Part two of Watch me fall

I hope to write more chapters with the story

then its first part.

I hope you enjoy


Yaoi warning

Rated M for a reason!

One year later.

Over the last year life was a current flow of color and laughter. Hinata's second year of high school was streaming by quickly. Volleyball was still the heart of his passion and this year's tournament couldn't be going any better. Karasuno now one of the top Volleyball schools in Japan though their team no longer hand the third years. Ennoshita was now the captain and Hinata couldn't be happier with that.

Daichi had passed on the torch to him before his departure to collage. Ennoshita had though Kageyama would have surly gotten the roll though Hinata knew other wise. Kageyama had no interest in being caption. He just wanted to be the best damn setter Volleyball had ever seen and he wasn't far from that mark.

To say Hinata was enjoying life would be an understatement. If anything he was so overjoyed by life that he sometimes felt afraid. Not as often as he use to get but still he had moments when fear was all that his mind could feel. When that happened he always had someone to back him up, most of the time it was his boyfriend of almost two years. When he was feeling lost all he had to do was call and Koshi would sooth him in seconds.

On the off chance he wasn't available his dad was more then willing to help. Nanami was more than enough support for the decoy but at times not even he could calm the small boy. Though his panic attacks were more then nonexistent these days. Hinata had all the support in the world to fight his darkness that sometime haunted him. There was nothing else he could ask for.

He smiled as he walked home today was one of the rare days he moved along the streets alone. For the longest time his team had refused to let him go anywhere alone to afraid he would vanish from their worlds. It had taken six months before he even had the courage to walk alone even during the day. Though Nanami had always been waiting at the end of the driveway for him when he returned home. Even if he was at work that day he would stop by the house long enough to make sure Hinata made it home okay.

Nanami was not waiting for him today, the house was empty and quite. For one split second Hinata hesitated to walk through the door. He knew nothing frightening was waiting for him but his legs would not move. He didn't like it when he had days like this, where his legs refused to obey him and his heart hammered against his chest.

Aki was not waiting for him in this house. His uncle was dead and he wouldn't be coming back. Hinata would never have to suffer from his hands again, and yet his legs locked up. He stared into the dark house the only light coming from the many nightlights plugged into every corner. Something his Nanami did for him since he was now terrified of the dark. Nothing would hurt him here.

A startled cry of an animal made him jump. His hand flew to his midsection hands digging into his shirt right above his scar. He took a shaky breath feeling foolish. It was only the cry of a cat, he had nothing to fear. He moved to walk into the house when the cry came again he stopped turning. There at the end of the drive way was a kitten. It's fur was the color of the sky on a rainy day, the gray hair looked matted and it was limping.

Not able to simply ignore the poor injured baby Hinata slowly crept close towards it. Hands out stretched. Large blue eyes as stunning as the milky way blinked up at him. Hesitantly those tiny feet pattered towards him.

"I want hurt you little guy." Once the kitten was close enough Hinata reached out tenderly picking up the small creator. Thunder suddenly rumbled again Hinata jumped. He was used to unexpected sounds always scared him. His therapist said it would take sometime to get over that if he ever really did. He wasn't happy the first time Nanami suggested he see a therapist but Suga agreed wholeheartedly that it would be a good idea.

So he went even though he didn't like being analyzed so closely but if it made Suga and Nanami feel better he was happy to do it for them at least.

A light ran started then making the kitten in his arms shiver. Hinata rushed in side feeling bad for the kitten. There was no telling how long it had been wandering around the streets being ignored. Though he wasn't sure how Nanami felt about animals he couldn't just leave it. Even if he couldn't keep it he could at least help find the little guy an owner.

Once inside and the door locked behind him, he checked twice to make sure he went straight to the bathroom for a towel. Giving a kitten a bath wouldn't be easy but his fur was so tattered and knotted it needed it.

After the bath the kitten was now pattering around the living room. Climbing under the couch and into an empty box that was laying on the floor. Hinata smiled watching it as it played. Though its back leg seemed to be injured he seemed much more content now.

