First Story so please don't be too Harsh. Tell me if you want something specific to happen. No promises, but I will take your opinion into account. Hope you Enjoy!

Chapter 1

Tris POV

"TRIS! TRIIIISSS!" I groan, then jerk awake.

"What? Chris?! What happened?!" I say urgently "Has someone been hurt?"

"No!" Christina squealed, her eyes wide with terror. "It's 10:00 am. We only have 4 hours to take you shopping AND get you ready for the party!" I just stared at her with disbelief that she would get so worked up over something like that. Then I groaned, and sank back into my pillows. I knew that I had already said I would go, but I just wasn't in the mood to do a bunch of dirty dare's thought up by Zeke and Uriah.

"Maybe another time Chris, I'm too tired." (I also didn't feel like being her dress up doll today.)

"Four will be there." She said in a sing song voice. I turn away from her, trying to hide my expression.

"So? I see Four all the time. We're dating remember?"

"Oh come onnnnn! You guys have been together since initiation. THAT'S ALMOST 5 MONTHS! Don't tell me you haven't fantasized about doing it with him, even if you are afraid of sex." I rolled onto my back, letting out a huff of breath in the process. The truth is I really did want something more to happen between us. It wasn't so much that I was scared of sex, I was scared about messing up, or being bad. I had been hoping to use the truth or dare party as an excuse. But once again, I was chickening out.

"I just don't know how to do any of it Chris." I said helplessly. "What if he breaks up with me after we have sex, because I wasn't as good as he thought I would be?"

"You keep forgetting that HE'S a virgin too. He is just as inexperienced as you. Also, the game is a great excuse to have some casual sex, because even if you end up having sex (which I doubt because the dare's don't usually go that far) but even if you do, there won't be any pressure to do well because it will just be a dare!" I think about that for a second. I suppose it's true.

"Does it hurt?" I say very childishly.

"Honestly? Yes. But it's not that bad. Plus the pain goes away after like a minute. From there it just feels really, REALLY good!" Her eyes leave mine, becoming glazed over.

"Thinking about the first time you did it with Will?" I say teasingly. She blushes, then her face returns to the look of shock she first had when I woke up.

"Come on! We have to go!" She shrieks. Then, practically dragging me out of bed, she races me to the first store, not even bothering to let me change out of my PJ's. I don't even bother to protest anymore. I figured she is probably right. I should just go to the party and see what happens.

After hours of shopping my feet ache. But I have a lacy red push up bra and matching thong, tight red booty shorts, a miniskirt that would basically show my butt if I tried to bend over and a lacy black crop top. Christina pulls me in front of a mirror and begins to pluck and shape my eyebrows. After finishing, she applies some very light and natural looking makeup and the pulls me in front of a mirror. "Voila!" She says happily. I look in the mirror and have to admit I really like what I see. I am no longer the skinny abnegation girl who looked like she was 12. Over the past 5 months I filled out, getting hips and a satisfyingly large chest. I grew taller too. Now I could almost be described as willowy. My eyes got bigger too, making my face have a soft and almost sexy look about them. I no longer feel ashamed about my appearance. I hug Christina, whispering in her ear, "It's perfect, thank you so much." She smiles understandingly. Then starts working on my clothes. Nearly half an hour later, we are officially late to the party. None the less, I have on my red lingerie, my booty shorts, my skirt and top, a pair of red pumps, and a red leather jacket. We are ready. Christina looks amazing too (as usual). We smile at each other. Then we leave my apartment.

Tobias POV

When Tris walks in with Christina I have to make a seriously large effort to pick my jaw up from the floor. She looks so beautiful, I don't even know what to do with myself when she see's me, smiles and then begins to walk over. "Tr -Tr -Tris, I stammer, you look..." I couldn't even finish, but she gets the idea. She smiles. Looping her arms around my waist, she fits her mouth to mine. When she breaks away, she says,

"You look amazing too Tobias," she says letting out a tinkling laugh that I can barely hear over the thumping of the music. "I wish they would turn that noise off so we can get on with the party." She says. Just then, Zeke jumps onto the table and turns off the music. Everyone groans and Zeke says,

"Alright everyone you know the drill, if I you aren't one of my close friends, GET THE FUCK OUT!" Grumbling, the crowd leaves until it is just me, Tris, Will, Marlene, Zeke, Uriah, Lynn, Shauna and Christina. We sit in a circle in the living room and Zeke rubs his hands together mischievously.

