Hey guys! I know, it has been too long since my last update. Shame on me :( BUT I can now say I am officially moved in to my new place, which is one HUGE stressor taken off my shoulders. I would like to take a moment to say a giant THANK YOU! to all those who have reviewed and favorited this story! You are all so incredible. You are what makes me want to continue writing!
Thank you so much for your kind reviews! I am so happy you all like my OC! I am really trying to create the need for her character. I'm doing my best to make her actually USEFUL and create the dynamics of her character in relationship with the rest of the fellowship, rather than just throw in another Mary Sue in there. I hope I can continue to do this!
Erika asked if I modeled my OC after Xena: Warrior Princess. Haha! No, Erika, I did not write my OC with Xena in mind, but I can see the similarities between the characters now that you mention it! Hey thats a total compliment in my book, Xena was a badass, and I'm trying to make Lyria one too :p I love that you thought of Xena when you were reading! I'm so happy you like her!
I will try my best to update more often. Now moving is done, and wedding season is almost over,(Congrats to my best friend for her upcoming nuptials) I can commit more time to writing.
Also, if anyone ever gets on Archive of Our Own, check out my account on there. (Search KayleeRen) I have a Poe Dameron/OC story up on there that gets pretty...uh...steamy ;) if you get my meaning.
OK, now on to the chapter!
Kaylee Rayne.
Notes: as always, anything written in Italics, is spoken in elvish.
Chapter 8: Lothlorien
The next thing Lyria became aware of was the softness beneath her. It was a nice change from the stone floor she had spent sitting upon the past few nights. She vaguely noticed a sound reaching her ears…voices arguing?
"She needs the healing powers of your people! Otherwise she will die! Do you care so little for her life?" Aragorn's voice whispered angrily.
"Of course I care for her life, Elessar. I have always cared for her, but the danger you bring with you cannot be allowed to enter Caras Galadhon! She may enter, as well as you Legolas Thranduillion but the rest of your group cannot," spoke a voice Lyria would know anywhere. Lyria let out a groan.
"She's awake!" Pippin said from beside her.
Lyria opened her eyes to find she was lying on a bed of soft leaves, on a sort of platform built high in the trees. These platforms were common for the people of the Golden Wood. The rest of the Fellowship were a little ways away, huddled together speaking in hushed tones. Gimli looked highly uncomfortable being so far off the ground. Standing guard above them, she could barely make out three other elves, though she couldn't tell who they were from her angle. Separated from the Fellowship, Legolas, Aragorn and Haldir of Lorien were grouped together as they discussed the injured elleth. At Pippin's words, the three looked around towards her.
Struggling slightly, Lyria sat up slowly. Pain instantly radiated from her shoulder down her arm. Upon inspection, she noticed the wound had some kind of green salve on it. Her head swam uncomfortably.
"Not so fast my lady," Pippin said placing a hand on her back to help her sit up. "The elves put some medicine on your shoulder, but they said it won't heal you. It will just slow things down for now."
"Wonderful," Lyria muttered as Legolas, Aragorn, and Haldir made their way over.
"A light shines upon our meeting, Lyria of Rivendell. It has been too long mellonin," Haldir said cordially, though a flicker of anger burned behind his eyes.
"Haldir," Lyria said nodding at him. "It is nice to see you in good health."
"I wish I could say the same," Haldir said glancing at her exposed shoulder.
"How are you feeling?" Legolas asked, crouching down beside her.
"I told you I'm fine," Lyria said, trying to keep the pain from her voice.
Legolas sighed. "You are the most stubborn elleth I have ever met."
"I'll consider that a compliment," the elleth in question said before turning to Haldir. "So, tell me marchwarden of Lorien, why will you not permit us into the city?"
"You and the Prince of Mirkwood are of course permitted entrance, however I cannot allow the rest of your companions with the dangers they bring with them. Yes, I know what it is your company carries," Haldir said softly, eyes never leaving her own. "It is a darkness that cannot be permitted in the light of the Lady."
