So this story was inspired by Frozen, which you will probably figure out by the end of this chapter. So, enjoy! Couples will be Thran/Bard, Aragorn/Legolas, and Kili/Tauriel.

In the land of Middle Earth there was a vast forest kingdom called The Greenwood, home to the Woodland Elves. Like all elvish kingdoms, this forest was beautiful and filled with magic. The trees were tall and strong and the meadows open and lush. There were many animals who lived there, living peacefully alongside the Elves. The magic in the forest protected against outsiders; only an Elf or an invited guest would be able to safely navigate through the maze of trees to the palace.

The forest was famous for its beauty all year round. The trees would change colors with the seasons; lush greens in the summer, beautiful reds in the autumn, clean snow covered branches in the winter, and fragile blossoms in the spring. Most people thought the beauty of the forest was due to the powerful magic that ran through it – they were partly correct. While trees changing with the seasons is nothing unusual, the true beauty and power came from the Elvenking.

The Elvenking's name was Thranduil. He looked like a typical Sindar Elf with long, silver-blonde hair and fair skin. He had the same ethereal beauty that all Elves had and yet when Thranduil was surrounded by nature, he seemed to glow. Ever since he was a small child, he had a wild spirt. He would venture into the woods without fear; climbing trees and meeting the animals who called the woods their home. He had a deep connection with the forest, even more so than other Elves. There was a reason for this, but none except his parents knew about it.

Thranduil was born in the spring, on a day when all the flowers bloomed. To celebrate, Oropher and his wife presented their newborn child to the forest and its people. Both animals and Elves alike came for the presentation, eager to see the new Prince. The King and Queen knew their child was blessed when the trees sang for him, caressing his pale cheeks with a sweet breeze. No one could have foretold just how blessed the new Prince really was.

The King and Queen didn't notice their child's gift until the Changing of the Seasons, when Thranduil was fifty. The Greenwood had four large festivals for each season; The Spring Festival, the Summer Solstice Festival, the Autumn Festival, and the Winter Solstice Festival. People from all corners of Middle Earth would attend these grand balls to celebrate the coming of the new season.

"Thranduil!" The Queen called. It was the day of the Summer Solstice and they were to meet their kin later that morning. The Queen was walking along the paths in the forest, looking for her young son. "Come here my Leafling. We are going to be late." She came to a large meadow where she saw her young son surrounded by a herd of elk. She smiled as her son and a calf relaxed in the new summer sun, Thranduil was laughing as the calf groomed his silver-blonde hair, batting away the small tongue with gentle hands.

"Thranduil!" The Queen called out, "We must leave now"

The boy looked up and smiled at his mother. He hopped up and gave the calf a parting stroke down its muzzle before running towards the Queen. "Come" She took her son into her arms, "We must make you presentable for the festival. We can't have you smelling like Elk now can we?" She smiled. Thranduil shook his head and smiled.

When they reached the Hall servants quickly washed and dressed the Prince, cloaking him in silk robes of green and silver. Once he was properly groomed, his parents came to him with his crown; a beautifully crafted circlet of woven metal leaves. When presented with the crown Thranduil frowned and pushed it away.

"What is wrong Leafling?" The Queen asked. She tried to put the crown on her son's head, but the boy merely dodged her hands.

"You must wear a crown my son. You are a Prince." Oropher said.

Thranduil looked at the crown with disdain before turning to the mirror in front of him. He cupped his hands together and closed his eyes. His parents gasped as his hands started moving around a soft yellow light that soon turned into a circlet of lush green leaves. "See?" Thranduil turned to face his parents, and placed the new crown on his head.

His parents could only gape at the young Elf. Shocked by what they had just seen. "Thranduil, how did you do that?"

Thranduil shrugged. He cupped his hands again, the light returned and left a small butterfly fluttering in their son's hands.

"Incredible" Oropher whispered as they watched the butterfly orbit around their son.

"Thranduil, how long have you been able to do this?" The Queen asked.

"Always" He answered simply. "Do you like it?"

The Queen smiled, "It is very beautiful my Leafling." Over his head, she gave her husband a worried look. Oropher could only return the look with one of his own.