Tris POV

"Who will be my first victim?" Zeke stares around the circle. I averted my eyes. I must have looked really nervous because he practically screams "TRIS!" I jump. Then stare at him wide eyed.

"Oh my god, don't look so worried. I'll go easy on you since your going first." He says easily. I nod tightly.

"Fine then Zeke, I choose dare." Uriah looks extremely disappointed, he was clearly getting ready to yell pansycake at the top of his lungs.

"Alright Tris my fine feminine friend, I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Four." Tobias, who was glaring at Zeke for the 'fine feminine friend' comment, clearly hadn't taken in what the dare was. Slowly, he begins to register what Zeke said. A bright red flush creeps up his face. But not mine. Maybe it was because a had a couple shots before we started the game, but I don't feel awkward at all.

"Okay." I say lightly. Then, grabbing Tobias by the hand, I guide him into the closet, and shut the door.

"We don't have to do anything." He mutters, but before he can say anything else, I press my lips to his, silencing him. Lacing my fingers together behind his neck, I straddle him and begin sucking on his lower lip. He shivers. I use my tongue to circle his lips, asking for entrance. He gladly gives it to me and I begin massaging his tongue with mine. He let's out a little sigh and I move to his jawline. I kiss his jaw until I reach his earlobe and begin to suck on it gently. He groans softly. I could tell he was trying not to. I make my way down his neck and bite him gently, just above his collarbone. Still kissing his chest, I tug on the hem of his shirt asking to remove it. He quickly pulls it off and throws it aside. I lean to his ear and whisper, "Well isn't someone a little eager?" I make sure my lips brush his ear. He moans softly, I don't think he can muster the words to reply. His hands, which have been on my hips this whole time gently squeeze me. I realize that I really don't want them there anymore. I take his hands and slide them under my shirt and over my bra. He stares at me, wide eyed. I feel a bulge underneath me and I smile. I crush my lips to his, running my fingers through his hair. I don't even know what came over me, I just let me body take over. I slowly began gyrating my hips, creating a friction between his crotch and bulge becomes bigger. He moans again, much louder this time. 5, 4 3, 2, 1! The closet door flung open. For a moment, Tobias and I just sat there frozen. Then, all of our friends began howling with laughter. I became aware that Tobias' hands were still in my shirt and that he was not even wearing a shirt. My face turned bright red and I quickly stood up. Trying to compose myself I straightened my shirt and walked out of the closet. Tobias retrieved his shirt, and followed. Like me, he looked extremely embarrassed but also very happy. To quiet my friends, I yell

"SHUT UP... Now before I give any personal challenges I want to dare everyone to stay here overnight." They all murmur in ascent. "Okay, great. Uri, Candor or Dauntless?"

"DAUNTLESS, I'M NO PANSYCAKE!" Everyone groans, but I smile, wondering if he ever runs out of energy.

"Okay, I dare you to take Marlene's pants off, WITH your mouth only. Marlene, you can put them back on after." Uriah groans,

"Does she have to put them back on?" Marlene giggles. While he's taking her pants off his face and lips touch her crotch a lot. I'm pretty sure it wasn't an accident.

"Alright my big bro," Uriah says turning to Zeke. "Are you a pansycake or not?"

"Dare," Zeke replies, rolling his eyes.

"I dare you to give Will a strip tease, IN THE CAFETERIA!" Uriah shouts. Zeke's smile turns devilish. He grabs Will by the hand and yells over his shoulder,

"Who want's to come with me?!" Everyone stands up, but Will wrenches his hand out of Uriah's saying, "WAIT! I DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS!" He stares at Christina, hoping she will get him out of this, but she is just trying to suppress her giggles, looking extremely eager for the humiliation to begin.

"Sorry Will, you can either comply with the dare or lose an article of clothing." Uriah shouts over the laughter. Will turns bright red and mutters mutinously, but allows himself to be dragged to the cafeteria. Will sits on a table, and waits for Zeke to start. Zeke smiles seductively.

"Just try to relax Will baby." Will gives him the middle finger. Suddenly someone put's on the music, and Zeke begins.

Hope you liked it! SO what do you think should happen? Any ideas for truth or dare?