A new dreyar

Hey everyone anime26 here with the sequel for family

Summery- laxus wants to start a family with Lucy.

Disclaimer- I don't own fairy tail just crave and Isaac

Chapter 1

It's been two years since laxus dreyar had married the love of his life and was appointed the 7th master of fairy tail he had honestly been surprised when his grandfather announced that he was naming laxus the next fairy tail master.

Knock knock

"Come in" the blonde male called out looking up just as asuka opened the door and rushed over to him making him smile. Alzack and bisca right behind her bisca carrying their 9 month old son Isaac whom was the splitting image of his mother right down to the green hair.

"Hey laxus, how's the paperwork coming along?" alzack asked the blonde haired master.

Sighing "I don't know how gramps did it? So many damage reports just from natsu alone it's amazing that Lucy still has patience with him" laxus answered while leaning back in his chair "did you guys need something?" he asked.

We wanted to ask if you could watch the kids tonight, there was a request asking for us, if you don't mind, we can ask someone else" bisca asked.

Of course I'll watch them you guys should know by now that I don't mind helping you guys out when you need it." Laxus said walking over to them reaching out for the baby.

"Yeah we know that but it never hurts to ask right?" bisca said with a smile as she watched laxus handle her son with care.

"I guess you're right, you guys better get going" laxus said looking at the couple.

"Right" alzack said looking down at his daughter "be good and help with your brother we'll see you tomorrow" he told her giving her a hug.

"Alright be careful" the young girl told her parents then they left. "alright kiddo the I'm going to work for another 30 minutes then we'll head home" laxus told the young girl as he put the younger boy into his play pen that was kept in the office for when laxus watched him or his naps. Placing some toys in there to entertain the baby the slayer went back to his desk.

"Okay" asuka answered and got out her crayons and coloring book that was kept in the office for her.

Laxus smiled and got back to work, all three were quiet until it was time to leave "alright kiddos let's go" laxus said picking Isaac up and left his office with asuka beside him. "Mira I'm out for the night would you mind closing?" laxus asked the demon take over mage.

"Of course laxus I'll see you tomorrow" Mira answered waving goodbye to the three.

"How does pizza for dinner sound?" laxus asked asuka

"Yeah with mushroom and pineapple please" asuka answered with a huge smile.

The blonde slayer chuckled and looked to the baby in his arms "what about you kid pizza okay with you?" laxus asked Isaac poking his tummy causing the boy to giggle.

Ordering half supreme for him and half mushroom and pineapple for asuka they waited for their dinner.

"Uncle Laxus look at me" asuka's voice made him turn to see her on a mechanical horse ride chuckling he set Isaac in front his sister.

"Hold on to your brother" laxus said putting a coin in the slot making the ride come to life. Kids enjoyed the ride until their order was ready "let's go asuka" laxus called the young girl who walked over with her brother. "Here trade you" laxus said taking Isaac and handing the pizza to the young girl.

"Alright" asuka answered with a smile taking the pizza.

Upon arriving home laxus sets Isaac in his high chair, "make sure you wash your hands asuka" laxus said as he wiped Isaac's hands. Doing what she's told asuka sits down at the table the slayer gives asuka her usual two pieces of pizza and a glass of milk. "Thank you uncle laxus" asuka said digging into her dinner.

Laxus smiles then turns his attention to the baby "well Isaac what will it be tonight peas or carrots?" he asked grabbing two jars.

"He likes carrots better" asuka said swallowing her food.

"A carrot man huh" laxus said sitting down to feed the 9 month old his dinner.

"When is Aunt Lucy coming home?" asuka asked taking a drink of her milk.

"She should be home tomorrow afternoon at the latest why you miss her?" laxus answered not taking his eyes off his task.

Yeah and she promised me I could play with Aquarius when she got back." Asuka answered finishing her first piece of pizza.

"You know once she makes a promise she won't break it she takes her promises seriously" laxus answered.

"Yeah I know that I just can't wait to play with the pretty mermaid out of all Aunt Lucy's spirits Aquarius is my favorite

"I think Aquarius likes you more then she likes Lucy and Lucy grew up around Aquarius" laxus said looking at the little girl.

"That's kind of sad" asuka replied.

"Yeah it is however Lucy loves Aquarius no matter how mean she is to Lucy because Lucy has a special bond with her" laxus answered.

"How is it special?" asuka asked taking a drink of milk.

"well before Lucy had the key her mother held Aquarius, Capricorn's and cancer's keys they watched her grow up when her mother died their keys were passed on to Lucy" laxus answered giving the Isaac the last of his dinner.

"Oh" was all that asuka said going back to eating.

Laxus cleaned Isaac up and picked him up "asuka I'm giving your brother a bath once you're done take your plate and glass to the sink and you can play until I come back out then you can take your bath" laxus said

"Alright" asuka said as laxus walked out of the kitchen. Going into the bathroom he fills up the tub about half way, undressing the boy and sets him in the water Isaac starts splashing and giggling making laxus chuckle the blonde male lets him play for a few minutes before grabbing the shampoo.