He was laying on the couch slightly dozing off when his phone rang. Digging into his pocket he pulled the smart phone out. He smiled seeing Suga's picture.

"Hello Koshi." He breathed.

"Did you make it home before the storm started Shoyo?" Suga asked, Hinata blinked. Storm? His eyes flow to the window surprised to see the light ran turned into a down pour.

"Oh yea. It was only sprinkling when I got inside. Oh I found a kitten in the driveway. He seems to be hurt though."

There was a quite pause for a moment. "How badly? Does it need to go to the vet?"

Hinata peeked over at the kitten who was currently on top of the table swatting at the mail.

"I don't believe so, he seems pretty happy now that he got a bath and some food."

A warm sweet laugh filled Hinata's ears. Making his smile widened. "That's good. How are you? I haven't got to stop by in a few days due to my classes being so hectic. So I wanted to check in."

Hinata almost laughed at that. Suga made it sound like they haven't spoken in days when in reality the text most of the day. Even during class even though Hinata had to hide the fact he was using his phone.

"I'm fine." Hinata bit his lip realizing what he just did. He knew better then to say he was fine. Suga did not take fine as a good thing. It was a sure sign something had happened.

"Tell me about it." Suga said his voice becoming soft.

"It's nothing big really. I was just to afraid to come into the house when I got home." Saying so out loud made me ashamed. Even if the emotion was misplaced he didn't like seeming weak to Koshi.

"Don't sound so dejected Hinata. It is okay to be afraid."

Hinata sighed sitting up. "I don't want to be afraid to come into my own house. I know I'm safe here but my brain starts yelling at me that its not safe and I freeze up. It's been a year! I just want to be normal."

"Shoyo, there is nothing wrong with your fear, you went through something traumatizing for several months. I would be more concerned if you were completely fine. Something like that will leave stains on your mind and heart. It is completely normal to get afraid. A year is not that long with what you went through and your attacks are less frequent now which is great."

Suga paused then as if trying to get his thoughts in order. "I get scared to Hinata."

Hinata licked his lips. "You do?" Suga never talked about this with him before. Though Hinata knew he struggled for a while. He didn't want to upset Hinata with it. Though it aggravated the shorter boy greatly.

"Yes of course I do. Some nights I'll wake up in a cold sweat, my heart pounding and your screams filling my mind. Those are the nights I always call you no matter the time. I'm checking on you, making sure you are still there. Though I said it was because I needed help staying up to study that was never the case. I needed reassurance you were still alive and well. So tell me is it okay for me to be scared?"

Hinata thought hard about this. He didn't want to say the wrong thing and upset Suga. He never knew that's what he was struggling with. To hear it from his mouth that he was scared Hinata going to be there when he woke up from a nightmare. It made his heart throb painfully.

"I would feel the same way Suga. If you had been hurt and I almost lost you. I would feel the same way."

"See, so if my fear is rationale, yours is more so. Don't be ashamed of your fear, fear keeps you alive."

"Thank you Suga." Hinata whispered.

"Anytime Shoyo. I'll always be here to lift you up. Got it?"

Hinata laughed. "Got it." I heard tires on the drive way. "Oh Nanami is home, I'll text you later okay?"

"Sure thing. I love you Shoyo. You better remember that."

"I couldn't possibly ever forget. I love you too." Hinata hung up staring down at his phone. His face set ablaze with the intensity of his blush. Suga was quite demanding when it came to show affection, not that Hinata minded. No if anything he loved it. For someone who appears so kind and quite at times he went straight for the heart when he was showing someone how much they are loved.

"I home Shoyo!" Hinata stood in one fluid motion dropping his phone on to the couch. Slowly making his way into the hall way he was greeted by a soaking wet Nanami. His black police uniform was dripping onto the tiled floor and his shoes he was kicking off splattered on the ground making a puddle.

"Welcome home Dad..." He looked the man over slowly. "What the hell happened to you?"

Nanami groaned. "So idiots wrecked while I was headed home so I stopped to help. This damn ran came out of no where. I feel like a drowned rat."

