The smell of chemicals filling the area was overwhelming to say the least, and it was burning the insides of Nick's nose, "Clawhauser, get a chem crew down here now. Looks like someones been cooking up some serious stuff," He said into his radio.

"Any idea what?" The cheetah dispatcher asked.

Nick quickly glanced to Judy, who shrugged in response, "Looks like a modified version of a Nighthowler lab. Can't be sure though," He answered.

"A Nighthowler lab? Are you serious? We haven't seen one of tho-"

"I just said that I can't be sure. Now, get a chem crew down here as fast as you can, Officer Wilde out."

Nick turned around and walked towards the door, winking at Judy as he passed her, "Did you really have to be so forceful with him? He really is just a big ball of love," She said as she trailed after him.

"What do you think this lab is for?" Nick asked, opening the door of the squad car, "I don't want anything to do with drugs or Nighthowlers ever again," Judy glanced at him quickly, wondering about his involvement in the drug world, "Don't worry Carrots, I was only ever the fence."

Judy scoffed, "That doesn't reassure me. One of these days your past is gonna come up and bite you right on the tail."

Nick stopped before getting into the car, "Wouldn't be the first time, have I ever told you about the time I was working for a man named Frank? Real nutjob. Apparently, he had his whole family killed in front of him. Anyways, he had me hustling money away from criminals and giving it to the rightful owners or some charity or something like that. Well, one time there was this man they called Hanoov-" An explosion erupted from the building, sending shrapnel in every direction. A sharp pain erupted in his shoulder and Nick slid over the hood of the car, grabbing Judy and shielding her the best he could.

"We need an ambulance and a firetruck here as fast as possible," Nick yelled into his radio. Another explosion sent Nick to the ground. Judy tried to get free of his grasp but one look at Nick and she knew he wouldn't budge.

Nick stared down at himself, checking for any serious injuries, and found that his uniform was slowly darkening with blood. He smiled weakly at Judy before letting her go. He pointed to the squad car with one paw, "Bun, I'm gonna need you to grab the first aid kit from the glove compartment. You payed attention in that class right? 'Cause I know I didn't," Nick said wincing.

"Why do you always gotta turn these situations into a joke, Nick?" Judy quickly moved to the squad car and opened the door. She pulled the compartment's door open and grabbed the first aid kit, turning back to Nick, "Lucky for you, I did pay attention."

The distant sound of sirens reminded her of the situation and she moved to Nick's side. He unbuttoned his shirt and saw the blood staining his fur, "You know, I always thought the first time you saw me shirtless would have less blood involved."

Judy's face flushed as she began cleaning the wound, occasionally glancing up at Nick's pained face, "There isn't much I can do right now that wouldn't cause a hassle for the EMTs later, except clean the wound. For now, weren't you telling me a story?"

Nick laughed, immediately wincing in pain, "You don't want to hear how that one ended, especially with our current situation. Let's just say it ended badly for everyone involved, except for Frank. He was a real pain."

"Oh but I do want to hear the rest of it. Don't keep me in suspense," Judy said.

"No, you don't," Nick said coldly. Judy glanced up at him and immediately regretted it. His face was emotionless, lacking his trademark smirk and half-lidded gaze, "I never should have brought up the story. It's just a painful reminder of my old life and some of the people that are no longer with us."

Judy rested her paw on his, "It's fine you don't have to tell me," As if on cue the ambulances and squad cars pulled in. The EMTs ran up, quickly assessing the situation and calling for a stretcher. Within the minute Nick was loaded into the back of the ambulance and they were off, leaving Judy to inform the other officers of what had went down.

The sterile smell of the hospital room was a much needed change from harsh chemicals and fire. Nick slowly sat up in the bed he was in and glanced around. No one was there. He had been injured and no one was in his room. Not even a 'Get Well Soon' message on the whiteboard.

"Feeling the Zootopia spirit," Nick growled out.

Just then the door opened revealing a tired Judy. She looked surprised about something, but Nick couldn't quite put his finger on it. He looked down at himself and noticed his fur was still dirty. Fur. Then he realized the problem. He was shirtless. Glancing back at Judy he smirked, "See something you like? A little different looking without blood I imagine?"

She regained her composure and hopped up onto the chair beside his bed, "Nick, I am sooooo glad that you're okay. Does your side hurt still? I'm not going to lie you gave me quite the scare. Turns out that you had more wounds then that one I was taking care of."

Nick raised his paw and smiled warmly, "I'm fine Judy."

"I have one question though, Nick, what is this?" She said holding up a arm band, a ring sewn into it, "We found it in your belt."

Nick quickly pulled it from her hand, "It's nothing, just a present from a friend. Nothing for you to worry about. Any idea when I can get out of here?"

Judy looked taken aback but quickly recovered, "Today actually! You've been here for two whole days so you've made quite the recovery. Although you will need to take it easy for a day or two, so no more shielding bunnies from explosions, okay?"

Nick chuckled at that, "Fine, Carrots. I don't have to take time off work do I?"

Judy shook her head, "Nope, I had to pester Bogo to let you stay working but he eventually caved."

"Well, then I want to get out of here now," He said standing up and walking over to the bag of his personal belongings, "It's almost Black Friday isn't it?"

"Tomorrow is actually," She quickly responded.

Nick ushered her out the door so he could change, "Well then I guess we should go to bed early today. Wouldn't want to miss the sales."

Nick quickly threw some clothes-that Judy had grabbed from his apartment-on and walked out of the room into the hallway. Judy was waiting for him and she followed after him as he started towards the elevator.

"Can you please finish the story? I looked up this Frank character in the database and nothing came up," Judy pleaded.

"Maybe tomorrow, though you really don't want to hear about it," Nick answered as they entered the elevator, "Honestly, you'd probably have your views of Zootopia crushed. The story truly proves that it's not some perfect city, especially if it was covered up."

"I just want to know more about you and your past," Judy replied.

"For now I'm going to go to my apartment and pass out. Maybe you'd join me there?" Nick said, "In all seriousness I've been pretty lonely for the past two days. Every time I'd wake up no one was there. Hell, you didn't even ride in the ambulance with me. I just want to wake up with someone there for a change," Nick said, "Of course we'd be sleeping in different beds, but I'd just like you to be there." He said quickly.

"I'd like that, Nick."

Nick and Judy quickly went through the lobby before arriving in the parking lot, and getting into Judy's truck, "Pretty roomy in here, Carrots. It's almost as if you knew I'd be riding with you."

"My dad bought it the day you got hurt. He picked it specifically with you in mind, sweet of him don't you think?" Judy asked.

Nick chuckled, "But he didn't keep you in mind did he?"

"Oh, it's modified on my side. Perfect for a bunny."

Judy pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street, heading for Nick's apartment,