Osama bin Laden, the founder of al-Qaeda contemplated the return of one of the traditional enemies of Islam, the Knights Templar.

Until the return of the Knights Templar bin Laden had been concentrating all of his resources against the Great Satan the United States of America.

Now al-Qaeda has a traditional enemy of Islam to defeat and if he could accomplish that than he would go down in Islamic history as the greatest Islamic leader since Saladin.

The planned attacks against the Great Satan would have to wait as the Knights Templar were bound to move against the heart of Islam once they had conquered the Holy Lands.

While it pained him to see the Holy Lands under Christian control at least the Jewish problem would have been resolved.

And after the Islamic armies push the Knights Templar back into the sea he will have immortalised his place in history.

Colonel Jack O'Neill was keeping his son occupied while Sara fed and changed their daughter Emily.

He still had a few days left of his paternity leave and thanked his lucky stars Emily came when she did.

The political shit storm that had erupted in the aftermath of the Stennis debacle had sent all the intelligence agencies into overdrive.

After all how could it have been foreseen that the Knights Templars had interstellar capable warships?

Luckily Jack had been doing some research into the Knights Templar and the archaeologists on Cyprus.

Doctor Daniel Jackson had some very outlandish theories at the time; theories that were now being re-examined as an alien space ship explained how the Knights Templar disappears all those years ago.

Unfortunately Jack's private research had led to him being seen as the poster child of the intelligence network and the president had ordered him to join the party that was going to Cyprus to negotiate with the Templars for the release of the US prisoners of war.

Jack just hadn't found a way yet to tell Sara that in a week's time he would be heading into the mouth of a hungry tiger and one that wasn't happy with the United States of America.

Callie Grafton pondered what might have been.

For a few days she had been a widow only to receive an email from a Doctor Daniel Jackson advising her that her husband Jacob Lee Grafton was alive and currently a prisoner of the Knights Templar.

She and her academic connections had caused such a stink that the president had relented and included her in the party that was travelling to Cyprus.

Callie had been planning to travel to Italy when the Stennis pulled into Naples for shore leave.

Now she was heading to Cyprus to visit her husband who was now a prisoner of war held by a fanatical militant Holy order hell bent on returning the Holy Lands to the control of Christendom.

After thinking about her situation for a moment she decided that it might be best if she dressed in a pious manner and made sure she wore her confirmation cross in a prominent visible position.

The US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright didn't like the position she was in.

Normally it was the USA that held the upper hand due to its military might but now the shoe was on the other foot and she was not happy.

The president had sent her to deal with religious zealots after his attempt at one upmanship had failed.

Now the USA faced a possible war with a militant religious order that had an unknown but possibly far stronger military power than possessed by not only the United States of America but probably every nation on the earth combined.

Madeleine didn't like being in a weak position and more importantly she is probably going to have to virtually beg to make any kind of deal with these Knights Templar.

Pope John Paul II had decided that he needed to go behind the back of the conclave of Cardinals.

It was clear to him that the conclave of Cardinals was more concerned with protecting their own positions and the reputation of the church above doing what is right.

He will send a representative to the Knights Templar agreeing to their fehdebrief but with a request that the associated orders supply priests to replace the ones that will be judged by the Templars Orb of Honesty.

He hopes that once the Templars cleanse the mother church of all the rapists, paedophiles and pederasts that their actions will return the trust of the people in the church.

Though he was considering introducing the changes that the Knights Templars and their associated orders had introduced by removing the celibacy requirements allowing the clergy to marry as long as they obeyed God's commandments.

Colonel Jack O'Neill was staying at the back of the Secretary of States party trying to look as innocuous as possible.

He was here to gather intelligence of the military capabilities of the Knights Templar.

From just what he had overheard on their passage to the meeting room the Knights Templar were frighteningly advanced and powerful.

Callie Grafton watched as a beautiful woman and attractive man approached their party.

Callie noticed that the beautiful young woman was in the early stages of pregnancy.

The young woman noticed her looking at her baby bulge and said in broken English, "Hello, I'm Sha're Jackson and this is my husband Daniel.

He will be conducting the negotiations.

I noticed your stare at my baby bulge it is a wonderful feeling to be a mother."

At this statement Callie Grafton started crying and noticing Sha're's incomprehension said, "I can't have children!"

Sha're frowned and then took Callie Grafton by the hand and said, "Come with me.

I'll arrange with the priests for you to have a session in the Sechuler of healing.

It will correct whatever is wrong and then you will be able to have babies too."

Callie Grafton just stared at Sha're Jackson as she was led deeper into Kolossi Castle where she was left in the hands of the priests of Order of St Benedict.

Captain Jake Grafton was sitting in his cell when the door suddenly opened and one of the Templar Knights gestured for him to follow.

Since the start of his captivity Jake had realized that if he displayed his Christian beliefs he was treated better by the Templars and their associated religious orders.

Even though he was Presbyterian this didn't seem to concern the Templars as they considered it a version of the worship of Christ.

Jake realized that he was being taken to a section of the Kolossi Castle he had never been taken to before.

When he arrived at his destination he was surprised to see his wife Callie waiting for him.

Then Father Darius, a priest he had attended mass with many times approached him and said, "Captain and Callie Grafton, I have been led to believe that you have not been able to conceive a child.

Children are a gift from God.

Now if you will both climb into the Sechuler of healing with god's grace after this treatment you will be able to have as many children as you desire."

With this said Jake and Callie climbed into the Sechuler of healing in the hope that they will be able to have children of their own.

Jake and Callie Grafton couldn't believe the results when they exited the Sechuler of healing.

They both looked just like they did when they first met.

All the age related ailments that had afflicted them were gone.

It was as if they had both been gifted a new lease on life.

Then Father Darius approached them and said, "The Lord God has blessed you, now go forth and multiple and regardless of your denomination the Mother Church will always welcome you with open arms."

The US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was not happy.

This Doctor Daniel Jackson had just informed her that the Knights Templar considered her a heretic for her change from the Roman Catholic Church to Episcopalian.

The Templars considered the Episcopalian Church a heretical religion because of their more liberal beliefs regarding homosexuality.

The only concession that she got from the Templars was the release of their captives.

She also got a warning that if the United States of America ever attacked a Templar realm again regardless of reason, it would be war.

And the Knights Templar would then purge the modern Sodom and Gomorrah that the United States of America had become with Holy Fire and the Sword or retribution.

Frederick von Garger, the Grand master of the Knights Templar was concerned.

The Holy Crusade against the evil Goa'uld parasites had stalled.

The remaining self-proclaimed Goa'uld System Lords had fortified their realms to the extent that any assault on them would be extremely costly for the order.

It was almost as if they had discovered another threat and was reacting to that.

Unfortunately that also meant that it made his orders holy mission so much more difficult.

Then there was the problem of the homeworld.

Many had drifted far from the one true faith and they had become increasingly recalcitrant towards the commandments on the one true God.

He wondered if it might not be best to simply put all the heathens, heretics, Mohammedans and Christ killers to the fire and the sword and simply start again with the pious few that remained.

Then there was the response from the Pontifex Maximus John Paul II to the fehdebrief.

It was obvious to all that the Holy Father had lost much of his power to that of the conclave of Cardinals.

Frederick considered the conclave of Cardinals a den of villainy and self-obsession.

The conclave of Cardinals was more concerned with their own comforts and their positions of power then the good of the flock of the Holy Father.

He decided that now that he had Pontifex Maximus' blessing to purge the Mother Church of all pederasts, pedophiles, rapists and those who abused the positions of their office.

He could get Albert to perform the task but he had his hands full with the crusade to secure the Holy lands.

And he had the perfect man for the job.

Lucas Beaumanoir had done well against the Goa'uld and he deserved a master's position.

And a Master Templar would be required to deal with all the pederasts, pedophiles, rapists and those who abused their offices.

Lucas Beaumanoir would have his own cadre of Templar knights and inquisitors to fulfil his mission.

And after his mission with cleansing the mother church was finished he might just give him another mission to deal with all the heretics that had sprung up in all the so-called Western democracies.

The first of those heretical organisations that he would like to see targeted was these Scientologists.

Master Templar Lucas Beaumanoir looked at his hand picked cadre of Templar knights and inquisitors.

It would be their role to capture all pederasts, pedophiles, rapists and office abusers and to purge their souls for their passage to heaven.

He decided that he would start with cleansing the Vatican and would then expand out to all the church possessions.

There was the possibility that some of the pederasts, pedophiles and rapists might flee to the protection of those heretical governments who might decide not to turn the abusers over to Gods justice.

If this were the case then he would have to take them through force of arms.

And if those heretical governments objected the he would have to purge their immortal souls at the same time.

The conclave of Cardinals was stunned when the Knights Templar stormed and secured the Vatican and with Orbs of Honesty proceeded to check everybody to see if they had breached God's Commandments.

Those who had were dragged away to be tried and punished by the Templars.

The cardinals had objected to the pope when more than half their number had been dragged way.

When they finally got their audience with John Paul II they found Master

Templar Lucas Beaumanoir standing by his side.

The remaining cardinals were horrified that John Paul II had given permission for the Templars to purge the mother church.

They were then told that as the remaining pious cardinals they were going to have to pick up the slack of those who had been purged.

John Paul II advised them that they were not to worry about a lack of priests.

The Abbot Primate of the Order of St Benedict, Cardinal Sabastian Rouge who normally dealt with non-Earth based peoples would supply sufficient numbers of priests and nuns to replace those purged from the mother Church.

Templar Television had become one of the highest rating pay television channels.

People flocked to watch the channel in morbid fascination as it broadcast the trials and punishments of the pederasts, pedophiles, rapists and other criminals to God's laws.

Between these transmissions there were always sermons to watch and they put the American tele-evangelists to shame.

The strange thing was that Templar Television never asked for money.

You could donate on their web site if you wanted but it wasn't a requirement.

The punishments dealt out to pedophile priests and brothers sickened many but the victims of the abuse praised the Knights Templar for taking a stand against those who had been protected for so long.

The President, Taoiseach (prime minister), the Tánaiste (deputy prime minister) of the Republic of Ireland watched as the Knights Templar had stormed all the Catholic institutions and dragged off those who they had found to have committed crimes against God's laws.

The Irish government had ordered their military and defence forces not to interfere with the Knights Templar even if they came for convicted clergy in their custody.

The Irish politicians strangely saw their support increase by their decision not to interfere.

On the streets of the Irish republic crowds of people cheered on the Knights Templar as they did what no church or political leader had done in the past by rounding up all the abusers.

Though the Knights Templar were seen as religious extremists, they at least lived by what they preached.

The Templars developed quite a following in Ireland and for the first time in years many younger people decided to join this religious order as you could marry and have children while still fulfilling god's ministry.

Seeing the way the wind was blowing the Irish Politicians decided to invite the Knights Templar to build a Templar stronghold in the Irish republic so that they could reap the political gains from the Irish people's new favourite religious order.

Pope John Paul II looked at the growing pile of official objections issued by nearly every country on the Earth about the actions of the Knights Templar.

The Knights Templar had accessed every catholic institution using their

Orbs of Honesty and dragged off everybody they found that had been in breach of God's laws.

They had acted in total disregard to local laws like a crusading army.

He suddenly realised that was exactly what the Knight Templar were and he had unleashed them on unsuspecting Catholics.

Once the Knights Templar had started their round up there was no time for people to flee.

They had used their technologies to swoop in and grab those who they deemed guilty even those marginally arrived at.

Now he had to deal with the fall out as no country wanted to officially complain to the Knight Templar directly.

The only good thing was that now that he had officially reconsecrated the Knights Templar he had been offered the use of a sepulcher of healing.

John Paul II hadn't felt and looked so good in years but he would only allow it to be used sparingly as death was a natural part of life.

After all if you lived forever then how would you collect your bounty in heaven.

Albert von Garger and his Knights Templar had finally finished the conquest of Lebanon.

It had not come without cost, Mohammedans terrorists had killed more god fearing Christians than the casualties suffered by the Knights Templar.

Now his forces were positioning for the assault on the Holy Lands held by the Christ Killers.

And he knew that they wouldn't surrender the Holy Lands as they considered that they belonged to them.

This was simply unacceptable and now instead of an easy conquest his Knights Templar would have to fight for every cubit of ground they took.

And if the Knights Templar had to pay the price of the bride then Albert would make sure that the Christ killers would pay far more.

The Israeli military watched the build-up on their northern and western borders with great concern.

The Syrians had simply withdrawn and let these Knights Templar take positions from which they could launch assaults on Israel without the threat of being attacked from the flanks.

The Israeli military knew that they would eventually fall as they couldn't match the technology possessed by the Knights Templar but they would make the Templars pay for every inch of Israeli ground that they captured.

The Arab nations didn't really know which side to support.

They hated the Jews but having highly advanced crusader Christians holding the Holy Lands wasn't something they wanted either.

In the end they decided to let the Jews and the Christians fight it out and then they would attack whoever were the victors.

Doctor Daniel Jackson held his son Melburn named after his father.

Sha're had insisted on that name for their first born son after a priest had told her it was traditional for them to be named after their fathers father.

While pleased with the name Daniel was growing increasingly concerned by

Sha're's Christian fanaticism.

Sha're would do anything for her religious teachers and was planning a large family so that she could contribute to the Templars numbers to fight for the righteousness of God's cause.

