Hey, so just saying that I m not gonna update this story on this site anymore. I use archive of our own a lot more now so I've moved there - my name's HangonIknowthisone if you still wanna follow it :') Once I've picked up my drafts from home over Christmas break and caught up with my uni assignments I'll be updating again, probably not super regularly but hopefully a lot more rapid than I used to. Sorry for the massive delay on this, life's just been kicking my ass and any creativity I had to write this just sorta flew away from me for a while. It's mostly back though. But yeah, I hope that you still wanna carry on with this because I'll be deviating from the canon in the next few chapters and finally be making this plot all mine, so that should be fun. Thanks for listening, or reading, this. Sorry if you thought it was an update :')