A/N: I am overwhelmed by all of your kind words and favorites and everything else for the first chapter! Thank you all very much! Due to popular demand, I have included this little bonus chapter. I am stepping completely out of my comfort zone here, so I hope I did this scene justice. I was going for a passion/loving/fluffy scene, and I was inspired by James Duff's quote about these characters "holding onto each other until the thought of letting go seems impossible". With that in mind, this chapter is definitely a strong T/pushing M, so be warned.

Obviously, I do not own Major Crimes or any of the characters. That honor belongs to James Duff and co. I just enjoy writing about them.

Sharon woke up the next morning to bright sunlight and a strong chest and arms wrapped around her. It was an unfamiliar, but welcome, feeling and she took a few moments to simply relish it. It had been a long time since she had shared her life or her bed with a man, but surprisingly, this thing with Andy had assimilated into her life almost effortlessly and now he was in her bed. Even though nothing more than sleeping and a few passionate kisses and lingering hugs transpired, it was still a big step for them and this "old fashioned" relationship. Yet, it felt right and natural, and at the current moment, very good.

Andy felt the first flutters of his eye lids as sleep began to loosen its grip on him. As he became more aware, he realized that the fresh flowery smell from his dream was, in reality, Sharon's thick auburn locks. At present, they were tickling his nose and invading his senses. His chest was pressed firmly up against her and his right arm wrapped tightly around her waist. His hand was resting gently on her abdomen, and he honestly couldn't think of another place he would rather be right now than lying here with Sharon in his arms. As much as he loved going out with her, he discovered last night that sleeping wrapped up with her was his new favorite thing.

Andy kissed the side of her head through the thick curtain of her hair. He proceeded to kiss just below her ear, removing his hand from her stomach momentarily so he could brush her hair away from her neck. He began placing soft kisses along her neck, across her clavicle, and over to her shoulder. His hand started running up and down her arm, and she giggled softly at the contact. Sharon carefully rolled over onto her back so she could face him.

"Good morning," she said with a smile that lit up her whole face.

"Indeed," Andy replied before bringing his lips to hers. The kiss started out sweet, but soon Sharon ran her tongue along his bottom lip and Andy opened his mouth to her. She welcomed the invitation and soon their tongues were thoroughly exploring each other's mouths. Andy let his hands wonder down the sides of her tank top-clad upper body. She had been too tired last night to change into pajamas, so settled on wearing her white tank top and leggings from earlier in the evening. Sharon ran her hands up and down Andy's back intermittently running her nails over his skin through his t-shirt.

Andy managed to tear his lips away from hers and began blazing a searing path down her neck. Sharon let out a soft moan as he found a particularly sensitive spot. He decided to pay it special attention with both his tongue and his lips. She gripped his t-shirt slightly and let out a breathy "Andy..."

He continued his path and his lips found their way to her ample and enticing cleavage. He began to kiss the top of her breasts and slowly moved his hands toward the same goal. He wanted to give her sufficient time to stop his movement. When she didn't seem to object, he continued his path.

Sharon was on fire. The things this man could do with his mouth were beyond amazing, and she was feeling very worked up. She had made the decision last night that she was done waiting for the right moment to move things forward, physically, with Andy. She loved him completely and trusted him deeply. There was nothing in her way other than a little fear and nerves. She decided to be in the moment with him and let whatever happens, happen. So far, this decision was proving to be a good one.

Andy gently palmed her breasts through her shirt before applying more pressure. They both moaned at the contact. He relished the weight and feel of them in his hands before brushing his thumbs over her hardened nipples. Sharon moaned once again and ran her hands down Andy's back before gripping the edge of his t-shirt and tugging. He lifted himself up enough for her to pull the t-shirt up his body and over his head. She ran her hands all over his exposed skin. The contact made them both shiver while simultaneously sending heat to every part of their bodies.

Sharon reached between them and began to tug on her own shirt. She needed to feel his skin against her own. When she began to pull her tank top up her torso, she felt Andy's hands cover her own. She let him tug her shirt the rest of the way up her body and over her head. He took a moment to just admire her. She was gorgeous. Sharon tugged her bottom lip into her mouth in a moment of insecurity. Andy bent down and captured her lips and used his tongue to soothe the spot she was just worrying. He gently let go of her lips and hovered close to her face admiring her. He used his hand to softly brush a lock of hair away from her face.

"You are so, so beautiful, Sharon," he whispered and then recaptured her lips in a passionate kiss. His hands found their way to her breasts once again, this time without any barrier between his skin and hers. She moaned and deepened the kiss. They stayed like that for several minutes. Just enjoying the feel of lips on lips, tongues on tongues, and skin on skin. At some point Sharon's pants were removed by a joint effort leaving her underwear and his boxers as their only barrier.

Sharon snaked her hand between their bodies and lightly ran her fingers over him feeling the desire he had for her. Andy's breath caught in his chest when he felt her gentle touch. She hooked her fingers in the waistband of his boxers and began to pull them down. He lifted himself up enough so she could do so without meeting resistance. Once he was completely free of his clothing, she took the opportunity to fully explore his body with her hands. When she seductively ran her hand over the part of him that needed her the most, he started to pull down her panties. He looked her in the eyes, and she nodded her approval.

Once they were both completely bare to each other, they rolled onto their sides facing one another. They could both feel the nervous energy weighing down the moment, so they spent several long minutes kissing passionately and gently running their hands over each other's bodies. Their skin was tingling with desire as their nerves began to fade away. They were enjoying each other and this moment that was a long time coming.

When the time was right and they were both ready to continue, Andy moved back on top of Sharon and took her into his arms as he slowly joined their bodies together. The moment they completely became one caught them both by surprise, emotionally. While Andy was giving her body time to adjust, they gazed into each other's eyes and he felt the watery smile on her face mirrored on his. He kissed her and they both got lost in the emotion of the moment. When their lips parted, he saw her smile once again.

"I love you," he whispered. It felt so freeing to be able to say it whenever he wanted.

"I love you, too," she whispered back. And with that they began moving together in a steady rhythm that embodied the term "making love". Andy laced his fingers with hers and their breaths mingled as their bodies heated.

After a considerable amount of time of this glorious languid pace, the need to move faster consumed them both. They worked together to create the friction they both desired. Andy could feel himself moving closer and closer to the edge, but he didn't want to go over without her. So with his help, they both continued to move closer to release until Sharon let the sensations he was creating and the emotion of the moment consume her. As she crashed down, every part of her body held his tightly and she breathlessly said his name. Feeling Sharon surrounding him and watching her come undone brought Andy over the edge with her.

Afterwards, they remained connected physically and emotionally as they lazily ran their hands over each other's bodies and stole sweet kisses. When exhaustion once again began to claim them both, Andy regretfully moved off of Sharon and laid next to her. She laid her upper body over his and draped her leg over his before she started running it up and down his leg. Andy pulled the sheet up to cover most of their bodies and Sharon made herself comfortable. They both began to drift asleep when the quiet sound of Sharon's voice rumbled over his chest.

"So, now that we've finally taken this step, what are you thinking?" She asked playfully.

"The same thing as before," he said with a smile. "That I'm completely in love with you. But being this close to you is everything and more".