First Day

Not my normal area I know but I have to get it out my system ^_^

I'm not even going to try and get any japanese honorifics in here for fear of making a horrible mess of it lol. I should probably mention that I've read the manga but haven't watched the anime, so I might miss details from filler stuff.

Kakashi Hatake, the sixth Hokage, sat in his office, staring at the wall. The world had very nearly come to an end in a way much more final even than Madara's planned world-wide genjutsu and, once again, the world had been saved by Naruto, his former student. He had long ago given up on having expectations of Naruto - he would surprise no matter what. As he pondered, a black bird zoomed in through the window and flew straight into a blank scroll that hung on the wall. With a splat, the creature morphed into ink and covered the scroll, soon resolving into letters. Kakashi stood and took the scroll, replacing it with another blank, and sat back at his desk. His eyes showed the smile beneath his mask as he read, glad first and foremost that his shinobi were well, even if he was sure Naruto and Hinata might be unaware Sai included their relationship in his report. He sat back and chuckled. Naruto and HInata, eh? Once again, Naruto had surprised him.

"Just come in if you want to read it properly, Sasuke," Kakashi said. A figure hopped in through the window, utterly silent.

"I'm impressed, Kakashi. How did you know?" Sasuke Uchiha asked with genuine curiosity: it had been a long time since someone had detected him without him wishing it. Kakashi turned to face him.

"Honestly? It was a hunch."

What a mission!

Six shinobi didn't even try to hide their relief as three great birds, supplied by Sai, flew them home through the night. The lead bird carried Sai himself and the team leader, Shikamaru Nara. The second carried Sakura Haruno who, in her role as team medic, had Hanabi Hyuga with her, making sure there were no complications from her recent trauma at the hands of Toneri. The third, closely following the second, carried Hanabi's sister, Hinata Hyuga, and the worlds foremost maverick ninja, Naruto Uzumaki. They sat rather closer than the other pairs.

Hinata watched her sister pout and frown as Sakura checked her eyes one more time and couldn't help but smile: her sister was safe and whole. She sighed and let her head fall back on Naruto's shoulder as his arms carefully encircled her waist from behind. She managed to look up at him only to find him looking right back. Her smile grew and, to her delight, Naruto blushed and grinned right back, the pair of them giggling quietly. Their entire trip home had been like this: holding each other and smiling and laughing and blushing. Thus, when Konoha was in sight, their gladness was tempered by a slightly unreasonable disappointment. Given Sai's report to him via one of his ink creatures, Kakashi was waiting from them when they arrived at the gate. The six ninja hopped to the ground and the three great birds vanished. Kakashi noted that Naruto and Hinata still held hands but elected not to mention it. Yet.

"Welcome back. And good work," he said, coolly. Shikamaru smirked at him.

"Good work? That's what you call stopping the Moon from crashing into the Earth?" he asked.

"Hm? Oh, no, I was talking about persuading Nine Tails to try his hand at calligraphy," he joked. "As for the rest, I've read Sai's report and you all performed splendidly. I'm proud to call you Konoha shinobi." They all smiled at their leader. "We'll debrief properly tomorrow but I have to speak to Hinata and Hanabi now."

"Can't it wait, Kakashi?" Naruto grumbled. Kakashi dropped his smile, glancing at Naruto as he approached Hinata.

"No. Hinata, Hanabi... your father is waiting for you in the hospital. He's alright, but it seems he fought this Toneri before Hanabi was abducted. I'm sure he'd be glad to see you." The Hyuga sisters gasped at the news, Hanabi breaking into a run immediately. Sakura followed, fully intent on making sure Hanabi was properly examined once they reached the hospital. Hinata hesitated for a moment, looking back at Naruto. He nodded at her.

"I'll be right behind you," he said simply and the pair of them leapt after Hanabi. Kakashi watched with mild amusement before turning back to the remaing two, Shikamaru and Sai.

"Go get some rest, you two," he prodded. Shikamaru stretched his neck and started walking. Sai also began walking towards his own home, though he talked as he did so.

"Rest? After Naruto and Hinata gave me so much inspiration?" he muttered.

Hiashi Hyuga was a tough man.

That was the fate of a clan leader in Konoha - duty before all else. He had inflicted pain on his own twin brother when he looked at Hinata with ill intent. He had indifferently disregarded Hinata only a few years later in favour of his second daughter, much more like him and better suited to his role. Each time he acted against his family for the good of the clan, his heart rebelled... and each time he ignored it. Duty superseded all else. The clan comes first.

