Chapter 1



He had just wanted a single day to himself just to be able to drink his coffee in peace without a single interference. However today would not be that day, His wife had not given him more than three minutes of no interuptions, which was from the doorstep of his door to the end of the street they lived in.
His wife, Natasha, had called him the moment he reached the end of the street claiming to be missing him already. Dimitri was getting extremely tired of his wife's antics, she had become clingier with every month that they stayed together. It felt like his lungs were collapsing all the time.

Reaching the coffee shop Dimitri drew in a deep breath as Natasha kept on talking like her life depended on it, he knew he had to hang up on her in a few moments and he couldn't wait. "Natasha, I can't promise I ll be home for dinner. I have a few thing I still need to finish for the fundraiser, and I still haven´´ finalized the papers with Mazur and I.." before he could finnish his sentence a scolding hot liquid suddenly appeared on his chest soaking through his shirt and most likely ruining it in the process.

"I am so sorry sir, are you alright?" A soft feminene voice spoke in front of him filled with worry and embarrassment.

"Do I seem alright to you?" Dimitri's irritated voice grumbled through the glatter of glasses, the sound of coffee machines and the chatter of people in the early morning rush. "My shirt is most likely ruined" As he became more annoyed with his day his accent became more apparent, some might find him frightening when the thick russian drawl shone through.

The woman standing in front of him no longer held a look of worry or embarrassment, now her entire posture radiated with annoyance and authority. "I did say I was sorry, there is no reason to be rude you know. Shit happens, Whether we like it or not. Maybe look around you and hang up the phone next time!" the hiss of anger made Dimitri raise his eyes from the coffee soaked shirt glued to his body, and what he saw made his jaw drop.

She was gorgeous. She didn´t look like most women around seattle, she looked more exotic, her dark wavy hair cascading down her back shining as the sun hit it just right. She wore a tight white dress with a black blazer on top, looking sexy as hell yet like a professional. She seemed like a woman in charge and the look in her eye made Dimitri want to antagonize her even more for some unknown reason.

"You should watch where you walk. You ruined my shirt."

"I did already apologise for that, and you don't seem like a man that can't afford a new shirt or ten" Sending me one last death glare she exits the shop and i'm left wondering why the hell I have never seen that woman before. I chuckle to myself as I head towards the counter where a gaping barista looks at my shirt or more likely the tattoos underneath it. I order my cup of coffee thinking whoever invented that drink and thanking myself for always keeping a spare shirt in my car.


Rosemarie Naila Mazur, the daughter of Ibrahim Mazur and Janine Mazur , the power couple of Seattle. He was a well known lawyer and she a first class Architect. Together they had raised four children, three sons and a daughter.

Their oldest Aiden at 28 had followed in his father's footsteps along with his youngest brother Cameron. The second born son however followed his mother's passion for architecture.

Then there was the youngest of the four Rosemarie, she like her two oldest brothers had decided to become a lawyer and work alongside her family at their firm in downtown seattle. She was only 24 yet she had managed to graduate much sooner than she had hoped.

She Lived a comfortable life in the city. She had a penthouse just a few blocks from her work and her best friend Lissa Dean, her PA, did everything together having been friends since they were six.

Rose usually followed a comfortable morning routine before heading to work. Getting up at 07:15, take a long hot shower, makeup, then clothes and then she would head down to the bakery before making her way to work. Rose had always been a sweet tooth. When she had awoken that morning she had thought her day would be like any other, but she was to find out just how wrong she was.

Her new dress had been spilled on, her coffee wasted all over the little bakery floor and that gorgeous Russian god of a man, in his white shirt and those tailored pants had just about ruined her day, and yet she was thankful for having gotten the opportunity to look at that man, even if it would just be that one time.

Arriving at work Rose was greeted by her friend sitting at her desk by Rose´´s office, arranging a stack of papers. "Oh my, what happened to you Rose?"

"Some ridiculously gorgeous man at the bakery spilled my coffee and ruined my dress, because he was too busy on the phone to look at his surroundings and make sure not to walk into anyone. Oh and then.." Rose gave a sarcastic laugh "he was mad at me, even though I apologized for his mistake"

"That's terrible Rose, but at least he was cute" Lissa smiled at her friend.

"Who was cute ?" The sound of a deep familiar voice made Rose turn to see her loving big brother Aidan leaning against the door to her office, clutching a folder in his hand, smiling.

"No one, what do you need Aidan?" Smirking he made his way further into the office holding the up the folder in his hand tapping it lightly with his fingers

"Since it was your idea, baba needs you to sign for the final draft of the fundraiser plans. The menu, flowers, decoration and so on. You know the whole shabang" Taking it from his hand Rose read through it before thanking her brother "Alright, I´´l get right on it, thank you"

Hearing no movement made Rose look up from the papers and saw that her brother was assessing her dress unnecessarily close "What Aidan?"

