Korin Dragoon: No.

pedrofaria339: My fault. I didn't describe him.

ShiningShadow1965: Thank you for all the support and reviews.

To everyone asking about 'Why Peter and Dinah adopted instead of using science/magic to make a baby girl':

Okay. So... A few things here. Peter is not a biologist. He specialised with chemicals and to a lesser extent machines. Unlike what most media has taught you a scientist does not know how to do everything. It is why Peter's inventions are not medical based but things like super advanced safety foam or tracking devices or suits that can turn invisible. Yes he knows how to analyse blood but that's for self medicating during his early days and for detective work when he had to do that.

Now onto why Peter didn't use science to fix this... Because it is unfair. Now I guess a bunch of you are confused and pissed at that answer but hear me out. Despite the DC universe being a place where a human can be literally half high tech machinery, a literal walking weapon with most of their organs and limbs completely replaced including half their head, why was Pre-New52 Barbara Gordon still in her wheelchair? Because not everyone has access to that super high tech. Because other people have to go through the pain of adapting and living with injuries like that. And because she accepted the injury, accepted it was part of her and who she was now and grew as a person. Peter making a high tech doo-dad to fix Dinah's womb is basically saying "You know that traumatic event that changed your life? Yeah, it doesn't matter"

And a similar thing with magic if we went that route. It is like Captain Curk once said "I don't want my pain gone, I need my pain!" because events like that shape who we are and just magic-ing them away is saying it doesn't matter. And it would be us spitting on that event of her past.

Also adoption is not something we normally do in stories like this and it gives it a unique feel.

Here are a few reviews answered by Ghost:

To everyone asking about 'Why Peter and Dinah adopted instead of using science/magic to make a baby girl':
Short answer: Our story, our rules.
Long answer: Grey and I didn't want to make a contrived and drawn out plot line involving 'Dan Slott levels' of cramming 'science' down your throat, plus it's something different in our stories; almost every one of our stories has Peter and his partners having a birth and we thought we'd change it up a bit. Plus, with the old cop out of 'Why not use science/magic to fix all your problems', to that I say "It's just too easy." There were comic stories that were heartwrenching and plot driven, showing the turmoil and pain a character goes through when they have been hit by a life-changing experience: Barbara Gordon being shot, for one example.

Andto ask Zatanna or someone of high intelligence to 'comic convenience' an answer or a way out would negate the whole story and character arc and make it boring. Magical and super intelligent beings would be reduced to 'miracle workers' and 'plot devices' thus making the story contrived. In fact, when writing this chapter I suggested to Grey that we use Weaver to fix Dinah's womb, but we decided that it would be too easy, boring and just another reason for lemons. In the end, we decided to have a calm chapter where Peter and Dinah adopted.

Guest Oct 23rd: Thank you very much.

gamelover41592: Thank you for your feedback.

Spawn Hades: Laura's an OC

funnyman5032: We're glad you enjoyed it.

ShiningShadow1965: We've got plans for Simon making a reappearance.

Co-Writter: GhostKaiser23

Disclaimer: I don't own Spider-Man or DC


Well here is another chapter, I hope you like it. It's a special 5 times upload today as it is Halloween! I even waited an extra day to make sure I've done everything I need!

Also for those who enjoy this story I recommend my story Shinobi Spider. I think you'll enjoy it.

Spider-Man/ DC Comics

Spider-Man's DC life

Chapter 20: The Family Expands

It was a few weeks later, and the family was getting used to having Laura around. Heck, Laura was loving being with them. She instantly came to like Nolan and saw him as her little brother and right now... Nolan was hugging Laura as they were in the living room "Aw." She smiled at the little babe, rocking him lightly

"I swear he is just a 'cuddle buddy'." Lilith teased

"He DOES love hugs." Zatanna nodded

"And he seems to like Laura." Peter chuckled

"Sishtah!" Nolan grinned. The whole house was silent... This was Nolan's fourth word... And it just warmed the heart of Laura, who cried happily hugging her new brother.

"Aw. Thank you little bro." She smiled lightly

"Looks like it's official." Dinah smiled holding Peter by the arm.

"If Laura wants to be part of the family." Peter smiled

"Yes... Yes, if she wants." Dinah answered

"Look at her, she's: happy, healthy, got a great personality and she loves us and Nolan. What's not to let her live with us?" Karen rebutted

"It's her choice at the end of the day." Peter reminded

"Yeah... But it'd be hard on all of us." Mary answered

"True." Peter nodded, sighing gently

"Shall we head out?" Lilith suggested "Go to the park or something."

