Master of Legends (Chapter Seven)

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon.

Three more years of solid training had passed and now it was time; Ash had called Mr. Goodshow and made an appointment with him so all of them could go in and speak to him. The week before they were to meet Ash got the itch and set out with Mew.

Riding atop his Latios, Ash followed Mew for about an hour until they came across a massive rainbow in the sky. It was there they saw a massive bird that looked a bit like a phoenix with multi-colored wings. A rainbow seemed to flow from the wings every time the Pokemon flapped.

Ash stared in awe at the majestic Pokemon before scanning it. "Ho-Oh, the Rainbow Pokemon. Ho-Oh's feathers are in seven different colors. Legend says that anyone who sees a Ho-Oh is promised eternal happiness."

'Eternal happiness' Ash thought before Ho-Oh seemed to spot him. The Rainbow Pokemon widened its eyes before hastily flying towards him. "Get ready Latios, Mew" he said hastily. Both of them got ready with Mew ready to deflect any possible attacks and Latios ready to counterattack.

'Chosen One, is it you' Ho-Oh spoke in a female voice.

'Telepathy' Ash thought. He shouldn't be surprised, all Legendary Pokemon could speak Telepathy if they so wished to. It was more common in Psychic type though "Chosen One" Ash said confused. "What does that mean?"

Ho-Oh seemed surprised 'You don't know. I thought Mew or the others would've told you by now.' Ash looked at Mew only to see her giggle sheepishly. Looking to Latios, he saw the Eon Pokemon looking a little awkward. 'You both forgot didn't you' Ho-Oh spoke in a tone that sounded like a mother scolding a child.

Both of them looked embarrassed making Ho-Oh sigh. "Excuse me Ho-Oh, but could you please tell me what you mean by Chosen One" Ash asked.

'Ah, of course' Ho-Oh spoke in a rather flustered tone. Her flustered tone turned into a very serious tone. 'I'm sure you know of the legend of Arceus right?'

"Yes" Ash replied. "Arceus was born from an egg when the world was still in chaos. After the awakening Arceus' powers awoke and Arceus then made Time, Space, Matter and Antimatter and then created Dialga, Palkia and Giratina to guard them. After that Arceus created spirit and the Lake Guardians known as Mesprit, Azelf and Uxie with Mesprit embodying emotion, Azelf embodying willpower and Uxie embodying knowledge. After that Arceus fell into slumber."

Ho-Oh smiled 'You are very knowledgeable about our legends. That is indeed correct, but you must know that Arceus awakened seventeen years ago for one single purpose. To create his Chosen One.'

"There's that term again" Ash said. "What is 'Chosen One'? What does it mean?"

'The Chosen One speaks of a human born into this world' Ho-Oh began. 'The legend is that one human will be born into this world that will create an eternal balance between Human and Pokemon. He alone shall be known as the most powerful Pokemon Master in all of history surpassing all before him and none after him will be able to match him. The Chosen One alone has the power to tame the spirits of the Legendary Pokemon of this world and he alone is the only one who has the power to train them. That chosen one was born seventeen years ago from a human mother and the power of the God of Pokemon. It is you Ash? You are Arceus' Champion, the Chosen One.'

Ash was in shock. How could he not be? He was just told that he was going to be the one destined to create eternal balance between Pokemon and humans. Not only that, but the questions in his childhood suddenly made sense. Ash constantly asked his mother about his father, but each time she had said that he was a Pokemon trainer out on a journey. It was a lie; Arceus had used his own power to conceive Ash so Ash had no father, just his mother.

"Mew" his faithful starter Pokemon flew up to Ash trying to comfort him. Latios cooed softly to Ash as well.

'Do not feel despair' Ho-Oh said gently. 'Our father, Arceus, works in mysterious ways, but he's always done it in the best interests for both humans and Pokemon. That being said, there is something I need to ask you, oh Chosen One.'

Ash looked up "Okay" he finally said. "You can call me Ash though."

Ho-Oh smiled 'I will remember that. I have actually been searching for you for a while now. There is an emergency in Alamos Town in the Sinnoh Region. Dialga and Palkia are fighting and if it continues the entire dimension will cease to exist. A Darkrai that lives near the town is trying to stop them, but it's not working. Your help is needed.'

Ash was wide eyed as he thought of this situation. Dialga and Palkia were members of the Creation Trio, two of the three very first Pokemon that were ever created. If they were fighting then nothing was good especially if their fighting threatened this world. It could potentially draw out Giratina as well and then things would truly turn bad.

