I'm Always By Your Side

Prologue & Author's Note

Hello to you, reader. ;). Thanks for choosing this story. Just a short backstory about this part. The story begins before the twins started going to high school and Tamaki is trying to persuade them to join his Club. The twins and my OC will meet each other for the first time while still going to middle school. As the story progresses they get to know each other better. So it will be a bit slow in the beginning but it will make more sense later as for their relationship later.^^

Now enjoy reading this story!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters besides my OC. All plots and characters belong to their rightful owner.

Prologue: The Day Where Everything Begins

„Nana! Can you help me?" I just woke up and opened the door to the kitchen-diner room. My mom is cooking while attending to my little brother and he is sobbing for some reason. I walked to her and kneeled to my brother's eye level.

„What's the matter?" I asked. I inspected his face and wiped with my thumbs his tears away.

„My knee hurts. Hic." I looked down to see my brother's knees are scratched. He probably fell down on the floor. He is a bit clumsy.

„Ok, sis will help you make the pain go away." I took his hand and brought him to the couch. „Wait here." I searched for the First Aid Kit and found some bandages. I looked closer at the the injury and see that mom has cleaned up and so I only only lightly patted the bandage over his knees.

„There. All finished. Now go to your room and dress for school. It's almost 7.30."

„Hic, oki." Naoki goes to his room and closes the door.

And that's pretty much everyday in my life. I'm Nana Mizushima and 14 years old. Only the 3 of us live here together in a small apartment. My mother, brother and me. My dad died 4 years ago from a fire accident. At that time someone was crazy and lit many houses on fire, fortunately the person was caught and charged with commit of arson. But we still lost our dad and everything. We rescued one of his picture when he was still a high school student.

„Ok, Mama just finished cooking. I will be home late again. Nana, the job interview will be after school, right?"

„Mhm, I already looked up on the Map how to get there. It's a bit far away but I'll manage it."

„Good, Naoki will be staying at a friends house for this weekend so everything is going to be fine. Thanks again Nana."

Lately everything is getting expensive and decided to help out my mom. Last week, I found a job. I didn't say my actual age but they didn't ask it either.

HELP WANTED - Babysitter

We're looking for someone who likes children and needs to tend my 2 sons, if you also have any others skills, it will be accounted. The payment can be talked at the interview.

Please call at: xxxx-xxx-xx-xx

That's what it says. No age or anything. Sounds like a babysitter job, not that difficult. I'm doing it pretty much the same with my brother.

-After School-

„Bye Nana! See you tomorrow." I waved back to my friends and went to the bus station. It's 7 Stations away and after that I need to walk for another 10 minutes. I wonder sometimes what if our lives were different. It's not that I don't like it, it's more like something is missing in my life. I don't have a purpose besides helping my mom whenever she needs it but I guess I wish I could enjoy life like a normal kid. Ever since that day, we only had hard times and there was a time when mom came home drunk and destroyed the living room. Naoki was crying and I was trying to stop her. Mom was also frustrated with life and wanted my dad back. After that incident I decided to help her and take the heavy burdens off of her shoulders. The bus finally came and I went on. I took my phone out and plugged my earphones in. I opened the music app and started to listen to Infected Mushroom – Now Is Gold.

About 20 minutes later I see the bus station sign change and I got up and waited for the bus to stop. I got off and looked around. The place looks really nice and so clean! I got my map out and followed the streets to the address.

-10 Minutes later-

I don't think I'm at the correct address, right? I mean, this place looks friggin huge! You actually need a car to get to the house. Why is the garden so big? Oh no, I didn't knew that they are rich but I'll give my best anyway.

I went to the door and pushed the doorbell. It was quiet for a minute but finally someone answered.

„Hitachiin Residence, who am I speaking to?"

„Hello, my name is Mizushima. I have an interview for a job as a babysitter."

„…Ah right. Please wait a moment." After that the speaker is silent again and the door opens. It reveals an older man I guess he is in his 40's.