Daniel knew he couldn't deny his wife but he hoped that they had daughters from now on so they that wouldn't have to fight for these Christian fanatics.

President Bill Clinton listened to the briefing of his military advisers.

Only an idiot couldn't see that the Knights Templar were going to attack


Unfortunately he and the United States of America were hamstrung.

If he helped Israel it would mean war with the Knights Templar.

But he had bigger problems at home.

The religious right had thrown their full support behind the Knights

Templar and if he tried to support Israel his next impeachment trial might very well succeed.

So now all he could do was watch as America's strongest ally in the Middle East was destroyed by forces nobody could control.

Anubis was annoyed at the situation he found himself in.

These savage children of the Ancients had killed off all the easy pickings of the Goa'uld System Lords and those remaining had fortified their possessions making their conquest so much harder.

He had considered attacking these Knights Templar but they had access to technology that was equal to or exceeding the Goa'uld System Lords.

Frustrated that his grand plans had be foiled he had only one choice to sit back and build up his forces and hope that the Goa'uld System Lords would return to fighting amongst themselves and give him the opening he needs.

Elias Hrawi wasn't a happy Lebanese president.

The Knights Templar had conquered his country and all the non-Christian citizens had either been taken by the crusaders or forced into virtual slavery building monuments to the Lord God.

He felt as if he had failed most of his people and now the remaining Christians were paying the price in increased terrorist attacks from across the various borders of Lebanon.

At least the terrorists couldn't use improvised explosive devices or even guns for that matter at the Templars technologies easily detected these items through their nnatural chemical compounds.

But that still left a vast variety of edged weapons that the terrorists could use.

If there was one good thing about the Knights Templar presence was the virtual elimination of sexual crimes and spousal abuse.

They took a dim view of these crimes and used their Orbs of Honesty to find those responsible for these vile acts.

And those responsible were punished on Templar television for everybody to view as an object lesson as to why you shouldn't break God's laws.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu knew that the Templar attack on Israel would start soon.

The Knights Templar were massing forces at the border castles remains built by the Knights Templar at Jacob's Ford on the upper River Jordan before they disappeared, which was a passage point between the Golan Heights and northern Galilee.

Jacob's Ford was now critical to Israel's defence but they were also being threatened by the Syrians and Palestinians whom the Israeli military also had to protect against.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu decided that if Israel was going to fall than its enemies would go with it.

As such he ordered all the Israeli strategic ballistic missiles to be readied including the experimental ICBM Jericho III all armed with the largest possible nuclear warheads.

Israeli strike aircraft were also placed on hot pad alert status for follow up strikes.

He decided that Libya, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the Templars base on Cyprus should all be targeted for destruction.

He wasn't concerned by retaliation as the Templars wanted the Holy Lands intact and the others weren't any real threat.

Besides the Templars would probably protect their Holy Lands from any external missile attack.

Now all he could do is wait and hope against hope that the Knights Templar wouldn't attack.

It was a vain hope but the only one that Israel could expect.

With his plans set he contacted the Israeli President Ezer Weizman for his authorisation to carry out the fail deadly retaliation plan should Israel be attacked.

Newly minted Master Templar Albert von Garger studied the deployment of his forces and reviewed the sensor scans he had received from Pierre LaForge, the Master Templar in command of the Righteous Retribution.

The sensor information indicated that the Christ killers were preparing nuclear strikes in retaliation to any attack.

Albert hoped that the newly installed shield generators for Kolossi Castle and other areas in Cyprus and other Templar holdings would protect them from any nuclear strike by the Christ killers.

Israeli President Ezer Weizman was despondent at the current situation.

The Knights Templar were driving the Israeli military before them showing them no mercy.

Their advance had now broken into two attacks one heading for Jerusalem and the other for Tel Aviv.

If the Knights Templar didn't slow their advance then it was likely that both cities would fall before the day was out.

With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hunkered down in a military bunker President Weizman had just received a request from him to use his authorisation command codes to allow the use of the Israeli nuclear arsenal.

With a sigh he entered his authorising command codes and then waited for the confirmation that the rockets had flown.

He looked down at the gun on his desk and thought that once this was done he would do the honourable thing and end his life like the Jewish martyrs at Masada.

The President of the United States of America Bill Clinton was receiving some much need stress relief from his latest intern when his Secret Service detail burst into the Oval Office and literally dragged him to the Presidential Emergency Operations Centre bunker complex beneath the East Wing of the White House.

Upon arrival at the Presidential Emergency Operations Centre he was advised that missile launches had been detected from Israel heading towards all of their enemies.

Bill Clinton sat listening to the reports with a morbid fascination as he watched the missile tracking system display the flight paths and projected impact points of the missiles.

Suddenly the operator shouted nuclear detonation followed by the longitudes and latitudes coordinates.

A general officer then asked for the local domicile names.

He did this so that President Clinton would know which cities the Israelis had hit with their nuclear weapons.

Hearing that the names of the cities destroyed included Bagdad, Tehran, Damascus, Riyadh, Amman, Ramallah, Ankara, Tripoli and Cairo had had the room fall silent and as the names were read out Bill Clinton became paler and paler.

Strangely Nicosia and the other targets on Cyprus and Beirut in Lebanon remained unharmed.

Reports came in of strange shimmerings as the missiles at these targets detonated leading those people in the Presidential Emergency Operations Centre to conclude that the Knights Templar had used some of their advanced technologies to protect their holdings.

Bill Clinton knew that there was going to be hell to pay over the Israeli actions.

The issue was with the Knights Templar offensive those responsible would eventually be in their hands unless they took the cowards way out and committed suicide.

Now he is going to have to deal with the fallout both figuratively and literally and Bill just knew that the USA would get the blame as they had been the ones to give Israel unconditional support.

Bill contacted his Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and advised her that he had another wild fire for her to try and put out.

Madeleine Albright stared at her desk and wondered how in hell she was supposed to manage the massive Israeli nuclear strike on most of the most historically important sites of the ancient world.

Everybody would blame the USA for this vile act as Israel was bound to be conquered by the Knights Templar and thus those directly involved would be out of reach of normal justice.

Hannah Mermelstein writhed on the ground in agony.

She had been recalled to Israel to help in its defence from the Knights Templar invasion.

Her mission to go after the terrorists had been abruptly cancelled.

In hindsight she really shouldn't have pulled the knife on that Knight Templar.

Now as she writhed in agony from some kind of electrical discharge she was picked up by the Templar she had attacked who said, "My you are a feisty one.

Instead of sending you for sale and re-education I think I might keep you for myself.

Such a spirited woman is bound to pass those attributes onto my children."

With this said Reginald Front-de-Boeuf draped Hannah Mermelstein over his speeder bike and attached one of his identification tags on her.

After all he and his fellow Knights Templars got first claim on any captives and he was sure that this feisty woman would bare him many strong sons to continue his line.

Jake and Callie Grafton were smiling as they came out of the doctor's office.

After years of failure they were finally going to have a baby.

But they wondered how their newly adopted daughter Amy-Carol would take the news.

Callie had been adamant that even though they could probably now have children of their own that the adoption process she had started should be completed.

She had promised Amy-Carol that she would adopt her and she wasn't going to break her promise.

That had been before the Stennis was destroyed and Jake had become a prisoner of war.

Yet if that hadn't happened then she would never have experienced motherhood.

At least with Amy-Carol heading towards her teenage years she wouldn't have to watch her like she would a younger child.

And now that Jake had retired from the navy he worked regular hours and was home every night.

It had been a strange twist of fate that upon applying for a job after leaving the navy Jake had actually secured an expert commentators position at NBC due to his naval service and time as a Templar prisoner of war.

NBC had been ecstatic when Jake had used his friendship with Father

Darius who had arranged an interview with Albert von Garger the Knight

Templar in charge of the conquest of the Holy Lands.

The interview had been a roaring success with much dirt thrown at the US administration and they had trumped all the other networks for such an interview.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu was hunkered down in his bunker after the successful nuclear strikes against the enemies of Israel.

His only issues were the reports that the Knights Templar holdings hadn't been harmed in any form and the follow up air strikes by the Israeli airforce had been unsuccessful.

Watching the situation reports in his bunker under the HaKirya military base he saw that the Israeli defense forces were being swept aside by the Knights Templar.

The Knights Templar had already captured Jerusalem and from the sounds of fighting from the upper levels of the bunker complex the Knights Templar were determined to capture him.

He had considered suicide but had in the end decided that he would die in Israel fighting for the Jewish people's right to control Israel.

He then heard an explosion and in stormed dozes of Knights Templars.

Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu stepped out firing a Tavor TAR-21 assault rifle at the Knights Templars and then he died in a hail of returned fire.

Albert von Garger looked down at the dead corpse of Benjamin Netanyahu.

Gesturing to a fellow Templar Knight he said, "Take this vile creature to a Goa'uld Sarcophagus his soul is probably beyond redemption as a Christ killer.

There's no use wasting a Sechuler of healing on the unredeemable.

And once he has recovered then turn him over to the Inquisitors.

I'm sure they will enjoy the chance of redeeming the unredeemable."

With this said Knights Templar Maurice de Bracy grabbed the dead corpse of Benjamin Netanyahu and started dragging it away by one leg.

After all he was already dead even if only for a short time and wouldn't feel any pain in his current state so Maurice wasn't going to waste any strength being careful with a dead weight.

Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada really enjoyed his work.

And it just showed that he was doing God's divine work as his name sake had headed the Spanish Inquisition on the mother world five hundred years ago.

He had been given the vital task of purging the soul of the Christ killer and butcher of innocents Benjamin Netanyahu.

It didn't matter to the Lord God if the innocents were heathens, heretics, Mohammedans or Christ killers they all deserved the chance of rightful redemption that had been denied them by Benjamin Netanyahu.

As such Benjamin Netanyahu soul will be purged vigorously so that he can reach redemption that is once he leaves Goa'uld Sarcophagus.

Tomás wonders how many times Benjamin Netanyahu will have to be brought back to life in the Goa'uld Sarcophagus before he begs for his rightful redemption.

Looking forward to the challenge Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada notices the Goa'uld Sarcophagus opening and he gives Benjamin Netanyahu a taste of what he is about to experience by using a Goa'uld pain stick on him.

Albert von Garger was pleased by the progress of the conquest of the

Holy Lands for Christendom.

Once Jerusalem was secured he immediately started converted the Mohammedan mosque the Dome of the Rock that had been built on the site of the Temple of Solomon back into a Christian Cathedral.

This newly consecrated Cathedral was going to be called the original Templar name of the Templum Domini or Temple of the Lord.

This caused much anger to the Mohammedans but he didn't care as the Holy Lands were now under the control of the Knights Templar and that was how they were going to remain.

If the Mohammedans wanted to take on the might of the Templar Realms than let them try but they would not like the results.

The Mohammedans were not the only religion to suffer this fate the Christ killer temples and other non-Christian places of worship were all scheduled to be converted into places of Christian worship.

Osama bin Laden, of al-Qaeda declared fatwa against traditional enemies of Islam, the Knights Templar and called for a Jihad against them.

Much to his delight many from the Islamic world rushed to the cause with armies of mujahideen developing on the borders of the Holy Lands much to the disquiet of those countries political leaderships.

Albert von Garger was growing concerned with the influx Mohammedan terrorists that were attacking the various Templar holding in the Holy Lands.

This was on top of the flood of Mohammedans who were pouring into the territory of the countries surrounding the Holy Lands.

He was sure that it would only be a matter of time before his brethren were attacked from all sides.

Deciding to act before all they had gained were lost to superior numbers he contacted his father the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Frederick von Garger for reinforcements.

If the Mohammedans wanted a Holy War then he would give them one.

His orders grand crusade against the Mohammedans wouldn't stop at the borders of the Holy Lands.

If the Mohammedans were determined to fight then he and his fellow Knights Templar would take the fight straight to their homes and heaths and they would not stop until all the Mohammedans had converted to righteous god fearing Christians.

Pope John Paul II, watched the images from the Holy Lands with dread.

He hadn't bothered ordering the Knights Templar not to recover the Holy

Lands because it was pointless to issue an order that wouldn't be obeyed.

Besides his control of the Knights Templar was only marginal at best.

The Society of Jesus more commonly known as the Jesuits and the Christian Brothers those that had survived the Templar purges were leading the charge that more should be done to convert heathens, heretics, Mohammedans and Christ killers.

Their pleas had seen the Knights Templar invite these orders to assist in spreading the world of the true Lord God.

John Paul II knew that an all-out religious war was about to break out and the Knights Templar would pick up the challenge.

His eyes then dropped to the missive he had received from the Ecumenical

Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I of Constantinople.

The missive from Bartholomew I of Constantinople was asking for the assistance of the Knights Templar to secure Byzantium from the Turks.

His concern was the offer to resume negotiations between the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches for a formal merger.

John Paul II was sure that the Knights Templar would fit in well with the Eastern Orthodox Church as both allowed their clergy to marry.

This was an issue that the Catholic Church needed to resolve and their current celibacy rules probably contributed to the sexual abuse that the Knights Templar had dealt with so forcefully within the Catholic Church.

The former Archbishop of Sydney George Pell was regretting having helped cover up sexual abuse allegations against Catholic clergy.

He hadn't thought that his actions to protect the mother church would have had such ramifications.

Now here he was slaving away in a stone quarry under the whip and the sword of the Knights Templar.

