Chapter 4: Centipede Eradicate (Kaneki's Narrative)

Touka and I were afraid to move. We didn't want to be in the same room with Slenderman's crew. They were all staring at us. All of them except Ticci Toby. He immediately looks down at the ground when the Doctor left.

"You look quite pretty for a Ghoul, young lady." said the man who calls himself Swain, "Full-fledged right?"

"Yeah," said Touka, "What about it?"

"Nevermind her," said Kate, "I want to know more about him." She pointed at me.

"Yeah, he smells like a half Kakuja." said the boy, Charlie.

"Show us your Kakuja, Kaneki," said Masky.

"I can't," I said.

"You mean you won't?" said DeadHead.

"Well we're really interested to see it." said Alex.

"I can't because it's hard to control it at times." I said, "I don't want to start acting reckless and hurt you all."

They all burst out laughing except Toby.

"You hurt us?" said Mr. Collector.

"We're stronger than any Ghoul on this earth." said Firebrand.

"Go on and let it out," said The Anti-Body.

"Or better yet, let me do it for you," said Sage.

All of a sudden I've felt this strange tug in my mind. Pain coursed through my body out of nowhere and the sound of Centipedes came back into my head. Everything turned black in my vision and the bodies I see before me are red. Before I knew it my hunger drove me to attack them with my Centipede Eradicate Rinkaku. They were fast to dodge me, but I was faster.

I stabbed one of them with my shining scale, but the person got out of it pretty easily with the help of a Koukaku cutting my tentacle off. I sensed someone behind trying to attack me with a Ukaku but I jump up to dodge the spikes and send my Centipede Eradicate after the attacker. That person was able to to dodge it very quickly. Before I could do anything else I was tackled by three people and we hit the ground. Two people with a Rinkaku pierced my Centipede Eradicate to pin them down.

The person's arm on my right was close enough for me to bite it. As I took a chunk of flesh off of it I gained enough strength to get out of their grip. This flesh tasted so unique I was interested enough to know what the others taste like. "1000 minus 7." I said with a wide bloody grin and crack my right forefinger, "What's a 1000 minus 7? Do any of you know?"

Just when I was about to attack again suddenly tackled me back onto the ground. I've felt fingers on the sides of my temples and my mind snaps out of it. I was able to see everything normal again, and my Centipede Eradicate disappeared. The person who had their fingers on my temples was the Doctor. I said, "Doctor? What did I-?" The taste of blood is still my mouth. I've gotten scared and said, "Oh God, Doctor, what did I do?!"

He got off me to help me stand. He then turns to Slenderman's proxies as he said in a scary and angry tone, "Which one of you did this to him?" Immediately they pointed at Sage. "Come here," He calmly said as he gestures his forefinger to come close to him. Sage looked scared to go near him, but he obeyed nonetheless.

When Sage stood in front of him The Doctor said, "Take off your mask." Sage hesitated but he took it off and pull down his hood. We all were able to see his face. His eye color looked completely black but I think it was the help of the sunken in eyes. His hair is black too and it's a little messy.

"You're part Tenklick aren't you?" said the Doctor. Sage nodded. "Hmm."

All of a sudden the Doctor presses his fingers on Sage's temples and Sage started screaming in excruciating pain! "It doesn't feel good doesn't it?!" Shouted the Doctor, "Having someone go into your mind, taking it apart layer by layer! IT'S PAINFUL ISN'T IT?!"

"Doctor stop!" I shouted as I grabbed his arms and yank them away from Sage. Sage drops to the floor as he went into a fetal position while sobbing. The Doctor yank his arms away from me as he looks at the other proxies. He then said, "You all better keep your noses out of my friends mind's," He took out his Sonic Screwdriver and activate it as the tables and chairs exploded into the air scaring everyone, "ENOUGH! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

Some of them nodded, some of them yes, the rest said yes sir. "Try this again, next time I won't be so merciful. This is my final warning so take it to heart. Kaneki, Touka, come with me." The Doctor places his hands on our backs and leads us out of the base and back into the Black Forest.

I asked the Doctor, "We're not leaving are we?"

"No I just need to park the TARDIS in the main hall," He said.

"What did you do to Sage?"

"I gave him a piece of my mind that's what." He said sharply.

We went inside the TARDIS and the Doctor told me, "Kaneki go to the Medical Bay. Touka you can go with him if you want. I'll meet you there in a second."

"Okay," I said.

Touka and I walked down the hall so we can go to the medical bay. Once we were far enough from the console room. Touka said, "I've never seen him that angry before."

"I have back on planet Aros." I said, "I had to stop him then from killing the guys who tried to kill us. This time I had to stop him from hurting Sage."

"The bastard deserves it," said Touka sounding angry, "He forced you to go into your Kakuja form."

"I know but looking at Sage screaming in pain. I couldn't bare it, Touka."