"Tell me, have you spoken with the Lady of this matter?" Lyria asked, her breath coming in sharp spurts now. The pain in her shoulder was increasing with each passing word. So much for the salve…it seemed to have worn off.
"Not in person, no," Haldir admitted, frowning slightly.
"I do not think it wise to assume what the Lady would want. If she too denies us entrance, then of course we shall seek our safety elsewhere," Lyria said before gasping as a cold stab of pain ran from her shoulder to her chest. She fought to even her breath for a moment before speaking again. "I would not ask for sanctuary if we did not so desperately need it…we…we have just lost Mithrandir."
Aragorn and Legolas's faces fell at her words. She too had an expression that was somewhere between pain and desperation. Haldir, however, looked shocked.
"Mithrandir has fallen?" he asked. "How can this be?"
"He was defeated…by a Balrog of Morgoth," Legolas supplied.
Haldir's eyes widened even further. "By the Valar!….the Lady will want to know of this."
"Permit us entrance, and we shall tell her everything that has happened since we left Rivendell," Aragorn said at once. "It has not been an easy journey."
"This I can see," Haldir nodded.
Suddenly, Lyria let out a gasp of pain. Legolas looked at her in concern. The elleth was covered in a layer of sweat, her breathing had become erratic and he could tell she was on the verge of crying out.
"Lyria?" came Legolas's concerned voice.
Lyria couldn't answer. She couldn't even hold herself up any longer. She fell back, as an icy chill took hold of her, paralyzing her body. The pain was too intense. It seemed to be spreading through her very skin, burning yet freezing her very blood. Her vision became blurry. A screaming reached her ears and it took her several moments to realize the screaming was her own. The pain was excruciating. Over the sounds of her cries, she was able to hear the prince's voice, though he sounded distant.
"I am sorry for this Lyria," he muttered before ripping open the front of her tunic. Legolas's eyes widened in shock, and he vaguely heard gasps from both Haldir and Aragorn behind him. Black-blue lines were tracing their way through the elleth's veins, snaking their way under the thin wrappings that covered her breasts, towards her heart. He lay a hand upon the moaning woman's brow and found her skin to be like ice, and she was covered in a cold sweat.
"Is she going to die?" Pippin asked in a terrified whisper.
"She will if she does not get to a healer and fast," Legolas replied in a murmur. "The poison has nearly reached her heart."
From behind him, Legolas heard a sigh. "Come. We must make haste. I will guide you to Lothlorien," Haldir said.
"Thank you, mellon," Aragorn said graciously.
Haldir nodded once, and shot a look at the trembling elleth once more. He turned away and let out a loud whistle and gestured to his men above them. Immediately, the elves took off, jumping through the trees effortlessly. Then, without a word, Haldir turned on his heel and made his way off the platform to the ground below.
Legolas bent down at once, gathering the small elleth into his arms. She screamed in pain as he lifted her.
"I am sorry Lyria," he whispered to her, as he carried her, following Haldir's lead. "Just hold on a little longer."
With some help from Aragorn, they got Lyria down from the trees and Legolas carried her small frame in his arms as they followed Haldir's lead through the thick forest. Lyria began muttering under her frantic gasps for air. Tears rolled down her face and she let out terrified whimpers. She cried out as pain washed through her.
"No…I don't want to die alone," she murmered.
"Lyria, you are not going to die. Do you hear me?" Legolas said, looking at the elleth in his arms.
"L…Legolas?" Lyria whimpered, her eyes rolling madly, searching for him.
"Yes Lyria, I am here. We're going to get you to a healer, just hold on," Legolas said in a low comforting voice.
"Legolas," she murmured, deliriously. Her eyes closed, unable to stay open any longer. Unconsciousness claimed her once more.
Legolas studied the elleth in his arms. She looked dreadfully ill, but even still he couldn't help but find her beautiful. Her pale skin glistened, exposed where he had to rip her tunic. Her hair was incredibly soft as it brushed against his arms. He couldn't help but admit to himself, that a sense of pleasure had coursed through him when she had muttered his name in her delusional state.