Or so he had always been taught.

In the last several years, he had started to wonder... what if the clan didn't have to come before family? What if clan and family became the same thing? His brother had died for him not out of loyalty to the Hyuga, but out of love for his brother. He had died for family before clan. That had been one of the few occasions where the mask of the cold clan leader had slipped. Years later, he saw the damage the clan had done to his nephew during the chunin exams. He had always known of Neji's talent and had heard of Hinata's defeat by his hand, though that had been no great surprise. What had surprised him was Neji's hatred of Hinata, punishing her in the clan's place. The story of Hizashi's sacrifice had come out during Neji's bout with Naruto, and Hiashi felt something he was unaccustomed to: shame. He felt Hanabi's questioning eyes on him, knowing he would need to give her an explanation later. After Neji's surprise defeat, Hiashi sought him out, unsure of what to say or do. In the end, all he had was the truth and had let it spill out of him as he touched his head to the ground in supplication. That had been the turning point. Neji was suddenly and keenly aware that this was not his leader but his uncle, a man who had concealed his grief with duty and obligation, perhaps even from himself. Their reconciliation was brief, as Hiashi left to engage the invaders during Operation: Destroy Konoha.

After the violence, Hiashi had learned of Hinata's condition during Neji's fight and felt shame once more. He arranged for her to be moved to a recovery room in the Hyuga estate, along with Neji. She woke up fairly quickly, immediately quailing at the sight of her father reading in the corner. He stood and walked toward her, she bowed her head and squeezed her hands in the fabric of her sheets.

"F-father! I... I am sorry," she said, automatically apologising. Hiashi took a seat by her bedside.

"Why are you sorry?" he asked.

"I collapsed during the match. I-it was unbecoming of... of a Hyuga and-"

"That is enough," Hiashi commanded quietly, but not harshly. The tone of his voice gave Hinata pause and, daringly, she looked up into her father's face. He looked so sad. He swallowed before speaking again. "I... I am sorry, Hinata. Please. Forgive me." Hinata stared at him, wide-eyed. The words had not come easily, but luckily his daughter was as compassionate and understanding as her mother. She smiled and wiped at her eyes.

"Thank you, Father. I forgive you," she said, simply. Neji, in a bed nearby, had also apologised, if more eloquently, vowing to protect her once more. It had been difficult for them, but as days went by they became a true family, culminating in Hinata attending Neji's training with Hiashi, a smile on her face.

The recollection caused Hiashi to smile himself - his decision to train Neji, a member of the cadet branch had cast the difference between clan life and the real world into sharp relief. To Konoha at large, it only made sense that Neji received the best training. To the clan elders, it was scandalous. For once, clan and family were the same thing, he told them. Nurturing Neji's talent only strengthened the Hyuga, after all. They complained and they grumbled and they protested and they whined - Hiashi went ahead anyway. He finally learned what it was to be a father... and then Neji had died.

Neji gave his life to save Hinata just as his father had saved Hiashi. The truly strange part was that Hizashi had, not long before, been resurrected as an enemy and Hiashi had finally been able to tell him of the change in their family, that their children fought side by side by choice, not because of obligation. Hiashi's smile vanished as he recalled Hinata stepping in front of Naruto to shield him, demonstrating courage and devotion to humble any Hyuga he had known, only to be matched by her cousin. The memory caused a sickening mix of relief and sorrow. The memory of Hinata slapping Naruto to his senses, rallying him despite her own obvious grief, filled him with pride. She was a leader after all.

His remembrance was interrupted by a knock at the door, he turned his head as the door opened and Hanabi appeared, worry plain on her face. He started to rise, even though it was a struggle, and got his feet under him. Hanabi stepped inside, haltingly. Even though they were closer these days, her father was still a reserved man. He stumbled and fell to his knees just as he reached her.

"Hanabi..." he said, voice trembling. His hands gripped her shoulders and he stared at her, unblinking. Then, with desperate strength, he pulled her to him and held her tightly, almost to the point of discomfort. Hanabi, usually so self-assured, closed her eyes and cautiously raised her hands to hold him in return. From the doorway, Hinata observed with amazement. Behind her, Naruto watched the scene with a smile and gently nudged Hinata forward with his elbow, causing her to gasp in surprise. Hiashi looked up at the sound and extended a hand to her. She hesitated for a moment before taking it but, when she did, Hiashi yanked her toward him and held her with the same zeal. "My daughters..." he muttered. Tomorrow, Hiashi Hyuga, clan head would return home. Tonight, Hiashi Hyuga the father held his family and wept.