And once he was finished his daily hard labour he then faced hours of prayer under the supervision of the inquisitors and if anything the inquisitors were more unforgiving than the Knights Templar.

Kneeling on the hard stone floors were detrimental to his physical wellbeing but not nearly as much as the pain sticks and the whips used by his captors.

For once in his life George Pell wished that he hadn't protected all those paedophiles and pederasts and put the reputation of the mother church ahead of those members of the churches abused flock.

As a member of the clergy who had wronged the Lord God's flock he was shown less mercy than to the heathens, heretics, Mohammedans and Christ killers he slaved alongside.

At least the heathens, heretics, Mohammedans and Christ killers had the chance of redemption by converting to the faith of the one true God he didn't have that benefit.

And he didn't dare say he didn't believe as the consequences of such a declaration didn't bare contemplation.

Hannah Mermelstein lay beneath her new husband Reginald Front-de-Boeuf and pleasured him.

While it wasn't her preferred duty it was better to be appreciated by a man than considered a possession like what had happened to the other Jewesses who had been taken by the Knights Templar.

Hannah had decided that it was probably best to make the most of her situation and at least the sex was good.

The religious reeducation wasn't optional and she was expected to attend her sessions and mass every morning come hell or high water.

She had seen what happened to those who refused and it was better to follow her instructions.

She couldn't even fake believing in the Christian God as the Orbs of Honesty told the priests if she was lying.

She had only done that once and the pain inflicted on her was more than she could bare.

On the other hand after she had been revived in a Sechuler of healing she found herself young again and she even started to pay attention to her religious reeducation.

The Christian faith wasn't too different from what she grew up with and a change to the Christian faith wasn't too great a change.

The political fallout from the Israeli nuclear attack and the Knights Templar's conquest of the Holy Lands were diabolical.

Protests by Jews over the so-called Templar religious cleansing and by Muslims over the Templar religious cleansing and the Israeli nuclear strikes in the Middle East.

Then the religious right came to the fore for the 2000 presidential elections.

In a shock decision the Republican Party decided not to nominate George W Bush but instead a little known evangelical, born-again Christian, in Michael Richard Pence.

This was a masterstroke by the Republican Party as Mike Pence swept aside the Democrat candidate Al Gore in a landslide.

President Bill Clinton was in some ways relieved to have successfully completed his two terms in office even if his presidency was tainted by the Monica Lewinsky scandal, the USS Stennis debacle and of course the Knights Templar conquest of the Holy Land and the Israeli nuclear strikes in the Middle East.

For all the good he did domestically his presidency would forever be known for its foreign relations disasters.

President Mike Pence first act after his inauguration was to host a reception for the Knights Templar in Washington DC.

The guest list was carefully feted to ensure that no Jews, Muslims, scientologists or any other beliefs that might cause offence to the new power on the Earth, the theocracy of the Knights Templar.

The Pence administration was filled by people of every race but there was one common theme amoungst the appointees all of them were god fearing Christians of denominations of the Christian faith that the Knights Templar approved of.

Master Knights Templar Albert von Garger was growing increasingly concerned with the terrorist attacks conducted by Mohammedans in the Holy Lands and on other Templar holdings.

But more concerning were the increasing numbers of armed Mohammedans congregating in the Mohammedan territories surrounding the Holy Lands.

These territories were now essentially lawless, as the Christ killers had effectively wiped out any government these territories possessed.

Even though he had the right to launch offensive operations Albert decided that it would be better if he consolidated the Knights Templars hold on the Holy lands and waited for the Mohammedans to attack them giving him the right to launch counter attacks deep into the Mohammedan heartlands.

Before he could do this first he had to be a humble guest to the new president of the modern Sodom and Gomorrah, this United States of America.

At least he didn't have to go alone a cadre of his most senior Knights Templar would accompany him.

They had already acquired suitable garments curtesy of the Savile Row bespoke tailoring for men.

The tailors of this area had come highly recommended and they were only more than happy to be paid in gold for their labours.

Rebecca of York was walking through Jerusalem seeing the sites that had become mere fables to the Jews of York.

Her husband Wilfred of Ivanhoe paused at the Western Wall of the former Temple of Solomon to observe the progress of the works on the Templum Domini or Temple of the Lord.

While he did this Rebecca took a chance and reached out to touch the Western Wall and said a silent prayer to her people who even as she stood there were being put to the fire and the sword if they wouldn't convert.

When she finished her prayer she noticed the on-going desecration of all the Jewish temples and other places of non-Christian worship.

Starting to cry at all the destruction being done in the name of the Christian version of God, she felt her husband's hand brush her tears away.

And after he kissed her lightly on her lips he said, "My love it is a moving sight to see the Templum Domini or Temple of the Lord back in use for its rightful purpose."

Then he took her hand and led her to the Al-Aqsa Palace, a former Muslim Mosque, that the Knights Templar had once again converted into their headquarters in Jerusalem.

Apostolic nuncio to the United States of America, Gabriel Montalvo Higuera was intrigued by the new American administration's actions.

President Michael Pence an evangelical, born-again Christian had become the first Chief of State to invite a Knights Templar delegation to visit.

This action was essentially treating them like an independent state and one could rightly argue that it was true, even if the Knight Templar were arguably answerable to the Pontifex Maximus.

He was of two minds about the Templars return.

Sure they had acted decisively against the pederasts, pedophiles and rapists within the church but in his native Colombia they had gone further.

The Knights Templar had effectively taken over Colombia when one of the drug cartels had tried to stop them from helping the poor.

It had been a very bad move on the drug cartels part as the Templars had swarmed the country and using their Orbs of Honesty had routed out everybody who had taken money from the cartel.

Within a week the Colombian government was essentially a vassal of the

Knights Templar as they sort out the drug lords for punishment.

Crucifixions were now common on the streets of the Colombian cities and

Bogota had gone from being one of the most dangerous cities on the earth to the safest.

Nobody was willing to work for the cartels, as the punishments inflicted by the Knights Templar and their inquisitors didn't justify the risk.

If the cartels caught you, you could only die once.

This was not true of the Templars who could and did bring criminals back to life just so they could continue to purge their immortal souls of sins.

The old saying that if you commit the crime you do the time was nothing compared to the penalties the Knights Templar handed down.

Even the most trivial of crime now got harsh penalties.

But strangely the peasants and common people loved their defacto rulers the Knights Templar.

For the first time many peasants had enough food, new clothes and new dwellings were being built to replace their shantytowns.

The churches were now packed at every mass and many of the young men who had once been the cannon fodder for the cartels militias were volunteering to join the Knights Templar when they found out that being a warrior priest, monk or brother didn't disclude you from marriage and family.

Father Gabriel wondered what effect the Knight Templar would have on the

United States of America.

The Central Politburo of the Communist Party of China, who effectively ruled the People's Republic of China observed what was happening in the Middle East with great interest.

These Knights Templar were a major power and one not to be trifled with.

The Central Politburo of the Communist Party of China knew that once the Knights Templar had finished with the Muslims in the Middle East they would then turn to other regions with Muslims.

Deciding they wanted to be on the right side of the Knights Templars might, the Central Politburo of the Communist Party of China decided to allow Christian worship in the Knights Templar approved Christian denominations.

Their reasoning was that it was better to have some power than none at all and the Knights Templar would eventually solve their own Muslim problem.

With the decision made orders were sent to stop the persecution of approved Christian beliefs and for the people's liberation army to not interfere should the Knight Templars advance into China to deal with their Muslim problem.

President Michael Pence an evangelical, born-again Christian was watching the growing protests of the pending arrival of the Knights Templar and Pope John Paul II for their state visit.

The Pontifex Maximus Pope John Paul II had gone from being an essential political non-entity to arguably the most powerful man on the earth.

Mike Pence then remember a statement made by Joseph Stalin asking how many divisions did the pope have.

The answer now with the return of the Knights Templar was more than they could possibly imagine?

Watching the protests the largest group seemed to be the Jewish lobby followed by the civil libertarians.

He smiled at the thought of the latter group.

The civil libertarians had found themselves in an invidious position that had found them arguing for the humane treatment of pederasts, pedophiles and rapists who had used Catholic rites and institutions to avoid prosecution for so long.

The civil libertarians had argued that the pederasts, pedophiles and rapists should still have the benefit of the rule of law and not be summarily judged by religious courts and then given gruesome penalties for their actions.

Their arguments had fallen on deaf ears with the general public who had then called for the US judicial system to use the same technologies to determine guilt or innocence of anybody accused of crimes.

As Mike Pence watched the protests the cavalcade of limousines bearing the Knights Templar and Pope John Paul II entered Constitution Avenue and then promptly turned into the White House driveway.

As the Pope and the Knights Templar delegation arrived at the White House, an al-Qaeda operative hiding amoungst the protesters outside used an encrypted mobile phone to contact his brethren.

He advised his brethren that most of the senior Knights Templar had arrived for the state reception and would be pre-occupied with the state banquet for several hours.

The Grand Master of the Knights Templar Frederick von Garger, looked at the Ancient Repository of Knowledge that his brothers had beaten the rogue Goa'uld Anubis too.

He knew far too well not to look into the device itself as any who held the genetic legacy of the Ancients would have their minds destroyed by the compressed knowledge decompyling.

He had found a way around this issue by finding pederast with the required genetic legacy.

Frederick watched as the pederast was forcibly held in place by two of his knights as the device activated.

Once the download was complete he turned to Omac and Narim and said, "Get as much data as you can from the pederasts mind.

You have a sepulcher of healing at your disposal should the pederast expire.

If necessary a Tok'ra symbiote is available as a last resort.

Do whatever is necessary to retrieve the knowledge and keep in the forefront of your minds that whatever you have to do is being done for the greater good of God."

With this said Frederick left to continue his war for the greater good of God leaving Omac and Narim to get the information from the mind of the poor unfortunate pederast who had earned the ire of the Knights Templar.

The semi-ascended Goa'uld Anubis watched as the dead body of his latest first prime was dragged away.

Those incompetents Jaffa kept on failing against the savage children of the Ancients that Jolinar of Malkshur used in her armies.

Privately he really had to give her credit for having perverted their religious beliefs for her own gain.

Still that didn't help him.

The remaining System Lords were too strong to attack all at once and Jolinar's minions had weaponry that could kill his Kull warriors with relative ease compared to the other System Lords.

He really needed to get to one of these repositories of Knowledge before Jolinar's minions or else he could be looking at complete defeat.

Looking at a Jaffa standing nearby he appointed him his new first prime and then stormed off to find out what else he could use to defeat Jolinar's minions.

The meal at the state reception for the Knights Templar was done in complete silence in respect to the Templars traditions of not speaking while eating.

Everybody at the state reception couldn't wait for the meal to conclude so that they could start talking to the Knights Templar so that they could feel them out to find out what they thought of their countries respective policies.

They all knew that if they upset the Knights Templar their respective countries could be squashed like bugs.

The only reason why this hasn't already happened was because the Knights Templar were more concerned with the Holy Lands but once they were safely under Templar control then the Knights Templar would look elsewhere.

One only had to look at the example of Columbia at what the Knights Templar were capable of and Columbia was a catholic country.

It didn't bear contemplation what the Knights Templar would do to what they considered a heretical country.

If the howls of protest at the state visit of the Knights Templar were loud but they seemed to shrink into nothingness when the republican controlled congress introduced a bill to revoke Roe verses Wade.

This was the very first piece of legislation to come out of the Pence administration.

President Pence had hoped that it would be overlooked by the press during the Knights Templar state visit but this was not to be.

The following morning after the state reception for the Knights Templar pro-choice and right for life protesters joined the throng of protesters outside of the White House shouting their objections and support for the legislative change introduced to congress.

Jake and Callie Grafton with their adopted daughter Amy-Carol looked down at the latest addition to the Grafton household, little Jacob junior.

Jake couldn't believe how happy Callie was now that she had born a child of her own.

Callie was as happy as Jake could remember and now thanks to the sepulcher of healing

They had their lives to live again and to have the family they had always wanted.

Pope John Paul II had been surprised by the acceptance of the Knights Templar of the admission of women clergy into the Holy orders that they were associated with which included the priesthood.

He thought that it was somewhat of a dichotomy considering that the Knights Templar held very traditional or extremist beliefs regarding Christianity.

This contradiction confused him and when he asked about this apparent contradiction he was surprised when he was advised that the Asgard, an alien race had provided the Knights Templar with all the original documentation regarding the origin of Christianity including all the books and letters of Jesus' disciples.

This included the books and letters from his female disciples that the early male dominated church had purged from the official teachings.

Also included were actual recordings of Jesus including the females of his entourage as his disciples in faith.

Seeing that Jesus personally mentioned Mary Magdalene, a noblewoman named Joanna and a healer called Salome as his disciples the Knights Templar had accepted the words of the Son of God as gospel and discounted what many popes had said.

Through their logic the word of the Son of God overruled the words of a mere man representing God's will.

As he read the real history of the church and Christianity Pope John Paul II knew that the revelation of this information could drive another schism in the faith between those who believed in male dominance and in women having no real roles in the traditional male orders.

Pope John Paul II wondered why such a zealous militant order like the Knights Templar were accepting of female priests even if they were in the minority due to their additional beliefs that women should be wives and mothers first before pursuing any type of career.

The Republic of Colombia had become the rising star of South America.

