A/N- I just want to start of with a huge THANK YOU! You guys have no idea how much I love hearing your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions for my stories! It literally brightens my day! I also post this around midnight so then I could wake up with alerts, reviews, and other thing which puts a smile on my face. Please continue on with them! So this is the second half of the original chapter 2 but is now chapter 3. I really hope you like it. I try to work so hard with my stories. And also I asked about in what you wanted Darren to be with or let him be single. Well I am so stupid because I completely forgot I had this major thing I had planned out which affects the story so much so stay tuned for that because I feel like you guys would like it. I hope you like this story! Please Review, favorite, alert!

"So your brother could talk to ghosts?" Darren asked from the backseat. He actually chose to sit in the back for two reasons. To keep an eye on the two almost lovebirds and he actually enjoyed the large space he had.

"Um, Yeah. It was some weird side affect thing for coming back from the dead. We'll just have to get him so we can ask Rose who turned her." Elena said, half paying attention to her own words. She was staring at the rear view mirror, gazing at Darren who was staring outside the window. She had to admit, he was definitely hot like the two Salvatore brothers. Elena mentally kicked herself. She is not going to fall in love with another Salvatore. She noticed she had a look of discomfort so she decided to quickly change the subject.

"You really love the wind, don't you?" She finally asked as she kept on noticing his window was all the way down. Darren gave a shrug.

"The wind. The view. I guess I just love the outside, the idea of freedom we have. I always hated being in enclosed spaces." Darren softly answered and Elena could tell he was probably reliving some old memory.

"He's not lying about that." Damon finally spoke from the driver's seat. "Darren was rarely seen in the house when we were human. Our Father would get angry with us because he would always drag us along with his 'outside adventures'." Damon gave a small smile, also remembering their old memory. Elena and Damon heard a scoff that came from the back.

"Sure. I dragged you two along. You and Stefan never stopped following me around. And also that bastard could have got angry with me all he wanted because I at least had fun." Darren defended himself and Damon gave a small chuckle, knowing how it was true. Elena gave a surprised look at Damon. She hadn't seen him like this, ever. She guessed the only person he could be human around was his older brother.

"Where are you going? Our mission in finding Elena's brother is that way!" Damon yelled at Darren who was walking away from them. They had just finally arrived to Denver and Darren had shot out of the car like a bullet.

"I told you Damon I need to do an errand. When you get your answer, call me or if your bad luck followed you then call me when someone is almost going to kill you." He responded and didn't wait for an answer as he left running. Damon gave a sigh.

"Damon-" Elena started but Damon quickly stopped her.

"Come on we'll catch up with him later." He responded and they both left without saying another word.

Mary Porter. That was his victim. He's heard the name before but not sure from where. All Darren was thinking about was how he has to kill an innocent- well as innocent as a vampire can be as he walked through the streets of Denver. Maybe this was another reason on why he hated it here. Darren had been doing his research on the vampire ever since Stefan and Damon has told him their plan. That was a bad move little brothers, he had thought.

Now he was heading to some weird old house that he had no idea where it was. It was so hidden he actually had to compel a few people for directions. They weren't that much of a help. After a while, he finally found the house after he was so close in giving up.

Darren slowly went behind the house and easily climbed up to the window. It was locked. If it was any other house, he would have shattered the window but he was sneaking in so he had to use all his strength to unlock the window. After a few minutes, it finally loosened and opened the window. Darren went inside and apparently the house was weird from the inside and out. He heard footsteps coming from upstairs and Darren gave a smirk. Mary Porter. All though he felt sort of guilty for killing her, it was fun to think of the ways to kill her. He was leaning towards the stake at her heart option.

Darren quickly broke a wooden leg of a chair and speeded upstairs. It was darker up there but it was still bearable to see. That's when he saw the old vampire through a crack of a room. He wasn't afraid of getting killed because he knew he wasn't going to get killed. It was almost impossible and he gave a smirk at that thought. But Darren never took his chances and tried sneaking into the room either way. He was so close to the entrance way, he could clearly hear her breathing. Darren was about to run inside the room when he heard a loud crash come from downstairs. Someone had broke through the window. Darren didn't know what had made him do this but all knew is that he did because in less than a second he ran into an open door and shut it behind him. It was pitch black in there but Darren wasn't paying attention to that. He was swearing at himself in why did he hide but a bad feeling was in him. Darren looked through the tiny crack the door had and saw Mary standing right in front of the door. What was that downstairs? he thought to himself.

Suddenly out of nowhere he heard someone gasp. Mary was the one that had gasp. Darren tried to see what had happened when he saw the blood. A vampire was gripping her throat with their hand and was holding a baseball bat with the other. This was a strong vampire. If he had catched both vampires off guard and easily was about to kill this one than it was definitely a strong one. Darren stepped back as the man brutally staked Mary with the bat. And he took another step when he heard the man stake her again because he had missed her heart. But something was wrong. When Darren had taken his last step he felt something block him, it was a wall. A look of panic crossed his face when he knew where he was. Darren was trapped in a closet with a strong vampire inches away from him. Before Darren even realized, he was breathing awfully too fast, probably at an inhuman speed. I need to get out if here. I need to get out of here, he kept on repeating at himself. Sweat was starting to form when he felt like time was stopping and his terrible memories were starting to come back. I'm a claustrophobic vampire who is probably going to get killed because he can't be quiet in a closet, Darren kept on thinking when he noticed he was starting to breath louder. Luck was on his side because the vampire outside didn't notice him and after about fifteen minutes, Darren heard him leave. As soon as he heard that last footstep disappear, he ran out of the room and took huge gulps of air but immediately backed away when he saw what was in front of him.

