Chapter 1 - The Mission
(Stella's POV)

We're all called to Miss Faragonda's office. Not just the five of us, but the five of the guys as well. This must be a really important mission if both the Winx and the Specialists are to be involved. I wonder what it'll be. Have the Trix escaped? Is there another threat to the Magic Dimension? Do we need to go undercover on Earth? There are so many possibilities! "As you know I have called you here for a new mission." Miss Faragonda starts.

"Is it the Trix again?" Musa asks instantly. "If it is we'll show them,they should know not to show their-" Musa begins about to go off on how she hates the Trix like we all do but they seem to bug Musa a lot more for some reason. I thinks it's because they always make comments about she's the only one out of the five of us Winx that doesn't have a boyfriend. We're ll dating one of the Specialists but Helia isn't dating anyone although those two defianatly aren't interested in each other that way.

"No Musa it's no the Trix, in fact it's a whole new type of mission." Miss Faragonda says snapping me out of my little daze and back into reality. "Do you know about the old abandoned house in Magix, that it's going to be knocked down?" Miss Faragonda asks us. Bloom is about to answer but I can't help but jump in first.

"Yeah we do, it's going to replaced with new shops!" I squeal. I stop when I see all the others staring at me. Brandon laughs a little as my cheeks turn a fade pink. "I mean yes, we do know that." I say pretending that this is my first answer.

"Anyway we need you all to check it out, make sure there's nothing that needs to be saved and that there's no one in there. If there is anything that may even have a chance of causing any complications we need to know immediately." Miss Faragonda explains our mission to us. We all let out a groan.

"We fight so many witches, wizards and monsters and yet you send all ten of us just to stare at an old building." Sky groans.

"No this is an important mission, no one has been known to go in there for years so there could be problems and we can't just assume that no ones gone in there just because nobody has seen anyone." Miss Faragonda explains but it still seems like a lame mission to me. I got my hopes up for nothing! "You are to go on your mission now." Miss Faragonda tells us just as we leave her office. She then closes the door leaving us to our newly given mission.

"This seem stupid to me, it's pointless." I tell everyone truthfully as we begin walking the the courtyard.

"Yeah everyone knows that no one has gone in there for years." Aisha agrees with me.

"As Miss Faragonda said just because nobody has been seen doesn't mean nobody has." Helia points out.

"It's unlikely anyone has." Tecna starts.

"But we should check it out anyway." Timmy finishes for her. I sigh.

"Lets just get this done and over with. The sooner we do the better." Nabu says as we get outside. We all nod in agreement before heading off to Magix with the guys.

It doesn't take us long to arrive at Magix and it's only a short walk to get to the place. The old house is quite big but very old. We cautiously go inside and looks around. It's dark as there isn't much working electricity so I have to use my magic to create light. We begin looking around when we notice something. Everything in this place looks like it's being used. "You don't think someone could be hear do you?" I ask becoming slightly worried as we begin to go downstairs again.

"I don't know, it looks like it." Brandon answers me truthfully. I slide one of my hands into his slightly worried. We get to the bottom of the stairs and go to open a door to one of the rooms and when we do something or someone starts trying to push us away. As we're trying to get through Tecna and Timmy disappear of somewhere strangely enough as they never usually leave the group. We finally get past was trying to keep us back but the room is empty. Helia suddenly walks over to one corner and gently pulls something down and as he does we hear a quiet female cry. A few seconds after that all the lights in the old house suddenly come on.

"We fixed the electricity." Tecna announces as her and Timmy walk back into the room. Oh, so that's what they were doing! There's a boy with magenta hair, violet eyes and fair skin on the floor. He must of been the one trying to keep us back. In the corner is a girl with tan skin, jade green eyes and long brunette hair, she's also wrapped up in a dark blanket to keep her hidden in the dark. They're both about the same age as us. The boy manages to get to his feet but once he's up he nearly falls again. Suddenly Helia turns the girl so she's facing him and so she can't see the boy. That's when we notice the big injury from one of the guys' swords in his side.

"He losing blood rapidly, we need to get him to Red Fountain." Timmy whispers to us urgently. Nabu and Sky help take the boy out by putting on of his arms around each of their necks and taking him out with the rest of us following except from Aisha, Helia and that girl. They'll have to meet us there, after all her seeing him like this could end disastrously.

(Aisha's POV)

I walk over to where Helia is with that girl. She won't stop crying. He finally lets her turn around now that the others have gone but she just starts crying even more seeing that he's gone. "Hey, shhhhh. It's okay, please don't cry." Helia whispers to her gently as he sits on the old ripped sofa next to her. He carefully pulls her onto his knee before wrapping her in the blanket once more. He then cradles her in his arms while rocking her slightly back and forth.

