A.N. So I started reading Bonding, which is tearing my soul in two, and I wanted to write some more about our lovely ladies. Lucky you guys. ;)

Hermione stepped out of the floo, remembering not to breath right after, and took a few tentative steps forward before coming to a complete stop, gaping at the room around her. Minerva came in right after her and almost knocked her to the foor. Grabbing her shoulder for support, Minerva came to a halt beside Hermione. "Hermione, why-" Minerva stopped seeing the look on her face. Hermione's eyes were wide and her mouth hung slightly agape. Minerva smirked, her house did have that effect on people. Hermione slowly turned around taking in the room.

"Y-you live here? This… this is a … I don't know what this is, but it is beautiful. Like out of a fairy tale book." Hermione said in awe. Minver placed a tender kiss on her forehead after banishing the soot off of them both.

"Welcome home, love." Minerva banished their bags to their respective rooms and grabbed Hermione's hand tugging her slightly. "Let's give you a tour of your new home. This is the main living room, I'll read by the fire or entertain guests here." Minerva pulled Hermione through a set of French doors and led her to the office. "This is my office, I'm sure you could have figured that out though." Hermione smiled up at Minerva, she could have figured that one out. The huge mahogany desk gave that one away. For the next half hour Minerva showed Hermione around saving the best for last. "Are you ready to see the library?"

"Yes!" Hermione squealed as she pulled on Minerva's hand excitedly. Minerva smiled and led Hermione into the library. Hermione was positive her jaw was on the floor. The library was huge. It reminded her of Belle's library from Beauty and the Beast. Ever the inquisitive mind Hermione immediately started asking questions. "How many books are here? Is it bigger than Hogwart's? How long have you been collecting these books? Is the majority text books or novels? Are-"

"Breath Hermione." Minerva said chuckling. Hermione nodded and took in a large gulp of air. "As for your questions, I guess you'll just have to figure them out." Hermione looked up at her mother and threw her arms around her.

"I love you so much, mum." Minerva sunk to her knees and pulled Hermione in for a hug.

"I love you too. Now," Minerva said pulling back. "There is only one section of the library that is off limits. It has very rare and dangerous books that are not for third years." Minerva led Hermione over and showed her where she was talking about. "This bookcase is off limits, understand? The punishment for breaking this rule will be sever."

"I understand, but I am a fourth year now." Hermione joked. Minerva chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"Yes, yes you are. Why don't you go unpack before dinner? It should be ready in about thirty minutes." Hermione gazed longingly at all of the books but she managed to pull herself away from all of the books.

"Okay, see you in a few." Hermione told Minerva as she left the library already devising a plan on how she could read all of those books by summer's end. Once in her room Hermione started unpacking her meager belongings. She didn't have a whole lot before her 'parents' started beating her and calling her a freak. Minerva had been wonderful, but they hadn't exactly had time to go shopping for, well essentials. Besides her school clothes, Hermione maybe had two-three pairs of muggle clothing. Did Minerva expect her to wear her school robes? Hermione's hands stilled. She needed more, but she did not want to be a burden. Hermione shook her head trying to banish all of these thoughts. Minerva has been nothing but generous and here I am complaining about a lack of wardrobe. Hermione growled at herself and threw her only other pair of shoes in her closet harder than was necessary and slammed the door. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Hermione thought flopping down on her bed and burying her face in her pillow. The Weasleys don't have lots of stuff and they don't complain or throw fits. Hermione huffed. But their mom still finds the time to make them clothing. A few tears started their path down Hermione's cheeks before they landed on the pillow. Who cares if you have stuff?! You have a mother who loves you, get over it. Hermione told herself sternly. She really didn't know why she was acting this way. It's just stress. New place, you were almost killed along with Harry and Ron, it's just stress.

"Hermione, are you okay?" Minerva asked quietly from her place by the door.

"I'm fine." Hermione said in a clipped tone as she dried her tears. Minerva walked over to where Hermione was on the bed and enveloped her in a hug. Hermione's body began to shake as she cried; clinging to her mother's robes as if it were her lifeline. "I-I was so scared." Hermione cried. "T-there wh-where dementors e-every where a-and all I could hear was m-my parents scre-screaming at me. T-telling me that I-I was a f-freak and t-that no one would s-save me t-t-this time." Minerva held Hermione as she cried and rubbed her back cooing softly that she would be alright.

"I'm here love, and I'm not going anywhere." Minerva cooed. Hermione slowly stopped crying and scooted closer to Minerva. "Let's see those brown eyes." Hermione shook her head. "Please." Minerva asked. Hermione slowly looked up at Minerva, blinking away the last of her tears. "There's those beautiful brown eyes." Minerva traced Hermione's face with her fingertips. "I will always be there to save you, and I will always try my hardest to keep you safe."

"I-I'm sorry." Hermione said weakly.

"For what?"

"Crying. I shouldn't cry over such stupid things." Hermione went to bury her face in her mother's robes but Minerva stopped her.

"It's not stupid Hermione. Dementors are scary and give even me the creeps."

"Yeah, but you don't cry about it." Hermione huffed. "I'm such a wimp."

"No child of mine is a 'wimp' Hermione. You are brave and a Gryffindor. The hat does not make mistakes. Dementors have a greater affect on people who have suffered great tragedy in their lives. You have suffered Hermione, that's why the Dementors affect you so. It's not because you are weak, it is because you have had the strength to fight and keep living. I am so proud of you."

Hermione looked deep into her mother's eyes searching for any sign that she was lying. She found none. "Thanks mum." Hermione hugged Minerva and sighed contentedly. They laid there for several minutes before Hermione's stomach began rumbling. Minerva laughed.

"I guess it's dinner time." Hermione smiled sheepishly and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess it is."

"Let's go then." Minerva slid off the bed and led Hermione into the dining hall. It was a beautiful room. It could easily hold up to forty people, yet there were only two spots set. "It's nice to have someone else with me. It can get quite lonely here in the summer." Minerva took her spot at the head of the table and Hermione took her seat next to her.

"Is that why you usually stay at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, dear."

"But you're not this year because of me." Hermione stated, not even bothering to ask the question.

"I look forward to spending the entire summer with you Hermione. We haven't had a whole lot of time to ourselves the last few months and I relish the opportunity to spend time with you. I've missed spending time with my cub." Hermione beamed up at Minerva.

"This is going to be awesome." Minerva nodded once and snapped her fingers. Like at Hogwarts the food appeared on the table. "So cool." Hermione said under her breath. "Can I go to the library after we finish?"

"Of course." Minerva said and by doing so increased Hermione's eating pace significantly. "Slow down dear, I don't want you to choke." Hermione blushed and slowed down.

"I'm just really excited and I can't wait to start reading. There's so many books for me to read!" Minerva laughed at Hermione's enthusiasm.

"Well go on then." Hermione gulped down the last of her pumpkin juice and ran off to the library. "No running in the house!" Minerva called after her smiling.