"Let's go, hurry" Ash said quickly. "Mew, return for now" he called back his starter Pokemon and reattached the pokeball to his neck. "Fly Latios, show me how fast you can truly go" he said. Latios gave out a roar before jetting off. Tucking in his wings Latios flew so fast that Ash had to pull some goggles out from his backpack just to see. Even Ho-Oh, who was coming with them, had trouble keeping up with them.

They flew all the way to Alamos Town where they found Dialga and Palkia battling. Most of the town was completely destroyed and a Darkrai was trying to stop them while simultaneously protecting some man and woman. Darkrai launched a dark pulse at Dialga, but Dialga treated it as though it was a bug bite before launching a hyper beam at Darkrai.

"Latios, Luster Purge now" Ash shouted. Latios hastily launched his signature attack and managed to divert the hyper beam, but not outright stop it. That showed how powerful Dialga truly was and it was a testament to Ash's training methods that Latios became that strong.

Ash flew down and stopped in front of Darkrai and the two humans. "Get out of the city I'll take care of this" he told them.

"W-Wait" the girl tried to say.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing" Ash said. "Darkrai, you're protecting them right?" Darkrai stared at Ash before grunting and nodding "Good then get them out of the city. Leave Dialga and Palkia to me."

"But you can't take them by yourself" the man shouted at him. "Even with a Latios you can't beat them both."

"Look the more time we spend arguing the more the danger increases" Ash shouted right back. "If Dialga and Palkia continue this fight then this whole dimension could be destroyed. Even worse, Giratina could show up and then we've got a real problem. Now get out of the town." Darkrai grabbed them both and flew from the city.

With that Ash faced the raging Pokemon "Alright Latios, we'll fight them Dragon with Dragon." Latios nodded and flew off towards them while Ash pulled out three Pokeballs. "Help us out Rayquaza, Dragonite, Salamence." Out of the Pokeballs came Ash's other Dragon type Legendary and his two most powerful Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon.

"Rayquaza, you and Salamence will take on Dialga" Ash ordered. "Dragonite, assist Latios with Palkia." All of the Pokemon gave a roar and obeyed. Salamence charged Dialga and unleashed a massive hyper beam that struck Dialga head on making the Temporal Pokemon cry out. Simultaneously Dragonite launched its own hyper beam and struck Palkia the Spatial Pokemon flying back.

Both Pokemon recovered and roared at them for interrupting their fight before both of them roared and launched their signature technique. "Rayquaza use Dragon Ascent and Latios, use Luster Purge" Ash shouted. Both of his legendary Pokemon launched their own signature techniques. Latios' launched a pink ray of energy that clashed with Palkia's Spacial Rend and managed to stop it. Meanwhile Rayquaza was surrounded in green energy before diving head first into Dialga's Roar of Time attack. It was a fierce standoff until Salamence launched a hyper beam into Dialga's side. The attack caused enough distraction for Rayquaza's signature attack to strike head on.

Meanwhile Latios and Dragonite flew around each other rapidly before ramming Palkia with a simultaneous Giga Impact. While Palkia was sent flying off and impacted harshly onto the ground Ash knew it wasn't nearly enough to stop Palkia. "Dragonite and Latios, keep using a combination of Dragon Pulse and Dragon Breath to weaken Palkia's defense" Ash ordered.

Meanwhile he shouted to Rayquaza and Salamence "Both of you use Brick Break and Rock Smash to weaken Dialga's defense." Both Pokemon roared in confirmation and did just that. Ash knew that despite Dialga being part Steel type was resistant to fire type attacks being part Dragon. The only ones that really damaged it were fighting and ground type attacks. He had to play this safely or else it would end in disaster.

His Pokemon were following his orders perfectly flying all around the area at fast speeds avoiding the attacks of the two Legends. Because of their rage induced states they were not focusing on strategic ways to win, but just rage induced power.

Salamence and Rayquaza's fighting type attacks were doing Dialga some serious damage and the combined dragon attacks from Latios and Dragonite were wearing Palkia out. One final attack from all four of them sent the two Legendary's flying. "Alright" Ash breathed. "That might've calmed them down." However suddenly their eyes opened and both Pokemon shot back up roaring once more making Ash scowl. "No choice, I'll have to catch them to make them stop" he said. He got two Pokeballs ready "All of you use Giga Impact" Ash called.

