This picks up on Hermione's graduation day. Its a not going to be a particularly long sequel, this is just what i felt. Any questions about plot just let me know i can no doubt, hopefully, answer them.

Reviews encouraged.

"Are you ready?" Minerva inquired from her sofa in her living quarter's.

"Mum... i've been ready since fourth year." Hermione was pacing in her robes in front of the fire. She had stayed with Minerva the previous night and even woken her far too early in her excitement.

"We are talking about Graduating and not Sex right?" Minerva deadpeanned and Hermione smirked.

"50/50." Was the young brunettes response.

"Yes well, shall we head down to Breakfast? Ceremony starts just before lunch." Minerva set down the book she had attempted to read.

"Yes please, starving." Hermione practically bounded over to the door and stepped out. Minerva followed and closed the door, when she turned to her daughter she only had a moment to dodge a massive golden tiger. Minerva changed into the silver tabby and lept at the tiger holding on for dear life as the massive cat loped off down the hall.

Shortly after Hermione and Fleur had been separated during the Gryffindor's fourth year Minerva had taken to helping her daughter with accomplishing her animagus status. The two had bonded during the process and spent a lot of time together simply getting to know one another or simply reading a book in the quite of Minerva's living quarters. When Hermione finally did get to the point where she was able to successfully speak her final incantation the transformation came easily.

Minerva encouraged the golden tiger to register as an animagus, to do things right, which Hermione did so gladly. What wasnt ever spoke about how ever was an extremely unique ability that Minerva was certain no one but her daughter possessed. The initial form Hermione took, that of the golden tiger, was what the brunette registered as. How ever later in the same year it became clear that Hermione could transform into not only the tiger but other animals as well.

The first time it had happened Hermione had been having a bad day, she was PMSing and missing Fleur dreadfully and Minerva been particularly busy getting caught up with grading that she had been neglecting. After being hasseled in the girls dorms by the Lavender who had started dating Ron after the Beaubaton's team had left, Hermione headed down to the Black Lake. She had been staring up at the stars longing for the freedom to be with her mate when she unexpectedly transformed.

The only way she knew it was a true animagus transformation was because of the heightened senses that dont come with a simple full body transfiguration. One moment Hermione was leaning against a rock and the next the change in perspective startled the witch into the air. Swivelling her head around while flapping her wings she deduced she was a small bark owl with dull black feathers and lighter face and breast.

Internally the little owl smirked and headed for the castle, banking around the tall building she made her way up to her mothers window. The tapping had roused Minerva from her desk and she opened the window only to find the owl didnt have any mail. Instead the owled flew in and landed a little less than gracefully on the back of Minerva's sofa. Before the Deputy Head could speak the owl returned to its original form and the woman gaped at brunette before bursting into tears and mumbling about really being their little Blackbird.

That had been the first time and in secret the two had experimented further only to find that to become another animal she had to basically 'unlock' each species. They also found that unlocking was tied to the witches emotions for the most part. The second creature that had been unlocked ended up being the wolverine. Hermione had been particularly angry one afternoon after a row with Ronald had taken place, he had wanted help and ended up insulting the brunette, and also Lavender, not that Hermione cared about that.

She had been ranting to her surviving mother about the red headed git and his horribly shrill girlfriend. On her thirteenth pass by the fireplace it happened, her perspective changed and sudden need to walk on four legs instead of two had the wolverine stumble into the rug by the fireplace. Minerva had cheered and then chuckled watching the wolverine twisting and spinning while it tried to look at itself.

Later while alone in the room of requirement, after having tired herself out and penning a rather X-rated letter for her mate Hermione did a little experimenting with her animagus ability. She discovered, quite happily, that she could become different animals so long as they were part of the original animals genus. When she showed it to Minerva she learned her mother was rather fond of Hermione being an Ermine, or stoat, with its brown coat and white undercoat and feet. Minerva-cat had quite enjoyed playing with the small Hermione-stoat.

All in all Minerva was quite good at keeping Hermione from missing her mate too much. Of course there had also been Duel Team as well and school, she mostly just missed Fleur of an evening. During the school year Hermione only got to see the French witch during Hogsmead weekends and during the breaks Apolline or Minerva would make it possible for the witches to spend time together. They had wanted each time to claim one another but, thankfully, Minerva or Apolline, sometimes both, would chaperone them.

In fifth year Hermione had been made the 1st and so was the youngest first in the history of Hogwarts and made her mother exceptionally proud. Nox remained as clingy and protective and she always had been. Even after three years Gaia and Hades still visited her and the small Alpha had even introduced her pups to her. If an owl wasnt feeling well it would go to Hermione and when word got out students would bring their sick familiars to her as well.

This year Hermione had managed to take Hogwarts all the way to schools where the top four schools would compete over two days where during the first day the top two would be decided and on the second would be the championship match. Hermione and her team during her 7th year managed to get them to Schools but they were defeated by the Brazilian school Castelobruxo. The next day Castelobruxo was defeated by Koldovstoretz, Russia's school team.

Just as the two felines made it to the doors of the Great Hall, Minerva leaped off of the tiger and transformed mid step along side her daughter. They were just about to walk into the Hall when someone primly cleared their throats. Hermione perked immediately and Minerva walked right into her when her daughter abruptly stopped and turned towards the sound. Hermione managed to steady Minerva while peering over her shoulder.

With a shrill, uncharacteristic, squeal Hermione launched herself past her mother and gathered her mate, who was grinning at mother and daughter a few paces away, into her arms to spin them gleefully. Fleur giggled and wrapped her arms around the small, yet obviously strong, witch and buried her face in the young womans silky hair. Hermione was almost in tears she was so happy to see her mate.

