Beca was sat on Aubrey's bed, watching her lay out outfits to pack in the yellow suitcase that was sat open on the floor.

"The tour is like, 2 weeks away, Aubrey."

Aubrey continued to sort through her closet and responded, "Don't you think I, of all people, know that," she paused, turned to face the brunette and gave her a knowing look under her lowered lids, "Beca."

Beca rolled her eyes, unsure if she was rolling them at Aubrey or herself for even asking the queen of punctuality that question.

Aubrey had finally gotten her, sorry, their, victory at Lincoln Center a couple of weeks ago, and she had graduated and was all set to move on from Barden. Except then the new Co-Captain of the Bella's, Beca, had received an email inviting the Bella's to do a National tour during the summer. It wasn't strictly collegiate level a cappella so their was no reason to not invite the older girl to come back and sing with them.

They hadn't talked in a few days. Or rather, Beca hadn't talked to Aubrey. Then on a Tuesday around 9 a.m. the Beale-Posen apartment had a knock on the door, and when that went unanswered, the doorbell rang.

The blonde had headphones in while sitting criss-crossed at her coffee table, Macbook in front of her, coffee in hand when an iMessage popped up on the screen.

Chloe: Please answer the door and tell whoever it is that they owe me coffee.

The blonde pulled her headphones out in time to hear the second ring. She quickly got up and pulled open the door to reveal the small human who had refused to answer her phone calls since Thursday.

"You're still here." Beca breathed.

Aubrey stood in the doorway for a couple seconds, staring at her with angry eyes,or maybe they were hurt, Beca couldn't look into them long enough to tell. "You would know that, if you had answered my calls. I'm sorry if you weren't expecting me. Would you like me to wake up Chloe, I think she-"

"No, no. I was hoping. But I had-"


"That you'd be here. That you would stick around a little longer."

They stared at each other for a long time. Both trying to figure out what was going on in the brain of the other, but both too stubborn to talk about it.

They started talking at the same time all of a sudden.

"You could have-" Aubrey started.

"I have to ask you something." Beca said, louder. Aubrey had a look in her eyes that Beca could have sworn was excitement, maybe hope, but it went away quick, when she started staring at the ground. Then she stepped to the side motioning to let the girl in.

Beca sat on the couch, waiting for Aubrey to join her, but the girl just stood and leaned against the recliner. Beca pursed her lips and began talking rather quickly.

"I know you're all set to go to Montana this month, and I don't know if you've gotten your plane ticket or whatever yet but I got an e-mail yesterday asking the Bellas to do a nation-wide tour starting this July. We'd be gone for about a month and I know you have plans and this isn't your concern anymore but I think you should come. Its going to completely fund the next year and probably even give us more than that so anything left over you will get as much as a cut as any of the other girls of course and maybe you've already put this completely behind you but I think the girls would love it if you came and-"

"Beca!" she cut her off. Beca looked up at her with scared eyes and her chest raised and lowered heavily as she just remembered she's supposed to breathe.

They stared, and then Aubrey smiled a particularly out of character large smile, and said, "Of aca-course Beca. This is amazing. I-I haven't bought the ticket yet. I couldn't. I told my dad that I would start come September." She paused as she crossed the room to sit next to Beca, "You would know that if you would have answered the damn phone."

"Sorry about that. I was, um, busy."

"You weren't going to say good-bye."

"It doesn't matter now." Beca shook her head as she tried to change the subject, "Come on, lets tell Chloe." Beca stood and dragged Aubrey up with her. The blonde smiled too excited to concentrate on anything else.

"Oh wait! You better make a new pot of coffee before you go in there."

"Yeah… good call."

Aubrey swatted Beca's legs as she tried to lay down two dresses on the bed.

"Move it," she said, to a begrudgingly cooperative Beca. She laid down a white body-con dress and mint-green floor length one.

"The white one." Beca said, smirking at the older girl.

"You're just saying that because-"

"Your ass looks aca-amazing in it." Beca rose and wrapped her arms around Aubrey's waist. Aubrey put her own arms around the other girl's neck and leaned in less than and inch away from her face.

"Aca-amazing, huh?" She whispered.

Beca hummed quietly in response before closing the distance between them for several seconds until they broke away due to an exaggerated cough coming from the doorway.

"Hate to interrupt," Chloe said, looking at one of the walls, instead of the two girls who were now straightening themselves out and standing out of arms reach of each other. "But um, I'm running to Gloria's Pantry to grab some stuff to make for dinner, just wanted to know if you needed anything."

"Oh," Aubrey cleared her throat, "um, yeah actually do you mind if I just come with you? I have to get some stuff."

"Oh, yeah! We'll leave in a sec? Beca, you coming?"

Beca poked her head around Aubrey and smiled sheepishly, "Sure."


"I'm gonna go grab a coffee from the kiosk," Beca said walking backwards, "Do you guys want anything?"

"Green tea please!" Chloe half shouted.

"The usual." Aubrey said without looking up from the can label she was reading.

Chloe scoffed.

"What?" Aubrey asked, making a face while putting the can back on the shelf.

"Oh, nothing."


"I'll just never understand." Chloe shrugged.

"Understand what?"

"It's been what, a year? And you're still pretending you're not an old married couple, or even girlfriends at that, or even dating!"

Aubrey didn't respond for a moment. Her face never changed she just continued pushing the cart and walking down the aisle. She and Chloe had had this conversation a countless number of times before and each time Aubrey would respond the same way. That every time they try to discuss what they are to each other, it ends up in a fight.

"Its better like this, Chloe." She says, for what feels like the millionth time.

"Aubrey, she knows your coffee order, she has a key to your apartment, she slept at our apartment this year more than she slept at her dorm!"

"You gave her that key."

"Yeah because you two are too afraid of your feelings to think about the conveniences of just admitting you're in a relationship. I mean, she keeps her fucking tooth-brush in my bathroom instead of yours. I'm not the one sleeping with her, Aubrey."

Aubrey was the one to scoff this time, "People think you are."

"AND," Chloe turned abruptly, stopping the cart from being pushed, to look Aubrey in the eyes now, "the jealousy thing! I mean honestly, people assume Beca's dating someone else, you get mad, people assume Beca's dating you, you get mad. Why not just save yourself the energy and just call her your girlfriend?!"

"It's not that simple. Should we get penne or bowtie pasta?"

Chloe rolled her eyes, and threw a can of Spaghetti-os in the cart instead.