In a matter of months it had gone from a corrupt impoverished near lawless society run by drug lords to a peaceful lawful socialist utopia.

Of course all of this was in the eyes of the beholder.

Colombia was technically a constitutional republic but since the arrival of the Knights Templar was closer to a theocracy due to the presence of the Knights Templar.

The new Colombian politicians were too scared to be corrupt and the Colombian legal code had been changed to allow the use of the Templars Orbs of Honesty and for the Knights Templar and their associated religious orders to sit in judgement of criminals.

The vast majority of Colombians were delighted with the change as they no longer had to fear for their safety on the streets.

After all if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear.

This did mean that there was a massive flow of criminals fleeing Colombia to other countries claiming to be refugees.

This caused problems for the other countries who didn't want to send people back for harsh punishments yet didn't want criminals flooding their countries.

Unfortunately the Knights Templar were unbending in their determination that the punishment must fit the crime.

And they had the divine imperative to purge the souls of sinners of any evil so that the souls of the criminals could enjoy a joyous afterlife in God's heaven.

This made the civil libertarians blanch when they discovered the normal Templar punishments for crimes.

On the other hand the Colombian economy was booming with coffee and sugar cane once again the major crops of choice.

And the installation of a neutrino-ion generator allowed Colombia to export clean abundant energy without have to use fossil fuels.

The advent of the arrival of the Knights Templar had seen a massive increase in Islamic terrorism across the globe.

All the complaints were however directed to the Vatican and Pope John Paul II, for the countries complaining were far too scared of the Knights Templars to even consider raising the issue with the Knights Templar directly.

They determined that seeing that that Knights Templar were a Catholic Holy Order it was the responsibility of the pope and the Catholic Church to clean up the mess their rogue order had created.

The leadership of Sinn Féin were concerned that their association with the Irish Republican Army was hurting them badly.

The government of the Irish Republic had changed the laws and now the Knights Templar were helping deal with criminals and other threats to the Irish Republics institutions.

The abortion issue still simmered with the Knights Templar taking the same position of the mother church being dead set against the murder of unborn children.

But crime itself had dropped to virtually nothing as criminals fled the Irish Republic to other countries where they weren't at risk of being tortured to death to purge them of their sins.

This is where Sinn Féin had been hurt.

Nearly a third of their members had also been active members of the Irish Republican Army and they had been rounded up by the Knights Templar tried and punished which had shattered Sinn Féin's political position.

Great Britain was keeping a close eye the Irish Republic.

Their close ties with the Knights Templar was watched with growing suspicion.

The Knights Templar had already crossed the Northern Ireland border multiple time dragging both Catholics and Protestants terrorists back across the border of the Irish Republic in equal numbers.

While the British government wasn't concerned about the Catholic terrorists, the Ulster Unionists were a different matter.

The Ulster Unionists were the ones who controlled Northern Ireland for them and any disruption could potentially loosen their hold on Northern Ireland.

Then there was the issue of the Knights Templar.

If they decided to unite Ireland again under Catholic rule than there was nothing Great Britain could really do about it other than complain and those complaints would most likely fall on deaf ears.

The Islamic armies surrounding the Holy Lands finally launched their long awaited attack on the Holy Lands much to the Knights Templar's relief.

The Knights Templar had decided that they would use their advanced weapons to destroy all the Mohammedans vehicles and aircraft but after this was done they would fight the Mohammedans infantry the tradition way with fire, swords, spears and shields.

But the traditional way was a bit nebulous in meaning when you considered that that the swords, spears and shields were now made of adamantium a recently discover element by their Tollan artisans.

The adamantium weapons had to be created using molecular forges as the metal was too hard to be forged any other way.

The world watched Templar television in morbid fascination as the Knight Templar battled the Islamic hordes with Holy Fire and Sword for the control of the Holy Lands.

The Knights Templar had even adopted an American weapon of war, the flame thrower as a tool for Holy retribution.

Of course the Knights Templar's Tollan artisans had modified the design to use a cleaner source of flame.

This was achieved through the use of propane as the combustion agent.

The sight on Templar television of Mujahideen fighters being incinerated alive before being hacked to pieces by Templar swords to put the Mujahideen fighters out of their misery was sobering to most viewers of Templar television.

Still the rest of the Earth knew that this phase of the Knights Templars war to rid the Earth of heathens, heretics, pagans, Mohammedans and Christ killers was only the start.

All the countries of the earth knew that eventually the Knights Templar would come to their countries whether invited or not to enforce God's will by Holy Fire and the sword if necessary.

Master Templar Albert von Garger sat on his swoop bike and rested his heavy lance on its handle bars.

As he did this he surveyed the field of battle.

The Islamic hordes had adapted to the Templars tactics by not using modern vehicles and had reverted to the use of beasts of burden for their transportation needs.

This was fine by him and the rest of his fellow knights as they liked to fight in the traditional ways with the shield, sword and lance.

Once the Holy Lands were secure the Knight Templar would go on the offensive deep into the heartland of the Mohammedans control.

Albert would lead his army east towards the heartlands of the Mohammedan faith, while his second, Wilfred of Ivanhoe would lead his army west to Egypt and North Africa to purge those savages of the Mohammedan faith.

While the Islamic war was heating up in the Middle East and North Africa both the French and Spanish governments quietly contacted the Knights Templar to see if they would be willing to assist them to rid their countries of Muslims and other heretical religions.

Jacques Chirac, the president of France watched the ongoing war between the Knights Templar and the Mohammedans.

He and his Prime Minister, Lionel Jospin were in agreeance for once.

The sooner the Muslims were removed from French territory the better as far too many of them had been radicalized.

The Prime Minister of Spain, Prime Minister José María Aznar was having similar thoughts to that of his French counterpart.

He had already sort the permission of the King of Spain, Juan Carlos I to invite the Knights Templar in to deal with all the religious problems.

The king was concerned that the Templars might go overboard but Spain had had a Muslim problem since the invasion of the Moors in 711 AD.

Aznar believed that the Templars war would only make his countries Muslim problem more pronounced and who better to resolve that problem than the very religious order that was created to fight then in the first place.

In South and Central America the improving lifestyle of the poor Colombian peasants was starting to spread to other countries in the region.

This concerned the governments and rebel leaderships in all the respective countries.

The object of the spread of this information was through the missionaries of the Order of St Benedict.

Neither the governments nor rebels in the region tried to impede the missionaries of the Order of St Benedict as they all knew that to do so would quickly result in the Knights Templar coming to the defence of the Order of St Benedict missionaries.

All the tin pot politicians and despots knew that if the Knights Templar entered their countries the Knights Templar were likely never to leave and their positions and power would be lost quite possibly with their lives with them.

It was for this reason that that had stood aside and let the Knights Templar deal with the pederasts, pedophiles and rapists within the Catholic Church in their countries.

Many of these politicians and rebel leaders started laying down plans to escape with whatever ill-gotten gains they could lay their hands on for when the Knights Templar eventually turned their eyes onto the other Catholic countries of the Americas.

Wilfred of Ivanhoe was driving the Islamic horde before his army.

He had pushed them from the Sinai Peninsula and across the Red Sea into Egypt.

It concerned him that this was the easy part of the orders crusade to rid the world of Mohammedan influence.

Ahead of him was the Northern and Central African expanse that had fallen to the Mohammedans and the population of the Mohammedans was very large in comparison to that held in the Arabian deserts.

As he ponders whether to go north, south or west he watches as the last of the viable females and children of the Mohammedans were taken for re-education.

Not that their fathers and husbands would care as the forced labour they would undertake would purge their unworthy souls through back breaking hard labour.

The President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez was concerned with the happenings on his country's borders.

These Knights Templar had been seen encroaching on Venezuelan territory.

His spies had confirmed that this wasn't only happening to Venezuela but to all the countries boarding with Colombia.

He was concerned as it appeared that the Knights Templar had long term plans for a Catholic Theocratic super state for all the Catholic countries of Central and South America.

While that might be welcomed by the impoverished poor and peasants, the corrupt politicians, drug lords, criminals and rebels are unlikely to like what these Knights Templar would do to them if what happened in

Colombia is replicated across the rest of Central and South America.

The only good point about this situation is that the Knights Templar held a similar view to the United States of America that he does.

And that is that they also considered the United States of America and modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

And if they run true to form then the United States of America will be purged as the hive of scum and villainy that they are.

Osama bin Laden considered himself the greatest Islamic leader since Saladin.

The only problem was the Knights Templar didn't think twice about destroying high-jacked airliners full of innocent people.

So his grand scheme to use high-jacked airliners against the infidels failed miserably.

Now the infidels were at the doors of Mecca and Medina and all that the Mujahideen could do was to throw their bodies at the infidels in swarm attacks in the hope of pushing the Knights Templar back.

Even if Mecca and Medina fall to the infidels he had already called for more Mujahideen to flood the area to recover the Holy cities should they fall to the infidels.

Master Templar Albert von Garger looked upon the city of Mecca.

The Mohammedans had spent an enormous amount of money creating a false idol for their false prophet Muhammad.

He was sorely tempted to rain holy fire from the vessels in orbit to remove this blight on Christendom.

Yet his knights were against this.

They wanted to fight through the Mohammedan hordes with holy fire and swords to prove for all time that Muhammad was a false prophet.

The battle for Mecca was a brutal and bloody affair, with both sides believing that if you died in battle against the infidels then you get to go straight into heaven after your death.

Though the Knights Templar ended up conquering both Mecca and Medina these battles were the most costly in the number of Templar Knights killed on the field of battle.

The only thing that allowed the Knights Templar victory was their advanced technologies.

Even then the losses they took that caused Master Templar Albert von Garger to suspend the offensive into the Mohammedan heartlands.

While he waited for replacements and reinforcements to arrive for the continuance of the crusade Albert decided to take a tour of the conquered cities.

As Albert von Garger walked the streets of Mecca he saw the losses from both sides.

Burnt and dismembered bodies of Mohammedans lay left to rot where they fell for now.

The recovery of the bodies of his brother knights came first.

It had been a glorious brutal battle with his knights fighting off swarm attacks by Mohammedans, men, women and children.

Seeing the cost of the battle Albert decided that only the surviving viable females and children would be taken for re-education.

The surviving Mohammedans of either sex would be forced to collect their dead to be burnt in great funeral pyres.

Albert was of half a mind to simply erase Mecca and Medina from the face of the Earth using the Templar ships in orbit.

But in the end he decided to simply rebuild Mecca and Medina into glorious symbols of Christianity to demonstrate to the Mohammedans once and for all time that Christianity is the one true faith of the Lord God.

Pope John Paul II watched the capture of Mecca and Medina with a growing sense of despair.

The capture of two of Islam's most important cities would only inflame an already volatile situation.

He had already received letters of protest from every Islamic country.

But in reality there was little he could do.

While the Knights Templar were a militant catholic order that nominally answered to him.

The reality was that the Knights Templar were a power in their own right.

He had been informed that the Knights Templar controlled thousands of worlds full of resources and righteous Christians willing to follow the Templars lead.

That gave the Knights Templar immense amounts of manpower and resources to call upon should the need arise.

The mere fact that he had to rely on the Knights Templar to cleanse the Catholic Church of the various cancers that had been eating away at the faith left him little more than a figure head with the Knights Templar and the Order of St Benedict really running the church.

The other Holy orders of the Catholic Church had jumped right into the Knights Templar orbit after all the pederasts, pedophiles and rapists had been purged from their orders.

It was the Jesuits and Christian Brothers who were the first to join the flood of missionaries spreading the word of the one true God.

Islam was already rallying for the fight against the new crusade yet John Paul II knew that in the end it would be a futile gesture as this time it was the Knights Templar who had the numbers and resources to win their new crusade against the Mohammedans.

Carlos Rodriguez wondered why he had decided to become a Templar Knight.

Sure it was better than being a hired gun for some drug lord but he hadn't realised how hard the training was going to be.

Not only did he have to learn to fight with all the Templars weapons but he also had to complete his theological studies under the supervision of the priests and inquisitors.

He had seen what had happened to his friend Juan when he lied about raping the woman and defying God's law.

Luckily Carlos had always truly believed in God but seeing Juan broken of the wheel only to be revived for the process to begin again had sickened him.

The mind numbing 18-hour days had nearly broken him physically and mentally.

It was only through perseverance and his beloved Conchita's dedication that kept him going.

Thinking of Conchita he thought back to the refusal of his first request for her hand in marriage.

Her parents had changed their minds when he joined the order to be trained as a Templar Knight.

Once that had happened Conchita's father had changed his mind on him as a husband.

Apparently being a Templar Knight was a better recommendation than a drug lord's hired gun.

Besides the Templars had vouched for him and he was now bound by their rules and the Knights Templar didn't tolerate any breach of God's laws.

Should he dishonour or harm Conchita he would suffer at the hands of the inquisitors tender mercies.

What happened to his friend Juan was ample proof of what he could expect as punishment for any breaches in God's laws, the Templars own rules of conduct or his marital vowels.

Grand Master of the Knights Templar Frederick von Garger was reading his sons request for more knights so that he could bring the true world of the lord God to all the Mohammedans still trapped in the false faith.

After considering the situation on the home world and the current crusades against the remaining Goa'uld System Lords he decided to massively reinforce the Templar forces on the earth.