Naruto pulled the door closed, but not completely, then turned and leaned back against the wall. Sakura, who had been following Hanabi, stood across the corridor from him. She watched him as he stared into space, a tiny smile on his face.

"You're thinking about her, aren't you? Even though she's right there, you're daydreaming about Hinata," she accused. To her everlasting amusement, he blushed and fidgeted, but he didn't deny it.

"I guess I am," he laughed. "I don't know, it's like... it's like everything just changed. One minute I'm just me and this is my life, training, missions, bad guys... the next minute Hinata's there and... and my future just changed completely, at least as I see it." Sakura blinked at him.

"You're being awfully serious! You guys just got together, there's no need to rush anything," she cautioned.

"I know, I know," he said, falling quiet for a minute. "When we got caught up in that genjutsu... I got stuck in Hinata's memories," he confessed, quietly. Sakura gasped and thought back.

"Her scarf... it had gotten tangled around the two of you. It must have acted like a bridge and connected the two jutsus around you," she said. Naruto shrugged.

"You're the expert," he admitted with a grin, which quickly faded. He glanced at the door next to him. "It's weird - even before I got sucked into hers, my own memory was about Hinata anyway."

"It was?" Sakura asked with a pleased smile.

"Yeah, that time at the chunin exam she gave me that healing salve. It popped up in her memories too... or my stuff was getting mixed in, there was stuff from Ichiraku as well, but it was different," Naruto said.

"Different how?" Sakura needled.

"Well.. there was this one time Ino was saying I had thing for ramen and I said I loved it. Then it sort of happened again except... except Ino was talking about Hinata. And I said I... I uh... I got to see you walking her home, too - and telling her how dumb I was - thanks for that, by the way," he said, aiming a smirk at her. Sakura shrugged unabashed.

"After seeing all that, you going to disagree?" she challenged. Naruto laughed.

"No, I'm not. I wish I could. I wish I had noticed her sooner. She's loved me for so long... it isn't fair!" he said, his fists clenching. "I owe her so much." Sakura frowned at that.

"Don't do this because you feel obliged, Naruto. That really would be unfair," she warned. Naruto grinned at her.

"Don't worry. I mean it, Sakura. I got to see our past all over again. She was so shy when we were young she barely registered. To go from that to jumping in front of Pain for me, all while confessing..." he said, trailing off.

"One of the bravest things I've ever seen," Sakura agreed.

"Maybe you were right, Sakura. Maybe I didn't know what real love felt like. Maybe that's why I couldn't answer her. But after going through it all again, it was like I had an example from her. When you woke me up... there was something there. I looked at her and there was something there. And, even though it was a mission, when we were checking out all those ruins and stuff, it was fun! I made a decision right then: when we got home, I was going to ask her out. Then, that night Toneri took her, I managed to blab that I... that I'd fallen for her while talking about saving Hanabi," he laughed. Sakura shook her head.

"Classic Naruto," she chuckled. Naruto's merriment faded quickly.

"I thought she'd left me. I'd never felt that way before: like I was full up of anger but hollow at the same time. I know now she did it for Hanabi... I can't imagine what it felt like for her to go with him after that. She's braver than I am," he said, quietly. Sakura remained quiet - she knew the rest of the story. "Thank you, Sakura. For telling me how dumb I was being, thinking she left me for Toneri."

"I'm always there to tell you when you're being dumb, Naruto," Sakura joked, raising a smile out of the atypically morose Naruto.

"Oh, I know it," he laughed. They lapsed into a comfortable silence, each of them smiling gently. Sakura watched as his hand dipped into his pocket and retrieved a patch of ragged, red fabric. Hinata's scarf. "I... I love her, Sakura. I love her." Sakura's hand flew to her mouth - Naruto's eyes shone with unshed tears.

"Naruto..." she breathed, her other hand reaching toward him. He quickly laughed and rubbed his eyes.

"Heh... sorry about that," he said. Sakura shook her head.

"No need. It's like you always say: nothing wrong with crying when you're happy!" she reminded him. He laughed properly then, loud and bold. They both turned to the door when Hinata's voice rang out.