"What happened to your dress little sister? You look terrible" Snapping the folder shut and placing it back on her desk Rose looked back up at her brother "Thanks Aidan, don´t you have somewhere to be or some work to do or something."

"Just asking" throwing his hand in the air in defeat Aidan relented, then turned on his heels chuckling and walked out.

Rolling her eyes again Rose made her way to her chair and took a seat at her desk, opening the folder again. On the first page she was met with the invitation to the Dinner, she had sent out weeks ago;

St. Peter's Orphanage & The Mazur Family

Cordially invites you

To attend our first annual

Black Tie Dinner

Saturday May 23rd, 2016

6:00 - 1:00 PM

At the Spirit hotel

4282 South Merien Avenue, Seattle, WA 98345 USA.

Tickets single 60$ - 100$ couple

Dinner, entertainment and live auction

We hope you come to help those

Who can´´ t help themselves.

Dresscode: Black tie.

Next thing in the dinner menu, everything was as it should be and Rose smiled in satisfaction. Then she checked the flowers and the decorations all black and white, matching the theme of the party. Signing a couple of pages Rose handed the folder to her friend and ask her to hand them to my father. Offering to get them both coffee on the way back Rose smiled and thanked god for her friend.


Sitting at his desk in his office Ibrahim went through the never ending amount of paperwork that seemed to follow him around. Hearing his son´´s footsteps coming down the hall made him smile. He'd know those footsteps anywhere, they were the first of four to keep him up though the night and made him tired all day. The thought of Aidan as a child made Abe´´s smile grow even larger.

"Good morning baba"

"Aidan, how are Julia and the Kids?"

"Doing good baba, thanks for asking. And Mom, how´´ss she doing?" Snorting Abe placed the papers down. "You know your mother, stressed as always." Aidan couldn't help but chuckle at that as he took a seat on one of the unnecessarily expensive chairs facing his father and lacing his fingers together on his lap.

"Is your sister here?"

"I think so"

"Good, I need you to take these papers to her and get her to sign them, these are the final drafts for the fundraiser. They need to be ready when mr. Belikov gets here"

"Sure" Aidan taking the papers from his father's hand´´ s and getting up from his chair, buttoning his jacket.

As soon as Aidan had left, the buzz of Abe´´s office phone started ringing signaling that his PA needed to speak to him. "Yes, Amber?"

"There is a mr. Belikov here to see you."

"Send him in please"

"Of course sir"

A few moments later there was a knock at the door, signaling Belikov´´s arrival. The door opens and in he walks.

"Mr. Belikov, it´´ s been a while"

"It has"

"Thank you for allowing us to have the fundraiser at your hotel, it's very helpful"

"It's my pleasure" Mr. Belikov was and always had been a man of few words. "You have the final drafts for the event"

"Yes, I'm having my daughter check them over one last time, since this is her event. The files should be back in a few moments"

"That´´s fine. Now for the main part my sisters, who are also co-owners of the hotel will be taking care of the main Dining room and the ballroom. They will be taking care of the decorations and the final plans. I believe you have someone who will be wanting to overlook the details."

"Yes that would also be my daughter and possibly my wife as well. They are both rather stuck on their own so I have learned to just let them be and make what changes they wish." Abe gave a small chuckle at the thought of his wife and daughter.

With a small Smile handed Abe a yellow post-it note, "These are my sisters numbers. They are available 24/7 if there is anything on your mind, they will do their best to figure out a solution for any problems you might be facing" Taking it with a nod Abe gave another smile.

A knock at the door drew their attention, the door opened revealing little Lissa Dean standing at the door with a folder in her hand. "Lissa dear, come in"

"Hi , I brought the files you needed"

"Thank you darling, how is everything on your end" Abe asked, taking the files from her.

"Everything is going well, she's doing good"

" That's good, Thank you dear" turning his attention back towards handing him the files "here are the final drafts, everything should be checked and signed for. The check is in the back and the receipts for everything should also be in there"

"Thank you. My sisters will be in contact if there is anything they need"

"That's fine. I hope to see you and your wife at the fundraiser on saturday" Abe gave a smile

"Of course, It's for a good cause, We´ll be there" shaking hands Abe led to the door

"Until saturday"

"Until then "

Abe watched as he walked down the hall with his eyes trained on the files in his hands, it seemed like he wasn't even aware of all the eyes following him as he made his way towards the elevator and stood still as a stone as he waited for it to arrive.

Abe chuckled, the man was a cold hearted bastard to most but a clever man and he had worked for everything he had. His chain of hotels was as successful as you could have hoped for and he had a beautiful wife. The man might have been a bastard, but the man was the son of a russian mafia boss who had used his son for his own gain and ruined a little boy.