Hello! Its Monday. *Smiles happily.* I know what you thinking, she likes Monday? And yes, I do. :) Okay let me throw this out here right now. I will never be updating on Sunday. Ever. :) Also, I'm not sure who it was and I'm way to lazy to recheck my email and see for real so, the person who left a review on Dragon Fever with "Yeah, he's Alvins for what a day if that snake was poisonous." I want you to know that all of Saturday I would stop randomly giggle well and then say,"The snake was poisonous." Needless to say, I got quite a few odd looks. Thank you!


Ha! This was supposed to be Astrid's chapter but I stole the book we're writing in from her. What the? Stormfly! ASTRID! WE AGREED NO SPINE SHOTS NEAR BOOKS! Fine! TOOTHLESS PLASMA BLAST!

I stared across the cell in a dull trance.

My brain was sluggish and I was having a hard time concentrating. My leg was aching, and I managed to ignore it...mostly. The Outcasts had handed me some bandages before tossing me in a cell. I had wrapped the leg as best I could and then had passed out from a over intense headache.

I felt cold and the cell was dark and had a leak that would make a dripping noise every so often. I knew somewhere deep inside of me, that I was going to die here. If the snake had been poisonous, then I would be dead within the next twenty four hours. Maybe less, more or likely less. I wouldn't even get to fly on Toothless one last time and my dad would never know what happened unless the others escaped.

If I did live, I would probably die from the sickness I had anyway. It felt as though I was going insane. I rubbed my fingers along the side of my head, my damp hair sticking to the sides of my head. I frowned up at the dripping water above me. I was to exhausted to move and it was irritating, making me wet, and wasn't adding to my rainbow mood either. I sighed and pulled my knees up to my chest inhaling sharply as the bite sent out waves of pain. I forced my posture to relax as I laid my head on my knees and took in deep breaths.

Yup, the next person who talked to me was going to get so much sarcasm they will never want to hear any again.


The only improvement from the boat was that my hands we're not tied. My wrists were bleeding, rubbed raw, and blistering with what skin was left. All in all it was painful. I was pretty sure they we're going to infected, and soon. But with my...predicament there was anything I could do about it.

A creaking noise bounced through the air and I lifted my head up to see what it was, every part of me was screaming and pleading with fate that it would not be Alvin. There was a deep laugh and I heard Savage give a half hearted laugh.


The voices and feet moved closer before torch light filled outside my cell, I blinked several times as my eyes adjusted to the bright light. Savage stood next to Alvin and they we're surrounded by several guards. Savage looked at me to what was next to pity, whereas Alvin had no emotion written across his face.

I glanced up at the duo, and brushed some of my damp hair from my face. Arm still wrapped around my legs that we're pulled into my chest I let my left hand fall limply. My wrist smacked against the ground and I grimaced at the pain, I lifted my head to make eye contact with the Outcasts, "Trying to see who can stand there longer before you shift?" I asked dryly. The Outcasts all shifted and looked at each other except Alvin and Savage, quite a few of them even muttering things like, "No," and "Nope."

I sighed and let my head fall limply against my knees, "Get up." Alvin commanded. "And what?" I asked, not even lifting my head. "In case you haven't noticed, snake bites tend to make you not want to stand." I said and lifted my head making eye contact with the Outcast leader. He opened his mouth and I waved my left and and added,"Or get up."

Alvin's jaw snapped shut and he looked as though he was trying really, really hard to yell in fury. He tossed Savage the keys and Savage scrambled for them and caught them just before they hit the ground. "Wow, that was impressive." I noted. Savage glared at me and shoved the key into the lock there was a click and he swung the door open.

They stood there in silence for a few seconds. "I am not moving." I informed them and Alvin curled his hands into fists. Savage gave Alvin a I-told-you-so look and jestered to about two other Outcasts. They advanced into the cell and they both grabbed either one of my arms and pulled me to my feet. I clenched my teeth together as pressure was placed on my snakebite. Savage pulled my hands up in front of me and snapped shackles on both of my wrists. I glanced at the shiny shackles. "Are these new?" I asked staring up at the Outcasts who still held my upper arms. One of them nodded.

I sighed in pretend relief, "Oh good. Older shackles are so much easier to break you know, they're old, and brittle, but new shackles, new shackles will keep your prisoner nice and prisonery." I said and the Outcasts stared at me like I had gone crazy. "Prisonery is not a word." Alvin said. They Outcasts dragged me to the front of the cell, "Eh, sure it is. Anyway I must say that these shackles are nice. The best shackles." The Outcasts pulled me into the hallway in between the cells, and I snapped my mouth shut as my snakebite was shifted, I had nearly forgotten about it and to be honest, those thirty seconds where I couldn't feel the stabbing pain from it was present were amazing.

Alvin walked forward and the Outcasts dragged me forward. I bit my lip so deep I tasted blood. The bite was painful, and agony to be shifted at all. I was starting to lose conscious but forced my peg leg onto the ground and the motion snapped my brain into focus. The Outcasts who were dragging me stopped in surprise and quite a few behind up slammed into the backs of the Outcasts dragging me.

I cleared my throat and grinned sheepishly, "Sorry about that." I said and limped forward on my peg leg. Alvin looked back at me and glared but we continued forward. Gradually as I limped every now and then on my peg leg to keep me conscious I noticed a light growing in the distance. Last time I was here, it was not this far underground. I blinked at the sunlight as we broke free to onto Outcast Island.

I let out a breath of relief, I was now a little closer to finding the others and getting off of this island. The Outcasts dragging me started to pick up the pace and my right leg was smacked against the ground the smack rattled through my whole leg and I groaned in the pain it sent through my snakebite.

Alvin seemed not to notice, and continued forward I bit my lip and fiddled with my fingers. There was a loud clang and I, the Outcasts dragging me, Alvin, and Savage all jumped. I looked down to where to where the shackles I had claimed invincible and amazing were laying at my feet. I looked up at Alvin who was staring at me. Savage picked up the shackles and fingered around them as if looking for something wrong.

Deciding that it was fine he re-shackled my hands and we continued onward. My limbs were growing my exhausted and I felt as though I hadn't slept in days. The snakebite let out another wave of pain and I bit on my lip to keep my scream inside.

The pain gradually increased until I dropped to my knees breaking from the grip of the Outcasts and screamed. I stopped suddenly and was only half conscious when the Outcasts pulled me to my feet.

I hated snakes.