Chapter 18 - Trix's Tricks
(Flora's POV)

What! How can Riven be missing? This can't be happening! Not now, not ever.

"What do you mean he's missing?" Tecna's voice breaks through our shocked silence. I can see new tears forming in Musa's eyes but right now I can't comfort her, right now the only thing occupying my mind is my brother, the only family that I have.

"I mean exactly what I said! He's gone! It was all fine last night but then... then they woke up. Riven was gone and, and there was a note... from the Trix." My eyes widen at Musa's statement. The Trix have taken Riven! Why? And why are we only just being told? We're wasting time sitting around when we should be out there, all of us, looking for him!

"Why are you only just telling us!" I didn't think I was that loud but honestly I'm beyond caring at this point. "We could have been searching all day!"

"We thought it to be more useful just to start searching rather then wasting time with all of this!" My eyes widen at Musa's words. Her temper is flaring up. I open my mouth to respond but the rest of the girls stand between me and Musa already sensing the brewing argument. We're both upset and ready to take our frustrations out on anything or anyone, even if it's each other.

"Both of you calm down! It's late now and we should all get some rest." Musa sighs however she still complies, the guys have probably forced her to come back here for the night. Aisha turns to me seeing Musa has gone to bed. "Flora, I know you're upset that you weren't told about this earlier and I know you want to find Riven but I promise you that we will ALL go looking for him tomorrow morning, first thing." I just stare at Aisha for a few seconds before nodding in compliance and moving wordlessly to my room.

It's been an hour, maybe two since we all went to bed. By the looks of things the others are all asleep. I need to take my chance to get out of here, Helia stopped coming over for the night recently since I've been able to get to sleep but I have a feeling it might change after I start sneaking out again, I need to find Riven though no matter what.

I manage to make it out of the dorm without any disturbance. I always used my window in order to exit the building, that way there's less of a risk about being caught whilst walking through the school. I waste no time in running to Red Fountain as soon as I'm off of school grounds, I need to see that note, it could be a lead.

I know where I'm going as soon as I enter Red Fountain. The guys would have sent Saladin a copy of the note they found but they'll still have the original in order to work things out.

It takes me a few minutes to pick the lock to the guys' dorm room, a little trick Riven taught me. Once I'm in I begin searching, there's no sign of a note within the min area so it must be within one of their rooms. My guess is Nabu has it since he is Riven's roommate and best friend. I slip silently into Nabu's room whilst making sure to keep a careful eyes on his sleeping figure. No movement at all. I smile to myself as I begin to search the room.

I've been searching Riven's side of the room for about half an hour and there's still nothing! I sigh in frustration, one of the guys must have it which makes this ten times harder.

"Are you done now?" I practically jump out of my skin when I hear Nabu's voice. I turn around and shoot up from my position on the floor to face him.

"H-how long have you been there?" I'm so busted.

"About twenty minutes, I figured I may as well let you complete your search before tlling you that I've got the note." Sly little...

"Please can you give it to me Nabu? He's my brother..." I need to know where he is, I need to make sure that he's okay.

"Of course I'll give it to you Flora... tomorrow anyway." My jaw drops at his words. I need to start searching as soon as possible.

"But... but..."

"No Flora, tomorrow. What would Riven say if he were here? You need to rest, this is why we didn't come and get you this morning because we knew you'd get way to stressed out even though you're still supposed to be taking things easy."

"Nabu I'm fine." My arguments just seem to fall upon deaf ears though as Nabu takes no notice of them what so ever.

"Yeah, sure you are. That's why you're standing in my dorm in an all boys school in the middle of the night." Nabu chuckles a little as he puts the current situation into perspective. "Bed and then you can have the note."

"I'm not leaving without the note." As soon as the words pass my lips I'm picked up and placed over Nabu's shoulder as he moves around the dorm.

"Nabu put me down!" I insist whilst being careful to maintain my hushed tone so that I avoid waking any of the others too. Finally Nabu sets me down on a softer surface, a bed most likely. We're in Helia's and Timmy's room by the looks of things.

"Hey trouble." Helia's voice greets me followed by his arms wrapping around me. He uses his magic to change me back into pyjamas as he pulls me under the duvet.

"Well I've got a feeling that Helia won't be letting his teddy bear go anytime soon." Nabu teases.

"Of course I won't." Helia agrees whilst nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. I just about see Nabu exit the room before Helia pulls me closer into his chest, blocking my view of the surroundings. "Now go to sleep my flower, and if you try to leave I WILL tie you to the bed." I sigh but nod knowing Helia will most defiantly go through with his threat. As I close my eyes I slowly feel the world fade away.