Had it been because he was the one to carry her or did she dream of him? Did she seek him out as her source of comfort in her vulnerable state? He had thought they were becoming closer as of late. She had seemed to open herself up to him a little more…but perhaps she only had friendship on her mind.
He shook himself. What was he thinking?! He should only have friendship on his own mind! Now was not the time to be entertaining romantic notions. She was inches from death. They were on a quest that seemed to be doomed from the start. The fate of Middle Earth rested upon the Fellowship's success…..no this was certainly not the time.
Lyria stirred slightly in his arms.
"Legolas," she muttered again in his arms, before clutching the front of his tunic with a small fist. She sighed, and relaxed again.
Uncontrollably, Legolas's heartbeat increased. His gaze softened as he watched her sleep, holding on to him like he was her lifeline. He could not help the small smile that formed upon his lips, or the thoughts that raced through his mind. Now was not the time for such thoughts, but he had them all the same.
A few feet away, Haldir watched the elf prince gaze down at Lyria, a tender expression plastered to his face. Haldir frowned, and turned away. Perhaps he should warn the prince… he knew too well that Lyria would only destroy any heart given to her. Surely the prince as unaware of her...inability to hold sentiment. He thought about warning the prince, but then he heard her mutter the prince's name in her sleep. A bubble of anguish mixed with jealousy ran through Haldir and he thought better of it… Let the prince find out on his own. After all, no one had warned him…
The darkness was getting closer, a great towering shadow. Lyria ran faster and faster, her legs aching in protest as she darted through the thick foliage of the Golden Wood. In her mind, she could hear Lord Elrond's words. 'You have a restless spirit. If you do not find what it is you are looking for, the shadow will consume you and you will fall'.
"I am looking Ada!" she cried desperately to the air.
She had to find it. She had to find the light. It would lead her to what her soul so restlessly longed for. The trees became thicker, and the sky grew steadily darker. Each breath was harder than the last. The icy air stung her lungs as the shadow crept ever closer.
She was alone. She was going to die alone. That thought alone terrified her. She had spent years on her own, preferring a life of solitude, yet in that moment she wanted nothing more than for someone to find her. For someone to be with her when she died. For someone to morn her passing.
"No! I do not want to die alone!" she called out to the shadow, willing anyone to hear her.
"Lyria," a distant voice called to her. She stopped dead in her tracks, listening hard.
"Lyria," the voice called again to her right.
She turned. There in the distance was a soft light shining through the trees. Lyria took off at once, running towards it. The shadow followed closely behind her, gaining on her every step.
"You are not going to die! Can you hear me?"
It was Legolas's voice. He was calling to her through the darkness.
"Legolas?" Lyria called back, dodging through the trees to catch up to the light.
"Yes, Lyria. I am here," Legolas's voice said fading in and out.
Something clicked within her mind. Suddenly, she realized the light she was chasing was Legolas… He was the flicker of light in the darkness, her only savior from the impending shadow. Was it he that her soul cried out for? Lyria had certainly felt friendship towards the elf prince, but this…..this was something more. The way her soul longed for that light she was running towards…yes this was bigger than herself. Had the Valar chosen her mate? Was she destined to spend the rest of her days by the Prince of Mirkwood?
"Legolas!" she cried out. She was so close to the bright light now. She was ready to let him into her heart. Somehow she knew if she didn't, she would fall into the shadow behind her and never emerge.
Lyria was feet away from the glowing light. With a last burst of speed, she threw herself into it. It blinded her, but warmed her skin.
"Legolas," she muttered, thinking of the kind elf prince she had become quite fond of. He would be her salvation. Her vision grew white, and she let herself go...
Lyria's eyes snapped open and she gasped. Breathing heavily, she tried to remember where she was. She was warm….which wasn't right… or was it? She remembered she had been cold before….before what? Sitting up, she realized she was in a soft bed of white linen. Her body felt stiff, but she didn't feel any pain. She looked around. She was alone in the small room. There was a window on one wall, and a chair beside the bed, but little else decorated the room.
