Inspectre Online.

*just like jams along to Sabaton for a couple minutes before he stops to start the A/N* "Leading the waaaaay!" That song (Ghost Division) and Night Witches are two of my favorites.

Okeydokey artichokey. Here we go! The sequel story to Blood-Red Like Roses! Now first things first, you don't HAVE to go back and read that to get this since I'll summarize it in this first chapter, and you may not want to since it's M-rated (after some deliberation I decided to drop the rating for this one) or you might, but anyhoot..

For those new to this fic and not coming from said oneshot (I finally managed to write one!, though technically while it can be ended as is this IS the canon sequel so eh) a few pointers. This is a modern world (still Remnant though) with supernatural/fantasy touches that are sorta common knowledge. There's Dust and Hunters but no academies or anything. Ages are as follows with Ruby being 16-17, Weiss being '18', Yang is 20, and Blake is 19.

To answer the mail I got from the prequel story..

At awesome sauces12: Here ya go!

At Rollercoaster: Heh. Spinned your head. You're a rollercoaster.

At Topaz Smith: Again, here ya go! People seem to like doing vampire!Ruby but I don't think she'd fit the bill. Weiss on the other hand, Wynaut?!

Now.. Decepticons, transform and roll out! Because Autobots are meh. MEH I say. (go Bonecrusher wooo #HateEverything #GrumpyCat'sTransformer)

Also if you don't get the title.. Rubies and roses (some) are red, Weiss is German for white and Schnee is German for snow, so when red and snow mix.. Voila!

Strawberry snowcone.

She fell back on her bed, hands on her face and roughly pressing against it. Talk about a flip turn upside down..

Her name was Ruby Rose, adoptive daughter of Taiyang Xiao Long and Raven Branwen, the latter being her aunt and sister of her biological father Qrow Branwen. Before his demise at the hands of a group of monsters one night when they raided their home, she lived next door to the Xiao Longs with her mother Summer. After that fateful event Ruby was taken in and raised alongside their own daughter Yang.

Which while not unprecedented given that their world was populated by things not- Well not of said world like dragonfolk, werewolves, and other humanoid creatures of mythos, it was nevertheless a tragic event for the girl. One that scarred her deeply and gave her an instinctive apprehensiveness of inhumans. Though as Yang tried to assure her they weren't all bad.

After what happened last night however she was having a difficult time believing that. Ruby, now that she was old enough was employed and working at the shop her 'parents' owned, the Xiao Long cafe. So she helped by delivering orders, manning the register, taking care of the place.. Partially to repay them for the kindness they've showed and partially to earn a little extra money like her cousin was doing. Sister, Yang would adamantly state, but since Raven and Qrow were siblings..

When she was closing it up and about to head home, a little trip outside to start throwing out garbage lead to a dangerous encounter with a vampire. None other than the pale classy girl that had been visiting their cafe for the past two weeks and possibly scoping out her next target. Ruby had actually grown to like her visits even though she hardly talked or interacted with them. She was pretty, spoke softly if briefly, had an alluring aura about her..

One that concealed her sinister and twisted dark side, this she experienced personally after the vampiress scared her inside and captured her, doing unspeakable things to the poor girl and drinking her blood. This had been completely unexpected since from what she could see Weiss (a fitting name for the white haired and pale woman) walked in the daylight and wore a cross to pin her cape. Perhaps the glittering of her skin had something to do with it, maybe she wore some kind of Dust that blocked the sun's rays. As for her power, something like a mere silver cross wouldn't deter a royal breed or an ancient vampire. She'd even come into her home without permission and reclothed her and put her in bed. Which confused Ruby quite a bit. Was it some kind of sick love or simply looking out for her new toy/feeding victim?

Either way, she was coming back for another taste. Thanks to the note Weiss had left by her bedside lamp which to sum up stated that the vampiress would return, likely on Friday. That gave her a few days to prepare. Both at work and at home. Ruby (un)wisely chose to inform nobody of this occurrence. Taiyang was sick enough as it is right now with a fever and Raven had to stay home and take care of him. Yang would undeniably go berserk and try to kill her the first chance she got, which she was a very talented boxer and knew how to use Fire Dust for searing punches with her homemade pair of battlegauntlets.