All of his Pokemon charged at Dialga and Palkia surrounding themselves in purple energy before slamming right into them. Shooting up they looked down as Dialga and Palkia collapsed. Ash tossed the two Pokeballs at them. They were sucked into the pokeballs where they landed on the ground and slightly twitched for a bit while the center blinked red. A few seconds later the blinking stopped and the balls went still signifying a successful capture.

Ash sighed in relief and had Latios fly down. Once down he picked up both pokeballs and looked at them. "Alright" he breathed. "Hopefully after they've calmed down a bit I can convince them to put this town back together. Luckily we stopped them before things got truly bad."

Right after Ash said that a massive hyper beam struck right next to Ash causing a massive explosion that nearly decimated the remains of the town. Ash was sent flying and blacked out only for Dragonite to fly down and catch him while Salamence went and grabbed Latios, who had also been blasted by the attack.

Dragonite looked at her trainer and gasped when she saw him. His entire right sleeve had been ripped off with his right arm being burned pretty badly. His face was also slightly scorched, but the worst was a massive slash wound that went from the right side of his jawline diagonally up his face, under his right eye and partly onto his forehead stopping above his nose. It was dripping blood freely.

Ash groaned as he woke up panting "D-Dragonite" he gasped. His dragon Pokemon held him in her arms gently while Salamence landed with a wounded Latios. All of them huddled around him with concern as Ash slowly regained his bearings before sitting up only to cry out and clench his hand over his face. He looked up and gasped in shock.

For good reason too. Above him was a massive draconic looking Pokemon with large scaly black wings, six clawed legs, and two sideways protruding horns and around its head, matching the horns, was a golden crown-like object.

"Giratina" Ash gasped. Rayquaza was still in the sky facing Giratina and growling angrily at it for daring to attack Ash and Latios when their backs were turned. With Dragonite's help Ash stood up "I was afraid of this." This was the second worst case scenario for Ash. The first was the fight destroying the dimension and the second was Giratina showing up as the damage Dialga and Palkia caused by fighting each other damages all dimensions including the Antimatter Dimension that Giratina inhabited.

"This is gonna be troublesome; Latios return" Ash said recalling the Eon Pokemon. He was too injured to keep fighting. But that was a problem; Mew was very strong, one of his strongest Pokemon, but against the might of Giratina, who legend says was the very first Pokemon that Arceus created as well as being the Master of Dialga and Palkia, was out of her league. Salamence and Dragonite were tired from all the fighting against Dialga and Palkia. Rayquaza might be able to defeat Giratina, but that's a big might. They were in a tight corner.

'Chosen One' came Ho-Oh's heavenly voice. Ash turned to Ho-Oh as the Rainbow Pokemon landed in front of him. Ho-Oh reached out with one feather and gently touched Ash. Ash, himself, felt a heavenly feeling surround him and all of his pain seemed to just ebb away. When Ash pulled his hand away all that was left was a blood stain on his hand and face plus one more scar to add to his collection. 'Allow me to assist you.'

"Ho-Oh" Ash said surprised.

Ho-Oh smiled 'You are the Chosen One. A Legendary Pokemon will follow you willingly. I am no different. Allow me to join and assist you.'

Ash stared in shock before a smile came to his face. "Alright then." He turned to his other Pokemon "You did a good job you guys. Take a long break" he said returning both his Dragonite and Salamence. With that he climbed atop Ho-Oh "Alright Ho-Oh let's do this." Ho-Oh cried out in agreement and flew up to fight with Rayquaza.

The two Pokemon were face to face with the mighty Giratina, perhaps the scarcest Pokemon in the world after Arceus himself. 'Alright' Ash thought trying to calm himself. 'Legend says that Giratina is a dual Ghost/Dragon Type. That combination makes Giratina immune to Normal and Fighting Types, but weak against Ghost, Ice, Dragon, Dark and Fairy Types. It's also resistant to fire type attacks. I think I can do it.' "Rayquaza use ice beam" Ash shouted. Rayquaza built up a large ice beam before firing it. Giratina flew and avoided the ice beam "Now Ho-Oh use Sky Attack." Ho-Oh screech and flew at Giratina becoming enveloped in energy before slamming right into Giratina. Giratina roared before launching a swirling mass of black wind at Ho-Oh.