"Sakura!" They both raced in to find the Hyuga sister supporting their father's weight, clearly unable to stand for long. She gave him a quick once over and breathed in relief.

"He's alright. Some abrasions and bruises but he's mainly just exhausted. You'll have to spend the night here, Lord Hiashi. You must have been pretty far out to be so tired after coming home, even with your injuries." The three of them helped him to his bed and made him comfortable. Hiashi was smiling, almost looking embarrassed.

"I didn't even make it on my own. I had to be rescued," he said.

"Who rescued you, Father? We should thank them," Hinata said, indicating herself and Hanabi. Hiashi smiled - even he knew how this name might affect his company.

"Sasuke Uchiha." Sakura froze. It was a good thing Hiashi was already in bed or Sakura would have dropped him. Naruto's face matched hers. She backed away from the bed, toward the door.

"Um... excuse me, I have to..." she bolted through the door. Naruto looked between the door and Hinata, conflicted. Hinata laid her hand on his arm.

"It's okay. Go," she said. Naruto struggled for a few moments... before he relaxed and laughed.

"Nah. If he wants to talk he can come to me for once." he said, smiling down at Hinata. "I got more important stuff to do." Hinata smiled radiantly up at him, causing his own grin to brighten further. Hiashi caught the exchange, sensing the change between them. He cleared his throat, making the two of them jump and face him.

"Naruto Uzumaki," he said, sternly. Naruto approached and practically stood at attention.

"Um... yes. Sir?" he tried. Hiashi's face softened.

"Thank you for rescuing my daughters. Hinata has told me of her... predicament with Toneri and how you saved her. Thank you." It was only a small gesture, given that he was lying down, but Hiashi closed his eyes and nodded his head in an approximation of a bow. Naruto bowed clumsily in return.

"Oh, uh.. you're welcome Lord Hiashi, sir," he said. Hiashi smiled.

"If you are willing, would you please escort my daughters home?" he asked.

"Sure thing! Um.. sir," he said. Hinata giggled into her hand at Naruto's awkward but adorable attempt at propriety. The two sisters bade their father goodnight and left through the door as Naruto held it open. Just as he was about to follow, Hiashi spoke again.

"Oh, Mr Uzumaki? One more thing."

"Yeah? Oh... Yes, Lord Hiashi?"

"Treat my daughter well," he said, gently. Then, less gently: "Or else." Naruto broke into a cold sweat, gulped, nodded his understanding and sprinted from the room. Hiashi found himself laughing.

Hanabi sighed. She suspected there would be a lot more of this in the near future, deliberately walking ahead as Naruto and Hinata walked hand-in-hand and whispered and giggled in each others' ears. After a moment of thought, she decided that wouldn't be so bad. In what seemed like no time at all, they had reached the Hyuga Estate and, when she turned to face them, Hanabi saw Naruto and Hinata looking uncertainly at each other. She decided to help them out and get a little light teasing in at the same time.

"You want me turn around while you give him a goodnight kiss?" she suggested with a grin. Naruto spluttered and waved his hands while Hinata blushed incandescently.

"No!" she cried. Naruto calmed down and rubbed the back of his head, secretly disappointed by Hinata's negative response. Suddenly, he felt Hinata's arms wrap around his waist as she hugged him close. "I don't care if you see us..." she said softly before standing on her tip-toes and gently kissing Naruto's lips. She drew back and giggled nervously at his face: red, with wide eyes and a daft grin. "Goodnight, Naruto," she said before taking Hanabi's hand and walking in through the gate. Some moments later, Hinata laughed as she and Hanabi heard him cheer loudly.

"Yeah! WOOOO!" he cried before pushing all of his chakra into his feet and leaping half the distance to his home in one bound. "YEAH!"


Sakura turned and looked up, just catching the silhouette of her teammate sail across the sky, whooping and cheering as he went. She shook her head with a small smile, though it didn't stay for long - Sasuke had eluded her. She had run right to Kakashi's office and had him confirm that Sasuke had indeed been in Konoha, that he had even smashed a large meteor fragment headed for the village and that he had stayed to confirm his friends were alright, learning as much from Sai's report. Then he had vanished, long before Sakura returned home. She opened the door and let herself in, kicking off her boots and locking the door before switching on the light. She jumped back, her hand reflexively going for a kunai when the light revealed someone standing in her apartment. He watched her impassively as she fought to get her breath back.

"Sasuke..." she finally said. He nodded solemnly.

