steve's arm eyes closed and hands wrapped around Steve's index finger. He looks up at Natasha and passes him over immediately. "Hi sweetie… hi baby boy." Natasha greets when he lands on her chest. Tony moves out from behind Natasha and rests her up against the wall smiling down at the kid in her arms.

Tony smirks, "Okay I've got to admit, he's a pretty cute kid."

He's an exact replica of his father, the dirty blonde hair and skin tone, but Steve believes- once he opens his eyes- he'll have his Natasha's eyes. "Hi my sweet boy… I'm your mommy." She says cooing at the baby until she realizes there are other people in the elevator with her. She forgot once the baby landed in her arms. She begins to place her strong façade back up, "Um I-I… I mean-" Steve laughs and shakes his head

"You don't have to pretend Nat, it's alright. I would be doing the same." She smiles gratefully and looks back at her son.

All of a sudden there is a jerking motion scaring the new born making him cry again. Tony and Steve look at the doors of the elevator and nothing happens, but the numbers on the screen start going up. Tony stands and laughs harshly, "Seriously! You couldn't have done that 15 minutes ago! That would've been a nice time to start moving again."

Natasha and Steve laugh as Tony throws a fit over the increasing numbers. She looks over at him and kisses his cheek. "Thank you." She whispers holding her son close to her. "For helping me. Drake and I are truly grateful."

"Drake?" Steve asks confused.

Natasha shakes her head and laughs, "Do you really think I'm going to let my son go through life without a name."

"Oh!" Steve says laughing and his cheeks turning red.

"Drake Marcus Barton meet your uncle Steve and your uncle Tony. Or should I say your god-father Steve." Steve's cheeks grow redder and grabs the offered baby from Natasha. He raises an eyebrow in Natasha's direction, silently asking a question. Natasha nods her head as the elevator doors open again and in steps Thor, Clint, Pepper and Bruce taking in the scene.

Bruce's eyes land immediately on Natasha and the baby and he laughs, "So I guess I wasn't need to deliver your son."

Natasha shakes her head no, "Steve did it and he helped me stay calm throughout the entire delivery." Tony coughs rather obnoxiously, "And so did Tony."

Clint runs her to side and looks at his son in Steve's arms. "I missed it," he says guiltily.

"Hey it's not your fault…" Natasha says kissing his cheek. "I don't blame you and if there's a next time you'll be there."

Tony eyes widens and his eyes snaps towards Natasha, "There is going to be more!? NOOOOO!" He runs out of the elevator shoving Bruce and Thor out of the way to escape what had just happened to him.

All the Avengers laugh at him as he runs out of the view and around the corner trying to put as much distance as he can from Natasha. Pepper shakes her head "I'll go find him and calm him down." She runs after Tony following the sound of his loud screams…

Clint looks up at Steve smiling, "Thanks mate. For everything." Steve nods his head and heads over the baby to Clint. He walks out of the elevator letting the family have their privacy and to wash up.

After a while Bruce breaks in, "As touching as this all is I would like to move you to somewhere more comfortable and sanitary. You're blocking the elevator and some agents still have a job to do." He say smiling.

Natasha snorts and nods her head. Before she could move, two nurses come in with a bed and, with Clint's help, get her on the gurney. She's rolled out of the elevator while a couple other agents collect her stuff and begin to clean up the birthing area. Clint follows behind Natasha's bed and stares down at his beautiful son stroking the tiny hairs from his face. "I love you so much," He whispers kissing his forehead and following after his mommy.