We entered the Medical Bay and I sit on the examination table. Touka sat next to me as she asked me, "So what does it feel like when you go into Kakuja?"

"It feels like a million centipedes eating away my mind. Sometimes I can control it, but when you're in Kakuja form you get hungry. The hunger makes it harder for me to stay focus,"

"I can tell. I tried to snap you out of it, but it was like you couldn't hear me at all."

"In Kakuja form when I'm just going out of control. All sounds are blocked off because of the centipedes I hear in my head."

"They're pretty loud huh?"


The Doctor walks in as he said to Touka, "Touka mind if you bring some Dragonos meat and a glass of water for Kaneki?"


Touka walks out of the Medical Bay and the Doctor said to me, "I'm going to rummage around your mind to see if Sage's hold over you is completely broken. It might feel weird, but it won't be painful."

"Okay, hey what's a Tenklick?"

"A Tenklik is a type of alien who has telekinetic and telepathic abilities. Their power allows them to control other minds and bring out someone's dark nature. Hence, why your Kakuja form went rabid in the main hall."

"I'm sorry about that. I couldn't keep it under control, and I think I've hurt a few of them."

"Don't apologize your mind was violated by Sage. Whoever you hurt in there was completely alright. Besides most of those proxies are part alien. Their RC cells should be stronger than regular Ghouls which makes them heal faster. Now relax and open your mind for me. This shouldn't take long at all."

He places his fingers on my temples and I felt him dive into my mind. He was trying to find any traces of control from Sage. While he was doing that I didn't think I could enter his mind as well. I happen to be in a new place where I've never been before. There are people around me and they were all speaking English in a British accent.

Am I in the UK? What part of the UK though? Suddenly I heard the Doctor's cheery voice coming from behind me as he said, "I"m not kidding! He would kiss anyone anywhere! If you ever get to met him I will put an invisible protective barrier around you."

I turn around to see him walking with Donna Noble with her arm around his. The Doctor I'm seeing now has his dark brown hair back, he's wearing a blue pinstripe suit, a brown trenchcoat, and red and white converse. He looks so much happier in this version. I've never seen such a big smile on his face before. It's almost heartbreaking to see this side of him.

Donna asked him, "Has he ever tried to kiss you?"

"Pfft, he already has in my last regeneration." He said.

I walk alongside them to catch up, and at first, I thought they were going to notice me until I realized they can't even see me. This must be a memory I'm watching. "So Jack goes both ways?" asked Donna.

"He goes whatever way he wants to go. Male, female, alien, cyborg, he's like me, pansexual except I don't go wild."

"Have you ever love someone, Doctor?"

His smile lessens a bit as he said, "A few times... Anyway, you said you wanted to see that horror movie? What was it called again?"

"Memento Mori."

"Ah okay. You're lucky I've decided to watch this with you. I'm not much of a horror fan."

"Oh relax you'll love it."

They were going inside the theater to watch the movie Donna wanted to see. When I was about to go in all of a sudden time seem to stop and I heard the voice of the Doctor said, "I appreciate it that you didn't wander in my mind, Kaneki. You might get lost."

In a blink of an eye, I was back in the Medical Bay. The Doctor removed his fingers from my temples as he said, "All traces of Sage's control are gone. Now all you need to do is eat."

"Doctor, I'm so sorry," I said, "I didn't mean to-,"

"It's alright that sometimes happens when I make a psychic link with someone."


"Kaneki, please." He interrupted looking annoyed, "Stick with Jester, okay?"

"Okay, sorry. But I wanted to say that you looked so happy back then with Donna. What happen between you two?"

"I thought I told you what happen? Donna became part TimeLord and her body couldn't take it because it was killing her. I had to lock her memories of me and that TimeLord side to save her."

"But what caused her to become part TimeLord?"

"... It's a long story I rather not get into."

Touka came back with a plate full of two Dragonos meat and a glass of water. The Doctor said, "I'm going to relax in my room for a little bit. But you two don't go outside and talk to the proxies. You will not be alone with them without my supervision. Do you both understand?"

"Yes," We both said.


He walked away without another word. Touka looked at me and said, "What did he do?"

"He wanted to make sure Sage's control over my mind wasn't there anymore. But Touka, I got a look into his mind. I saw him... Happy,"

"Happy? You've seen a memory of him?"

"Yes, he was with Donna and they were going to see a movie called Memento Mori."

"Huh, I know that movie. But really? He was happy back then?"

"Yeah... Touka I'm going to make it a mission to see him happy again. He shouldn't feel so depressed like this."

"I know what ya mean, but what can we do to change that?"

"... I'll think of something."

"Well until then you should eat."

"Thank you, Touka."

She handed me the plate so I can start eating. I will find a way to bring back that big cheery smile of his. Maybe if he's happy again, he'll want to be called the Doctor again.