A/N: Several prompts for this, so I did it. This is the first Richonne fic I've written in over a year. It's also my last. I am afraid that I am pretty much done with TWD. The last episode I watched was 8x1. I'm sorry, I just don't care as much for the show anymore. I will not be writing any more stories, multi-chap fics, or one-shots for this. I love Richonne, I love Andy and Danai, I love a lot of the actors. I just hate the show. I find that I am bitter, annoyed, and impatient. I'm sorry our time as Richonner's didn't last as long as I would have liked, but I have no desire to continue watching this show. With that said, I hope you have enjoyed these series of one-shots. I tried to leave yall with closure, especially with this Universe.
If you'd like to keep up with me, I am still posting Hayffie. Feel free to follow, like, read, and review "Loosen Your Corset, Princess." I'm sorry to anyone whose prompts I didn't do, but this show no longer inspires me, guys.
It has been my pleasure, and my honor. You all stay blessed, and stay strong in this current administration.
Much love and respect
"I love this universe, so glad you revisited it. Can we meet Andre next?" -RickysMichy
"I love this AU. Can you write one with Rick interacting with Andre? We haven't met him yet. Maybe it could be when he's about to propose to Michonne." -MannaRN
"You're on fire! I love this version of Richonne. I'm so glad you keep revisiting. They are so sweet. Can you write something with them all get together for an outing?" -mtownrichonner
These are referring to Chap 66, 91, and 140.
Rated M for smut
Rick stopped the car and Carl was swinging the back door open before the car was all the way off. Rick saw him walking passed the car, their overnight bags swung over his shoulder, and he stopped in front of the car, turning around to face Rick.
"Well come on Dad," called Carl, and Rick smirked, taking off his seatbelt and getting out of the car, pocketing his keys and heading to the back to grab Judith. She gave him a smile and Rick smiled back, and after locking his car door Rick and Carl made their way, following the trail, Judith in Rick's arms.
Carl was clearly excited about going camping. It wasn't their first time camping, but it was their first time camping with Michonne and Andre, and Carl apparently couldn't wait.
Neither could Rick, if he was being honest.
This weekend was about to be different.
Special, even.
They made their way down the trail, Carl practically skipping, the fall wind blowing in their faces. It was cooler than usual, and Rick hoped that they wouldn't be too cold tonight.
"Will you slow down?" called Rick. "The camping ground will still be there when we arrive."
"I've been waiting for this trip for weeks," Carl said. "It's gonna take us like twenty minutes to get there, and Michonne and Andre will be here soon. I at least wanna have our tent up by then."
It turned out they didn't really have to rush for anything. When they got to their designated campsite, Michonne was already there.
Carl stopped and stared ahead, Rick nearly bumping into him. His hand automatically went to his hip, even though his gun wasn't there. "What? What is it?" asked Rick.
"Michonne," Carl responded, and moved aside so that Rick could see that Michonne was already there, setting up the tent.
"Hey," called Rick, his heart pounding at the sight of her. It was ridiculous how she still did that for him.
He nearly tripped over the smile she gave them. "Carl, Rick." She waved, wiping her hands absentmindedly on her leggings, and walked towards them, turning towards Andre who was already running ahead. Andre collided with Rick's legs, wrapping his toddler arms around Rick.
"Hey, Andre," smiled Rick, bending down and kissing the top of his curls. Then Andre ran to Carl, who leaned down and picked him up. "What are you guys don' here?" Rick leaned down and kissed Michonne when she approached him. "We weren't expectin' you for another couple of hours."
"I couldn't concentrate at work today, so I closed shop early, ran to the store, got some things, and we made our way here."
"We had a tent," Rick pointed out.
Michonne smiled, leaning in for another kiss. "I got us a bigger one. C'mon, you guys are just in time to start helping."
"I will do no such thing," said Rick. "I'm on baby watch. Carl can help, though."
"Well you can pour the wine," Michonne said, flashing him another smile.
"I can do that too."
Rick held Judith and Andre in his lap, the two of them laughing and playing. He watched the way Carl and Michonne worked together, the way they interacted. Carl respected Michonne in a way that he didn't respect his own mother, and Rick was trying to get him to work through that. But honestly Carl and Michonne had just had a better connection. They trusted each other, Michonne had proven her loyalty, and honestly, Carl seemed happy again.
Rick had been dating Michonne for two years now, and he was even more in love with her than before. Every day she did something to make him fall in love with her even more.
Like now, and the way she was splitting her Big Kat with Carl, even though it was her last one.
"We always share," she told him," and Carl thanked her and stuffed the whole candy in his mouth, causing Rick to chuckle lightly to himself. Andre and Judith looked at him and started laughing, and it made him wonder if they had been talking about him.
"What's so funny?" asked Rick, kissing Judith and Andre. They responded, and Rick arched an eyebrow as the two laughed even harder. "Michonne, come get your kids, they're laughin' at me."