"Sure." Laura smiled

"Okay, let's get our boy changed and we can head out." Peter took Nolan gently from Laura's arms and went to the baby's room

Laura smiled, looking around in amazement "This CAN be your home." Dinah told her with a smile. Laura sniffed and wiped her nose with her arm, feeling overwhelmed by this sheer joy she was experiencing. She nodded lightly, hugging her tightly. Dinah smiled happily and helped dry Laura's tears away "Then... Welcome to the family... daughter." She smiled, hugging her

"M-Mum!" Laura cried hugging back tightly. Dinah cried, hugging her close

Zatanna held her arms as she looked upon them "It's a sight to behold..." Lilith smiled

"...It's a sight I've yet to hold and have held..." Zatanna answered

"Huh?" Mary asked

Zatanna held her arms as she looked upon them "She's going to be a great daughter..." The others nodded with smiles

"Okay... We're ready. Who's ready to go to the park?" Peter smiled, bringing out a casual clothed Nolan in his arms

"Ready... Dad." Laura smiled. The family walked down to the park, Laura was eager to run around with her mothers. Peter was with Nolan as he placed him in one of those rocking animals.

"Here we go buddy." Peter smiled as Nolan began to rock back and forth

"Whu... whu..." Nolan wobbled as he was unused to being wobbled on a giant bunny.

"It's okay pal, you're fine." Peter smiled

"Whu... Whee!" Nolan smiled as he got his equilibrium settled. Laura was running around happily, being chased by her mother... Who was impressed by her basic and raw technique. Laura seemed to have a natural knack for free-running. They blinked in shock, however, after ten minutes as they saw all the semi-advanced parkour moves she had been doing

"She's a natural..." Karen spoke in shock

"Wh-Whoa!" Laura clipped her foot on a kerb, before rolling to keep her momentum.

"She's trained. Experienced." Dinah frowned in confusion

Laura ran back to her mother's panting "S-Sorry... Just... I just got caught up."

"It's fine." Zatanna smiled

"Where did you learn to run like that?" Lilith asked

"Er... Talent?" She shrugged

"Then that's one heck of a talent." Dinah answered. As they were talking, Zatanna and Peter were playing with Nolan who was now in the swings.

"HIGHER!" Nolan giggled

"He's getting chatty isn't he?" Zatanna asked with a smile

"Won't be long until he's speaking in reverse." Peter laughed

"REHGIH!" Nolan yelled suddenly, sparkles of light going around him... and he began to flout up. Both of Nolan's parents were simply shocked seeing their son start to float out of the swing and into the sky

"NOLAN!" Peter thwipped a webbing at him and caught him. Nolan giggled and hugged him

"D-Did Dad just...He..." Laura saw what just happened and she was stunned

"... oh my baby boy!" Zatanna smiled in victory

"Okay... Okay... Nolan's a wizard." Peter sighed... and webbing then hit him in the face. Nolan giggled as there was webbing that was coming out of his wrist like his dad.

"AND he's his father's son." Zatanna smiled. Peter smiled, laughing, as he tried to take the webbing off his face

"D-Dad... N-Nolan... They...?" Laura gasped in total shock

"Oh... Oh boy... We forgot to tell her about all this." Karen chuckled

"Hmm!" Laura covered her mouth in case she accidentally shouted out anything.

"We'll... Explain when we get home." Lilith flinched a bit

"Hmm-hmm." Laura nodded still holding her mouth.

"We... Better go home." Peter said nervously

"Yeah, okay." Karen nodded

*Time Skip*

Laura sat on the sofa, wide eyed after everyone explained everything "S-So... You're Spider-Man... You're the magician Zatanna... You're Black Canary... And I live in a home of superheroes..." Laura spoke in shock

"You forgot Mary Marvel!" Mary pouted

"And PowerGirl." Karen chuckled

"S-Sorry... Just... It's just... It's a lot to take in..." Laura answered

"Yea, we know." Peter nodded with a sigh and a small smile

"So... I guess... This means I have a secret to keep?" Laura gulped her words down

"A few, yes." Dinah admitted sadly

"What else do I need to keep secret?" Laura asked

"Nothing besides that... Unless others choose to let you know their identities." Peter assured