"W-w-where is h-he?" She asks us as more tears run down her face. Helia smiles softly down at her before wiping away her tears and drying her eyes.

"It's okay, our friends are taking him to Red Fountain." I tell her gently. She starts to tear up. Oh no! She probably thinks he's being taken there for something bad. Before she can begin crying again Helia once again dries her eyes.

"Hey, don't worry. It's just so he can stay there for a while and my Grandfather, Saladin needs to ask him a few things don't worry." Helia assures her causing her to calm down a little. Once she's completely calm Helia begins to talk to her once more. "Is it okay if we take you to Alfea?" He asks her gently. She looks nervous... well more petrified actually.

"It's just so you have somewhere safe to stay, you can go and see him soon if you want." I tell her trying to make it seem a bit better. She slowly nods. Suddenly Helia stands up while carrying her bridal style.

"Is there anything you want before we leave? Just for tonight and maybe tomorrow then we'll get everything else for you." Helia asks her. She slowly nods. "Where are the things you want?" He asks her.

"Upstairs." She replies in a very quiet, soft voice. He nods and carries her upstairs with me trailing behind. He follows her directions until we reach what appears to be a bedroom that we looked in earlier. Helia then puts her down so she can get what she wants. She walks over to the other side of the bed and grabs a plant before returning to us. I couldn't help but notice that she was limping when she walked and I think Helia noticed as well.

"Is that all you want for the moment?" Helia asks he not bothering to say anything about it being a plant. She slowly nods in response. The plant she has looks different from any other I'v ever seen. It's just one single flower. It has six simple pink petals but what makes it really stand out is the strips ofbright glowing green running through each of those petals to the centre. It looks so beautiful. Helia picks her up surprising her as her grip loosens on the plant but she quickly realizes that it's slipping and pulls it close to her.

"Come on, we should get going to Alfea now." I tell them. They both nod in response as I open a portal that will teleport the three of us to Alfea.

(Helia's POV)

We arrive in the Alfea courtyard after Aisha teleported us here. I look to see the rest of the Winx approaching us, coming in through the huge gates. They probably just got back from Red Fountain. I still have this girl in my arms as they reach us. "That boy is at Red Fountain being treated." Musa tells us before realising that the girl is in my arms and that she heard her. She looks worried after hearing that, knowing that we were talking about the boy who was in the house with her.

"Don't worry, he's fine." I assure her as I look down at her but I can tell she's still a little worried. "After you get checked over to make sure that you're okay you can go and see him yourself." I tell her which seems to calm her down as she nods in agreement.

"We're going to go and see Miss Faragonda and explain the rather complicated situation to her while you take her down to Nurse Ofelia to make sure she's okay." Bloom says to me. I nod as I watch her with the rest f the Winx walk off before carrying this girl to the infirmary to see Nurse Ofelia.

"Hello Helia, who's this? What can I do for you both?" Ofelia asks me as I enter with the girl in my arms.

"I'm not entirely sure who she is but she was found in the abandoned house in Magix when we were checking it. She hasn't spoken much and we thought that one of us should bring her here so you can check her over and everything." I explain as I quickly glance down at her. Ofelia nods.

"Okay, just put her on the bed so I can start to check her over." Ofelia tells me and I do as told and lay her on the bed. "Is there anything else that I need to know?" Ofelia asks me. I nod.

"I noticed her limping a bit when she walked,maybe some injury to her left ankle. I don't know if she's had any sort of vaccinations or anything like that and there was also a boy. He's at Red Fountain now but talking about family and friends or bringing up him might stress her out a little." I explain to her. "Oh, and she seems to be very protective over that plant." I add as I motion to the flower she's still holding tightly in her arms.

"Okay, I'll remember that, first I'm going to see if I can get Tecna to pull up any records of her." Ofelia tells me. I nod. She calls Miss Faragonda to get Tecna and it's only a matter of minutes until Tecna is here.

"Hey, I'm Helia by the way." I introduce myself the girl gently as I sit on the edge of the bed that she's on. She nods once again as she seems to do it a lot.

"I'm Flora." She replies surprising me a little.

"Well Flora I just need you're finger print for a DNA search to access your records." Tecna tells her as she walks over having heard our conversation. Flora places one of her fingers on the small, flt panel Tecna holds out to her before taking it off as Tecna goes back to a small desk. "Right I've got her records but there is no record of her since she turned six, it's like she just disappeared." Tecna says in shock. We then hear Flora's gently voice tell us in reply.

"That's because I did."

A/N I hope you liked the first chapter of Unbreakable bonds. I'm still working on the cover since I don't know exactly what to do for it yet. ANyway please leave you're comments, questions and other feedback in the reviews. Thank you!