„Please, come in. I'm Mr. Hitachiin, I was expecting you. If you follow me…" I was surprised for a second. I actually thought that this man was working here but I was wrong. I followed and also looked around. The house is really big and decoration shouts „Rich" out. I guess we're in the living room now and he shows me where to sit.

„So, let's start." He puts a glass of water in front of me and begins to shuffle with some paper.

„Please, tell me more about yourself."

„I may look young but I have many experience with babysitting, I have a younger brother so you could say that he was the source from my experience in life. My mother is the breadmaker in the family and I also want to help her, lately we have some financial problems and I decided to help her."

„Hmm. What about this job, why this one?"

„I like children because they're innocent and are very interesting. I also like to have some challenge and I'll maybe learn something about it."

„Alright. Before we continue. You're not over 16 right?" I was shocked, how did he know. I mean I know I look young but not that young, I'm 14 and will be 15 soon.

„I can look by your face and body language. Please tell me your real age. I won't get mad and believe in your story."

„…14, sir. Please forgive me. I really need the money."

„Don't worry. I won't report you or anything. I will employ you under a condition."

„I'm ready for anything."

„Well, you see. My boys are about your age and we don't really any babysitters for them but more as a friend."

„A friend?"

„Yes, they're twins and because of us, their mother and I, we are always at work and they became so depended on each other. They isolated every other children. In the past it was much better, they used to have a maid who played with them and thought they had a nice memories but instead she betrayed them and have hurt their feelings. I beg you, please be their friend. I will even pay the double."

I was silent for a minute. I need to be their friends? That's it? But it is a catch so which means it won't be easy. 2 Children isolating themselves. Hm, that will be a bit tricky but I guess they're Middle schooler just like me, I guess I can try.

„I accept. When can I begin?"

„Thank you. Well you can start anytime but they're not home yet. Ah by the way, no need to do the household chores or anything. It was a job description to get people's attention but every time someone applied for the job the twins made sure that they quit and they've been successful with their plans and pranks."

Great. Just what I needed pranksters.

„I'll try my best." I hope it works.

„Here is my phone number if there is an emergency, just call." He gave me his number and saved it to my contacts.

„The twins should be here soon and I still need to do some paperwork. I'll leave you here. If you need something, just call for the maids or butlers in the house. They know who you are. Well then." And that he walks to the door we came in from. He seems to be nice and really cares for his sons. I wonder if my dad would've been like.

Suddenly I hear two people talking, I think.

„Man, that guy is so annoying. I wish he could leave us alone."

„You mean, Suou-Senpai?"

„Yeah, him. I actually got pissed off at a point-„ I hear them both walk in and I stood up from my seat. The twins are here and they look so identical. I can't tell them apart.

„Who are you?" The one who asked me looked pissed off despite I haven't done anything yet.

„H-Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Nana-„

„I asked who you are not your name. Sigh I really hate people who can't listen." He sighs and leans on the door arch. The other one just silently stares.

„I…um, I'm the new babysitter?" They arched their brow as I ended with a questionmark. Oh my god! It's not going good at all, they look already annoyed with me.

„Is she stupid or is she being serious? Hello, are you real? Who hired you?"

„Your father, anyway. How was your day?" Oh god, I feel so awkward and embarrassed. I needed to change the topic fast.

„…fine. Well if you're our Babysitter then you gotta take care of us."

„What do you think, Kaoru?" The one who stared the entire time finally speaks up.

„As long as she doesn't get in my way, I don't care. Let's go, Hikaru." He turned around and left the room. So it's Hikaru and Kaoru. It matches. But I gotta find out which is which but I do notice that the one who was silent seemed more calm while the other one has a temper.

„I'll give you your first assignment and you better don't mess it up. I already had a bad day. Make us something to eat and bring it to our room." And he too walks away following his brother.

Well that was a bad start for me. I already made myself look like a fool.

Now I better start doing something before they get seriously pissed offö And the first thing is to find the kitchen in this whole mansion!

„Hello? Is someone nearby?" I called out. An older maid just came around the corner and I catched up to her.

„Excuse me, Miss." She turns to me and smiled. „Yes, how may I help?"