"O-Okay... And Nolan is... A Magic-Spider-Boy?" Laura asked

"Basically." Zatanna smiled at her sleeping son, who was curled up in his technically unofficial-sisters lap

"He's so cute..." Laura stroked his head

"So... Are you okay?" Karen asked

Laura looked at them, then looked at the sleepy boy and finally back to them with a quick nod "Yeah... I-I'm fine." She nodded

"You sure? Do you... Still want us to adopt you?" Dinah asked

Laura looked down at the floor, unsure of what to say next. All of this... Was just overwhelming her but... She loved all of them. She wanted a family... She wanted that stability... A loving father, a doting mother... a brother and/or sister... Here... She had that "I... I do." She nodded, looking up at them with tears in their eyes. They all smiled at that; Dinah and Peter hugged her first, followed by Lilith, Zatanna, Mary and lastly Karen. Laura cried silently, hugging them all as best she could and unknown to her, Nolan was hugging her stomach, somehow knowing that she was going to stay and he was happy

"Welcome to the family, Laura." Mary smiled happily

"Laura Lance-Parker." Dinah smiled. Laura didn't answer with words... But she did answer with a choked up laughter with tears down her face.

'It has a nice ring to it.' Peter thought

*Time skip*

"And... Done. Here are the papers; you are now Laura's adoptive parents." Mr Smith smiled as he certified the paperwork. Laura cheered, hugging the two

"Thank you Mr Smith." Peter spoke kindly

"Thank you." Laura smiled

"It's not a problem. Just enjoy being a family." Mr Smith answered

Laura smiled, running over and hugging him "Thank you!"

"It's been interesting Laura...You've now got your whole life ahead of you." Mr Smith spoke kindly to hr as he did to all children who left with new families

Laura nodded with a smile, grinning "Thank you again Mr Smith." Peter and Dinah spoke

"Go on... You enjoy yourselves." Mr Smith laughed getting back to his paperwork as the kids were outside playing.

Well all but one child

Simon looked through the fencing and saw Laura go with her new family... He saw her as a thief... she stole his chance...

He growled, shaking

'They... They were MY family... Bandit! That's all you are... A bandit... a THIEF!' Simon thought 'I'm gonna get you!'

*Parker house, a few days later*

"Sistah." Nolan waddled over to Laura, as he was learning to walk

"Come on Nolan! Come on! Nearly there!" Laura smiled, encouraging her brother as she knelt in front of him

"Wh-oomf." Nolan fell onto his bottom.

"Almost, almost you nearly got it." Laura encouraged him, picking him back up and got him to walk again. Nolan giggled as he tried again, this time falling forwards into his sisters arms as he reached her. Laura laughed "Come on, one more time Nolan." She cheered him on. Nolan grinned, waddling over to his sister once more and this time... he walked. He walked straight to her without falling. "YAY! There go!" Laura smiled, hugging him

"Enjoying helping your brother grow up?" Peter smiled as he came in with a glass of apple juice and a glass of milk

"Yea!" Laura grinned "He walked all the way to me?"

"Way to go son. You're a great big sister to him Laura." Peter smiled and rubbed both of their heads

"Daddy!" Nolan giggled

"Come on Nolan, let's go show Mum!" Laura smiled, running off

"Laura, take it easy." Peter chuckled

As Laura ran to Dinah, she stared in shock seeing her in full costume and in a room that had various obstacles around. Her jacket was thrown over a chair lazily and she was standing between four high tech wing-cung dummies and was spinning, striking and blocking as fast as she could. Her change in movement and technique took less than a second, the dummies looking like hours as they span from the hits as Dinah blocked and hit "Whoa..." Laura gazed in shock seeing Dinah's movements.

"Huh?" Dinah said, turning to her but never stopping

"M-Mum... You... You're a total ninja!" Laura spoke with a glimmer in her eyes

"I'm one of the best martial artists in the world." Dinah smiled. Laura continued to look in amazement as Dinah finished up. She whipped sweat from her forehead, making sure her leotard covered her breasts properly. She turned to her daughter smiling "So what brings you two here?" She smiled at Laura, who's eyes where sparkling

"I...Err..." Laura half-spoke

"She came in to tell you that Nolan's learned to walk." Peter smiled

"Wow! Really?" She smiled

"Y-yeah. Come on Nolan." Laura spoke as he was set down by his father

"Mummy!" Nolan walk-waddled over to her.