"Hey.. Sis. You in here? Sorry I'm late, I had something come up and- Urp. Sorry!" Or not in her present condition.

The tall and buxom blonde had just entered her room, and looked incredibly worse for wear. She was holding onto what was left of her cafe uniform, the apron and cap missing and the clothes shredded in many places. Her decency was barely protected and the exposed parts of her body showing what looked like numerous scratch marks and claw wounds. They weren't deep but they were fresh, almost brand new. Like she'd been in a fight with something or someone with sharp nails. Her skin was flushed and her normally 'perf hair' astray.

"Y-Yang are you okay?! What the heck hap-" *slam* Ruby attempted to question her but not even two steps later the woman had barreled into her bathroom and locked the door, audible sounds of heaving and vomiting coming from within. Gross.. But she was incredibly worried for her so despite the weak mutterings of 'go away' and 'I'll be fine' she stayed by the door.

..Several minutes later Yang came back out, much paler than before and just plopped on Ruby's bed facefirst.

"Rough night?"

"Don't get me started. Don't wanna talk about it.."

Well then.

"Can I.. Get you anything? Or you just gonna lay there like a bump on a log?" Ruby asked, sitting down and sidling over beside Yang. She smelled a little different than normal but Ruby couldn't place what it was or what exactly was different. Wait, had she always smelled that way? Why was she picking up on this in the first place? A comforting hand was placed on her cousin's back, gently rubbing it up and down and then pausing. Suddenly a different smell assaulted her sense, a bit coppery at one point yet very smoky like burning wood another. The kind they used for barbeque. For reasons unknown it was rather delectable and enticing.. And this alarmed her quite a bit. Even as she reached up and gripped her shoulder without meaning to.

"I'm fine and not now Rubes.. I don't wanna play. I'm tired, and hurting all over. Unless you're gonna give me a back massage. Just, ow don't squeeze so tight! Hey. Hey, what are you doing?" She exclaimed, lilac eyes widening as she was turned over and her stomach sat on. There was a strange look in the other girl's eyes, something akin to an animal watching someone eat and hoping for a little treat. In other words begging. Wanting. Yearning. "Ruby. Cut it out, you're creeping me out. I don't-"

Yang froze. From this vantage she could see it. Two pinprick holes on her neck, and they certainly weren't from a hickey. Those silver eyes of hers were dilated pretty far as well. Before she could do anything Ruby had descended, both hands on her collar and teeth bared. Her lips pressed to the blonde's neck and enamel grazed skin but didn't break it. Somehow she had managed to stop herself and after blinking several times would recoil in shock, blushing furiously and apologizing.

"Wow Ruby, I've heard of the phrase kissing cousins but I didn't see that coming." She joked, internally screaming at what just transpired. Her cousin was turning into one of them. It wouldn't be complete until her first feeding but she'd certainly have some vampiric characteristics until then. Yang could already see it. The tint of crimson in silver, the fact she had her blinds closed when she usually had them open, her paling skin.. Wait she was already pale. Though the process was making it worse.

"Oh god I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me! I just.. I smelled something coming from you and the next thing I know I was about to kiss you or something?"

"Relax, it's some perfume I got after we closed." Total lie, but she didn't want Ruby to start panicking any more than she was. Though something had to be done about her turning for now she felt it'd be better to not say anything unless the girl found out about it first. Yang would try and sort things out for her on her own. After all a cure for this wasn't easy to get, or cheap. Dad didn't need any more stress either and she was a capable woman. "Was supposed to make me more attractive but uh.. Not that much. Wanna know how I got these scars? Rabid shirtless wolf boy. I had to knock his lights out."

"Jeez! What'd you do, buy it from some spooky cloaked salesperson?"

"Something like that."


Still sitting atop Yang's stomach Ruby placed her hands on her waist and pursed her lips. Then with a devious chuckle she lurched forward and started tickling her helpless cousin, since she had little strength to resist. Enough to grab a pillow and slap her upside the head when it was time to stop though. Panting and short of breath the blonde fell back over, placing her weapon under her head and letting out a long sigh.