"Fly" Ash shouted. Ho-Oh took off flying as fast she could. They avoided the ominous wind attack, but Giratina was now flying after them launching more attacks that forced them to take evasive action to avoid them. The attacks slammed into the ground creating big explosions. "Rayquaza, Dragon Ascent attack" Ash shouted. Rayquaza glowed before charging and striking Giratina. Giratina roared before its tail glowed and it struck Rayquaza sending it flying to the ground. "Rayquaza, no" Ash shouted.

Gritting his teeth Ash had Ho-Oh turn around "Ariel Ace now" he shouted. Ho-Oh launched herself at Giratina and struck head on sending Giratina flying back "Now, a Sky Attack" he shouted. Ho-Oh's sky attack hit dead on sending Giratina falling through the sky. "Alright, one more Sky Attack."

Ho-Oh charged right at Giratina only for Giratina to suddenly vanish. "What, where did it go" Ash gasped. He then heard a roar from behind him; he turned only to see Giratina charging an attack where it hit dead on sending them both falling through the air. 'Damn it. That was Giratina's Shadow Force attack' Ash thought angry that he didn't see it coming.

Ho-Oh had taken some serious damage from the attack and Ash only had two other attacks to use since Ho-Oh's primary moves revolved around fire type attacks and Giratina was resistant to fire moves. If they got out of this and Ho-Oh really did come with him then he'd resolve to teach Ho-Oh moves other than fire type attacks.

"You okay Ho-Oh" Ash asked.

'I am fine, but I can only withstand maybe two more hits from Giratina' Ho-Oh replied. 'He's very strong.' That did not bode well with Ash, but he nodded in understanding. Giratina then charged another attack 'That's Dragon Pulse' Ho-Oh recognized.

"Use your Flamethrower to stop it and then charge with a Sky Attack" Ash said. Ho-Oh did just that as Giratina fired its attack. Ho-Oh fired her own and the attack hit causing a massive explosion that blanketed the area in smoke. After that Ho-Oh charged through the smoke with a Sky Attack, however Giratina disappeared again. "It's Shadow Force again, watch out" Ash warned.

The two of them looked around rapidly for Giratina, but the Renegade Pokemon appeared behind them and was about to attack when Rayquaza appeared and blasted it near point blank range with a Dragon Breath attack. Giratina roared and was launched to the ground.

"Rayquaza" Ash called joyfully. Rayquaza turned and nodded with a small growl. "Alright, guys, let's finish this now. Rayquaza use Dragon Ascent and Ho-Oh use Sky Attack, full power and don't hold back." Both Pokemon roared and forced all of their energy into their attacks before charging and slamming into Giratina simultaneously causing a very massive explosion.

Giratina was thrown clear and landed hard on the ground. Ash wasted no time and had Ho-Oh fly over to Giratina where Ash threw a Pokeball at the Renegade Pokemon. It hit and Giratina was sucked into the Pokeball. The ball landed on the ground and began twitching and blinking and continued to do so for almost two minutes before going still. Ash breathed a sigh of relief at it all being over at last.


After a day of rest Ash released Palkia and found out everything that happened. Apparently Palkia thought that Dialga had entered its territory and they fought. It was found out to be false and all a simple misunderstanding. After that Ash asked that Palkia return Alamos Town back to normal. Palkia did and humbly apologized for the destruction.

Dialga also apologized to the town as well. Giratina apologized to Ash for the attack as it was a misunderstanding on the Renegade Pokemon's part as it thought that Ash was an enemy. Giratina was only trying to discipline Dialga and Palkia for their fighting. They were all much calmer now as they were now Pokemon of the Chosen One.

Ash's captures didn't end there as he was confronted by the Darkrai of the town, whom he found out had been living in that town protecting the descendant of the one who protected him many years ago. Now that that person was travelling the world with her love Darkrai needed a new purpose. So Darkrai requested to come with Ash and Ash agreed.

H-Oh was also serious on her proposal; she did want to come with Ash and she came with him willingly as well. For Ash, this was a new record; five new Pokemon in one sitting. Ash would have to place a big order to Larry for this one.

Larry was a person who constructed Pokeballs for a living. Legendary Pokemon were unique and Ash wanted his own Pokeballs to be unique so ever since he captured a full team of Legendary Pokemon he sought out someone who could construct custom made Master balls in the likelihood of the Legendary Pokemon he captured. Master balls were the strongest type of Pokeball that existed and could capture a Pokemon instantly no matter how strong they were.