Dinah smiled, at the sight, Nolan hugging her leg as he reached her "Hey there buddy." She spoke kindly

"Mummy." Nolan answered

"Too bad Zatanna is off rehearsing for her next show. She'd love to see this." Dinah smiled

"Yeah..." Peter nodded

"Canyouteachme?" Laura spoke quickly

"Pardon?" Dinah blinked in confusion

"C-Can you...*gulp* teach me? Th-the ninja stuff." Laura blushed in embarrassment

"Sure." She smiled

Laura smiled and hugged her, making sure that Nolan wasn't hurt "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" She grinned

*Time Skip*

It was a week later, Laura was on the floor with bruises due to her training with the spinning dummies... But she wouldn't give up. Dinah walked in and gasped. She went out to get them lunch as she was going through the basics with her daughter... And while she was gone Laura tried to use her mother's training gear!

"Laura!" Dinah spoke in shock

"M-Mum! Oof!" Laura spoke and was hit in the head by a spinning "arm" from one of the dummies

Dinah gasped and quickly ran over, stopping the dummies from hitting Laura again "Laura, what do you think you were doing?" Dinah picked up her daughter and took her away from the dummies.

"I... Wanted to he like you." She whispered

"Oh Laura..." Dinah frowned and examined Laura's throbbing bruised hands "That's enough for today."

"But..." Laura winced

"No 'buts'. Your hands are tools to use properly, not just to go head first into. It's just like your parkour skills: your entire BODY is a tool that needs respect and care." Dinah answered. Laura looked down, frowning "Laura... I'll teach you how to use your skills properly... Okay? But for right now... You're going to rest." Dinah spoke kindly. She nodded, sighing sadly

In the kitchen, Dinah had Laura put ice packs on her daughter's hands and bruises. She was upset with her doing that, and angry at herself for not making sure her daughter couldn't get to the more dangerous/high level equipment but instead of getting mad... Dinah got themselves a drink: milk for Laura and a coffee for herself.

"Hey you two." Peter smiled as he walked in

"H-Hi daddy..." Laura frowned

"What's going on?" Peter asked confused as he saw Laura sad and Dinah looking with a disapproving frown

"Our daughter has been using my equipment." Dinah answered sadly

"What?" Peter contained his scream and replaced it with concern. Laura flinched, looking away

"She wanted to be like me. By using stuff she's not used to." Dinah explained. Peter sighed, rubbing his temple

"I'm sorry..." Laura frowned

"Sister?" Nolan walked in with a waddle

"Hi Nolan." She smiled nervously

"Daddy? Mummy?" Nolan asked in worry what was going on.

"Don't worry Nolan, everything's okay." Peter smiled, picking his son up

"Laura just has to heal up." Dinah explained stroking her step-son's head

"Laeh." Nolan spoke looking towards Laura

"Huh?" Laura asked. Laura removed her ice-packs and saw that her bruises had healed instantaneously. She was healed 'What?' she thought. Nolan clapped happily seeing his sister not hurt anymore.

"Looks like Nolan has a new favorite." Peter chuckled

Dinah nodded, shocked about Laura's hands as well "Mum..." Laura spoke nervously, looking up at her. "I...Can you teach me now?"

"No. No more today." Dinah frowned

"Okay..." She frowned

"And as punishment for using things WAY to advanced for you: no TV for a week." Dinah spoke

"WHAT?!" She snapped/groaned

"Don't argue. And count yourself lucky Laura: your bruises could've been worse." Dinah looked at her but she still didn't know how her daughters bruises where healing so quickly

"What's with the look Di?" Peter asked as he held Nolan

"Nothing." Dinah smiled

"Okay...Okay..." Peter nodded


Zatanna sighed as she entered her changing room "These tricks get more and more complex..." She sighed slumping down into her chair. Her tricks where her real magic but she had to do more and more elaborate set ups and right now, she was torn between using an iron maiden and a sword piercing box for her next trick. She sighed, rubbing her eyes 'Maybe I should ask for help...' She thought. The problem was she didn't know who she could ask

Superman was out of the question, Batman would be adamant to reveal any escapology tricks to her, Wonder Woman would be with Batman, Flash would do something involving his speed and lightning.

She frowned. Not many heroes wanted to use their powers for jobs and such but... Maybe... JUST maybe... her husband can give her a helping hand.

She smiled lightly at that