"I'm gonna go make some breakfast, be right back. Sunny side up or scrambled?" The brunette asked as she got up from the floor and stood at the bedside. When Yang mumbled that she didn't want anything but sleep and then a shower she got a 'nope' in return. Conceding defeat she settled on the latter as Ruby left the room.

Thoughts of her own wild adventures last night filled her mind after the door shut, groaning and rubbing her stomach before glancing up at the ceiling. What was she going to tell everyone..? Damn that werecat girl..


*a few hours later*


After breakfast was served and Yang had passed into slumber, Ruby took the dishes away and carried her to her own room. She just barely managed to avoid Raven as the mysterious odachi-wielding swordswoman went into the kitchen herself to make something for Taiyang. That would have raised some interesting questions but if her cousin didn't want to disclose whatever happened even to her, then perhaps it would be best to keep it secret. Though both of them should have known better than to keep all these secrets, perhaps it'd play out for the best one could hope.

Speaking of which, over the next few days which were thankfully Weiss-free (though Ruby would swear up and down she felt like she was being watched every time she went to and from the Xiao Long cafe) preparations were made for the inevitable showdown when the vampiress returned to stake her claim. Or at least that's when she said she'd return. Her room was trapped and stocked with weapons and items, their service dog and lovable corgi Zwei was put on high alert and moved into her room for the weekend.. Now all she could do was wait. Wait for the storm to come. Ruby was tense the entire day, trying hard to not let it impact her work performance. Sun and Jaune picked up that something was wrong but got nowhere fast in trying to pry for answers. It didn't help that while delivering an order to some of her customers the subject of the missing Four Feathers was overheard. Cardin, Sky, Russel, Dove.. The jerks who picked on her and embarrassed her in front of the whole store the day that happened. Apparently they'd stopped showing up at some bar they went to and the owner called their families. Well of course they would. After the incident with the tomato juice getting spilled on her Weiss had promptly lured them outside before closing and ripped their throats out in the alleyway and tossed them out like trash.

Ruby saw the horrifying image every time she went to take the garbage out from then on. The image of their bloody corpses laying in the dumpster. All she wanted at the moment was to go home and crawl into bed and get this over with. Not that she'd be sleeping. No. She'd be taking an energy pill to stay awake and ready for when Weiss came sneaking in.

Yang still hadn't disclosed what had happened to her but the countless scratches and claw marks that were visible even after changing into something less torn up and shredded eventually lead to her mother finding out about it. Luckily nobody else, even Ruby herself saw the bite marks on her own neck until they healed. The subject of her cousin's scars and cuts was being fiercely debated when she got home that night, she and Raven arguing about it in the kitchen as the girl slipped through and snuck upstairs. She'd be fine without dinner since she got something from the store on the way over. Besides she'd rather avoid the little storm brewing. Those who thought Yang was overprotective of Ruby would find a much more terrifying threat lying with their mother. People who had lived to tell of her wrath (primarily by not being a target of it) spoke of her being like a human monster.

Quickly showering and changing from her new work uniform into her pajamas Ruby slid into bed and shut off the light. She also locked her door with a privacy note on the outside and brought Zwei up onto the bed with her. Holy water on the bedstand, a stake under her pillow.. ..Zwei's fur puffed with garlic powder.. The dog wasn't really bothered by it. Besides he could tell something was upsetting his master and while small he had a lot of strength for his breed so he made a good guard. Seeing the things Ruby was doing he somehow put two and two together and made sure to stick extra close to her.

Final checks done, the girl drew her covers over and lay there. She felt uneasy, hesitant, unsure if she really should be trying to do this alone. If it was successful then Weiss would be no longer be a problem and she could breathe easy again. If not.. Well.. Ruby didn't want to dwell on that. The vampiress DID say she wouldn't kill her but things could change. Then again Ruby had already tried it once. Then yet again all she had had was a hastily made wooden implement. A wounded animal tended to be violent and holy water and garlic were more likely to work at first since she had not that much strength or speed by comparison, not to beat Weiss in a fight and do something with a more proper stake before she turned on her and killed her in a fit of rage. Besides she did seem really strong..