Meeting Larry the next morning Ash placed the order for five new Master Balls in the likelihood of Ho-Oh, Darkrai, Palkia, Dialga and Giratina. The order tool about three days, but it was well worth it.

Ho-Oh's Pokeball was the normal white on the bottom and red on top, but the red had green feather designs running on the side and a golden feather running along the center top of the pokeball.

Darkrai's Pokeball was all black with the middle of the pokeball being red in a zigzag formation like the appendage around Darkrai's mouth. The top of the pokeball had a single green circle design while a white tuff design was on the top of the pokeball and fluttered down the back of the pokeball.

Palkia's Pokeball was all white with pink tribal designs going all along the pokeball that all converged on the center while the center was a bright pink color similar to the Lustrous Orb.

Dialga's Pokeball was in the similar design of Palkia's except it was dark blue with silver tribal marks going around it all leading to the center while the center was a bright blue color similar to the Adamant Orb.

Giratina's Pokeball was all gray in color with the center of the Pokeball designed with Giratina's golden crown-like appendages going vertically up the center and connecting in the back while black and red wing designs went horizontally across the pokeball.

That was that for Ash, but it wasn't it for another of his Elite Four members.

Four years ago when Ritchie was only thirteen he had an encounter with Kanto's most notorious group of villains known as Team Rocket. They were a group that was known for stealing Pokemon from trainers all over the Kanto and Johto Region and also set out to capture rare Pokemon.

Ritchie met a group of three; a girl names Jesse, a boy named James and the most bizarre of all, a talking Meowth. They were after his Pokemon after seeing him battle in a local tournament. Ritchie swiftly defeated them all with his Raichu.

For six months afterwards he had to deal with them over and over again almost on a daily basis. Ritchie was getting very ticked off at this repetitiveness as it was time consuming and cutting into his training. The next time he met them he had his Raichu use Zap Cannon to paralyze them long enough so he could call Officer Jenny.

While he waited for them he learned more about them, after they finally stopped screaming at him that is. It turn out Jesse was orphaned at a young age and initially tried to become a nurse before joining Team Rocket, but was unable to so she tried to become a Pokemon Nurse, but it didn't work out in the end. After that she enrolled herself in Pokemon Tech, but promptly failed and dropped out along with James and joined a Bike Gang with him. After leaving they became a part of Team Rocket on bad terms until Meowth became their partner.

James was originally from a wealthy family of Millionaires, but he did not belong in high society as he had no interest in it. Things only got worse when his parents made him get engaged to a girl named Jessebelle who was such a control freak that she drove him crazy. He finally couldn't take it and ran away from home where he eventually joined Team Rocket with Jesse.

Then there was Meowth; his story was very sad. He was abandoned as a mere kitten and when trying to get food was hung up by his paws by a butcher where he saw a film that depicted a Meowth in Hollywood. Excited Meowth set out for Hollywood only to find out it was nothing like the movies said. He was treated just like another stray Pokemon and almost starved to death, but a group of Meowth's led by a Persian saved him and took care of him. He stayed with them for many years and stole lots of food and lived happily until he met a female Meowth cutely named 'Meowzie.' He tried to impress her, but she cruelly rejected him saying he was poor, had nothing to offer and that she preferred humans. After that Meowth went through a painstaking process of learning how to be human. He learned to speak the human language and walk like a human. It was hard as it hurt his vocal chords trying to talk and trying to run on two legs as opposed to four made him get caught so many times. Finally after learning everything he approached Meowzie again only to be rejected once more when she called him a freak. Heartbroken Meowth remembered the first human word he understood – "Rocket" – and as such was inspired to join Team Rocket. After he did he became Giovanni's personal pet and servant and did his job for a while, but ended up failing and was sub-sequentially replaced by a Persian and assigned to Jesse and James.

Now Ritchie wasn't an overly emotional person; he didn't wear them on his sleeve. However hearing Meowth's story made Ritchie actually shed tears. Meowth was absolutely shocked that a human would shed tears for him.