"Alright kiddo let's get you washed up" laxus said as he started washing the boy's soft green hair. Soon laxus was done bathing Isaac the slayer took him out of the tub and dried him off then laxus walked in to the room asuka and Isaac shared when they spent the night and got the boy dressed.

A while later all three sat in the living room watching a movie as laxus gave Isaac a bottle. Soon the movie was over which meant it was time for bed for the two Connell children.

Asuka was told to brush her teeth as she did that laxus laid Isaac in his crib and covered him up and stood there for moment thinking back to the day he was born.


Laxus was in his office doing paperwork Lucy helping him; he enjoyed spending time with his wife even if it was doing paperwork. He had to admit she was good at it thanks to her upbringing as an heiress Lucy was trained to take over her father's business.

There was a knock on the door "come in" laxus called out the door opened to reveal asuka and a very pregnant bisca right behind her.

"Hey guys mind if we come in here for awhile?" bisca asked.

"Not at all, we were about to take a break anyway" laxus answered as he picked asuka up onto his lap. "Is everything okay bisca?" he asked the pregnant shooter mage.

"Yeah just wanted some peace and quiet for a little bit" bisca answered as she sat down next to Lucy "the baby is restless today" the green haired woman said rubbing her stomach.

Lucy smiled and laid a hand on the other woman's tummy feeling the baby move "have guys thought of names yet?" Lucy asked.

"Yes yuki if it's a girl, Isaac if it's a boy" bisca answered with a smile.

"Good names" laxus said and looked down to the girl. "You excited to be a big sister?" he asked her.

"She can't wait she's been help with everything" bisca said then suddenly cringed.

"Bisca are you alright?" Lucy asked concerned.

"Yeah just a big kic" the sentence was left unfinished as bisca felt something wet run down her legs.

"Oh my gosh, your water just broke" Lucy said standing up.

Upon hearing that laxus went into action setting the girl down whom automatically went to her mother. Leaving the office "oi minna shut up and listen, bisca just went labor. Mira call alzack he should have a communication lacrima call and see where he is, jet go get porlyusica, Wendy get everything ready, erza watch asuka.

Done giving instructions the lightning slayer helped Lucy get bisca to the infirmary and stayed with her until alzack showed up.

Early the next morning Isaac Connell was born.

"Hey guys" Lucy whispered quietly as she and laxus walked in to see the new addition.

"I take it everything was okay?" laxus asked as he set a vase of assorted flowers next to bisca's bed.

"yes everything went just fine according to porlyusica and Wendy he's perfectly healthy despite him being three weeks early" alzack said looking down at his son.

Lucy smiled walked over to alzack "may I" she asked with a smile nodding alzack gently laid the baby in Lucy's arms making sure she supported his head, "hello Isaac I've been waiting to met you I'm your aunt Lucy welcome to the world" she smiled down at the newborn.

Laxus watched as his wife talked to the baby thinking she looked really happy then he thought if it was their own child, mentally shaking his head they weren't ready to have a baby.

"Laxus, Lucy" hearing their names the blondes looked towards the parents "we'd like you guys to be Isaac's godparents" bisca said surprising the blonde couple.

"Are guys sure?" laxus asked with wide eyes.

Nodding "of course we're sure, when discussing about who we went through everyone in the guild no one seemed right until we thought of you 2 as much as we love everyone there just to rowdy plus you guys have helped us so mush so how could we not pick you" alzack said with a smile.

Laxus and Lucy looked at each other "what do you think?" Lucy asked her husband. Laxus looked from his wife down to the newborn in her arms for a moment before smiling looking back to alzack and bisca.

"we'd be honored" laxus answered making the parents smile looking back at Lucy "let me hold him" the blonde slayer gently has he could taking Isaac in his arms making sure to support his head. "Hi Isaac I'm your uncle laxus welcome to the fairy tail family we're a crazy bunch but we look out and protect each other" he finished saying with a huge smile.


Laxus smiled at the memory it seemed like yesterday that the boy was born now he was coming up on 10 months old. Since the beginning laxus and Isaac had formed a special bond like the one Lucy and crave have laxus had been first one see the boy walk with the help of his father and the first one Isaac had walked to by himself.

After his parents and sister, he and Lucy were Isaac's favorite people followed by Makarov then crave.

Laxus loved Isaac like he was his own son "goodnight Isaac" turning to see asuka crawl into her bed he went to tuck her in.

"Good night uncle laxus" asuka said then closing her eyes.

"good night kiddo, sleep tight" laxus told the young girl then left the room, heading into the kitchen to eat his own dinner, cleaned up and watched TV for awhile then went to bed.

Lying in bed he thought that maybe it was time for him and Lucy to start their own family. Finally falling asleep he dreamed about a little boy with big brown eyes like Lucy's and a beautiful little girl with grey-blue eyes like his. Laxus smiled in his sleep.