Speaking of turning, Ruby had noticed something was wrong with her body sometime after the incident with almost biting Yang. Sunlight hurt her eyes and felt like it was sunburning her on exposed parts of her body, being in it directly too long made her ill, she even had trouble with a garlic covered Zwei being so close but it was tolerable. Accidentally getting a bit of the holy water on her skin earlier had her hissing since it felt like it was boiling.. Though the exact connection was never made Ruby figured Weiss had made her sick somehow. If it got worse she'd be forced to tell someone. It was getting harder to hide by the day. Especially with the strange thirst she was starting to feel in the pit of her stomach. That coupled with dark and unspeakable thoughts that infested her thoughts and dreams, some of them involving Yang and a scene like before where she pinned her down and bit into her neck.. It was like a twisted disease.

Of course if everything went well then perhaps it'd simply cure itself. That's how it went in the movies. Those afflicted by a vampire could be cured if their sire or the head of their bloodline was destroyed. So tonight movie mythos would be tested Ruby though as she clutched the container of holy water and the wooden stake under her covers, and she waited.

And she waited.

And she waited some more.

Night turned to midnight, midnight turned to 2 AM, two AM turned to morning and yet there was no sign of the white haired vampire. Was this all an elaborate prank and she was going to strike some other time? Or perhaps something had happened.. Ruby didn't want to relax or fall asleep in case Weiss had predicted she'd do this and waited for the perfect moment but eventually the effects of the energy pill would wear off and before she knew it she was out.


*in a distant location, the current time unknown*


Far beyond the city of Vale in what could only be described as 'twisted lands' a castle loomed over the nearby territories. The skies were full of purple/black clouds with mountain ranges that some individuals would swear had gaunt faces under the shadow of the permanent eclipse that barred the sun from shining on them. Dead trees, some of which were bearing bloody red fruit dotted the empty expanse with nothing aside but swirling dust, ash storms, and jagged rock/purple crystal formations over what appeared to be gray sands filling it otherwise.

The castle itself was a tall and imposing work of Gothic architectural magnificence with four black spires atop it and stone guard towers and walls surrounded by a moat filled with luminescent glowing green.. Stuff. Stuff with what appeared to be skeletal remains floating within. The ring shaped pool was also releasing some kind of noxious suffocating gas that ensured only the dead may enter its halls past the drawbridge that lead from the ashy barren world beyond. Yet two people stood guard at the portcullis that barred those that would attempt to force their way in. One behind and one in front. Two human looking knights dressed in ebon armor with icy blue demonic eyes engraved into the knees of their sabatons, elbows of their vambraces, and pauldrons with large white bats emblazoned on both the front of their armor and their kiteshields. Red crystals were embedded into the foreheads of their sallets as well. When they saw someone approaching and stomping towards the gates they both withdrew swords with silver hilts and blades formed of stained glass. Yet when they identified said figure they were immediately sheathed and both males stood at attention.

"Princess Zahne!" The one inside exclaimed while the other simply stared.

It was Weiss, who actually was a member of the Schnee family bloodline but due to certain circumstances was forced into the guise of a member of the Zahne family while staying in the city state of Vale. This was because of the fact that the Schnee family wasn't very well liked outside of the kingdom of Atlas, and especially when the vengeful minotaur king Adam Taurus rose to power and publicly claimed many decades ago that he'd behead any members of the bloodline he found crawling about in his domain with his waraxe Tarvos. There was bad blood between him and the family. Long story. Though that assertion of owning Vale had gotten him some unwanted attention from the other inhumans (and some daring human Hunters) populating it it never paid to not be careful.

So when she drew near to the two of them she merely nodded and growled for them to open the portcullis so she could enter. The female had to this way because otherwise Zahne family archers placed within some of those onyx spire towers would make a pincushion out of her before she could even fly close enough to take a picture. ..At least if it weren't for the fact that the Schnee and the Zahne family were intertwined by marriages and thus united bloodlines. Hence why they extended such a hospitality as sheltering her when she came to Vale. In truth she was simply too weak to really use her powers at the moment, like flight or transformation. While the interior guard went to open the gate, the other took note of the princess' rather exhausted and sickly demeanor. Her hair was down and disheveled, not up in its usual ponytail and her eyes half-lidded. Ragged breathing, grit teeth, one hand massaging the base of her throat, it was as if she were drained of all vitality. Her clothes weren't exactly orderly or wrinkle-free either, as if she hadn't bothered to fix them after her previous slumber.