The remaining System Lords were keeping their heads down and even his attempts to provoke them into rash actions hadn't succeeded.

To finish off the remaining Goa'uld System Lords Frederick need lots of vessels and they took time to build.

So while the war against the Goa'uld System Lords stagnated he would put his knights to good use in a Holy crusade against the heathens, heretics, pagans, Mohammedans and Christ killers.

While they were doing this they might as well rescue the poor destitute believers in Central and South America who were exploited and abused by criminals and corrupt officials.

Good Christians shouldn't have to put up with such abuses and he would finally stop turning a blind eye to it like the mother church has for so many years.

Frederick briefly contemplated replacing Pope John Paul II but then decided the he was probably the best of a bad crop.

Perhaps when John Paul II dies he will encourage the Abbot Primate of the Order of St Benedict, Cardinal Sabastian Rouge to throw his hat into the ring for the Papacy.

Brigadier General Jonathan J. "Jack" O'Neill the newly appointed head of the Airforce Intelligence agency which was attached to the Air Combat command was concerned by the reports he has received from his agent Doctor Daniel Jackson in the Kolossi Castle on Cyprus.

If his reports are accurate and he has no real reason to doubt them, then the Knights Templar were conducting a massive increase in the number of knights stationed on the earth for the continuation of their crusade against Islam.

The problem he had was the report that nearly a third of all the Templar reinforcements were heading towards Colombia.

This didn't bode well for central and South America who were ill equipped to fight off a major Knights Templar incursion.

No matter that the vast majority of the poor peasants would be far better off under a Knights Templar controlled theocratic state it would still play havoc with the United States foreign policy.

And that was the big issue of what would happen to the US foreign policy if the Knights Templar controlled all of central and South America.

Jack suspected that the Knights Templar wouldn't honour all the debt those countries owed which was bound to break the US economy.

Daniel Jackson knew that his communications were being monitored and he suspected that the Knights Templar didn't really care what he told Jack O'Neill.

He and Sha're had been arguing more frequently over his reports to Jack O'Neill as only the Templars or the priests could have told her.

Sha're was incensed by Daniel's lack of faith in the Knights Templar's divine guidance to the true word of God.

Still this didn't stop Sha're from performing her wifely duties.

She had already delivered him three fine sons with another child on the way.

Daniel Jackson hoped that this one would be a girl as Sha're was determined that her boys would become Knights Templar to protect Christendom from the heathens, heretics, pagans, Mohammedans and Christ killers.

Master Templar Mathias Lars looked over his army of Templar knights with pride.

The Grand Master of the Knights Templar Frederick von Garger has selected him for this task to free the righteous god fearing Christian peasants from being under the yokes of criminal politicians, criminals and worst of all atheist communists.

He would save the poor people from slaving under corrupt regimes.

He would complete the liberation of South America first before heading north.

This should be a relative easy operation as most of the people are good God fearing Christians.

And those who aren't then he his knights and the inquisitors will put the fear of god into those who don't believe in the one true God.

The government of Great Britain was concerned by the actions of the Knight Templar on multiple fronts.

Most concerning to the British government was the Knights Templar apparent interest in Glastonbury Tor.

Not only had many Knights Templar visited the site as "tourists" but also several Templar space ships had hovered over Glastonbury Tor for hours without permission before leaving eventually when asked.

Deciding that if the Knight Templar were looking for something that Glastonbury Tor might be hiding then Great Britain needed to get it first.

So despite the protests from the lunatic fringe, the Crown Prince of Great Britain, the British Government started a massive archaeological dig at Glastonbury Tor to discover what so interested the Knights Templar.

Jack O'Neill was baffled by the actions of the Knights Templar.

And it didn't have anything to do with their religious crusade they had launched against Islam.

The Knights Templar had been acting strangely even for them with their space ships hovering over Glastonbury Tor in Great Britain, Egypt, which was explainable, Mexico and the most strange of all the Antarctic.

Nobody had any idea what they were doing, even his agent Daniel Jackson had no clue though his reports stated that whenever the topic was brought up the Templars merely smiled and said nothing.

It was obvious to even a blind man that the Knights Templar was looking for something or things.

The only problem was nobody apart from the senior Knights Templar knew what they were looking for.

Even his other highly placed agent Major (Doctor) Samantha Carter-Malvoisin had no idea.

Major Carter had been caught in the nuclear attack on Ankara.

She had somehow survived the crash of her transport but was in a bad way when Templar Knight Albert Malvoisin rescued her.

The Knights Templar had placed in one of their sepulcher of healings and after a quick courtship she had married Templar Knight Albert Malvoisin.

Strangely the Knights Templar weren't concerned about her being a scientist or a serving member of the US armed forces.

They were only concerned that she fulfils her wifely obligations to be a wife and mother first with her career coming a distant second.

This marriage had proved beneficial to his fellow General Jacob Carter for when his son in law found out about his illness he arranged for Jacob to be treated in a sepulcher of healing which cured his cancer and quite a lot of other age related ailments.

Major (Doctor) Samantha Carter-Malvoisin was literarily bouncing with excitement much to the amusement of her husband Master Knight Templar Albert Malvoisin.

Albert Malvoisin smiled at this as she showed much the same enthusiasm in their bedchamber.

Considering his wives education and genius level intelligence it would have been a sin not to put her to work creating better weapons and technology to further the cause of Christendom.

Hence why he was taking Samantha to Tolla, the beating heart of the Knights Templar technological development.

This would be Samantha's first trip through the stargate to visit another planet but Albert Malvoisin thought it would be the first of many.

Sam had confessed to him in bed last night that it had always been a dream of hers to go into space and visit other worlds and now he had made it possible.

She had thanked him in the best possible way that a wife can for her husband.

While she waited for the stargate to activate Major (Doctor) Samantha Carter-Malvoisin thought about her husband and not just what she had done to him last night.

Her husband Albert Malvoisin, was a senior Master Knights Templar but she didn't seem to know how senior.

Sam suspected that he was very senior as nobody questioned him when he announced that he was taking his wife to Tolla.

That raised more questions as to what a very senior master Knights Templar was doing on the Earth with no apparent role in the on-going crusade.

She wondered just how high up the Templar chain of command was her husband Albert Malvoisin.

In the few months they had been married he kept irregular hours, disappears for days at a time with never an explanation except for its God's will.

If Albert Malvoisin hadn't been a man of god she would have suspected him of having an affair.

Instead Samantha suspected that her husband was part of the Knights Templar intelligence apparatus perhaps even the head of the said organisation.

She would never ask what his actual role was as she didn't want to annoy him with nagging questions about what he does.

Because if she did annoy him she was certain that her access to Tolla and the Templars technology could very easily be revoked.

Then she would be restricted to the Earth and her own research that she knew to be pointless as it had already been surpassed by countless species.

Sister Mary Magdalene was the head of the Amazon branch of the Knights Templar.

Her branch had been created for one purpose and one purpose only to deal with Goa'uld queens whose pheromones could control the male Knights Templar.

She had just been instructed to bring her branch to the Earth as it appears that a Goa'uld queen had been located in a Sarcophagus in a country called Mexico.

She and her fellow sisters had all fulfilled their obligations as wives and mothers but now they had another important role to capture and deal with Goa'uld queens who could influence the male knights with their pheromones in ungodly ways.

The amazon branch trained with the Knights Templar but because of the physical differences between men and women the Amazon branch trained with light sabres and spears.

Mary Magdalene was excited this would be her branch's first trip to the mother world and she and her sisters would do anything to protect the birthplace of Christianity.

Upon arriving at Tolla, Samantha Carter-Malvoisin and her husband Master Templar Albert Malvoisin were met by two senior Tollans Omoc and Narim.

Sam smiled at Narim and felt an instant attraction to him.

This shocked and appalled her as she was married with a child on the way.

Sam knew that she had to suppress her latent feelings, as adultery was against one of the ten commandments of God and breaking this commandment was an unforgivable sin that the Knights Templar and their following orders wouldn't ignore.

Samantha knew that anybody who committed adultery would be immediately turned over to the inquisitors and they went to great pains to purge the sinner's souls.

Sister Mary Magdalene looked at the pagan temple that held the Goa'uld sarcophagus.

According to the writings in the pagan temple the sarcophagus held a Goa'uld Queen, Hathor.

Both Egeria and Jolinar were very interested in Hathor's capture and because their hosts were married to senior Knights Templar it was therefore important to the order.

The male Knights Templar had secured the immediate area surrounding the pagan temple with the government, rebel and criminal forces all withdrawing from the area that the Knights Templars had secured.

Though curious to the Templars presence none wanted to prod the sleeping dragon and risk the ire of the Knights Templar.

Hathor woke from her long slumber to the presence of strangely dressed women.

Her next thought never entered her mind as the strangely dressed women immediately used pain sticks and zat'nik'tel's to disable her.

While she was unconscious from the effects of the Goa'uld weapons Hathor was stripped of all her technology and clothing before she was dragged from the pagan temple kicking and screaming.

Once she was outside the pagan temple Hathor was transported by ship to the stronghold of the inquisitors Tagrea, where the sisters of Amazon and female inquisitors would stand watch while they purged the souls of both host and parasite.

President Michael Pence didn't like the intelligence report he had just read.

This Brigadier General Jonathan J. "Jack" O'Neill had developed some excellent contacts on the inner workings of the Knights Templar.

President Pence wondered if he had found the person to head a new division of the military to develop new technologies for the USA to use against all enemies and the possible further encroachment by the Knights Templar against the interests of the United States of America.

Having made his decision president Pence issued orders for Jack O'Neill to head up the new command.

The first task of his new command would be to dig up what so interests the Knights Templar in Antarctica.

Seth was getting more worried by the day about the activities of the Knights Templar.

It appears that these Knights Templar were in the process of collecting all the abandoned Goa'uld technology and equipment.

That meant that they must know of his horde of Ma'Tok staffs and zat'nik'tels that he and his followers use.

The only good point if there was one about these Knights Templar was that at least his latest cult was based in the United States of America far from Knights Templar primary goal of securing the Christian Holy Lands and the destruction of the Islamic faith.

Still he could see a time when the Knights Templar would move against the United States of America merely because its 'freedoms' were diametrically opposed to what the Knights Templar believed.

Knight Templar Wilfred of Ivanhoe ran his hand over his wife's Rebecca's naked flank.

His army had recently liberated Cairo and he had set up his headquarters in the Marriott Mena House Hotel.

His knights had recovered a surprisingly large amount of Goa'uld technology including an old Goa'uld long range transport.

The transport was really only worth scrap value the order might just sell it to one of the earths nation states to garnish support.

While please with the progress of his crusade he pondered what Rebecca had told him last night.

He smiled at the thought that his beautiful wife is providing him with another child but being with his army put his wife and family at risk.

After considering the situation he decided to send Rebecca and the children back to his estate where they would be safe and Rebecca could easily visit her family.

This would ensure his family is safe and he could dedicate all of his efforts to the crusade against the Mohammedans control of so much of North Africa.

Pope Shenouda III of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria led a mass rejoicing the return of the Knights Templar.

After centuries of persecution and attacks by the Mohammedans the boot was now on the other foot.

Nicholas Knight watched the activities of his former brethren with a heavy heart.

If he hadn't withdrawn with Richard the Lionheart of House of Plantagenet he could have gone to where ever his fellow Knights Templar had gone and he wouldn't have been inflicted with this terrible curse.

Nick had been hearing of miracles being performed by the Knights Templar and he wondered if perhaps they can make him human again and purge the evil from his soul.

If this were possible then perhaps he can marry the love of his life Dr. Natalie Lambert and once again become who he really is Nicholas de Brabant, Knight Templar.

With his decision made Nicholas informed Natalie and prepared to fly to Kolossi Castle in Cyprus without LaCroix discovering his plans.

Natalie Lambert had pledged to travel to Cyprus to be by his side through his ordeal.

Nick Knight had planned his flight to Cyprus with great care, ensuring that his flight path stayed in the dead of night.

His reception by the Knights Templar was less than pleasant, even after admitting that he had once been a crusader knight.

The Knights Templar had immediately chained him in shackles with both wrists and ankles chained together made from a metal that even his superhuman strength couldn't break.

Then a garland of garlic was placed around his neck and he was sprayed with Holy Water before he was transported to New Jerusalem for an audience with the Grand Master of the Knights Templar Frederick von Garger.

The Grand Master of the Knights Templar Frederick von Garger looked at the fallen knight with disdain and said, "So you come before me wanting to be human again after having broken your knightly vows and let the ultimate evil dominate your soul!

You are worse than the Goa'uld's and I despise you!

Yet it is a matter of honour that I give you a chance to repent and redeem yourself.

But be aware that your penance will be long and painful as too will your session with the inquisitors as they endeavour to purge your soul of any residual evil.

And that is only if we can remove the evil that you let into your soul to dominate your existence.

If not the best you can expect is to have your earthly body purged by the Holy Fires while your soul will be cast into the fires of hell for all eternity.

Those are your options!

Do you accept to undergo the trial of Holy Rites?"

Nick Knight replied, "Yes I do! I'll do anything to purge the evil from my soul and do any penance required to return to the light of the one true God."

Frederick von Garger replied, "Very well, Telchak will begin your treatment immediately and then your Trial of Holy Rites will begin."

Telchak looked at the living corpse before him.

