Hermione hurried down the hallway. She was late, again! Just because of him...

Before that all had happened she was never late! She never forgot her homework, never failed on an exam or missed the date of an assignment! He was obviously the cause of her trouble, but why did she even allow him to mess up her life like that. Because he is oh so good, whispered this little voice inside her head seductively. That little voice that made her go to him in the first place. Hermione cursed herself again for being that stupid, but she couldn't resit him, not if he really tried...

It was her eight and last year at Hogwarts. The Light side had won the second wizardry war and Harry had finally defeated Voldemort. Hogwarts had been rebuilt and all the students that should have graduated last year were invited to come back and finish school properly. Of course Hermione was delighted! She could take her N.E.W.T.s and pursue a carrier after school. It had taken a lot of coaxing and sulking to get the boys to come back as well. They had been offered jobs as Aurors and both were eager to help arrest the remaining Death Eaters. But Hermione had made it clear, that she had had enough of the fighting, the war. After a summer full of negotiations where they ether helped the Wizengamot or spoke up for a few selected people - like Narcissa and Draco Malfoy – she desperately wanted to be a student for one more year. She needed a school year that only consisted of learning, exams and having fun with her friends. One year pretending she didn't fight in a war, pretending she didn't become adult before she should! All she wanted was one more year before everything would finally change.

But it did change, far too early! She didn't plan for things to change this suddenly and drastic, of course not! But life had it's own plans for her... Hermione entered the classroom and apologized for being late.

"This is the second time this week, Miss Granger" answered Prof McGonagall, "Ten points from Gryffindor."

Hermione pressed her lips together, she knew better than to object. So she sat down beside Ron and tried to ignore the glances of her classmates. She knew that her behavior was odd to them, but she would not give them anything else to gossip about by spilling what actually caused this odd behavior. So she sat there quietly and waited until class was over. Ron shot her a suspicious glance when she practically ran from the classroom, as soon as the bell rang, and disappeared. Transfiguration had been her last class for this day, so she hid in a secured spot in the library and tried to get all her homework for the next days done. She worked slow, not able to concentrate as memories of him kept invading her mind. Every time she harshly shook her head and got back to work, but it happened again and again. When she was finally done, it was way past curfew. The halls were dimly lit and she feared he was searching for her, hiding in the shadows. Hermione let out a sigh of relief as she entered the common room without bumping into him, only to be surprised as her two best friends and Ginny got up from their places at the fireplace and looked at her expectantly.

"We need to talk." said Harry sternly. She couldn't help but swallow hard. This was some kind of intervention!

"Ok" she answered quietly and walked to them. They all sat and Hermione feverishly thought about a lie she could tell them. It felt so wrong to lie to her friends, but she couldn't tell them the truth, she just couldn't! "What is wrong with you?!" exclaimed Ron after a few minutes of silence. "Ron!" Harry said warningly, then turned to face Hermione.
"We noticed that you behave... not normal." He began. "You miss assignments, have been late for class and you actually failed an exam! But most of all you keep staying away from us. You avoid us more and more! This is so very strange. 'Mione, we are worried. Has something happened? Do you need our help? Tell us what is wrong and we can fix this together. You know we love you and whatever it is, we will always be your friends!" Hermione stared at him for a few seconds, than her glance dropped to her sweaty hands. Yes, he loved her, as a friend... But even he would turn from her if she told them. She couldn't lose them, especially not Harry! Her eyes watered.
"I... I am...I'm.." she stuttered. She cast a quick glance at Harry, who sat there hands interlaced with Ginny's. His eyes full of concern and love. It was too much. Hermione buried her face in her hands and began to cry, her sobs echoing through the empty common room. Then hands were on her, arms circling her and she clutched Harry's shirt in her hands. Crying on his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry." she sobbed, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" It was all she could say, again and again.

Merlin's beard do I look shitty! Hermione thought as she looked into the mirror. Her eyes were red and puffy, her skin pale and dark rings stood out from under her eyes. She had obviously cried last night, a lot. After her mantra of apologies Harry had murmered to her. He had said that it was ok, she didn't need to tell them right away if she couldn't. He had promised that they would always be there for her, no matter what. They would wait until she was ready to talk as long as she didn't avoid them anymore. Hermione could only nod, still crying and holding on to him for dear life. Ginny had helped her later. She had wrapped an arm around Hermione's shoulders and led her to their dorm. She also tried to sooth her, but her words seemed hollow and without true concern. So Hermione thanked her and curled underneath her blanket. But she didn't fall asleep. Trying to find a solution. Desperately thinking it all through. She needed to stop this! To be herself again. She would stay away from him! It was the only solution. He was her distraction, the reason she stayed away from her friends! And she would never fall for his seduction again! With that decision made Hermione fell into light slumber. It had felt like minutes later when her buzzer woke her up. She felt like the whole Hogwarts Express had rolled over her, but a hot shower could do wonders, right? Wrong! She stared at her reflection, frustrated that she looked as bad as she felt. Normally she would ask Ginny to help her out with a few beauty spells, but Ginny had already left for breakfast and Hermione really didn't trust her other roommates with her own face. So she sighed heavily and put on her clothes. It would be a long day!

Hello there! This is an idea I wanted to write down and see where it goes. I hope you give this story and me a chance :) If you like it so far leave me review and let me know what you think. As always: I don't own anything, it all belongs to J.K. Rowling I just play with the plot. And English is not my mother tongue so please apologize my mistakes! Thanks for reading,