Emma began to walk around Main street, her mind was beginning to wander. How on earth was she gonna see if Daniella had a birthmark on her hip. Hey Daniella, wanna go swimming. No, that's stupid. It's getting cold outside, she not gonna come swimming with me. How on earth am I gonna see that birthmark. Emma thought to herself. Emma continued to walk and soon found herself in the woods. She tends to find peace walking through the woods. The woods reminded her of when she first moved to Storybrooke. They went searching for David in the woods when he had no memory and was foggy because of his coma. This was where she saw her parent kiss but the old troll bridge. The woods was also where she ran away from everyone when she was trying to figure out her powers when the Snow Queen was in town. Whenever she felt overwhelmed and needed to think, she would always head for the woods.
Emma continued to walk deeper and deeper into the woods, lost in thought until she heard a twig snap behind her followed by a quick and high pitched gasp. Emma turned around to see Daniella flat on her back but with pink clouds slowly vanishing around her. "Daniella…." Emma said, slowly walking towards her, not wanting her to run. Daniella looked up at the sky in with a look of shock spread across her face that soon turned to anger. "Damn it!" Daniella shouted, slamming both of her fist to the ground before pulling herself up and wiping the dirt off of herself. "I wasn't supposed to end up here." Daniella said aloud, not noticing Emma standing a few feet away from her in shock. How did Daniella get here. Why was there pink clouds around her a few moment ago? Emma's minds race with a million questions. Finally she found her voice and spoke up again. "Daniella?" This time Daniella looked at Emma and was at loss for words. Did she want Emma to know that she had powers? Did she want anyone to know? What was the point of knowing all of this if no one was going to know?
"Emma!" Daniella said, shocked and confused. She noticed how far into the woods she was, why would Emma be out here. "What are you doing here?" I could ask you the same thing." Emma said. "Or more importantly, how did you get here?" Daniella's face was blank and she searched the air to find the right words to say. "It's a very long and complicated story. I might sound crazy if I told you." Daniella said. Emma gave a small smirk, Daniella reminder her of Henry when he would go off on the fairytale tangent, She did learn a few things from him, nothing anyone says is crazy. "Try me." Emma said. Daniella only stared at her in disbelief. There was no way that Emma would understand. Emma doesn't have magic, Emma had her family, Emma did have two mothers where one loved her unconditionally and the other wanted nothing to do with her.
Realizing Daniella wasn't gonna say anything Emma continued. "Daniella, have you ever heard the story of how I came to Storybrooke?" Daniella shook her head no. Emma gave a small laugh and sat down on a fallen tree, gesturing for Daniella to sit next to her, and she did. "Well, it's a long story but I will make it quick. I was 28 years old and I was living in Boston at the time and on my birthday I got a knock on my door. It was Henry, my son. Now I had him pretty young and I knew the best thing for him was that I gave him up for adoption. I knew I couldn't take care of him and I wanted him to have the best life he could possibly have, and at that time I knew it wasn't with me." Emma stopped for a moment and looked at Daniella. She could tell she was holding back tears but knew that this story would help her out.
"So I brought Henry back home to Storybrooke where I found out that he was adopted by the town mayor Regina Mills." Suddenly Daniella felt like she couldn't breath. Not only had her mother abandoned her twice, three times if you count the one that's a snake now, but she was out raise another person's child. She felt like she had been stabbed in the heart with a dull blade. "Well since I now knew Henry I knew I wanted to continue being in his life. I had to fight Regina on it for awhile of eventually we became friends. It took a long time. She been through a lot, she has a hard time getting close to people." Emma wanted to see her reaction. Depending on the reaction she would receive would determine if Daniella actually knew who her mother was and if it was actually Regina.
Daniella stood as still as a statue. She herself believed that she forgot to how to breathe. Finally She took a deep breath in. "So that's how you came to Storybrooke?" Daniella asked. Daniella knew about the Enchanted Forgets and how all the fairy tales came to the real world. She knew that a baby named Emma was the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. She believed that this Emma was the Emma from the story. Did she know?
"Yes, and the minute I decided to stay, was the minute that my entire life changed. Not only did I find out that I now am going to actually be a mother but I found my parents and I even found magic." Emma waited for Daniella's brian to catch up. It was a lot for anyone to take in. "You..you have magic?" Daniella asked. She just found out that she had magic, it never occurred to her that others that weren't from the enchanted forest had magic. Emma let out a small laugh and held up her hand to reveal a ball of light with small stars circling it. "It took me awhile to learn how to control it, it definitely is attached to your emotions. I did notice that you teleported yourself here. So you have magic as well, right?"
Daniella shook her head yes. "I'm still learning." Emma put her hand on Daniella's knee and gave it a little pat. Daniella leaned forward and gave Emma a hug. "Thank you, Emma." Daniella let go of Emma and stood up. Than Emma remembered why she really wanted to talk to her. "Daniella.." Emma stood up quickly, reaching her hand out for Daniella, but lost her balance and started to fall forward. Her hand made contact with Daniella's shirt, bringing Daniella down with her. They both landed on the ground with a thud. "Emma!" Daniella scolded, unsure of just happened. She got up from her spot and began to walk away. "Daniella, wait!" Emma got up quickly, but a bit more carefully this time. "Daniella, please, I need to as you something." Emma finally got out. "What is it?" Daniella, turned back around to face Emma, with a look of annoyance on her face. "Daniella, I'm gonna need you to lift up your shirt." Emma said. "What?! I will do no such thing." Daniella turn around, walking out of the woods. Emma quickly grabbed her hand causing her to stop. "No you don't understand, I.." "Unhand me, Miss Swan!" Daniella voice boomed, and was suddenly a bit deeper and more raspier than before. She almost sounded like..Regina. "Daniella, this is important. I need to know if have a birthmark on your right hip." Daniella started blankly at Emma, processing everything that was going on, before lifting up her shirt and lowering the right side of her pants just a little bit to revel a birthmark, in the shape of a half moon.
"Wha.." Emma was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe that, Daniella was indeed Regina's daughter. "Emma, what is this all about?" Daniella asked. "I think I know who your parents are, but I have to go." Emma quickly lifted up her arms and vanished in a cloud of white, before Daniella got the chance to explain that she already knew. She already knew Regina was her mother, but she did want her, that Daniella was here for a different reason now.