The Knights Templar were very keen to see if the Ancient healing cube and the sepulcher of healing could undo the evil that had taken over one of their fellow Templars.

This Nicholas de Brabant was an interesting test subject and he hadn't had a real challenge in years.

Yet if he failed he was sure his penance would be immense.

He knew the ancient healing cube could reanimate the dead and they become zombies but could it return a vampire to the light of the day.

Either way he pitied this Nicholas de Brabant for if he was returned to life the inquisitors would take great delight in purging his immortal soul of the evil it held for so long.

Telchak was intrigued by the vampire, an animated corpse which had an energy signature similar yet different from that emitted by the Ancient Healing cube.

Telchak suspected that continuous exposure to the Ancient healing Cube's energy and sessions in a sepulcher of healing should reanimate Nicholas de Brabant's body so it can once again walk in the light of day.

As to whether the vampire regains its soul will be left to the will of God, the Orbs of Honesty and the opinions of the priests and inquisitors once he had done what the Knight Templar required of him.

Telchak actually felt sorry for the poor fool who had been Nicholas de Brabant.

Even if he regains his soul and humanity the penance that the Templars will force on him will be amongst the worst torments they could imagine even worse than the ones the Knights Templar had inflicted on captured Goa'ulds.

Doctor Natalie Lambert was stunned by the display of technology that the

Knights Templar has in their possession.

She knew better than to comment on the Templars ongoing actions against

Islam and other beliefs that they believed to be pagan, heathen or heretical.

Nick was being treated but she could see the burns on his body from being splashed with Holy Water, anointed with Holy Oils and having to were and hold a crucifix.

Still the effects of the Holy Rites seemed to be diminishing by the day and this raised Natalie's hopes.

In her medical opinion it seemed that the Knights Templar might actually be able to cure vampirism.

Natalie was surprised to be allowed onto the capital world of the Knights Templar New Jerusalem.

Then she discovered that this was only because she was considered to be Nicholas' wife consort.

Then she discovered that if Nicholas did become human again she was expected to immediately start having his children.

To prepare her for this she had a session in a sepulcher of healing to reverse the effects of time and return her to her former youthful fertility.

The head of the Coptic Church, Pope Shenouda III of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria at first celebrated the return of the Knight Templar and the cessation of Mohammedan rule in Egypt.

Then the Knights Templar had rounded up every viable females and all children under the age of ten from those religions or the faithless and sent them for religious re-education.

The remaining male Mohammedans not killed in the fighting were now in forced labour gangs converting all the Mohammedan mosques into Christian places of worship.

Strangely the Knights Templar left the pyramids and other relics of the Pharaonic Egypt alone as nobody worshiped the Ancient Egyptian gods anymore.

Still Egypt felt empty even if the Templars had advised him that migrants of the faith of the one true god would soon the former Mohammedan occupants.

Looking at how empty Cairo was, Pope Shenouda III hoped this happened soon and that the Knights Templar would move on to their next conquest so the God fearing Egyptian Christians would get to rule Egypt.

The British government was met by a storm of protests over their decision to excavate the Glastonbury Tor.

Eventually the army had to be brought in to clear the protesters so that the excavations could begin.

No sooner had the excavations begun then mysterious disappearances of key personnel and strange mechanical breakdowns slowed the excavation to a crawl.

The excavation of Glastonbury Tor was slow but the British government continued unabated.

Willow Danielle Rosenberg was speaking to the Coven in charge of protecting Glastonbury Tor.

Willow was a witch and a very powerful one at that but she was concerned.

There was only so much magic one could use to stop the excavations at Glastonbury Tor before it became obvious that something was afoot.

Though Willow owed the Coven she was concerned with such public displays of unexplainable phenomena that the wrong people would notice what was going on.

Both she and the Coven were well aware of the Knights Templar's interest in Glastonbury Tor and neither of them wanted to come to their attention.

Nor could they hide if discovered and with Willow's dark past the best she could expect from the Knights Templar was a nice stake that she was burnt against.

Eventually they agreed to try and get the Traver's Foundation to influence the British government in the right direction.

Otherwise they best they could do was to slow the excavations down but eventually they would gain access to Merlin's legacy.

Major General Jonathan J. "Jack" O'Neill looked at the pictures of the metal circle shaped device and its mushroom shaped control unit.

Upon their discovery they had been immediately transported to a secure location in the United States of America.

The dead and frozen armour clad corpses and their weapons were also transported to the same secure location.

Then there was the frozen woman who had been located some distance from the device Doctor Jackson had referred to as a stargate frozen deep in the ice.

Ice core samples indicated that she had been frozen and buried in the ice for nearly a million years.

The fact that modern humans didn't exist at that time had sent the scientists into a tizzy.

Jack just thanked his lucky stars that they were too busy arguing over the discovery to realise they had been infected with some contagious unknown disease.

By the time it had been discovered it had been easy to quarantine everybody at the research base.

And because it was so remote the president had ordered that the quarantine was to remain in place until everybody recovered or died.

Thus ending any chance of the contagion reaching a populated area.

It was cold blooded but Jack realised that it was better to lose those people than have an incurable plague escape into the general American populous.

Jack had wanted to ask the assistance of the Knights Templar but President Michael Pence had immediately vetoed that idea stating that secrecy was paramount for this project especially where the Knights Templar were concerned.

Then he cast his eyes on the satellite images that showed an indistinct structure buried miles under the ice of the Antarctic.

The Peoples Republic of China had watched the growing conflict in Arabia and Northern Africa with considerable interest.

However the conflict in the heartlands of Islam had caused considerable unrest in China's Muslim dominated west.

So the Chinese Politbureau took a leaf from the Templars play-book and started rounding up all the viable females and children under ten who were then sent to re-education camps.

Hopefully the Templars might offer to take these troublesome Mohammedans off China's hands.

As for the male Mohammedans China turned a blind eye to them crossing the border to join the Jihad against the Knights Templar.

While the governments across the Earth were gravely concerned by the Knights Templars actions the business community and other wealthy individuals had embraced the Knights Templars own money transfer and banking system.

As the Knights Templars financial system was based on the Gold standard all one had to do was deposit the gold equivalent at any Templar stronghold and that amount could be redeemed at any other Templar stronghold anywhere on the Earth or any planet that the Knights Templar controlled.

Many corporations and individuals were stockpiling money with the Knights Templar for future possible expansion onto the countless human populated planets that the Knights Templar controlled or were fighting to free from slavery.

Samantha Carter-Malvoisin rubbed her swollen belly as she concentrated on her project.

The Knights Templar were very impressed with her idea of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation blade instead of the standard metal alloy ones.

The prototype of her laser blade showed great promise.

Most of the hilt of the sword consisting of the guard, grip and pommel was actually made up of a naquadah zephyr power cell.

Now all she had to do was to work out how to create the laser blade to be the standard length that the Knights Templar required.

Once this is achieved then her lightsaber can go into its testing phase.

If it passes this testing phase then it will be sent for full field testing before being issued to every Knights Templar as part of their standard equipment list.

Major (Doctor) Janet Fraiser frowned as the last body at the Antarctic laboratory were placed in hermetically sealed caskets for immediate incineration upon reaching the United States of America.

By presidential decree they were all to be incinerated including possessions to prevent the spread of the disease that had cost the lives of all the researchers.

Janet didn't agree with the president's decision of letting them all die but did agree that this contagion couldn't be allowed to escape into the general populous.

While Janet prepared the caskets for transport she wondered what the massive excavation was that was some miles from the laboratory where the plague had broken out.

It appeared to her as it the USA and numerous other countries were boring through the ice to reach the rocky surface that the Antarctic ice sheet lay on.

For the life of her, Janet couldn't understand the purpose of all that effort just to dig through the ice sheet to reach the rocky surface beneath the ice.

Major General Jack O'Neill didn't like having the other nations helping with the excavation.

Unfortunately the other nations had noticed the Knights Templar interest in this part of the Antarctic and had invited themselves as part of the Antarctic treaty.

Still having all the treaty signatories involved as part of the excavation deflected some of the criticism and abuse away from the United States of America and towards the other signatory countries.

Having the other countries involved didn't stop the greenies and other environmental groups having a collective cow of their claimed desecration of the Antarctic.

Jack smiled at the thought that at least he had managed to remove the stargate and its control unit before the other countries noticed.

And with the site where the stargate was initially studied infected with some unidentified plague had prevented the other countries from wanting to look too closely at that particular site.

Frederick von Garger decided to launch a public relations campaign on the earth to distract the natives of earth from the ongoing crusades.

He decided to open Healer Halls in every country of the earth utilizing the Sechuler's of Healing.

Payment would be mandatory though visitors would be subjected to the various religious orders preaching the word of the one true God.

But people making contributions to the cause would get preferential treatment.

Frederick von Garger was sure that the rich would part with their ill gotten gains to preserve their lives and continue to live a lifestyle of avarice.

Frederick was sure that God would judge them for their greed in the afterlife.

The money that would enrich the order and make the great crusade easier to return Christendom to its rightful place as the dominant religion on the earth.

Albert von Garger had resumed the crusade into the Mohammedan heartland.

After the fall of Mecca and Medina the rest of Arabia and Mesopotamia fell to the Knights Templar.

The fighting had been brutal with no quarter given by either side.

The conquest of Arabia and Mesopotamia was not without cost but no crusade ever is.

Once Arabia and Mesopotamia had been captured Albert took most of his army north to retake the Byzantium Empire's former lands.

He did this to ensure that his army's lines of advance into the heavily populated Mohammedan areas of south west and central Asia would be unimpeded by attacks on his army's supply lines.

While his army repositioned for the assault on the lands formerly held by the Byzantium Empire Albert watched as the conquered regions were harvested of the viable females and children for re-education.

While this was happening the surviving male heathens, heretics, pagans, Mohammedans and Christ killers were put to work remaking the region into God's image.

After all Mesopotamia was supposed to have been the location of the Garden of Eden and Albert von Garger would like to see that recreated as a tribute to God.

Wilfred of Ivanhoe had finalised that conquest of Egypt and had returned it to the rule of Christendom.

He and his senior knights had decided to take the crusade on the Northern coastal route.

In their opinion the desert nomads can be dealt with later once the main Mohammedan population base in North Africa has been dealt with.

Master Templar Mathias Lars was pleased with his army's progress.

His army had swept west and south easily taking Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Now all that was left were the highly populated states of Venezuela, Brazil and the small coastal countries of Guyana, Surinam and French Guiana which were expected to fall easily and quickly.

It were the larger countries of Venezuela and Brazil that would take a lot of resources

But the Knights Templar were will to pay any price in the name of Christendom.

The President of the United States of America, Mike Pence was of two minds of the Knights Templar ongoing conquest of South America.

On one hand it gave the Knight Templar an enormous power base to draw on in the Americas.

On the other had the Knights Templar had stopped the flow of illicit drugs into the United States of America by more than 50%.

The British government's excavation of Glastonbury Tor has finally had some success.

The excavation team had broken into a hollow chamber and discovered a great many more chambers and passageways.

It appears that the historic myths about Glastonbury Tor being hollow may have been based on some kind of ancient knowledge passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth.

But the question remained who had hollowed out Glastonbury Tor and for what purpose.

The archaeologists were fascinated by the sword impaled in a block of stone and a strange circular depression in the main cavern.

The archaeologists wanted to ask the Knights Templar what they knew about Glastonbury Tor and who might have been involved in its creation.

But the British government quickly quashed that request quickly as they didn't want the Knights Templar what they had discovered inside Glastonbury Tor.

Marion Rodney McKay was fascinated by the technology held within

Glastonbury Tor.

He had been seconded to this project by the Canadian government as part of a commonwealth initiative to catch up with the Knights Templar's technology.

The investigation of Glastonbury Tor had come without cost, two teams had entered chambers and been killed by the traps they had triggered.

Rodney felt like he was living in an Indiana Jones movie.

Another victim of the traps had died through electrocution when he had decided to do a King Arthur and attempted to pull the sword from the stone.

The sword had been dormant at the beginning but it appears that the triggering of the other traps must have activated the sword's defences.

Rodney could still smell the scent of charred flesh permeating the caverns of Glastonbury Tor.

Whoever had used permeating as a stronghold had certainly not wanted intruders accessing their technologies.

For technologies they were, very advanced technologies regardless of the crackpots and the lunatic fringe claiming that Glastonbury Tor was magically protected Merlin the magician of all mythological people.

Rodney really needed to show the stones he had discovered with the strange energy readings to his sister Jeannie Miller when she arrives next week with her family.

The remnants of the Turkish government and military waited for the expected Knights Templar assault.

They had prepared the best they could with the Turkish military being bolstered by made up of the more fanatical observers of Islam.

Unfortunately both the Turkish government and military knew their preparations wouldn't be enough.

The best the Turks could do was give the Knights Templar a bloody nose.

Osama bin Laden knew the Jihad against the Knights Templar was doomed to end in failure.

The religious heartland of Islam was in the hands of the infidels and was being rebuilt in the image of their religion.

The spread of Islam that had continued unabated for nearly 1500 years had ground to a halt.

And now the Knights Templar were preparing to take their crusade into the most populated Islamic countries.

And all Osama could do was to call the faithful to throw their bodies at the infidel invaders in swarm attacks in the hope that the Knights

Templar would grow weary of the losses and withdrawn on their own abolition.

In the Antarctic, after months of work the first major discoveries are made by the international coalition.