Slowly, she recalled where she must be. Lothlorien. She remembered hearing Haldir consenting to let them in the city, after her condition had taken a turn for the worse. Lyria glanced down at her shoulder. It was covered in bandages, and she decided not to pry, lest she tear something. She was wearing a soft white gown…clearly someone had redressed her. Blushing slightly, she recalled Legolas tearing her tunic open to inspect her wounds…. She sat there for a few minutes, letting the memories wash over her.
She recalled the dream, if that had indeed been a dream. It felt real somehow, as if she had seen the world clearer while she had been unconscious than she did now with her waking eyes.
Shaking herself, Lyria wondered where the rest of the Fellowship were. She thought about getting up, but was unsure if her body would allow it. She still felt weak, as if she hadn't moved in a while. She wondered how long she had been unconscious.
As if on cue, the door opened and the Lady Galadriel entered. Lyria had met her before, but each time was like the first. Like others, Lyria was always stunned by the beauty of the lady. A soft light seemed to linger around her. Lady Galadriel smiled down at her.
"Welcome to Caras Galadhon, child of Rivendell," she said softly. "For a moment there, I feared you were lost to us, but I see Lord Elrond has passed some of his strength on to you."
"Thank you for your hospitality Lady Galadriel," Lyria said, remembering her courtesies. "Tell me, how long was I sleeping?"
"You were brought to me 2 days ago. The poison was moments away from entering your heart. If you were brought to me an hour later, I do not think you would have survived," the Lady told her.
"Then I am forever indebted to you, my Lady. Thank you for saving my life," Lyria said, bowing her head.
"I did what I could, but ultimately it was you who saved yourself," Galadriel said, a knowing smile playing upon her lips.
Lyria gave a confused look to the elven lady. The lady chuckled, then sat upon the edge of the bed.
"I know what it is you dreamed of," Galadriel began. "It was the same vision Lord Elrond had of you not long ago. He saw you fall into the shadow because in his vision, you could not find the light. I am relieved that this was not the case. You found the light in the darkness…Do you know what that light was, Lyria?"
Lyria was silent for a few long moments as she recalled everything in her dream.
"I was so alone….I felt as if the world had gone one without even knowing or caring of my absence. The shadow was almost upon me…I remember wishing desperately for one single person to care, to want me…then I saw it," Lyria said in a hushed voice, not looking at the lady. "There was a flicker of light in the distance, shining through the trees. It was soft, warm light…and with it was a voice…"
Lyria glanced quickly at Galadriel in embarrassment. She must know whose voice she heard. Galadriel's smile grew wider.
"Do not be ashamed," Galadriel told her. "Yes, I know whose voice you heard. You heard his voice for a reason Lyria. You saw this vision for a reason. You had a choice, you could have either turned away from the light and continued on your own, or you could have embraced the light as you did. You chose to let him into your heart rather than fading from this world."
"So I was right," Lyria whispered in shock. "He…he is my light? The Valar chose him to be my Mate?"
"I fear it is not quite that simple," Galadriel said with a small frown. "Yes, it is clear the Valar has presented this opportunity to you, but he must also choose you in his own heart. The timing is not ideal, I will admit. This quest which you are on has many possible outcomes. It is impossible for me to see the future clearly at the moment…I daresay, the road is far from over. You have yet to face the most difficult part in your path. Many things could change, so be cautious. I would advise you to be open and honest with the Prince, even when it is difficult for you."
"Have you seen something, my Lady? Something in my future?" Lyria asked tentatively. The look on Galadriel's face said she knew something…something about her future. Lyria knew the Lady had the gift of Foresight, just as Elrond did.
"As I said, I have seen many things. The path that is true, is the one you choose to take," Galadriel said cryptically, searching deep into Lyria's eyes. Suddenly, she broke into a gentle grin.
"Come, I am sure you are anxious to see your friends again. I know they are anxious to see you. The Prince has inquired about your condition nearly every hour," Galadriel said with a smirk.
Lyria blushed, but returned the grin.