"Sakura," he replied. For a long moment, she simply stared at him, burning his image into her memory. "How is Naruto?" he asked. She sighed in disappointment.

"He's fine. He's great! He has a girlfriend, if you can believe it," she said, walking past him and removing her gloves and weapon pouches.

"Yes... Hinata. I read Sai's report," he said. Sakura paused.

"Sai included that in his report? Wait, never mind, of course he did," she said to herself, rubbing her temples at Sai's harmless but occasionally annoying boundary issues. She looked up and caught her breath - Sasuke had moved closer.

"And you, Sakura? Are you alright?" he asked, his tone a little less clinical. Cursing herself, she blushed under his gaze.

"Y-yes. I'm okay. A little tired after looking after Naruto but... okay," she said.

"Tea?" he asked.


"I've picked up some interesting teas during my travels. Would you like to try some?" he asked again. Sakura smiled at him.

"Oh yes. Very much," she answered. He smirked and stepped back, carefully removing his travel gear. Sakura beamed, though she wished he could sometimes speak plainly - he wanted to stay, at least for while, just as much as she wanted him to stay. He laid out several small paper packets on her table and went to boil some water.

Hinata was glad, truly, to get out of that dress. Even though Toneri had been recalcitrant in the end, the dress would always be tainted by the forced marriage she almost went through. She would burn it tomorrow. She donned some plain sleepwear and grabbed a futon - she and Hanabi had agreed to share a room tonight, so Hinata would host Hanabi, given that her room was the largest of the two. She unrolled the futon on the floor just as her sister entered wearing similar sleepwear but yellow where Hinata's was white. They were both weary and so there was little conversation as they doused the lights and bedded down. Hinata found a solid object on her bed as she climbed in, and held it close to examine it - it was a chunk of moon rock that must have been caught in the dress as she removed it. She lay back and stared at the dark ceiling - what a mission! She had rescued her sister and been rescued in turn by the love of her life from an evil fortress on the Moon, and had him confess his love to her. It was like a fairy tale. It was unbelievable! She set the rock on a table at her bedside, just to prove to herself in the morning that it had all really happened.

Sakura watched Sasuke with resignation as he donned his travel garb once more. They had made a perfunctory attempt at trying all of the different teas but it had only been an excuse to begin with. They had merely enjoyed each other's company for as long as they had.

"Do you really have to go?" Sakura asked. Sasuke turned and faced her.

"I do," he said. "But it is still hard to leave." Sakura smiled at the admission. He seemed to ponder for a moment before stepping close to her and taking her chin in his hand, tipping her face up to his. He paused when her finger landed on his lips.

"Hold up. This isn't just a rivalry thing, is it? Naruto gets a girlfriend so-"

"Naruto doesn't know I'm here. If you don't tell him, I won't," Sasuke declared, pulling back from Sakura's fingers, though they hovered between their faces. Sakura blushed again and lowered her hand, leaning her head to one side and closing her eyes. He kissed her then, gently and, Sakura thought, lovingly. There was a rush of wind... Sasuke was gone.

Hinata Hyuga woke up with a smile, stretching langurously in her bed. She looked over at her bedside table - there was no moon rock. Her heart leapt up into her throat. Had she dreamed the whole thing? Her hand went to her mouth and something grazed her lips. The moon rock. She had grabbed it in the night. She rolled away onto her side and held the rock to her heart. It had all happened. It had all really happened.

Hanabi woke to a strange sound, a sobbing, hiccuping sound. She sat up and pushed her hair from her eyes, looking around in confusion. She realised and remembered she had shared Hinata's room last night, and turned to find her sister curled into a ball on her bed, facing away from her and shaking. Hanabi got up to help her apparently distraught sister.

"Hinata! Hinata, what's wrong?" she asked, resting her hand on Hinata's shoulder. Hinata allowed herself to be turned to face Hanabi - she was crying... but she was smiling. She was laughing! She sat up and wrapped her arms around Hanabi, still laughing. Hanabi accepted the hug but gently extricated herself after a few seconds. "Why are you...?"

"He loves me..." Hinata sobbed, bursting into new, joyful laughter. "Naruto loves me." She wiped at her eyes, though the tears continued to fall. Hanabi shook her head and lightly punched at Hinata's arm.

