A.N. Hi people! This is my second fanfic! Woohoo! I've had this idea for a while but never got around to writing it until now. I really do appreciate constructive criticism and just reviews in general. If there are any questions about this just PM me or comment and I'll try and clear up and confusion! Now with all that, ONWARDS!

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia!

Four kingdoms. Thirteen ranks. Everyone born into a country would receive that country's mark and a rank somewhere on his or her person. What many people had seen through the years was that people with a higher rank had a higher potential for magic. However, this rule seemed to skip the King and Queen marks, as there hadn't been someone with one of those markings and magic abilities for quite a while.

Yao remembered this as Spade soldiers dragged people bearing the marks of Jacks and Aces out of their homes to be killed. Yao shook in fear, his mind spinning. He didn't understand this. The four kingdoms had declared Aces and Jacks of any kingdom a threat and that they would be exterminated for the 'greater good'. Yao's hand grabbed at his left shoulder that had the Jack of Spades mark dooming him to death. Glancing up, Yao's siblings had gathered at the windows while his father harshly grabbed Yao by the arm.

"Father wha-"

"Run, Yao. Get out of here before they find you." Yao saw the fear and desperation in his father's eyes, and he nodded weakly. The family had lost their mother and wife to an illness a couple of years ago, and Yao's father didn't wish to see another member of his family die. Turning, Yao glimpsed his brothers and sister staring at him, confusion and fear set in their faces. Biting his lip, Yao spun and took to the backdoor of their small house.

Rain pelted Yao as he burst from the house, his legs carrying him from the village he had grown up in. Sounds of soldiers scared Yao into running with more determination. Rain fell harder as he ran faster. His life was on the line. He wouldn't die here. The boy breathed in and out, eyes squinted so as to see through the rain, lungs burning with each breath he took.


Vash didn't speak as he dodged through the trees of the woods. He lived near the border between Diamonds and Hearts, making his route for escape easy to find. The blond panted as he slowed down to a quick walk, his pack bouncing against his back rhythmically. He bit his tongue. He had left his sister with their parents – the same parents who had tried to turn him in for being a Diamond Jack. Vash knew Lillian could take care of herself, but he wondered if his parents would try to use his sister's Queen mark to their benefit. The blond kept walking; he had been running for two days since he had found the letters from his parents to the commanding officer in the area in charge of the purging. Vash smirked, 'The Purge' sounded about right. The Kings and Queens in charge of the four kingdoms had killed the Aces and Jacks who held partial control without a second thought before ruling that the rest of the Jacks and Aces should be exterminated too. Vash pushed through some bushes and settled under a tree for a quick rest, wondering if he was now only one in a handful of Jacks.


Lovino muttered a curse under his breath as his brother clung to his arm. The two brothers had fled their home in Hearts only a few hours before. Lovino hoped they could make it somewhere safe before they both collapsed from exhaustion. Feliciano was three years younger than Lovino and clung to his brother's hand for dear life. Lovino felt anger bubble up in him yet again. Why did those damn higher-ups want them dead? There were kids younger than Feli bearing Ace and Jack marks. The Ace mark on Lovino's left hand burned as he thought about the stupidity of it all when Feli spoke, asking to sit down for a break.

"Only for a few minutes." Lovino replied, praying that nobody was following them. After their break, the two brothers started off again, all the while Feli asking Lovino what all this was about, trying to understand his brother's anger.

"A bunch of asses want us dead 'cause we have Jack and Ace marks."

"But we didn't do anything to them! We didn't hurt them or anything!" Feliciano exclaimed and Lovino clapped a hand over the younger boy's mouth.

"Shh! I don't know if anyone's following us, and we don't wanna draw attention to ourselves." Feli nodded at Lovino and they kept walking. The words Feli had said echoed through Lovino's mind. They didn't do anything. They didn't do anything.


"Hurry Matthew. I won't let them hurt you. I'll fix everything." Matthew remembered his brother saying as he had been pushed from their home. The violet-eyed boy had a bag shoved at him by his brother Alfred and he was told to leave, to run, to survive. Matthew sighed and rubbed his forearm where his Ace mark stood out against his skin. Ironic how Alfred and Matthew were twins but only one of them was wanted dead. Alfred was a King of Spades, giving him a chance at becoming the next ruler of Spades whereas Matthew would be lucky if he lived another week. The boy tugged at his jacket as he wandered through the woods. It had been raining the night before and the ground squelched underneath his feet with each step Matthew took. A rustling behind him made Matthew freeze. Had he been found already? Were they going to kill him now? What could he fight back with?

Turning, the blond calmed, seeing it was only a rabbit. Matthew blinked realizing his last thought. Fight back. He wasn't the fighter of the family – Alfred was – but now Matthew realized how if that bunny was someone he could've died. Died. The word resounded in the pale boy's mind when someone burst through the trees and fell to the ground panting not having noticed Matthew. The boy looked no older than Matthew was, his dark hair hung in his face and he coughed. The kid looked up and fear shot through Matthew before he noticed the same fear in the kid's eyes. Slowly Matthew spoke pushing his sleeve up for the other to see.

"Are you a Jack or Ace?"


A.N. I know I know, it starts up slowly but it'll pick up soon enough! I really appreciate reviews and ideas on where I can improve. Other characters will appear in the next chapter and chapters to come! Until next time! - Neko