Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters besides my OC. All plots and characters belong to their rightful owner.

Hey guys! Sorry for updating now. I was very busy with school and finally had time today. When I came back and I'm really surprised and happy that so many people like this story! Thank you so much! I'm really happy! :)

As for this chapter, it's a bit shorter than this one. So about this chapter it's about introducing the new OC. Don't worry. I will upload the new chapter soon.^^

Chapter 5: Internet Friend 777

As Hikaru promised, he treated me on a snack. We went to a Café and had a delicious Sacher Cake with Earl Grey Tea.

"You want to eat more?! Man, you are a pig." Hikaru said and was just shocked how much I stilled ordered even though I just finished my meal.

"It's not for me! And I just said that I wanted to it for take away. You just like to twist my words." I pouted and looked at my stomach. I'm not a pig…I don't eat that much. I think. I looked to my right and Kaoru was just laughing.

"Kaoru, help me." I made a puppy face and was begging for him to stop his brother.

"Haha…Hikaru. Don't be so mean to her. I understand that it's funny to tease her but if you continue she will become a monster pig and will hunt us down!"

"Pfff!" They both started to laugh and high fived. I started to get piss off and was about to yell at them when the waitress came back with my cake in the box. They got lucky and I will get back at them.

I'm in a good mood now! Afterwards we hanged out and went to the Arcade. We tried many games and I won most of the time. I beat them where they're best at and feel so happy!

I'm humming to Spring Of Life by Perfume. The song is so catchy. Suddenly I feel my phone in my pocket vibrate. I took it out and unlocked the screen. I got a notification from my LINE. I opened the chat up and it's 777.

777: "hey! :) hru? sry, was busy lately." 777 is my best friend. I met him through the internet and it's almost 5 years now since I met him. Thanks to him I'm not as miserable as I used to. Well I haven't met him in person but he is still important to me.

LuckyN: "hi^-^ np. Was busy 2! Ever since they forced me into the club, i got more work now but it's fun!"

777: "I'm glad then^^. I was so scared that I neglected my wifey that I would get killed T_T"

LuckyN: "… -_-. Cmon i'm not angry about that. Weirdo :D. So what you're doing now?"

777: "Just got home from work. My dad is giving me so much work lately, it's a bit annoying. Feels like i'm the only employee there or something."

LuckyN: "my condolence but i know how much fun you have :), so hang in there! Wifey is supporting you!"

777: "T_T…but i don't need an ogre wifey…"

LuckyN: "…"

777: "jk jk :P anyway's i still need have some work left. Will be away for a while, just wanted to check on ya^^ ttyl!"

LuckyN: "ok!" I screen locked my phone and put it back into my pocket.

That's 777 for you. I think about when he was 11 years old, he began to work at his father's company. He didn't tell me the name of the company but I think it must be big one since he always have work to do. He also never told me his real name which I don't mind, I like the way it is. I don't want it to break apart, he is the only person that listens to me whenever I needed someone. Till this day, I feel like I'm blessed. For some reason ever since I met him, good things happened. My mother was mentally getting better and found a job at a big company called "HexTech Corporation".

I can see my home and begin to hum again.

"Naoki, mom! I'm home." I closed the door and take my shoes off. I hear footsteps coming towards me.

"Onee-chan! Welcome home!" He hugs my leg and looks up to me. His eyes are shining like a puppies. So cute!

"Welcome home, Nana. How was school?" She patted on my head and began to mess with it.

"It was great. Ah but today there was a bit chaos with a client but everything went well." I swat her hand away and try to smooth it out. I then notice Naoki staring the bag. I grinned and hand him the bag.

"Guess what it is." He looks confused and slowly takes it out. He gasped and shows it to mom.

"Mom! Look! Onee-chan brought us cake!" In the container there are one tiramisu and 2 strawberry shortcakes. He begins to get too excited and jumps up and down. Mom tries to calm him down before he drops the cakes.

"Wow! Now do you know what to say to Onee-chan?"

Naoki turned to me and is grinning so much. "Thank you Onee-chan! I love you!" Too cute!

"May I eat one?"

"Hm, well it's almost dinner. How about we keep it as for our desserts? Hm…dinner. AH! I forgot about the hotplate!" She runs into the kitchen and Naoki follows behind her. Oh man, she is still clumsy when it comes to cooking. I can still remember at that time when she almost mistook salt for sugar.

I walk to my room and threw the bag on the swivel chair. I then too threw myself on the bed and sigh. Suddenly I feel my phone in my pocket again. I take it out and unlock the screen.

777: "Back! :)"

LuckyN: "That was quick! As expected from you^^"

777: "It wasn't that much. So tell me, about your day. I'm so bored with mine. It' always the same."

LuckyN: "Haha, alright alright. Give me a sec." I hit the gallery button and searched for the photos I took today.

LuckyN: "I took some photos from the club. We got new items on the menu and there was an incident with a customer but it's solved now. After school I was hanging out with the twins and they invited me well actually Hikaru was paying for the food. As you know, I really like to eat sweets especially cakes and ordered a bit too much. Hikaru and Kaoru made fun of me but I got back at them when we went to the Arcade. Hope it wasn't too long."

777: "You kidding? It's better than any drama series. :) besides, I like it when you tell about your day and it was me who asked so don't think too much about it. And you go girl! Show them who's the boss! x). The pics are nice and the cakes look really delicious. No wonder you ordered so much. Maybe I will get some for myself on the weekend."

LuckyN: "Glad to hear^^ I wish I could meet you and hang out. I always enjoy when we're talking. I don't care how you look. I just enjoy your company."

777: "…sorry. I want too. We will meet each other one day. I promise :)."

777: "Ugh. Bad news. I actually need to go now. I got another job to do. Man my dad is using me like i'm a robot. Ttyl."

"Nana! Dinner is ready!"

"Ok! Coming now."

LuckyN: "That's ok. I actually need to go now too. Ttyl!"

I sigh and stood up from the bed. I wish I could have talked with him a bit longer. I do hope that we can meet up one day. There is so much to talk about. But today was a great day. We solved the case with Tamaki's Client, hanging out with the twins and finally talking with 777.

I wish every single day is like today.