It was Mary Porter staked and hanged by the wall. Darren gave a surprised look.

"Mission Accomplished. Sort of." Darren said before he ran out of the house. And then they ask me why I hate Denver.

"Where were you? You missed all the action." Damon asked as Darren entered inside the old motel room. Plain for his taste but it was late already and they'll probably leave early in the morning.

"The action? You almost got killed, twice." Elena pointed out. Darren stopped what he was doing and turned around towards Damon.

"What? I thought I told you to call me if you were in any danger." He answered with a stern voice. Damon gave a groan at his worried face and his brother going all over protective on him.

"We just ran into Kol who tried killing me. But we got out if it."

"Barely." A new voice said. Darren turned around and saw a teenage boy who entered the room.

"I'm guessing your Jeremy Gilbert unless Damon was bored and started kidnaping people." Darren mocked and his brother gave an annoyed look.

"Yeah and I'm guessing your Damon's brother unless you are a very nice vampire who isn't attempting to killing us." Jeremy answered. Darren smirked.

"Well I am Damon's brother but that doesn't mean I could not kill you guys." Darren said and sat on the bed. Elena gave a questioning look to Damon but he just answered with a nod, knowing that he's strong enough to kill them if they go against him.

"So did you guys find out who were sired to?" Darren tried asking casually. He wanted to grin at his plan that failed but got the job done either way.

"No. Kol had beaten us to Mary Porter, the girl that turned Rose, and staked her with a bat." Damon answered annoyed. Kol? Darren thought. It was Kol who was at the house? How was that even possible? He should be daggered, Darren continued thinking. He was now regretting in not getting out of that closet.

"Are you okay?" Elena's voice interrupted his thoughts. That's when he noticed they were all looking at him. He gave a short nod.

"So when are we leaving since this trip failed. I really despise Denver and want to leave asap." He asked. Damon kept on wanting to ask what was up with him and Denver but decided not to. Instead Elena answered for him,

"We were thinking of staying here until morning since it's late already. Right Damon?" She looked over to Damon with a look that gave Darren suspicion. He gazed over to Damon who avoided eye contact. Darren raised an eyebrow with a smirk. Something definitely happened between these two. Then he gazed over towards Jeremy and he had the look of that he saw something he wished he hadn't seen. The room was deep silent and Darren was grinning so much in the inside, it was hard not to laugh at everyone's awkward look. He let a few more seconds go by before he cleared his throat.

"Well if were not leaving until morning then I'll be in my room." Darren said and heard sighs of relief that the silence was over and headed towards the door. Damon's face was relaxed on how his brother didn't seem to notice about the kiss with Elena when Darren passed by him.

"I'm not stupid Damon. I know something happened between you two. I hope you can fill me in later about the real action that happened." Darren mocked and went out the door, leaving a suprised look on Damon's face.

"Are you okay Damon? Or is that just a look every Salvatore does." Darren heard Elena say. He turned around and saw her standing alone in the room. Baby Gilbert must have went to his own room, Damon thought before he walked over to her.

"No, everything's fine." He said half not believing what he said but laid his lips onto hers and kissed the night away.

As soon as Darren stepped foot in the old dusty motel room, he went straight to bed. Although he was in bed, Darren hated to sleep so he would just stay awake thinking, and thats exactly what he did. I need to tell my brothers, Darren thought. What are you crazy? You want to freak them out and let them kill people for the anger it caused? They won't understand anyways. I need to do this on my own. My problems, my revenge plan. I can't let them get hurt for me. Darren continued thinking. My revenge plan. Should I continue on with it? And thought after thought went by until he fell deep into sleep, letting him inside a dream.

"Get me out of here!" Darren yelled as loud as he could. He pounded against the small enclosed space's wall.

"I said get me out!" Darren continued yelling. He was pounding against every inch of the space and continued yelling. Blood. He needed blood, fast. But there is no way out of here. He could scream all he want but that wouldn't get him out. No one could even hear a tiny sound that he made. He could hear a lot of people walking by. Talking and laughing while no one could hear his cries for help. He was trapped.

"Please, just get me out of here." Darren weakly said as he slid down to the floor. He was feeling weak. He was wasting a lot of his energy already. Darren tried to calm down to preserve his energy he had left but he could hear the hearts pounding outside getting louder and louder by the second. They were driving Darren insane. He angrily got up again and started to pound and kick against the wall.

"I swear! When I get out of here, I am going to kill you and everyone you have ever loved! And I'll make it hell for all of those people! I promise you that! I am going to make everyone suffer because of you! And I never break my promises!" Darren yelled and continued pounding on the walls. I am going to kill every last one of you, was his last thought as his energy kept on getting slower and slower.

Darren's eyes shot open at the sudden memory. His body went cold and noticed he was panting. After a few minutes, he finally calmed down. Darren's eyebrows furrowed in anger.

"I never break my promises"

A/N- What did you think? I want to know exactly your thoughts, any suggestions, whatever you want so please review! I read each and every single one of them. I am not sure when I'll update because I have a lot in my hands but all I promise is that I'll post as soon as possible. Please again, I might sound annoying, but please review, favorite, and alert! Love you guys, bye!