"You volunteered for baby duty, so suck it up, Sheriff. Carl and I are almost done, and then you can take a break by pouring me some wine before we start on the other tent."
"We don't need two tents, 'Chonne, seriously. We can all share."
"The bigger tent is for the kids. We have a smaller one." Rick rolled his eyes. It wasn't like anything was going to happen out here in the woods, so he didn't really see the point in having two separate tents.
Rick mock sighed. "Fine." Michonne winked at him and Rick smirked. He looked back down at Andre and Judith. "Your momma doesn't know this yet," whispered Rick, "but I'ma ask her to marry me this weekend." Andre clapped, nodding appreciatively, while Judith sent him a smile like she knew what he'd been up to all this time. "Does that mean I have you two's blessin'?"
Their claps said it all.
When Michonne and Carl were done with the tent, and Michonne had a solo cup full of wine, she took over baby duty so that Rick and Carl could go find firewood. It would be dark soon and it was already starting to cool down.
They walked together in silence for a few moments, collecting the proper things, when Rick finally spoke.
"You know I love Michonne, right?" he asked.
Carl turned and looked at Rick, their blue identical. "Yah, I know."
'Okay, good. 'Cause I told you when Michonne and I started datin' that this was different."
"And I told you it was cool. I was the one who told you she was one of us."
"Yah, well, that's kinda what I wanna talk to you about. What do you think about makin' Michonne... officially one of us?"
Carl stopped and stared at Rick. "Wait, what?" Rick remained silent. "Are you talking about... are you gonna ask Michonne to marry you?"
Rick nodded. "Yeah. Yeah I am."
"It's about time," Carl said. "I thought I was gonna have to ask for you." Rick just blinked at him. "Oh, come on, who hasn't seen this coming? You two are always together, she practically lives with us. But I do hope you're planning on buying a new house, because as much as I love Andre, I'm not sharing a room with him."
Rick chuckled and they continued walking. "No, Andre and Judith will probably share. You're off to college next summer, so once we make sure you're settled in we'll probably buy elsewhere. Maybe in Atlanta. King County's home, but..."
"Mom's there," agreed Carl. "And so's Shane. And Michonne belongs in Atlanta. And it'd be nice to have a fresh, new start. And you don't gotta be so quick to kick me out. Who says I'm moving out when I go to college?"
"I don't want you to go. Jus' preparin' myself if you do. You're a smart kid. Man. Any college will be lucky to have you, and I don't want you feelin' like you have to stay here."
"Maybe I'll skip college and go straight to the academy," Carl said.
"Your heart's not in policing, Son."
Carl sighed. "Nah, not really. I kinda wanna study weaponry."
"You want me to reach out to Jesus?"
"I don't know," shrugged Carl. "But I'm happy for you."
Rick grinned. "Thanks, son."
Later on that night, after they had had s'mores and had told scary ghost stories, after Judith and Andre had been put to bed, after Carl had assured his dad that yes, he would be fine holding down the fort with his kid brother and sister, Michonne and Rick finally made their way to their own tent. Michonne was freezing, and she shivered as she changed into her pajamas. Rick smirked and let out a soft chuckle as Michonne snatched his police academy sweatshirt and pullet it over her head.
"Next time we go camping, it'll be in the summer, not fall," Michonne stated.
"All right," agreed Rick, changing into his own pajamas.
"Do you think the kids will be warm enough?"
"I think they'll be warmer than us figurin' you gave them half our blankets."
Michonne smiled slyly. "We have other ways to keep each other warm."
Rick stared at her, arching an eyebrow. "Is that right? I thought you made it quite clear there wouldn't be any of that this weekend." For some reason she was afraid the kids would hear them. It was the same thing when she had first started sleeping over, it took her weeks to accept that Carl knew they slept together, it was rather obvious. Still, it had taken some convincing.
"That was before I saw the way Andre ran up to you earlier," confessed Michonne. "He adores you, you know."
"And I adore him. He's a good kid." Rick pulled her to him. "Maybe we can have a another little one we can adore."
She arched an eyebrow. "Easy, Sheriff. I wouldn't mind, but not for awhile."
"We can practice now, though." Rick's voice was husky and Michonne's laugh was swallowed when his lips found hers.
They got underneath the covers, their bodies moving together in sync and in rhythm with each other. Rick would have preferred totally naked but it was too cold for that. Besides, he'd certainly mastered getting inside of her with their clothes on: quickies against her bedroom door, pinned up against her office at the art gallery, bent over the kitchen counter.
Lately if they were naked at all it was a miracle.
He was determined to take her away on vacation - some place tropical, with white sand and waterfalls.
A honeymoon sounded nice.
Rick moved in and out of her, wanting to take his time, but every time he was inside of her he lost all control; he buried his face in her neck, mesmerized by her scent. Without meaning to he moaned out her name, his strokes speeding up. Michonne slid her hands underneath Rick's shirt, digging her nails into his back, her hips thrusting up to meet his, her breath coming out in gasps.