As Thranduil grew, so did his powers. They found that his powers changed with the season. He could grow food from seeds in the summer and fall; create ice and snow in the winter; bring flowers and trees shooting up from the ground in the spring. But these were not the only things he could do. When he was angry, he created thunder storms and floods, blizzards, earthquakes, fires, and many more natural disasters. It was during one of these times that changed Thranduil's life.

Thranduil was running along the tree branches. Jumping and soaring over the treetops with a carefree smile. He stopped in a large meadow and took a deep breathe. He could hear the trees singing their afternoon song; he could feel the deer grazing in a nearby meadow, it was a wonderful feeling.

He closed his eyes and focused on the deer, there was something else there but he couldn't figure out what it was. He vaguely heard his mother calling for him, but ignored it in favor of the mystery being. It didn't take him long to figure out that it was a man, hiding beneath a bush at the outskirts of the meadow. As soon as Thranduil finished his question of why the man was there, he felt something pierce one of the deer. Thranduil's eyes shot open and a burning rage filled him as he felt the deer die and its family scatter. A hand touched him and he jerked away, bringing his hand up in reflex. Thranduil heard a pained scream and looked to see his mother on the ground, clutching her arm now covered in several large burns. Thranduil looked down at his hand, surprised to find it encased in red flames.

He quickly shook the flames from his hand and approached the Queen. "Mother?" He asked. When he knelt in front of her, she flinched away from him. "Mother?"

"What happened?!" Thranduil looked up to see his father running towards them. The King gasped as he looked at his wife's arm. He turned to his son and glared, "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" Thranduil exclaimed.

"Then why does your mother have burns on her arm?"

"I don't know. There was a man in the forest and he killed one of the deer. I was really mad and then Mother was burned. It was an accident."

Oropher didn't say anything more. He gently grasped his wife's arm and healed the burns as best he could. They weren't completely healed, but it no longer hurt her. All that was left were a few pink marks where the burns had been.

"Your powers are getting out of hand Thranduil" Oropher scolded.

"They are not. It was an accident. It was that man's fault for killing the deer." Thranduil argued.

"Things die Thranduil. It's the way of life, you must except this and move on." Oropher replied harshly.

"What kind of Elf are you, that you take a man's side over that of your people." Thranduil glared.

"You will not speak such things." His mother scolded. When her son's glare turned to her she sighed. "These powers are becoming too dangerous, I think it best that you stop using them."

Thranduil gave her a curious look. "But you said they were gifts. That I should be proud of them."

"They are too dangerous. It would be best if you not use them anymore. You have no real need of them, it will give you more time to focus on your future as King." Oropher said.


"No!" Oropher interrupted, "Look at what you did to your Mother Thranduil. You could have killed her!"

Thranduil looked at the pink marks on his mother's arm. "I-I'm sorry Mother" He stepped towards her again but froze when she flinched away from him. He looked to his Father, but only saw cold eyes glaring back at him. Frightened, Thranduil ran back to the palace, he didn't stop until he was safely inside his chambers. He wrapped himself in his blankets and cried. He didn't know it started to rain until his father stormed into his chambers, demanding that he 'stop crying and start acting like a Prince'. He learned early on to keep his emotions in check, or he would be punished.


Years passed, and Thranduil ignored his powers. Only near the changing of the seasons would he look longingly out the windows of the palace and try to hear the tree's songs. When his parents passed, he used his powers for the first time in centuries, but there was still that fear of hurting someone that held him back from truly enjoying them. The only time he used them was to change his crown to reflect the current season and to entertain his young son with butterflies.

Even though he didn't use his powers, they were still there and still reflected his emotions. When his wife died, Thranduil fell into a deep despair. Unlike past times where it rained when he was sad, darkness began to creep into The Greenwood. He closed his kingdom off from the outside world, trying in vain to keep the darkness from his forest. Over the years, The Greenwood lost its life and beauty. Only Elves would come to the Changing of the Seasons Festivals, every other race too afraid to travel to the kingdom they dubbed as Mirkwood.

Hope you enjoyed! Review please!