"Of course he does!" she laughed. Hinata fell back, gazing up at the ceiling, still laughing and still crying. The pair of them eventually decided to get ready. Hinata still had to attend the debriefing and Hanabi wanted to go to the hospital to check on their father. The pair of them washed, dressed and then met up again for breakfast. Hinata had smiled throughout. Eventually, it was time for Hinata to leave. She bade farewell to Hanabi and left the estate. There were a lot of people on the streets, celebrating the end of the threat of the Moon. Hinata headed toward the crowded road...

"Oi, Hinata!" Kiba cried out, stopping her in her tracks.

"Oh! Kiba. Shino," she said, acknowledging her friends.

"We heard you got back last night. Nice job on saving the world!" Kiba laughed. His laughter stopped when Hinata surged forward and grabbed them both in a brief but heartfelt embrace.

"I'm glad you're both okay," she said. Kiba and Shino glanced at each other.

"Uhhh... thanks!" Kiba answered. "We're glad you're okay too, hehe."

"Likewise," Shino offered. Hinata beamed back at them and Kiba, smiling back, gave her a sidelong glance.

"You're upbeat today. Did something happen?" he asked. Hinata merely blushed and giggled. "Wait... Naruto was with you on this one, right?" Hinata nodded. "Oh, so you got to spend some quality time staring longingly at the orange dork-kage?" he laughed. Hinata didn't rise to his bait but answered his question.

"Well... yes and no," she said. Kiba's smile gave way to a perplexed look.

"What does that-"


All three turned to the milling crowd, catching sight of a blonde head popping up every now and then, waving wildly at them. Hinata giggled and blushed - he had come looking for her!

"Naruto!" she answered. Kiba's confusion deepened. This couldn't be what it looked like. They watched Naruto appear and disappear a few more timed before he finally grew tired of the crowd and leapt up from the ground, bouncing off an adjacent rooftop and landing right in front of Hinata with a 'thud'. He stood up with a grin.

"Morning, Hinata," he said.

"Good morning, Naruto," she returned. She saw him fidget and bounce on his feet a little, his eyes wandering around her face - he was working very hard to restrain himself. Hinata made the decision for him and flung her arms around his neck. With a laugh, he wrapped his own around her waist and lifted her, spinning them both around. Kiba stared in blank disbelief. Naruto stopped spinning and lowered Hinata back to the ground but he didn't let go. He was still grinning but Hinata sensed the question in his eyes, especially when his gaze flicked toward her friends. She answered him by releasing his neck, placing her hands on his cheeks and drawing him down to her, kissing him softly. She pulled away and looked up into his eyes, seeing a reflection of her own feelings in them. After years of hoping and fighting and struggling and, it had to be said, two of the worst-timed confessions in history, he was here. He was here in her arms at last. Once again, the moment overwhelmed her and the tears resumed. Her arms moved around his neck and held him close once more as she cried joyfully. She felt his lips touch the top of her head before he rested his cheek on the same spot.

"Hinata... I love you," he whispered. She laughed through her tears.

"Oh, Naruto. I love you, too. I love you so much," she replied, holding him even more tightly. Naruto thrilled at her words, his smile broadening into a joyful grin. He squeezed her for a moment before scooping her up into his arms, bridal style. Hinata, her arms still around his neck, gasped at the unexpected shift. "Naruto!" she laughed. "I can get there on my own." He shrugged.

"I know," he said simply, before leaping up onto Konoha's rooftops and bounding away to the Hokage tower. Kiba stared with his jaw hanging open.

"Did you see... did they... did he.. did she... THEY FORGOT ABOUT US!" he cried.

"This surprises you?" Shino said, evenly. Kiba took a deep breath before smirking at his friend.

"I guess it doesn't. Hinata and Naruto... It actually, finally happened," he said.

"I am happy for her," Shino said, subtly rubbing at the corner of his eye.

"Are you crying?" Kiba asked incredulously. Shino merely repeated himself before walking away.

"I am happy for her." Kiba laughed and slapped him on the shoulder.

"You big softie! Come on, let's go train. I'm pumped up! After all, if Naruto can get a girlfriend, anything's possible, right Akamaru?"



"Sai, you put us in your report?"

"Yes, and all the briefs I wrote for our allies. And the daimyos. And the press."




And there you have it! I'm sure there are inconsistencies with the manga, the anime and the movies but I humbly ask your forgiveness. This was fun to write - I should branch out more often. I dedicate this to my fellow tumblrer, shock777, who is having a shitty time with re-posters. I hope this makes you feel better or at least distracts you for a little while!