"You look like Death warmed over Miss Zahne, party too hard last night?"

Oh how she disliked this one. He was annoying, talked too much, and always had some kind of snippy remark. The other at least didn't ask too many questions, never said more than was necessary, and did his job with haste. Unfortunately for his companion she was not in a good mood and with a snarl reached out with gleaming sharp nails, taking his head off with a single swipe before storming past in a huff. The armored head clattered a few times on the wooden bridge before falling over the edge and into the acidic noxious moat with a splash, the body it had been attached to stumbling back and crashing to the ground.

"M-Ma'am. R-Right this way."

"Thank you."

Weiss kept going, yanking open the wooden double doors and slamming them shut behind her as the first knight watched with a fearful look, breathing in relief when her footsteps faded. Looking back at his apparently lifeless comrade he'd cross his arms and shake his head.

"You don't learn do you my friend?"


"*sigh* I shall return."

Several minutes later after having jumped into the moat he'd be making his way back up to the bridge, that same head under one arm and the other holding his sword which he was using like a climbing pick.

"Next time you can collect your own head. That place is terrifying."

"What do you expect from something called the necrotizing fog of undeath."

"And I see your body hasn't moved an inch, the least you could do is keep your eyes on the- Oh I'm sorry."

"Bite me."

The two dullahans continued to bicker, somehow not noticing the spectral black phantom that soared just overhead and right down through the bars of the closing portcullis. The archers stationed across the castle seemed to not notice it either, or just didn't care. Perhaps the Zahne family crest of a four winged white bat on its cape was why. Slipping inside the wooden doors like smoke, it reformed on the other side into the courtyard.

Like the land outside the area was gray and ashy, yet those same dead trees filled it and bore many of the same red heart-shaped fruits. There was also what looked like the entrance to a crypt near the guard barracks by one of the towers in the corner from which several heavily robed figures were exiting, followed by skeletal minions carrying things like books and crates of miscellaneous items. As soon as this spectral figure was fully composed it approached Weiss, who was seemingly waiting for the person to show up because the second they came into reach she spun on her heel. A disgruntled and rather pained expression hastily transformed into one of genuine happiness as the vampiress beamed up at them.

"I was hoping you'd be home by the time I arrived.."

"I do apologize, but I had an errand I simply had to take care of on the way. My, you don't look so well. Are you ill?"

"I'll be fine, for now. That's actually why I called for you. I have a.. Problem."

"Well then let's discuss it inside. It must be serious."

"Of course, sister."

HEEEERE'S JOHNNY- *dropkick* GTFO my A/N!

So here's Winter! She sorta married into the Zahne family (Zahne is German for fang, vampires have fangs and Weiss means white so her disguise name means white fang I know I'm a freakin' creative genius).

What's next? Well you'll have to wait to find out! I may or may not have time to write in the morning but after this goes up I'm probably starting on the next chapter right away. I know, my schedule has been sporadic. I made you wait a week for Blood-Red Like Roses and then KAPOW first chapter of the sequel like two days later.

Speaking of sequels, what's Yang's deal? Why's she all scratched up? Why's she sick? Before any more questions are asked, I mustache you to shave them for later. After all that's actually gonna be covered in another story. Not a sequel but rather a side story that takes place in the same timeline.

I'll be posting an update notice in Blood-Red Like Roses to let followers of it know it's been continued too 'cause I'm nice like that.

*inserts shameless word padding because 4,477 words after a previous check is so close to 4,500 and he just wants that milestone, so he takes the time to talk about how different Fire Emblem Fates' shipping is compared to Awakening, particularly the extra stuff they added and the 3D confessions/bonding events/ally chats as well as the changes to the Pair Up system*

Inspectre Offline.