
Ever since billionaire Donald Davenport and his brother, Douglas Davenport, created the world's first bionic humans- Adam Davenport, Bree Davenport, and Chase Davenport- Douglas was turned evil and planned behind his brother's back to sell Adam, Bree, and Chase as bionic super soldiers to the highest bidder to use them for evil deeds. However, Donald was able to rescue the children from his brother and set up a lab in his billionaire house to raise them and teach them how to become bionic heroes.

As the years went by, Donald Davenport got married to a woman named Tasha, who had a son named Leo Dooley. Leo found the lab where Adam, Bree and Chase were staying, and became fast friends. Leo was able to convince them to come to school with him to see the world outside their lab. However, Donald found out, and with much convincing from Leo, Adam, Bree, and Chase, he decided to allow them to go to school to become more social with kids of their own age and to make friends. Over time as they went to school, they also began to go on missions to save and help people.

They met a new student named Marcus and they become friends. But Marcus had a secret: that he had bionics just like Adam, Bree, and Chase, and that he was working with someone to capture them. He reveals his bionics to their non-bionic brother, Leo, and forces him to keep his secret by threat to expose Adam, Bree, and Chase. One day, Leo follows Marcus home and discovers that his house has a secret lair, and that Marcus, along with someone else, stalking them. He takes pictures to expose Marcus's lair, but is caught. Leo is able to out-think Marcus, and escape. He was about to expose Marcus, but his phone was destroyed by Donald's teleportation device. It's revealed that Marcus was working with Donald's evil brother: Douglas Davenport.

A few weeks pass, and Marcus and Douglas decide to make their move on capturing Adam, Bree, and Chase by capturing their father, Donald Davenport. Leo finally revealed to Adam, Bree, and Chase that Marcus is bionic like them; so they came up with a plan to rescue their father by going to his house. However, Douglas and Marcus were ready for them, and set a trap. It was then that Douglas Davenport revealed to Adam, Bree, and Chase that Marcus is an Android with bionics, and that he is their real father. When they asked Donald, he confirmed it and told them the truth, that in fact Douglas is their father and that he was going to make them into bionic soldiers, but he took them from Douglas to raise them to become bionic heroes.

While they were captured, Leo tried to rescue them from Marcus. However, Marcus overwhelmed him, nearly killing Leo. He survived by using one of Donald's Inventions to save his life. He was able to help in the escape of Adam, Bree, Chase, and Donald by using the exoskeleton suit to distract Marcus. Unfortunately Douglas was able to escape, but Marcus was crushed by debris that fell from the collapsing roof, deactivating him. Adam, Bree and Chase chose to accept that Donald Davenport wasn't their real father.

Douglas Davenport was eventually captured by Chase, who tricked him to come to their lab and froze him with one of Donald Davenport's inventions: the freezing gun that froze someone in suspended animation. However, a few months later, Douglas Davenport escaped with help from his new bionic partner, Victor Krane. Krane is a billionaire, and wants to destroy Adam, Bree, and Chase permanently. He tried to turn them evil, which he succeeded in temporarily, but his plans were foiled by their strong relationship with Leo, Donald, and Tasha.

Over the next few weeks, Douglas and Krane planned to kidnap Leo and Tasha. However Douglas began to have second thoughts about working with him, and went to Leo to tell him that Krane is become more unstable by implanting more and more bionics into himself and is starting to not give him credit to his work. Douglas wanted Leo to tell Donald that he needs a team to stop Krane. They do stop Krane, but he was able to escape last minute.

After a few weeks, Bree destroyed her bionic chip to try to get more freedom, but she later regrets it, forcing Donald to try to rebuild her chip. After a few failed attempts, Leo sneaks off to find Douglas Davenport, the only another person that could possibly rebuild her chip. However he did no better than his brother. But with both of them working together they were able to rebuild Bree's chip. Afterward, Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo forced Donald to offer his brother a chance to come back to the family. He wanted Douglas to apologize for all the bad things he had done to the family; which Douglas accepted.

After a few weeks, the Lab Rats were in trouble! Someone have recorded them on a mission to repair a massive company gas line and posted it on the internet revealing to the world that they are bionic. They were able to solve it and found that Krane was behind the video. After a brief battle at the high school between Krane, S-1, Douglas, and Leo, Krane and S-1 left, leaving Leo injured and trapped underneath a support beam. Leo's right arm was severely injured, and there was a chance of losing it. Luckily, Douglas took Leo to one of Krane's old warehouses and was able to save Leo's right arm by implanting it with bionics. Krane and S-1 came to the warehouse, and had another battle. With the help of their family, they were finally able to stop Krane along with S-1 and had them taken away to a secret government prison.