They moved together, Rick seeing stars. He thought he'd be used to it by now, but honestly, it happened every single time. It was like every time he was inside of her it was a new and unique experience that would never, ever, ever get old.
"Rick," Michonne called, arching her back. "I'm about to cum."
He grunted, speeding up, determined to finish with her. He cursed and murmured out her name again.
"Rick, kiss me." Rick looked down, his brain buzzing, knowing she was saying words but unable to make them out. "Kiss me or I'm going to scream."
He understood the minute she clenched around him, and he silenced her cry with his lips, swallowing down her orgasm. He kept his lips attached to hers until he had his fill, until his head was spinning from lack of oxygen, and then rolled off of her. She snuggled up next to him almost immediately, slipping her pajama pants back up, and was asleep after a few moments.
Rick waited several moments before slowly and cautiously sliding out of her embrace. She stirred gently but stayed asleep. He fixed himself and then reached the few feet and grabbed his pants, dug into the pocket, and grabbed the small velvet box. He opened it, slid the ring out, and crawled back to the sleeping bag. Michonne, as usual, gravitated towards him.
Rick smiled and grabbed her ring finger, gently sliding the ring onto her finger.
The next morning Michonne woke up, smiling softly as she stared at Rick's sleeping form. One of her favorite things to do was watch him sleep. He was just so handsome. She lightly traced the lines in his face, and then placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Carefully sliding from under the covers, Michonne exited out of the sleeping bag.
She started grabbing a few toiletries, like her mouthwash, toothbrush, and spearmint and baking soda toothpaste when she caught her first glimpse of it.
All thoughts - thoughts of checking on the children, and starting breakfast, and how she would let Rick sleep in since he worked so hard - honestly the man needed a vacation - all those things stopped the minute she stared at the large princess cut ring on her finger.
On her engagement finger.
Her ring finger.
She stared at it, staring at its clarity, and the fact that the band was made of diamonds. It was clearly platinum, and utterly perfect. They had never discussed what kind of ring she would want - she had never thought about it, ever - but if she had taken a moment to think about it, this would have been it. Rick knew her so well.
They'd hinted at marriage a few times- mainly when he had asked her to move in about a year ago. She had told him that she had tried that once before, and it hadn't ended well, her and Andre's father could barely speak to each other for those first few months. They had grown past it, thankfully, but Michonne had vowed next time she would be married. They had mentioned it a few times since then, just simple things in passing, casual things that they could laugh off, but this was... this...
This was an engagement ring.
He wanted to marry her. He wanted to make her his wife. And she wanted to be his wife.
All these thoughts went through her head in a matter of seconds.
Finally she squealed, and then she was on top of Rick, showering him with a thousand kisses.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes," was all she could say, even as Rick stared at her, his eyes unfocused, and she found him so damn adorable she thought she might burst. It took him a few moments to finally fully awake, and then he sent her a soft smile.
"Is that a yes, then?"
"It's a hell yes," Michonne said, her lips on his. "I love you."
Rick caressed her cheek, his eyes twinkling. "I love you too."
When she pulled away she gently bit her lip. "C'mon, let's go tell the kids." She was giddy with happiness, he realized.
Rick snorted. "After you."
And together they made their way to start today, and what would ultimately become the rest of their lives.
A/N: I left it open so that you can have it happen how you want. How I see it is they're engaged for about a year, getting married right before Carl goes off to college (Hilltop University, where he would study weaponry). Richonne would get married on somebody's beach, and honeymoon in Europe (mainly France/Italy). They would move to ATL, into a nice house where everybody would have plenty of room. Michonne's Art Gallery would prove to be successful, and Rick would join the ATL police department, trading in his Sheriff title for detective, where he'd make partners with Morgan. Eventually he would retire early to make more time with his family, which includes a pair of twins, born a few years after they got married. They had a boy and a girl, both with their father's bright blue eyes and their moms cocoa skin. And they all lived happily ever after.
Again, it has been my pleasure. It's been real, fellow Richonner's. I'm sorry that my love for this show has dwindled to the point that I'm not even interested in writing anymore. Maybe a gif will spark a one shot somewhere along the way, maybe it won't. I thought about just quitting all together, but I felt I owed it to all of you to post the one-shots I have written. I was hoping that it would provide the closure you needed.
Sometimes, there just is no happily ever after.
Thank you all for all the support over the past year and a half. Every prompt, every message, every suggestion, every Review... I truly appreciate them all. Nearly every review has left me with a smile on my face. With the exception of the latest ones, asking for a continuation of a certain story, or the ones requesting a certain prompt, because I knew I wasn't going to continue this story, or any other TWD story. I'm sorry I can't give you all what you want. But I'm so glad you all took this journey with me, no matter how short.
You all take care. And any of you aboard the Hayffie ship, know I'm still writing that.
Peace, love, light, and soul.