A/N: This chapter may be a bit boring. This is fluff because our two heroes deserve it after all they've been through.

"Bunnyburrow, Population: 107,389,675." Judy sighed as Nick burst out laughing, "Come on! Really?"

Judy stared straight ahead, "Nick...it isn't rising."

"Oh no...I'm sorry Judy. I didn't even realize," Nick rested one paw on her shoulder.

Nick grabbed his phone and dialed the Hopps residence before passing it to Judy. She looked surprised, but realized what he was doing quickly. She thanked him before hitting the green call button, "Mom? Dad? It's so good to hear your voice!," She said into the phone.

Nick tuned them out, wondering what exactly had become of his family. I mean he really didn't have a family per se, his real family was either dead or wishing they never saw him again. Nick was wondering about his street family. As in Finnick. He hadn't heard from the other fox in quite some time, and frankly, it worried him. Was he even still alive? Nick tried to shut these thoughts out but that only made it worse. What had happened to the only person who had cared about him before Judy hopped into his life? Nick looked down at the GPS and saw that they were right around the corner from the Hopps residence.

Nick pulled the Humvee into the driveway, quickly exiting the vehicle and drawing his sawed-off shotgun. He scanned the grounds before following Judy into the house. He was shocked to be greeted by a large shotgun in his face. Nick grabbed the barrel of the gun and pushed it back so that it connected with the face of it's wielder. The fox raised his gun and was about to pull both triggers before Judy jumped in front of him.

"Nick! Check your targets! That was one of the first things you were taught in the academy!" Nick looked down and saw the terrified face of an older male bunny, which he assumed was Judy's dad.

Nick offered a gloved paw to the bunny, "My apologies. You must understand that I wouldn't have done that under different circumstances," Stu cautiously took the paw and was pulled to his feet.

Nick holstered his gun and moved to the window, peering through the blinds. He wanted to be completely sure they were safe for now. The Division trained you to always be vigilant, and you could never really turn it off. Nick remembered being told about the possibility of rogue agents but he never thought about the possibility of becoming one. Yet here he was, two hundred miles away from his area of operation. Hell, he had killed so many animals just to get here. Nick moved to the other rooms, taking note of how many bunnies were filling each room. Circling back around to the kitchen where Judy was, he stood in the doorway. It seemed her parents were not happy about him being in their house, especially with these reports of savage animals.

"Judy, how could you even think about bringing him into this house. You are putting your whole family in danger," Stu said in a hushed tone.

Judy huffed, "He's saved my life multiple times, and once before this whole thing went down!" Judy yelled, making no efforts to conceal their topic. She spun around and almost barreled into Nick.

He put his paws up instinctively, stopping her in her tracks. She had a tear rolling down her face and Nick quickly brought her into a hug while shooting a glare at her parents, "I'm sorry they're like this..." She whispered through her small sobs.

Nick patted her on the back and whispered back, "Never let them see that they get to you, remember?"

Judy buried her face into his chest, and Nick looked at her parents, "As a government agent I am demanding residence at your house. There will be no objections or I will put your whole family out there with the savage animals, and by the way, if you had actually followed this story you would know that prey are going savage too."

The fox tapped her on the shoulder and Judy let go, wiping her face with the sleeve of her uniform. She held out her paw and Nick took it, much to her parents surprise. She led him up the stairs to her old room. Judy opened the door and led him inside.

"Just as I left it, kinda weird being back here," She said trying to lighten the situation.

Nick faked a smile and sat down on her bed next to her, "So, I take it your parents aren't too excited about me."

She sighed and looked up at him, "They'll warm up to you."

"And if they don't?"

"Then they'll deal with it."

Nick smiled and brought her into another hug, earning him a small punch on the arm. He let go and took off his hat, hanging it on the bedpost. The fox stared at the patch sewn into it and sighed. He looked away and saw Judy staring at the hat too. Maybe she was wondering how he was even able to keep the whole thing a secret from her. If he had told her would she have believed him? Not likely.


The mammal in question leaned back against the wall, "Yeah, Carrots?"

"What did you mean 'They never taught us how to deal with leaving the ones you love'?" She asked, tearing her gaze away from the hat to look at him.

He froze up, that question was not the one he expected and it showed. Nick dragged a gloved paw over his face before looking at her, "I meant exactly what I said."

"You-you love me then?" She asked skeptically.

He gave a nod, staring at the door, "You were really the only one who ever saw me as more than just a shifty fox. Christ, even my own father thought I'd never become more than a criminal. How could I not love you?"

Judy looked away, "I never would've guessed. I never knew you felt this way about me. It feels right though. I've always felt something for you, I just never realized you felt the same way," Judy said.

He felt something press against his side and he glanced down, Judy was resting against him and Nick rested his arm on her, "Judy, I'm gonna lay down. I haven't slept in three days, and you barely have either. I think it's best if you do too."

"What do you think I'm doing?" She asked.

Nick chuckled and tossed his gear aside, positioning himself so that he could sleep comfortably with Judy. Judy rested her head on his arm and was quickly asleep. The fox laid still, listening to Judy breath. How could so much happen in such a short time? Nick pulled Judy closer to him with one arm and fell asleep.

A/N: So there you have it. Sorry this chapter was so short, and if you follow both my Zootopia crossovers I'm sorry I haven't updated The Arctic Fox in awhile. It's just I'm trying to figure out where I'm going with that story and I have this one planned out a little better. Also, Kxguludt, I'd appreciate it if you did PM me.