I wake up with my face still nuzzled into Helia's chest and his arms still keeping me close to him. I look up at him slowly, allowing my eyes time to adjust to the light. "Hey my flower, good to see you're awake. It's still early so don't worry." I nod and try to wriggle out of Helia's arms but he is not allowing me to do so. Eventually I break free of his grasp and use my magic to get myself dressed. I hear Helia sigh, probably wanting for me to get more sleep, before he gives in and uses magic to get dressed himself.

It's not long until we're all ready and leaving to search for Riven. The only thing we have to go on is the note left, we know who's responsible.

'We have a friend of yours.
We know you have a way to give people more powers, if you don't give it to us you won't see your friend again.
We'll be waiting - Trix'

Hours have passed but we appear to finally have a lead on the location of the Trix and more importantly where they have Riven. We're all ready to find him, me, the Specialists and the Winx. They've supposedly taken him to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Magix. Everyone thinks that it sounds like a trap and I must agree but nothing is more important than getting my brother, Musa's boyfriend and a friend of everyone's (even though he doesn't always act like it) back.

It's sundown by the time that we reach the warehouse and we're all still lacking a plan. None of us have had any idea on a course of action to take so we've had to settle on making it up as we go along.

The warehouse is dark as we enter. There's no working electricity, much like the house me and Riven lived however the darkness here is much more sinister. Knowing what's hidden in the warehouse causes a chill to travel up my spine, teamed with the fact that the scene seems like something straight out of a horror movie I can easily say that I am terrified.

The corridor we entered into opens up into a large room that we are now stood in, a few old boxes are piled up and scattered across the room left from the previous business that was running here. Then I see Riven, tied to a chair directly opposite us. There are a few cuts and bruises scattered over his skin but from what I can tell there isn't much more, that doesn't mean that they won't pay for what they've done though!

I hear Musa's soft gasp at the sight and I allow my body to push forwards towards him without sparing a tought for anything else.

Nails dig into my arms as I'm pulled off to the side by a figure I know all too well as Icy. She holds me tightly, turning me so that my friends are on one side and my brother, Riven, is on the other side.

"I'm sure this one here can tell us how to get more power, don't you think sisters?"

"I'm sure she could manage that task." Oh no, that's Darcy so Stormy won't be far behind either.

"It isn't much to ask in exchange for her life." There's Stormy.

"Let. Her. Go." Aisha's demand comes out strong but I can hear the small waver in her voice, I can see the slight fear she has.

I take note of the way in which Musa, Nabu, Timmy and Bloom sneak out of the group and subtly make their way to Riven where they untie him before returning with Riven back into the group as if nothing has happened.

I take note of the calming look sent to me by Helia, the silent way in which he assures me that everything will be okay. I allow myself to close my eyes, block out the Trix and all the negativity and just focus on Helia. I imagine his arms wrapped around me making me feel safe and protected, his sweet words whispered softly into my ear and the gentle caress of his hand.

Focusing solely on Helia I pull my body from the restraints known as Icy, feeling her nails slice through my skin in an attempt to recapture me.

"I can't give you more power." I surprise myself with my steady, unwavering tone but I try not to let my hesitance show through.

"We know you gave yourself your powers back after losing them," Icy hisses at me, looking ready to pounce and capture me once more.

"It only works if someone has already lost their powers, even then it doesn't always work, the person could die. Besides it doesn't make your powers stronger it gives you back your powers at the same level." My explanation does nothing to convince Icy that this is the truth though.

"Why should I believe some pathetic fairy?"

Before I can answer a dull glow emits from the inner wrist of each member of the Trix, each one a different colour. Icy's is blue, Darcy's is purple and Stormy's is a dark pink. The three look at their wrists before exchanging glances, then in a flash of smoke the trio are gone.

"Riven what did they want you for?" It feels like Sky has been asking the same question for hours.

"I told you Sky, they wanted me as bait for you guys."

"What did they do?"

"Nothing much, they did take their anger out on me a few times whilst I was tied up but nothing else really happened, not around me at least."

"One more question, Riven."

"What is it Sky?"

"Are you okay?"

A cocky smirk spreads across Riven's face at Sky's question.

"I always am."

A/N Sorry I haven't written in ages, I rarely have time anymore and for that I'm really sorry! Hope you guys can forgive me! This chapter was 2,150 words so I hope you enjoyed! Please read and review, I love reading all of your reviews. Thank you guys so much!