A few months later it's revealed that Krane has created a bionic army to take over the world and put bionic humans in control. He and his army nearly succeeded, but the Lab Rats were able to defeat him along with his army by blowing Krane out into the unknown areas of space. They returned home and welcomed their brother, Leo Dooley, into their team. A few days after the battle, Krane's bionic army with their memories wiped clean of their battles were on the run from the government. They followed the Lab Rats home, quickly adopting Adam as a leader figure. They were able to hide for a little while at their house before they were discovered by the government, from a video feed from in which the President was talking to Donald. Donald was able to strike a deal with the President, that he would build an academy for the soldiers to train and to learn to become bionic heroes.

The Bionic Academy opened with Adam, Bree, and Chase becoming mentors at the academy and with Leo as a student at beginner level. After a few weeks, a bionic student named Sebastian (S-3) finds out from Chase the truth of his creator: Krane and his plan for world conquest; which Sebastian took an interest in and began to make plans for revenge against Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo for taking out his master. He was able to start a bionic rebellion but was foiled by Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo defeating him and telling the rest of the bionic students the truth of Victor Krane: that he was insane and turned them into soldiers under his control to obey his orders with no resistance. The bionic students understood that the Davenports did the right thing by stopping Krane from forcing his will on them and from trying to conquer the world.

There are 5 Academy Ranks at the Academy: the 1st Rank is Yellow: a students skill level is at beginner; the 2nd is Green: a students skills have become Intermediate: the 3rd is Orange: a students skills have become advanced; the 4th is Red: a students skills have become expert; the 5th is White: a student's skill level has become at a level of a Mentor and is the highest class rank at the Academy.

Leo gained a rival at the academy by the name of Spin. He was trying to beat Spin at the academy to prove that he was better than him. Leo practiced around the clock to improve his skills, control, and power, and that he is more responsible than Spin to show him up. Their rivalry made Leo become more responsible, skilled, controlled, and powerful, and got promoted to red for showing the he was responsible enough to handle his bionics.

A few months after the Bionic Academy became open, Donald Davenport brought another scientist to work on a space elevator, with the assistance of Chase. However, with all their rival and competition, they made a fatal mistake in the design. When Donald got into the space elevator he would be going to his death. Leo was able to catch the elevator with his bionic arm but Donald was able to escape by packing a parashoot and jumping out before the space elevator could hit the ground. Leo tried to get out from underneath it but his left leg got caught by the space elevator crushing it. Donald did a surgery on Leo's left leg and replaced it with bionics.

A few weeks later, the lab rats faced a new threat: Douglas's ex-girlfriend Giselle who was trying to create a bionic super hero movie. However she had a plan of her own to create her own bionic army to conquer the world, but the Lab Rats were able to stop her. Unfortunately, she was able to escape and find Douglas's old lair that had the Android Marcus to which she rebuilt him in secret.

A few weeks later, finally after months of training Leo Dooley got promoted to the mentor level thanks to very impressive leadership skills to lead the bionic students while Adam, Bree, Chase, Douglas, and Donald Davenport were trapped in a car dangling off the side of the bridge that they had to cross. It began to fall apart causing the car nearly fall off the edge of the bridge. However they couldn't get out because the car that they were in had a security system that activated and it couldn't let anyone in or out. Leo with his bionic teammates: Taylor (Former S-1) and Logan along with other bionic students were to evaluate the bridge and use a new move they learned were able to create a E.M.P. pulse and Logan directed the E.M.P. pulse to disable the car security system, rescuing Adam, Bree, Chase, Douglas, and Donald.

A few weeks later, Adam, Bree, and Chase find out from Douglas that they have a brother that Douglas never told them about. His name was Daniel. Daniel came over to the bionic Island to see Douglas, and he found out that he was bionic like them. Daniel left the Academy to go back with his adoptive parents and Douglas and the others told that he would always be welcome at the Bionic Academy.

A few weeks later Donald and Douglas invent the Next Generation Bionic Chip to install in all bionic students that would increase their skill, power, and control of their bionics at the academy. However Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo's bionics were older and the chip couldn't adapt with their bionics. After the bionic students got the Next Generation Bionic Chip they began to disappear and the older bionics have to try and find out why. They found out that Giselle along with a newly rebuild Marcus are trying to destroy all the bionic students chips. However they didn't count on Leo Dooley not having a bionic chip and he, Adam, Bree, Chase, and Daniel were able to defeat Giselle and Marcus once and for all. Douglas and Donald were able to use Giselle's research on bionics and combined with theirs were able to make a Universal Bionic Chip for all bionic students even for Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo.

Donald Davenport decided that it was time to divide the Lab Rat team because he had a secret mission. Leo and Adam agreed to go back to the Bionic Academy to continue to train the bionic students on how to control their power. Bree and Chase agreed to go with Donald for the secret mission.