"You look like one too." Hinata teased laughing when those deep blue eyes glared at him.

"Thanks a lot little man." Nanami's voice was teasing as he pulled off his wet shirt leaving him in nothing but his soaking wet undershirt.

"I'm soaked all the way to my damn boxers." He snapped tugging at his wet pants.

"I'll go get the bath ready for you, you'll catch a cold if you stay in those clothes."

I made my way towards the bathroom sliding open the door. The new tile and large bath was still shocking. After living here for four months Nanami suggested remodeling a few things to give us more space. Hinata had been more than happy to help, plus he learned how to tile a floor and put up new walls. He had always wanted to help his father with those things when he had been alive, but he was always working with Aki.

Hinata shivered then. It still found it hard to believe his dad knew how horrible a person his brother was and he never did anything. Then again Aki was good at pretending to be something he wasn't so maybe his father was unaware. Though if that was the case why hadn't his dad really allowed the other man around them. He shock his head. He didn't care about that now. It was in the past and unnecessary.

"Dad! Your bath is ready!" Hinata yelled as he sat out fresh towels.

"Thanks little man." Nanami said as he walked into the bathroom. "You know sometimes it still catches me off guard when you call me dad."

Hinata frowned. "Do you want me to stop?"

"What no! Of course not. I never told you this but I actually can't have children of my own. That's why my wife left me. Plus she wasn't a fan of Jun and how I spoiled him. It was no skin off my back when she hightailed it. Anyways, when you call me Dad it makes me feel warm. I enjoy hearing it."

"Oh, okay I'm glad." Hinata smiled about to walk out when his name got called.

"By the way, what's up with the kitten?"

Hinata froze, he had forgotten to warn him about the cat. He didn't sound angry though, Hinata had never really ever saw him angry. Not once, and never towards him.

"Um it was in the driveway crying, it has a hurt paw. I couldn't leave it." Hinata scratched at his hair suddenly nervous. Maybe he should have called and asked before bringing it in the house.

"Oh, poor guy. Okay that's fine. Just no dogs, I'm allergic."

Hinata blinked. "I can keep it?"

"Do you not want to? I actually like cats but if your not a fan I'm sure we can find someone to take him."

"Oh no! I want him." Nanami smiled brightly then making Hinata's heart warm. For a man who was thirty two years old his smile and face made him look much younger. In truth Hinata though the man himself was a teenager at heart.

"Okay then, we can go get him some supplies later after we eat dinner."

The sound of the rain slamming against the house woke Hinata. He turned his head slowly trying to focus his eyes. Darkness, complete and utter darkness. His heart began slamming against his chest. There were no lights. Not even the nightlights in the room were on. What had happened why weren't the lights on?

He shot up in bed looking around frantically. His mouth was dry and his palms were sweaty. Loud thunder rumbled making him flinch. He backed up on his bed till his back was pressed against the headboard. No one could sneak up on him that way. No one would be behind his back were he couldn't see.

Hinata held his breath squeezing his eyes closed. There was nothing here that would hurt him. It was just dark. Darkness was apart of life. It would always be there. Nothing could hurt him here in the dark. He knew this, he knew it so damn well but he was scared. He was so damn scared his nails began digging into his already scarred arms. He felt very little pain, with the amount of scar tissue on his arms from his clawing at it while living with Aki he had lost some sensation in them.

Blood was dripping down his arms. Warming his cold flesh, he did not feel the pain of his nails digging away at his skin.

Something fell too his left, the breath he had been hold whooshed out and he screamed. Screamed louder then he had in a long time.

The sound of running feet was heard over those cries. His door slammed open but Hinata couldn't make out who it was. Those nails dug farther into his flesh.

"Shoyo!" Nanami was rushing forward then grabbing the flashlight that Hinata kept on his side table up and flipped it on. The room flared to light in the high-beams of the flashlight. Warm hands pulled at his arms, Hinata did not fight them. He knew those hands, he knew they wouldn't hurt him.