Ancient buildings more of an outpost really had created more questions than answers.

But it did answer one question humanity had been asking for centuries,

Are we alone?

And the answer was No!

The media had jumped on this discovery and the objections to the excavations in Antarctica quickly died except for a few radical organisations.

The United Nations had lodged yet another protest with the Holy See over the crusade against Islam being conducted by the Knights Templar.

Everybody at the United Nations knew that the protest was only a pro forma one as nobody on the earth had the ability to resist the military and technological might of the Knights Templar.

The Knights Templar assault on Turkey was quick and brutal.

In a campaign lasting a little over a week the Turks were overwhelmed and the Knights Templar succeeded in securing their lines of supply for their armies.

The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, Bartholomew I was ecstatic at his church being freed of the tyranny of Islam.

But he was concerned by the Knights Templars treatment of the Mohammedans who used to lord it over his flock.

As with their previous conquests the Knights Templar had harvested the viable non-Christian females and children who were then shipped off world religious re-education.

The remaining Mohammedan males were put into forced labour gangs to convert all the Mohammedans mosques and shrines to Christian places of worship.

Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi knew he was in a fight that he simply couldn't win.

He had been lucky that he wasn't in Tripoli when the Israeli nuclear strike had taken place but he was sure that the Knights Templar wouldn't miss him.

Not being an overly religious man despite his appearances, having used the religion of Islam for his own political goals.

Gaddafi decided that he would surrender Libya and himself to the Knights Templar.

He knew that most of his people would fight the infidels to the bitter end but that mattered little as long as a pretense of having surrendered and his willingness to convert to Christianity should allow him to continue to rule Libya for the Knights Templar.

Tomás de Torquemada liked his new role as overseer of the leader of Libya.

This Michael Gaddafi had quickly changed from being a Mohammedan to a


His conversion war far too quick in Tomás' opinion.

This was much too fast for his liking and that of the Knights Templar.

So Tomás de Torquemada would watch this Gaddafi like a hawk and if he saw any sign of him not being a pious god fearing Christian.

Than any determination that he was not would result in Gaddafi having sessions with the inquisition to reinforce Gaddafi's faith in the one true God.

Mathias Lars had completed the conquest of South America and turned the entire region into a Christian theocracy.

Unfortunately most of the sinners who ran or thought that had run these countries had fled to the modern Sodom and Gomorrah this United States of America.

Mathias smiles at the thought that these sinners thought that they had escapes God's just wrath.

The sinners didn't know how wrong they were and the penance for their sins will be immense when they are finally captured.

Now that South America had been secured and brought into the loving embrace of Gods will Mathias and his fellow Knights Templars can bring the lord Gods justice and mercy to the poor downtrodden peasants who have suffered so much under the control of corrupt politicians and criminals.

Carlos Rodriguez had graduated his Knights Templar training to now be considered a man at arms.

As he had finished first in his class and had been praised by his priestly and inquisitor instructors for his pious belief in the one true God.

As he had passed his first stage of training he would now continue his apprenticeship under an experienced knight.

Because he finished first in his class and was considered highly trustworthy Carlos was apprenticed under the leadership of a former fallen knight Nicholas de Brabant.

Carlos had to learn from the mistakes made by this Nicholas de Brabant but had further instructions from the inquisitors.

Should Carlos notice or even suspect that Nicholas de Brabant was falling from the light of the one true God that he had so recently returned to Carlos was to strike Nicholas de Brabant down with all his fury to prevent this from occurring.

Nicholas de Brabant was pleased to have a chance at redemption.

It felt good to wear the Holy Cross without being burnt by it even if he hadn't been granted the privilege of wearing the white surcoat with the red Templar cross.

He had endured the inquisitors purging of his soul of evil that had for so long permeated in the darkness.

This he accepted even if Natalie fretted that he was being tortured.

Nicholas had thought that it was nothing but his just desserts after having fed on humans for so long.

He even accepted that his new man at arms Carlos Rodriguez was also his watch dog.

Nicholas de Brabant hadn't been sent to the great crusade but rather the lesser crusade to liberate the poor down trodden Christian peasants from being under the heel of corrupt politician and criminals.

If he could prove himself in the lesser crusade then he might be allowed to join the great crusade against Islam that he had fought in so many years before.

Nicholas de Brabant has led his small party into a village that had been controlled by a hired gun of a departed drug lord.

He had caught the thug violating a young girl and his blood had boiled.

After having killed all the thugs associates he had the whole village come to the market square where he had the thug crucified for all to see.

Then turning to the inquisitors who were always present with him on a crusade, he said, "Once the pedophile has expired on the cross I want him revived in a sarcophagus and then you and your associates to do your very best to purge his soul of its evil.

It might be best if you purged his soul in full view of those he abused and persecuted."

Marcus Pasquale had though dying on a cross was the worst that he could suffer then he saw the smile on the face of the inquisitor and he realised that the stories he had heard of these Knights Templar bringing people back from the dead to torture then over and over again to purge their souls of evil.

Marcus realised that he would have been better off if he had been killed by the Medellin cartel as with them he could only be tortured to death once and that didn't appear to be the case for the Knights Templar.

The first thing Rodney McKay did when his sister Jeannie Miller arrived was to show her the strange stones that emitted an even stranger type of energy signature.

Before Jeannie Miller could even comment on the strange stones she and Rodney were transferred into some other people's bodies on a strange planet where the local religion that was even more fanatical then that practiced by the Knights Templar.

Little did Rodney and Jeannie know was that within days an Ori prior would arrive on this world and they would be burnt at the stake for their heretical views.

The International coalition in the Antarctic quickly discovered that only a very few people could activate the technology held within the ancient outpost.

One of those people was Major General Jack O'Neill who managed to activate a devise by accident then he was on a tour of the facility.

It was quickly determined that jack and his children had a unique gene sequence one that was very rare.

A mass screening was conducted by all the member states of the International coalition to find more people with this unique gene sequence.

Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei of Iran was marshalling his forces for the defence of Iran.

He had been lucky that he had been attending prayers in a small village mosque when the Israeli nuclear strike occurred.

Ayatollah Khamenei knew that the Knights Templar assault on Iran was imminent but he hated the fact that he had to rely so heavily on Osama bin Laden organisation for men to fight off the crusaders.

More than half the forces available for Iran's defence had come from Osama bin Laden's organisation and that was mostly his fault as he had lost most of Iran's military strength trying to save the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina from the polluted tread if the infidel.

He was still infuriated at the Knight Templar's desecration of the holy Cities of Mecca and Medina yet he entirely missed the point that Islam in the past had done exactly the same thing to the cities that Islam had conquered.

The remnants of the Aschen Confederation had all been converted to good pious God fearing Christians.

The Aschen had learnt their lessons well and they now put their knowledge of bio-engineering to work in the name of their lord God.

The Knights Templar had welcomed the addition of the Aschen's knowledge base into their own.

The Aschen though now small in number had cured many plagues and ailments that afflicted God's flock.

But their greatest contribution were the new crops they created that were disease resistant with high yields enabling everybody in the Templar realms to have at the very least a subsistence level diet.

As the Knights Templar considered that idle hands are the devil's playground everybody in the Templar realms must contribute to the greater good of all in the Templar realms.

This can be done through jointing the religious orders, toiling in the fields and manufactories or using their minds to produce the tools and resources to help fulfil God's divine will.

Frederick von Garger was inspecting the largest war engine yet created for the orders crusades against the heathens, heretics, pagans, Mohammedans and Christ killers.

The Judas' Redemption was 5000 metres long and bristled with weapons of every conceivable design.

The Judas' Redemption had actually come about by an idea one of the first converts on Cyprus.

This Robert "Toad" Tarkington had been a troublesome prisoner since his capture after the Battle with these Americans of the United States of America.

But after several months he had fallen in love with a serving wench, Marion of Antioch.

She had been one of the first Christians liberated from Mohammedan rule and had volunteered to serve the order.

She had refused Tarkington's advances as a pious woman she wouldn't take a man to her bed unless he be her husband and a good God fearing Christian.

Thus Robert Tarkington had undertaken more religious education and even asked the priests to intercede on his behalf for Marion's hand in marriage.

But Robert Tarkington had another passion apart from Marion and flying and that was naval history particularly in relation to battleships and battle cruisers.

He just happened to be having a conversation on this topic when he was overheard by Pierre LaForge, the Master Templar in command Righteous Retribution

Pierre LaForge had quickly realised the importance of having more powerful vessels than his Righteous Retribution and had forwarded the idea to the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Frederick von Garger.

Now after three years of construction the Judas' Redemption was ready for its builder's trials and then its shakedown cruise.

But Frederick was also sold on the idea and had issued orders for fifty of these powerful war engines to be created.

Robert Tarkington was rewarded for his passion by being given the hand of Marion of Antioch in marriage.

Robert also started training as a Knight Templar as Frederick thought his skills in a war blade would only help the order and the rightful ascension of Christendom.

The redemption of the Americas to the just laws of the lord God's design was nearly complete.

Only Mexico, the modern Sodom and Gomorrah in the United States of America and Canada remained to the just rules of God's commandments.

Mathias Lars was concerned, the redemption of the Americas was going well yet he had explicit instructions to stop at the border of the United States of America.

This left a foul tastes in Mathias' mouth as he really wanted to purge that hive of scum and villainy the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah that the United States of America had become from the face of this Earth.

The United States of America was an affront to his beliefs that this USA claimed to be a nation of righteous God fearing Christians yet at the same time it was filled with greed, corruption, perversions of all kinds and heretical beliefs the he couldn't believe anybody could possibly find reasonable.

Not to mention the murder of countless children because the pregnancy would be an inconvenience to their mothers.

Yes Mathias knew that the reason for the halt order was that this United States of America was one of the most powerful nation states on the mother world and it allowed rampant ownership of firearms that allowed people to be murdered by the score every year.

Mathias was sure that once the great crusade against the Mohammedans was complete his armies would be reinforced and the crusade against this modern Sodom and Gomorrah would commence.

Jeannie Miller woke from her dream of being burnt alive at the stake in a cold sweat.

Her husband Major Kaleb Miller was sitting by her hospital bedside holding her hand.

This made her wonder how long she had been in this state.

Deep in her mind she knew what she had experienced was real.

Jeannie realised that she would probably require extensive psychological counselling to recover properly.

But Jeannie was more concerned with her brother Meredith Rodney McKay.

He had always been fragile psychologically and looking at him in the bed opposite her it a catatonic state confirmed her worst fears.

Jeannie also knew that she had to warn the government that the Ori were now aware of their presence in this galaxy and would most likely be coming to convert them to their religious or Origin.

And the worst of this situation was that if anything the Ori were worse than the Knights Templar in their religious zeal.

She suspected that with this knowledge that the British government might have to go cap in hand to the Knights Templar as they were probably the only power that could go toe to toe with these Ori and their Priors.

Oma Desala watched with growing concern as her people's children on

Terra used some communication stones that had been left behind.

Her people's enemies the Ori, now knew that more humans existed in the

Milky Way Galaxy and knowing those bastards like she did they would most likely turn up in the Milky Way Galaxy sooner rather than later.

Then they would try to convert them to their religion of origin for their own benefit.

Oma thanked fate that the Milky Way Galaxy had its own home grown group of religious fanatics in the Knights Templar and they had been assimilating the Ancients and Asgard technologies for centuries.

She smiles at the thought that the Ori might just have bitten off more than they can chew with the Knights Templar.

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair looked like he had bitten into a very bitter lemon.

When he was advised that his efforts at Glastonbury Tor might have shown another group of religious fanatics who appear to be worse than the Knights Templar that more humans existed here in the Milky Way Galaxy made him sick to his stomach.

He knew that Great Britain couldn't keep this to themselves so he would table it at the next meeting of the international coalition.

He was sure that they wouldn't be pleased and he suspected that they would force him to advise the Knights Templar of what had happened.

This was not a conversation that Tony Blair was looking forward to as he was sure that the Knights Templar wouldn't be happy with another group of religious fanatics that they would have to take up the mantle of fighting to preserve Christendom.

And he was sure that they would demonstrate their displeasure in their own unique way.

With the redemption of the Americas on hold after Mexico was brought under Holy rule some of the more militant knight were feeling bored and antsy.

The price hadn't been cheap to bring Mexico under righteous rule with the bodies of criminals, drug lords and corrupt officials lining the roads approaching Mexico City fastened to crosses demonstrating to the poor why God's commandments must be obeyed.

But now Mathias Lars had a crusading army with very little to do as the pious submitted to God's laws while the sinners had either died on the crosses or had fled across the border into the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah that the United States of America had become taking their ill-gotten gains with them.

After discussions with the Grand Master of the Knights Templar,

Frederick von Garger it was decided to take some of the crusaders Army of the Americas to one of the most populated of the Mohammedan countries of Indonesia where good God fearing Christians were being persecuted and forced to convert and worship the Mohammedans false prophet.

This situation could not stand and the crusade against Mohammedan oppression in Indonesia and North Sumatra in particular would start first before moving onto the other Mohammedan controlled islands.

The President of Indonesia, Megawati Sukarnoputri was terrified.

These Knights Templar had been doing a lot of unauthorised overflights of her country.

She knew that with Islam being the dominate religion of Indonesia, they would eventually be targeted by the Knights Templar.