Ritchie then spoke "I can see why you're all like this. Bad upbringings leads to bad lives. I feel sympathetic to you guys, I really do. But the crimes you've committed can't be overlooked. Listen, I can't promise anything, but if you guys can pay your debt to society then I'll help you guys see a better life." He spoke this to Jesse and James. Turning to Meowth he spoke "Unfortunately the penalty for Pokemon who commit these crimes is not so easy. They won't let you go free Meowth; depending on your crimes they'll either lock you up in a Pokemon Shelter to be rehabilitated or… sentence you to euthanasia." Meowth gulped and went wide eyed at such a possibility, but Ritchie's next words made him freeze completely. "I can help you though; the Meowth with Team Rocket is only known to be walking on two legs, not speaking the human language. I can say you escaped when in reality you'll be with me. I can help you start a new life Meowth and… I'll make you stronger then you've ever been."

Meowth stared up at Ritchie as he held his hand out. Meowth stared at it and back to his friends; the only friends he had ever known. Jesse and James stared back for a moment before James smiled and nodded. Meowth looked back and reached out before grabbing Ritchie's hand and ever since then Meowth led a new life.

Jesse and James were sent to prison, but from the words of Ritchie their sentence was reduced quite a bit. Meowth trained with Ritchie and his Pokemon every day and true to Ritchie's words Meowth got very strong and on his own request Ritchie used an Everstone to stop Meowth from evolving as Meowth never wanted to be a Persian and just stay the way he was. It was long and arduous work, but in the end Meowth became very strong and travelled with Ritchie all across the world, but was kept a secret from the others as Meowth wasn't too comfortable around the others yet. For three years he was kept secret, but soon he would be revealed.

Now, the week before they were to meet with Charles Goodshow did Meowth decide that he had to do something. He asked Ritchie to take him to Hollywood and Ritchie obliged. They flew to Hollywood where Ritchie followed Meowth down the streets until stopping at an alleyway.

"Is this what I think it is" Ritchie asked.

"Yeah" Meowth said softly. The two of them walked down the alleyway and it didn't take them long to be surrounded by five Meowth's. Ritchie and Meowth remained calm and watched as a Persian and another Meowth came out. Meowth was temporarily surprised "Meowzie… that you" Meowth asked.

Indeed it was Meowzie who looked surprised as well "Meow…" she said.

The Persian faced Meowth and purred something that Ritchie couldn't understand although by the way the Persian's eyes turned to him he knew it was about him. "You don't have to worry about him Boss" Meowth said to the Persian. "He's my trainer; I'm just here to say something and then I'll be on my way." The Persian looked at Meowth and back to Ritchie before nodding and sat down. "First of all… I wanted to thank you, Boss."

The Persian seemed surprised "Per" the Persian said in confusion.

"You found me when I was all alone and starving and you took me in even though you didn't have to" Meowth said. "And for that I will be forever grateful to you and the rest of the guys for doing this for me. You guys were like my family. And that being said I also want to apologize for just up and leaving ten years ago. I've done some bad things with my life and made some crappy decisions, but that's all behind me now. This guy, Ritchie, gave me a new chance and saved me from going to a Pokemon Shelter, or even worse, death. Because of him I'm changing my life for the better. But still, I wouldn't have even made it this far in life if it wasn't for you guys and for that I thank you. I just wanted to come back and tell you guys that."

Then Meowth's gaze turned to Meowzie and it narrowed a bit "And since you're here Meowzie I got something to say to you. You grew up in a high society class and just like all of them you looked down on everyone of lesser class than you. That's what I really hate about rich folks. When I met you, you said I had nothing to offer you and that I was poor, well now it looks like the roles are reversed now. I don't know how you came to be like this and quite frankly I don't give a Mankey's ass about it. I tried to become more human-like to impress you and you called me a freak for it. Fine, I'm a freak, but you know what I'm happy being who I am. Now I'm gonna go off and be a Pokemon of a member of the soon-to-be Kanto Elite Four and you'll be here in alleyway. You owe your life to Boss for what he's done for you because now you're no better than the poor people you used to look down on."

Meowth sighed before looking once more at the group of shocked Meowth and one Persian. "That's all I wanted to say. Good luck to all of you." With that Meowth turned and walked away. Ritchie looked at the Meowth and Persian once more before following after Meowth.

Persian stared after Meowth before looking down on the only female Meowth in the group. Small tears were falling from her eyes; the rest of the Meowth pretended not to notice. Persian never got to know the past of any of his gang members as the past was useless and they only looked forward to the future. He could only wonder what she was thinking. Meowzie herself was thinking back to when she first met Meowth and how he had tried so hard to impress her going through agony and she never knew and coldly pushed him aside. Now she was on the streets fighting to survive and Meowth was now going to become something big. She couldn't help, but shed tears in regret.