"Calm deep breaths little man." Nanami said stroking Hinata's shoulder in a comforting manner.

"No lights, why?" He was trying to be rationale, trying to calm his erratic breathing.

"Seems the power when out from the storm." Nanami said as he pulled Hinata from the bed. The boy went willingly plastering himself against the warm chest in front of him.

"Let's head to the living room okay? There are lots of candles in there, we can light them so I can take a look at your arms."

He didn't wait for a reply just simply guided the boy out of the room the flashlight pointed ahead lighting the way. Nanami sat Hinata on the couch placing the light in his shaking hands. Swiftly he moved around the living room and kitchen lighting candles. Slowly the room was illuminated in a calming orange glow. Hinata slowly relaxed on the sofa keeping his arms out in front of him so as to not stain the white sofa.

"I'm sorry." He muttered brokenly.

Nanami sat on the table in front of the couch a first-aid kit in his hands.

"No worries little man. Everything is fine and you don't have to apologize."

Hinata frowned. "But I woke you up. You have work in the morning."

"I have to be at work at ten so I still have plenty of time to sleep. I would be upset if I was unaware you were having a panic attack."

"Okay." Hinata looked down at his arms while Nanami cleaned the blood away. Again he felt ashamed of the scars there. They were long and jagged, dozens of gashed that had healed over and scared. Though he had stopped hiding them some time ago he sometimes felt people staring at them. Now he would have new ones to go with the old ones.

"I wish I could think of away to keep you from clawing at your arms when your scared." Nanami muttered looking sadly down at Hinata's arms as he wrapped bandages around his forearms.

"I didn't mean too." Hinata said hiccuping.

"I know little man, we'll figure something out one day." There was so much confidence behind that statement, Hinata believed him.

"There all done." Nanami smiled up at Hinata. "Want to tell me what scared you? I know it wasn't just the dark."

Hinata shuttered. "Something fell in my room."

"Hmm." Nanami stood then taking the flashlight and walked out of the living room. Hinata knew he was going to check his room for him. In a few moments he was back a ball of gray fur in his hands.

"Seems this little guy knocked your volleyball off your desk." Hinata laughed then suddenly feeling small and childish. A kitten had scared him. How pathetic was that.

"That's so stupid." Hinata whispered suddenly angry with himself.

"Not at all, you woke up in complete darkness and heard a loud noise. That is not stupid with what you have been through. Do you understand me Shoyo?"

"Yes sir." Hinata rubbed at his eyes then feeling tired. Getting so scared really took it out of him, but he didn't want to go back to his room. Not when it was so dark.

"Come on little man. There's a big burrow of pillows on my bed calling your name." Hinata blinked up at Nanami smiling then. On nights when Suga wasn't staying the night and he couldn't sleep Hinata would climb into bed with Nanami. His bed was huge and had so many pillows that Hinata liked to crawl under them to sleep. He felt safe there next to Nanami. He knew Nanami would protect him.

Though it had been several months since he had last slept in his bed. "Is it really okay?"

"I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't want you there. Even I need company when asleep sometimes bad dreams from things I've seen working as a cop." Hinata stood up following after Nanami. He knew he also had nightmares. Though Hinata was never told details about the cases that bothered him it was still nice to be able to comfort the man who took him in.

Hinata crawled into the bed sliding under the pillows and blanket. Then he had company a tiny ball of purring fur curled up around his neck. He smiled rubbing his face against the kittens warm soft back. The bed dipped as Nanami climbed in.

"It's the weekend so try to sleep in some tomorrow." Nanami said in a sleepy voice. Hinata blinked open his eyes looking at Nanami's back. The older man never faced him while he fell asleep, Hinata knew this was to make him feel more comfortable. Even though Hinata didn't need him to do that anymore. He wasn't worried about Nanami touching him, if anything it was Hinata who seeked contact while they were sleeping.

"Goodnight dad."

"Night little man."

Yay so here is chapter 1 too part two of watch me fall! Hope you enjoyed it! Please drop a review!