„Can you show me where the Kitchen is?" I asked. I bet you, if I walk around I would get lost within this mansion and never find my way out. Ok, not never but it will take a long time.

„Of course, follow me." I got my spirit up and already thought of foods that they would eat. Since they're rich, they're pretty much spoiled. Oh god, now I feel my confidence leave again. They have probably eaten everything that could exist. What to do?

„Um, I have a question. What do the Twins like to eat?"

„Hm, that is a good question. I guess it would depend on their mood and what kind of dish it is." Great, no pressure.

„How about creating a dish that you like to eat? Even though the twins have their own favourite food. They're not picky eaters. Surprise them."

You couldn't think of anything that they might like.

„Alright, do you think you have curry?"

„I think so. The Kitchen is pretty much stocked up with anything possible. Since you are going to cook for the twins, I suggest that you also tell the chef's not to cook for them today."

„Yes, Ma'am and thank you."

„You can call Tomiko and you're welcome." She smiled and continued to lead me to the kitchen.

„Ah. The Twins room are in the 2nd Floor. It's easy to find."

As we finally arrived at the kitchen I immediately greeted the chef's and told them what happened, they understood and continued to cook. I guess it's for their parents or something. I went to my own section and began to prepare for their dish. Sometimes I asked the chef where their spices are and they got it for me. I thanked him and continued.

„What are you going to make?" He asked. I turned to look at him. I'm actually surprised that he is interested what I'm going to make.

„Japanese Curry. It's the easiest and many people like to eat it." He nod as if agreeing with me.

„Hm, that's kinda true. We actually never made this food for them. I guess we thought that it would be too simple. Ah sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Makoto."

„Likewise, I'm Nana." And continued with my cooking.

About 30 minutes later, I finished the curry and went to search for a tray.

„Looking for this?" I turned around and bumped into something hard. I took a step back and looked up. Makoto was holding a tray in his hand that is big enough for 2 dishes.

„Yeah! Thank you and sorry."

„Haha, don't worry. It was my fault anyway. Here, see you later." I took the tray and placed the dishes.

It took me for another 10 minutes searching for their room but I understand what Tomiko meant, it's easy to find. You can tell by two rooms that are next to each other with 2 different colors. I noticed that one door is open and the other is closed. I guess they're in the closed one. I lightly knocked on the door and hear „It's open." And used my left foot to open the door but suddenly I got something on my face and realised that someone threw me with a water balloon. I looked and see two grinning teens on the bed. One of the twins is still holding to one of the balloon. I didn't know what to do next.

„Don't worry. I will not throw it, yet. The first one was your punishment for being so slow, took you long enough and if the food doesn't taste good, I will throw this on you."

I don't know what to think. Did I took the wrong job? These are not kids, they're teens!

„I…I brought the food." I already hate them. Even the boys around my age are normal.

„Good, bring it to the desk." He pointed it with his finger to a direction and I followed his finger to where he points at. As I went to the Desk I felt something hit my food and I almost slipped. I looked back and I see them giggling. I want to hit them so bad but I need to restrain myself from it, stupid rich boys.

„Please eat it while it's still warm. I made Japanese Curry with Rice." I said and opened the lid.

„Curry?…Fine but only if you eat it first." Do they think that I poison them?! Out of frustration I grabbed a spoon and shoved the food into my mouth. I chewed and savored the spice of it.

„See? It's fine." And handed the spoon to the twin who was nearer to me.

„Ew. I don't want to now. You touched it with your mouth." I then got pissed off and took the spoon in my hand again, scooped it full and pushed it into his mouth.

He got surprised and almost gagged but I forced it into his mouth. „You don't want to it? Do you know how ungrateful you guys are?! Meanwhile someone out there is hungry and begging for food and gives no F*** about it. So shut up and eat it now!" I finally breathed and felt exhausted from yelling at them. Both of them are surprised by my outrage. For a minute it was all silent and awkward, I knew that they're going to tell it about their parents and I'm getting into trouble for assaulting the twin. But surprisingly they behaved and went to the tray and began to eat. At that moment I didn't know what they were thinking but I didn't care. Whenever I made food, I always thought of Naoki, he always looked forward when I was cooking. Mom can cook too but that as great as me. In the past dad cooked for us but I took over.