Now it was time; they would meet Mr. Goodshow in the League Office in Kanto. The five of them waited patiently in the waiting room. "Mr. Goodshow will see you now" a secretary said after opening the door. The five of them stood up and breathed in. This would be their chance.

Entering the office they saw Mr. Goodshow sitting behind his desk "Ah welcome" Mr. Goodshow said in an upbeat tone. "What can I do for you kids today?"

Ash spoke "Well Mr. Goodshow, we've come to you with a proposition of sorts. One that could change the Pokemon world forever as we know it." Ash then proceeded to tell his idea to Mr. Goodshow about how they planned to create a Kanto Elite Four and separate them from Johto.

By the end of the explanation Mr. Goodshow had a serious look on his face as he crossed his hands in front of his face and looked at them seriously. "That's a very ambitious and daring idea young man. How can I be sure that what you're saying is true?"

Ash smiled "Mew, reveal yourself." Before Mr. Goodshow's very eyes the legendary Mew appeared with a cute 'mew' sound.

"Bless my soul… it's Mew" Mr. Goodshow said in shock. "Wait, you're that trainer from the Indigo League six years ago."

Ash nodded "Indeed I am" he replied. "I found Mew when I was seven years old, ten years ago. We befriended each other and when I was ten she became my starter Pokemon. From then on it became my dream to become the first Pokemon Trainer to capture and train all of the Legendary Pokemon. And right now, seven years later, I have captured seventeen Legendary Pokemon with at least one from each region. No other trainer in history can ever say that. Think of it Mr. Goodshow, trainers all over the world will flock to the Kanto Region, the birthplace of the original 150 species of Pokemon. And all for the thirst to challenge not only the strongest Elite Four of the Six Regions, but also to face the Champion that has earned the nickname 'Master of Legends.' It'll be publicity of the highest caliber and more trainers will be eager to enter the Kanto League."

It was true; everything that Ash said was true. The Kanto League, due to its strict rules, had been having less and less trainers entering it than usual. The Indigo Conference was not about to change its rules so maybe bringing in this new crop would be a good thing.

But still Mr. Goodshow was apprehensive and the other saw that. "How about a demonstration" Ritchie suggested.

Mr. Goodshow looked to him "A demonstration" he said.

"Of course" Ritchie said. "You can gather the Champions and Elite Four of the other regions and all converge on a private location and we can show you our skills first hand."

"That's a good idea" Morrison grinned. "I've been itching for a good battle."

"It does sound like fun" Serena admitted a little bashfully.

"I'm all for it" Brock replied.

"Well Mr. Goodshow" Ash said.

Mr. Goodshow thought really hard on it; this was an opportunity that had never before presented itself to him. Hearing a sound next to him he turned and saw Mew looking at him with a cute tilt of her head. He let out a small sigh "Never in a million years would I even consider putting together a new Champion and Elite Four with five children under the age of twenty-one, but…"

"But…" Ash leaned forward.

"… I'm gonna do it" Mr. Goodshow said making them all let out a cheer before jumping up and hugging one another. Mr. Goodshow smiled at the scene; they were all children at heart, like all Pokemon trainers were. "I'll contact the Champions and Elite Four and have them meet at Lily of the Valley Island in three days' time. Show up by noon everyone; you'll start battling right afterwards." All five of them cheered once more and thanked Mr. Goodshow vigorously.


"WE DIT IT, WE DIT IT, WE DID IT" Morrison cheered loudly. Without care he hugged Brock tightly who grunted and hugged him back. Ash and Ritchie clapped hands before giving each other a one many hug before all of them simultaneously hugged Serena making her squeak and cheer at the same time.

"Alright guys; whatever affairs you need to settle in three days, do it" Ash said. "We meet at Lily of the Valley Island three days from now at ten o'clock to go over any last minute preparations."

"Got it" all of them said.

"See you guys then" Ash said before releasing Latios. "Good luck" he called before flying off. Simultaneously all of them released their own Pokemon before taking off. Ritchie released his Magnezone and flew off on the Magnet Area Pokemon. Morrison flew away on his Skarmory while Serena flew away on her Talonflame. Finally Brock flew away on his Aerodactyl. All of them got ready for the biggest battles of their lives.

Meanwhile Ash headed off in another direction "Alright Mew; today we try part two to face Mewtwo and after that it's strait to Shamouti Island." Mew cheered excitedly.

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