"Baby! What are you doing here so early!?" Hermione was clearly excited and peppered kisses over her mates face.

"Ma belle. Your maman invited me, said I could arrive early and spend ze morning wiz you." Hermione turned and smiled happily at her mother.

"Mum! You're the greatest." Hermione beamed and Fleur leaned into her back wrapping her arms around her.

"Of course I am, Blackbird." Minerva smirked and shrugged when her daughter and no doubt future daughter-in-law laughed at her.

"Actually, and I know you both want to spend some time together this evening, but i'm hoping you would let me take you both to dinner this evening. I have a gift for you both." Minerva explained as she moved over and kissed Fleur on the cheek in greeting.

"Of course. We 'ave all night to get reacquainted." Fleur agrees for both her and her mate, not that Hermione's response would have been different.

"Yes well she is my daughter so I could do without the mental image of what you really mean by 'reacquainted'." Minerva pointed out mildly, she was really just very happy for her daughter.

"With some of the things you've told me of you and Mumma Black then it would serve yourself right." Hermione retorted leaning back into her love.

"Aye. Suppose it would." Minerva agreed and gestured the Great Hall, indicating they should make their way in.

Fleur beamed happily, she had obviously not been absent in Hermione's life since they met in the girls fourth year. How ever she was very aware that the mother/daughter issues that McMum and Mi were only just starting to get sorted out. It delighted the French witch to see that the mother and daughter were so close now. Hermione had never denied that she had forgiven Minerva for giving her up the moment she learned about her true parentage. She simply couldnt get over the fact that Minerva was so adamant about keeping her at arms length.

Now seeing that Minerva had finally forgiven herself and accepted Hermione Black they had been able to move on and become a family. Apolline and Minerva were even well on their way to becoming friends again, Fleurs mother having taken steps to apologise to Minerva. Once a month the two mothers would even go so far as to having lunch together, occasionally inviting their daughters along.

Despite all of this Fleur hadnt been back in the castle since the day's she had found her mate and spent the evening in the Professors quarters. Instead they all would often meet in the village by the castle, Fleur having been a little fond of the job she had with Rosmerta though she longed for a potions lab where she could experiment. She spent most of her free time, which was considerable, making notes on ideas she had. She would often times take Hermione up to her room and when things got a little too heated they would calm down and Fleur would ask Hermione's opinions on her notes.

Over the three years following the Halloween ball Fleur had also become rather good friends with Nymphadora Tonks and, eventually, Ren also. The summer between Hermiones fourth and fifth year Ren and Nym had married, and were even glad that Hermione had her mate with her. Fleur had been informed later that Ren's biggest issue with the two witches beingtogether was that she didnt think Fleur would stay true and wait for Hermione. Only after Fleur explained in depth that Fleur couldnt possibly see anyone but her mate now they had met did the French/English witch relent and accept her friendship.

During the holiday's Fleur and Hermione would often be with either Fleur's mother in France or Hermione's mother in a small cottage out on the moors. Minerva explained that she had purchased it while she was young shortly after breaking it off with her first love Dougal. Explaining that she needed the seclusion after being about people that werent aware of her emotional upset while she worked at the Ministry daily. Hermione and Minerva both had adored the heather moors immensely and Minerva never left them too bored.

"Nozzing 'as changed." Fleur commented stilling glued to Hermione's back as the two walked into the Great Hall behind Minerva.

"Gosh Delacour. This place has been here for like a thousand years, why would you want to change it?" Aria spoke up behind them, she as still with Daphne who was standing beside her, both witches grinning.

"Aria! Daphne! So good to see the nice sister and 'er love." Fleur finally pulled herself off the brunettes back and gathered both Slytherin's in her arms.

"Girl, your English is so much better since last time." Daphne chuckled and Hermione pulled her mate back away from the other girls.

"Getting possessive, Cousin." Draco commented walking into the hall to see Hermione pulling at Fleur. "Bit unbecoming don't you think?"

"Non, I find it quite sexy that she is so possessive of me." Fleur retorted before Hermione had a chance. The brunette smirked at her blonde cousin.

Aria and Daphne simply rolled their eyes at the Slytherin boy and headed off to go to their table. Draco sneered at the two but the malice that used to be in his eyes is instead replaced with something more akin to teasing. Since Hermione announced she was a Black and Minerva was her other biological mother Narcissa Black had gotten in touch with them. They would often be invited to lunch at the Manor and so Hermione and Draco had ended up calling a familial truce.

"I'd be jealous if I didn't have Astoria." Draco sniffed in feigned disdain.

"Yes well you do have me Dray, so leave 'Mione and Fleur alone will you." Astoria caught Draco's hand after smiling and waving at the two witches and pulling him away.

Fleur had met Astoria a couple of times during Hogsmead weekends and the two had gotten along well. Astoria was knowledgeable about fashion, which Fleur appreciated, while still being down to earth and smart enough to hold intelligent conversation. Needless to the two got along well and had forced Hermione and Draco to sit and listen to them talk. Not that that really mattered too much to either of them but they had definitely feigned exasperation.

"Go eat, darlings. The ceremony is in a few hours, eat and you can spend some time together before hand." Minerva urges the two young women. They smiled and found their seats at the Gryffindor table and began to fill their dishes with their respective choices. Hermione going with Oatmeal and Honey while Fleur had scrambled eggs and toast.