„…It's good." At first I didn't hear what he said.


„I said it's good, are you happy now?" For once I feel happy but only for a moment, I know the dreaded moment comes when his Father or Mother comes and yells at me and maybe even reporting to the police.

„Um, I know I shouldn't have done it but I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. I kinda thought of my brother when he is hungry and the food is going to waste."

„It's alright and don't worry. I won't tell my parents about it, Kaoru?" He then looked to his twin, Kaoru. I think I might get the hang of it, who is who.

„Mh. It's alright. Uh, Nana was it? We apologise." Kaoru said. For some reason I don't feel so angry anymore. They're genuinely apologising. I guess no one really told them how mean they are.

„It's fine, I'm glad you guys like it." I smiled.

„So, how long are you going to stay?" Hikaru asked while he licked his spoon.

„I really don't know but I guess I will be going at 8 or do guys wish me to go home sooner?"

At that they both looked at each other and turned back to me again.

„Say, want to play a game?" Hikaru asked.

„If you win, you can go now. If you lose, you need to stay till 8. How about it?"

At first I wanted to play but I wasn't sure if they were pranking me again.

„This is not a prank, I swear." They said at the same time.

„Fine. So what kind of game is it?"

„It's Which one is Hikaru? Game!. You need to guess who is who. Are you in?"

„Sure." I nod. I still don't know much about them but I can definitely tell them apart. They look similar but there is a strong contrast between the two of them and I think they don't even realise it.

They went to their Walk In Closet and after a couple seconds they had a Beret on.

„Are you ready?" They said in unison. They're doing it on purpose…

„Yeah." I just stared at Hikaru the whole time because he is the one who got my attention the first time we met and I see something that Kaoru doesn't have. He is the mischief one. I can see that glint in his eyes.

They switched and danced for a while. About a minute later, they stopped.

„Do you know?"

„Hikaru is on my left side and Kaoru on the right." It was silent for minute. Did I guess wrong? That couldn't be. I know that Hikaru is on my left. It's like black and white.

For some reason the atmosphere changed. „Say. How could you tell?" Kaoru asked then he looked to his brother.

„How? Well even though you may look almost the same, you guys are still two different people. You're brothers and not one person." They stared at me shocked? At first I thought I offended them, because you know, they're twins and it's my first time seeing one and well I thought I hurt their feelings and stuff.

„Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-!" Suddenly they hugged me. I'm confused and don't understand what is going on. Some moments later, they let go of me and stand in front of me smiling.

"You can tell. As promised you can go now." Kaoru said. For some reason both of them aren't being pricks anymore but seem more open?

"Will you come back tomorrow?" Hikaru looked kind of disappointed that I'll go soon.

"Well that depends on your parents. Your father hired me this afternoon so I think they need to watch if I'm qualified being your babysitter…" Hm, for the being the friend part, I guess I will shut up about that.

"Alright. Can we have your number?" I gave the twins my numbers and prepared to go home. It was an interesting day and I really thought that it would go bad but I guess luck was on my side and hope that everything will be better in the future.

As I went home I threw my school bag to the side and threw myself to my bed.

"I hope I can keep the job." I was actually tired and because of the twins I felt more tired than usual and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

-Meanwhile somewhere else-

"Say, Hikaru." Kaoru looked to his brother while they were sitting at the window frame and looked at the moon.

"Hm?" He replied while staring at the moon.

"It's the first time that someone can tell us apart."

"I know. To be honest, I didn't liked her at the beginning because I thought she would be like the old hags. But I was wrong, she is different. She doesn't see us as one person…it made me really happy, have you felt it too?"

Hikaru then turns to his brother and waited for him. Kaoru was still staring up and thought of the moment when they played their game.

"Mh. I felt it and I hope that she will be always by our side."

"I hope so too. We've waited for so long now."