Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

Chapter 31


One week later

We are all sitting and standing around in the living room enjoying the remaining time we have together. It will be quite a while before we see Esme and her new coven again as a lot of the others. Rosalie and Emmett will be traveling together before they join me and the rest of the Denali's in Alaska. Tanya and I are also going to be traveling before we head back ourselves as we want more alone time after all the chaos that has happened.

Esme, of course, will be going back to the Amazon. She is quite excited for something new and she has already explored enough of the world and all she wants is peace right now. She will continue to always be our mother and we will never lose touch. I really can't wait to visit them there anyways; we spend so little time there before.

Jasper and Alice will be going to Texas to join Peter and Charlotte to make the Whitlock coven complete again.

No one ever mentioned Edward and Carlisle again. Instead of feeling like something is missing, we instead feel complete.

We did receive a call from the Irish coven surprisingly. They did know that Carlisle had not told them the truth, but they did not want to get involved with the Volturi. They seemed peaceful enough and had shown interest in meeting us later on our travels. I hold no ill will against them, I'm sure everyone's first thought when it came to the Volturi was to flee instead of fight. That will be different now as there are two new kings and one new queen.

Garrett will be joining Kate in Denali of course, and Irina and Laurent are also traveling back home. The four will stay there until we make it back looking after all their establishments since Eleazar and Carmen will not be returning to Alaska.

I found out yesterday that Leah is pregnant and Jake is of course over the moon, he has grown so much in the time that I've known him and makes a great Alpha. They weren't sure that Leah would be able to have a child, but I am more than happy that they can. Jake named me godmother, and I'm really excited to see the babe when it is born. Seth imprinted on Angela which really surprised me but I'm really happy for them also. Angela now knows the secret and we are able to remain friends. The only remaining wolves that did not imprint as of yet were Collin and Brady but they were still very young. Emily is also pregnant with Sam's baby. They will have pups running around everywhere soon.

After my supposed death, Charlie became closer to Sue and the two are now engaged and will be getting married next month. I may go and watch from a distance. I am glad that both of my parents are happy now. When I checked up on Charlie, he seemed to be grieving but was healing with Sue at his side. I believe Sue will be moving in with him as Jake and Leah take over their house.

The Egyptians have already left to go home as Amun and Kebi were anxious to be back in their territory. Benjamin and Tia had said they would come to visit us and often. The time that he was here after the battle we had gotten close and have formed a great friendship. He was a great person, as was his mate and I'm very fortunate I was able to meet them both. Even Amun and Kebi, who can now let go of their paranoia of the Volturi.

As for the Volturi, well, they still exist. Eleazar and Carmen have agreed to assist Marcus in forming the Volturi into its former glory before Aro became too obsessed with power. A few remaining guards had also surrendered and have joined them in all Italy. Marcus never agreed with Aro and knew the whole time that Aro was the one that killed his own sister, Marcus's mate Didyme. It seems he was always twisted; he just had those that were powerful enough to join them. No one will be forced to join the guard, but will be asked. I believe Jasper agreed to train the new guard as they came along. Tanya and I also agreed to help when help was needed, but only in dire consequences. I still never want to be a part of the Volturi. I do believe Eleazar and Carmen will flourish when it comes to the Volturi as will Marcus. Maybe one day, Marcus can pass along, and another can take his place as I know he will never overcome the loss of his mate. He had said before he left that he was restoring the Volturi for her.

I looked over towards the group when I hear Emmett laugh. I had been leaning up against the wall watching Tanya and the rest of my family. Alice and Jasper along with Charlotte and Peter are fixing to take their leave.

Alice bounces over to me and grabs me into a tight hug as I laugh.

"I will miss you Bella, we need to stay in touch after you and Tanya are done traveling" she said.

I nod and smile at her.

"I believe I forgot to tell you in all the mess that has happened, but I do forgive you Alice. Everything has worked out, and you will always be my sister, no matter where we are at" I smile.

She squeezes me tightly as I look towards Jasper.

"It's been a pleasure ma'am. I'm glad I got to fight with you, instead of against you" he smirks.

I laugh.

"It's only because you knew you would lose Jasper" I grin smugly.

I smile towards Peter and Charlotte as they nod back and the four leave after saying goodbye to the rest of the group.

I smile and peck Tanya's lips as she makes her way to me. It is now only the Denali's and the Amazon coven.

Esme makes her way towards me with the Amazon coven behind her.

She has unshed tears in her eyes and I know she will miss the rest of us, but the Amazon's will be good to her. She still has a family in them, and in us.

"I will miss you Bella" she whispers as she hugs me tightly.

I lean back and kiss her cheek.

"I will miss you also Esme, but don't worry, we will see each other often. I will always remain your daughter, as will the rest of us. Now you just have two families that make one huge one" I said.

She nods and steps back as Zafrina offers her wrist. We clasp wrists as she smirks at me.

"It was a great pleasure Bella, and do not worry, I will take care of Esme."

"I just bet you will" Emmett grins as you hear a loud smack when Rosalie smacks him upside the head again. He really never will learn.

Esme and the rest of the Amazons then leave as the rest of us walk them outside.

The rest of us are now standing on the front porch as I turn around to take in the place I once considered home. So many memories, good and bad but I will never forget meeting my own mate here and all of us finding our own happiness. We have no fear from the Volturi now, and we can all live in peace.

Rosalie walks up to my side and puts her arm around me.

"Don't worry Bella, one good thing about a home is that it can be moved and relocated anywhere. We all know that home is where your heart is, and yours happens to be with the strawberry blonde standing beside you now" Rosalie said while smiling down at me.

"I'm so glad we have the opportunity to get closer, you are my sister Bella, and I will always be here for you. Emmett and I will be seeing you soon enough in Denali. Enjoy your travels; see places you've never seen"

Kate snickers, "Also maybe do things you've never done" she states as she wiggles her eyebrows.

I just roll my eyes at her as Tanya and I hug the others.

She entwines our fingers as we walk to our new car.

We all get into our separate vehicles and drive away from the Cullen house.

As we are passing the Welcome to Forks sign I turn around and look out the back window. Tanya squeezes our hands as I look back at her and smile. As I turn back around I have one last thought, I'm finally leaving the past behind me, and I'm looking forward to the future ahead of me.

"Where would you like to go first miláčik?" Tanya asks me as she looks towards me.

I just smile at her.

"Paris seems like a good start" I grin.

She just laughs at me and shakes her head.

"I love you Bella Swan" she said gently.

"ľúbim ťa Tanya Denali" I reply back.

The End.

A/N: I hope you have enjoyed this as it was my first story. I have several more in mind that I am considering, including a Hermione/Fleur oneshot. Thanks again for all the reviews. I really appreciate it.