But she had thought that they had a lot more time to prepare as the Knights Templar would have to fight through southwest and central Asia, India, Bangladesh and Malaysia before they could get to Indonesia.

Now it appeared that the Knights Templar were preparing to open another front this time in North Sumatra.

Wilfred of Ivanhoe was impressed by the efforts of his army.

The decision to leave the desert nomads till last was bearing fruit as his crusader army overwhelmed the

Mohammedans in the more hospitable northern African coastline.

Seeing this strategies success he decided that he would continue to follow the coastline route until he reached Christian held lands.

Then he would push his crusader army inland to envelope the remaining

Mohammedan held lands where the desert nomads could attacked from every direction.

Once Mohammedan controlled Northern Africa was under the one true God's righteous rule he would then turn his armies attention on the poorly managed Christian nations of Africa.

He would then bring these nations under the control of good pious god fearing Christians and not under the control of corrupt and or inept management of the governments these poor down trodden Christians now lived under.

Master Templar Albert Von Garger and his crusading army had met a difficult opponent in Iran.

These Persians were even more fanatical than the normal Mohammedans.

Albert had thought that taking their Holy City of Qom would break the Persians will to fight.

Oh how wrong he had been.

Instead those cunning Persians had drawn his forces into Qom fighting the Templars for Every inch of ground.

It seemed to the Knights Templar that every Mohammedan man woman and child in Qom wanted to kill Christians for defiling their holy city.

Once a sizable portion of his army had been drawn into the city of Qom to fight the Mohammedans that had detonated a nuclear device destroying themselves, their Holy City of Qom and a quarter of his crusader army.

It was a bitter pill to swallow for Albert realised that the Mohammedan fanatics would prefer to destroy their holy cities than to have the Knights Templar conquer them.

It was a strategy that he wouldn't fall for again and Albert vowed that not a single Mohammedan male of Persian descent would survive this current crusade against the Persian Mohammedans.

The President of the United States of America, Mike Pence was angry and incensed by the intelligence failings of the USA's intelligence organs in not knowing that Iran had operational nuclear weapons.

While angry at their failings he was slightly relieved that the nuclear weapon had been used on the Knights Templar as this had caused them to withdrawn even more of their forces from Mexico leaving only enough forces for the Knights Templar to remain the controlling influence in central and South America.

Still the Knights Templar had all but conquered Central and South America and were well on the way to ding the same to Northern Africa.

But Mike Pence was concerned the USA was overflowing with refugees from central and south America but unfortunately most of these so called refugees were criminal who had immediately gone back to their previous occupations causing under world wars to break out in competition for the dwindling number of addicts to supply an equally dwindling supply of illicit drugs.

Nicholas de Brabant smiled as he proudly wore the white surcoat and mantles of the Knights Templar that he had been granted permission to wear following his successful rehabilitation from the evil that had permeated his soul.

His successful crusade against the corrupt politicians and criminals in the Americas campaign had led to his current role of leading the Crusade against Indonesia.

Nick knew that he would always be watched by the inquisitors and his men at arms but that mattered little now that he was back in the service of his lord God.

He had achieved his current position through the recommendation of the inquisitors who had been impressing by his decisions in dealing with rapists and other sexual criminals during the Americas campaign.

That and the fact that his wife Natalie had fallen pregnant with fraternal triplets proved to the priests and inquisitors that Nicholas de Brabant was back in God's good graces as God had allowed his loins to be bountiful much to the disgust of his wife Natalie.

Natalie had threatened to secretly perform a vasectomy on him but Nicholas had just laughed and said it wouldn't matter as he was bound to have more sessions in the Sechuler of healing and it would then be reversed anyhow.

The Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard was contemplating the pending Templar assault on Indonesia.

He had turned a blind eye when the Knights Templar had simply collected all the pederasts, pedophiles and rapists form religious orders and not just those that looked to the Catholic Church.

John Howard wondered how he could affiliate with the Knights Templar.

Soon he wouldn't have to worry about the opinions of Indonesia and Malaysia which would be the next logical objective of the Knights Templar's crusade for Christendom.

And with Indonesian and Malaysian cheap labour forces gone the industries that had moved from there from Australia would be forces to return to Australia as it was the only stable nation in the region that could not be considered to be in the sights of the Knights Templar.

All the other nations that might look to gain these industries would be considered heathens, heretics, pagans and Mohammedans by the Knights

Templar and seen as countries in need of redemption.

John Howard knew that the Knights Templar would eventually want to come after the Mohammedans in Australia and he would formulate plans to deal with this situation similar to how he turned a blind eye to the Knights Templar's actions just like he had with the issue of the pederasts, paedophiles and rapists that the Templars had seized to purge their souls of evil.

As a predominately Christian nation John Howard hoped Australia could maintain its independence even if it meant other religions other than Christianity.

Albert von Garger was furious with himself.

He hadn't had a public dressing down from his father Frederick, like the one he had just experienced since that drunken fight he had over a girl when he was fourteen.

Yet he couldn't really disagree with his father's critique of the disastrous Persian operation against Qom.

He had arrogantly pressed forward against the Persian resistance believing that his army couldn't be defeated by a bunch of Mohammedan peasants.

And it was this belief that had cost many of his brother Knights and men at arms their lives.

But was the threat of being replaced as the leader of the crusade for the Holy Lands if he failed one more time that really hurt the most.

It was a matter of prestige to him in leading a crusading army yet wasn't pride one of the seven deadly sins?

This is something that he would have to guard against in the future.

Albert von Garger resolved to do better especially now that he was encountering Mohammedans, pagans and heathens that had or were suspected of possessing nuclear weapons or other forms of high technology weapons.

Aceh province in Indonesia was the only province in Indonesia to practice Islamic Sharia law.

To make an example of the Mohammedans in this region that only the lord God's laws matter Nicholas de Brabant decided that he would start the crusade in Aceh province and the his army would proceed south and east.

No mercy was to be shown to the Mohammedan males of Aceh province.

The Mohammedans of Aceh province would either convert to being good pious god fearing Christians or be put to the Holy Fire and the sword to purge their immortal souls of their heretical beliefs.

The Mohammedans in Aceh province were putting up considerable resistance to the Templar Crusaders.

One of the more fanatical Imam's had locked himself and his supporters in a bank vault to try and hide from the Knights Templar.

This didn't phase Nicholas or his men at arms at all they merely used their newly issued light sabres to cut into the bank vault before Nick had the occupants crucified much to the delight of his inquisitors.

Their delight doubled when Nicholas ordered that the inquisitors use pain sticks on the Imam just to prove how wrong his faith really was.

Buffy Summers was getting really concerned by the return of the Knights Templar.

Angel had left to attend a Knights Templar temple to regain his humanity.

But it was the actions of the demons that really concerned her.

They were getting desperate to open the Hell mouth before the Knights Templar conquered the United States of America and flooded the area with highly skilled and trained warrior monks and priests whose whole function was to destroyed evil as they perceived it in any form they found it in.

Lucien LaCroix was angry and annoyed.

Nick had returned to the light and was again fighting a holy crusade against Mohammedans.

Now Janette DuCharme who had helped him bring Kick across had also disappeared along with her human lover.

He suspected that Janette was trying to follow Nicholas' path and become human again.

This he couldn't allow yet there was very little he could do for if he set foot near any of the Knights Templar realms they were sure to try to purge his immortal soul of evil.

The President of Indonesia, Megawati Sukarnoputri watched Templar television in morbid fascination and was terrified by what was happening in Aceh province.

It seemed that the particular Knights Templar in charge of this crusade was even more bloody minded and a hard core fanatic then the other Knights Templar that she had heard about.

Furthermore if her people didn't surrender at the first call no second chance was offered.

Some had hid in their home or in mosques but that didn't help them as those dwelling were then set alight with flame throwers by the Knights Templar and their men at arms.

And all this including the crucifixions were broad cast live on Templar television showing all what awaited them if they didn't convert to pious God fearing Christian and follow God's commandments.

Nicholas de Brabant had heard of Mohammedan terrorists trying to take over territory from the catholic country of the Philippines.

This couldn't be allowed so having asked for some more reinforcements Nicholas decided that these Knights and men at arms would first be dispatched to the Philippines to assist a Catholic country in need.

He dispatched a small crusader army to the Philippines under the command of newly knighted Carlos Rodriguez.

Once Carlos has dealt with the Mohammedan uprising in the Philippines his forces would rejoin his army in dealing with one of the most populous of Mohammedan countries.

Chief inquisitor Thor Eriksen was impressed by the actions of Nicholas de Brabant.

To Thor it appeared that as a redeemed soul Nicholas de Brabant was bringing the word of the lord God to the heathens, heretics, pagans, Mohammedans and Christ killers with a religious zeal few could match.

Thor needed to contemplate this phenomenon some more.

Perhaps after being shrouded in darkness for so long like how Nicholas de Brabant had might make the light of the lord God shine that much more brightly in the redeemed souls.

Chief inquisitor Thor Eriksen decides to send his finds to the Inquisitor council to see if this is just a one off case because Nicholas de Brabant had previously been a crusader knight or if there were other examples of redeemed souls blasing with new light in the name of the lord God.

Newly Knighted Templar Carlos Rodriguez really wanted to impress his mentor Nicholas de Brabant with his mission to help the Philippines put down the Mohammedan insurrection on their southern island of Mindanao.

Carlos had experienced men at arms to assist him and inquisitor priests to advise him on the best course of action to purge the Mohammedan souls of their misguided heretical beliefs.

Carlos Rodriguez would follow the Knights Templar tried and true methods of the hoy fire and the sword to redeem the lost Mohammedan souls.

The reason Carlos really want to impress his mentor Nicholas de Brabant and the inquisitors so that he could get the chance to join the great crusade in the Mohammedan heartlands.

President of the Philippines, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, smiled when she heard that the Knights Templar had decided to intervene in the Mohammedan insurrection on the southern island of Mindanao.

While this was greatly appreciated she was concerned by the reports coming out of the Americas.

The Knights Templar had virtually taken over central and south America and turned it into one gigantic theocratic state.

This didn't concern her as much as the Knights Templar had then either driven the corrupt politician out of their former countries or caught them and shown those corrupt politicians Templar justice.

Gloria hoped that the Knights Templar would restrict themselves to just the island of Mindanao as she didn't fancy being crucified or burnt at the stake to purge her soul of evil and corruption.

Wilfred of Ivanhoe missed his wife Rebecca tremendously but sacrifices must be made to perform the Lord God's holy mission.

His crusader army had finally surrounded the Mohammedan infestation of

Northern Africa.

Instead of going straight on the offensive he would deal with some of the corrupt Christian despots while his army starved out the desert Mohammedans.

While his army rested and resupplied for the final thrust against the Mohammedans in Africa he would check out the sites of some of the lands he had conquered.

Wilfred decided that he would take a walk along the Somali coastline.

The Somalis had been troublesome Mohammedans and his crusader army had had to use extreme force to keep them in line.

As he walked along the beach he watched the Somali pirates that his army had caught.

There was mothering better to focus your mind and belief then watching sinner's souls being purged on holy crosses.

It also provided a good object lesson as to why you should always follow God's commandments.

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair sat in his office with an infuriated Grand Master of the Knights Templar Frederick von Garger.

At one point Tony feared for his life as Frederick von Garger clasped his dagger threateningly.

Then Frederick von Garger replied to Tony Blair saying, "You will give the Knights Templar unfetted access to everything at Glastonbury Tor including anything you might have removed from the site.

Failure to do so will have dire consequences for your nation."

With this said Frederick von Garger stormed out of Tony Blair's office leaving a very worried British Prime Minister wondering how he could repair the damage that had been done.

The Grand Master of the Knights Templar Frederick von Garger had called a council of war for the first time since the Goa'uld crisis.

As this was the first war council called since the discovery of the Goa'uld all the Holy Orders associated with the Knights Templar were required to send representatives.

A council of war consisted of the Knights Templar and all the other Holy orders doing God's work in converting the heathens, heretics and pagans on countless worlds that the various orders had come across.

The instructions to the Holy Orders was for all missionaries to report strangers especially those preaching heretical beliefs.

Once the religious orders were informed of the new potential threat to Christendom and instruction given, Frederick von Garger made a special trip to Tolla to instruct his Tollan artisans to triple the instruction of the latest version of the Knights Templar war engines.

Omoc and Narim were advised that any additional resources and manpower would be provided when requested.

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair's week was getting worse by the minute.

The response by the Knights Templar that Great Britain had accidentally exposed the Earth and the Milky Way Galaxy to the Ori's attention was actually mild in comparison to reaction of the International Coalition.

When the International Coalition learned that the British had accidentally sign posted the Earth and the Milky Way Galaxy to another group of religious fanatics that were apparently worse than the Knight

Templar went down like a lead balloon.

Great Britain found itself being sanctioned by the International Coalition and only prevented United Nations sanctions by using its own United Nations Security Council veto to stop them.

Everybody was after British blood even Great Britain's European Union affiliates.

Tony wondered what life would have been like if the Knights Templar hadn't arrived when they did.

He laughed to himself thing that they probably would have got involved in a pointless war in the Middle East.

The remaining Goa'uld System Lords were really concerned.

They had fortified their remaining holdings to prevent Jolinar of Malkshur an easy victory over them.

But their informants had told them that Jolinar of Malkshur's empire was undertaking a major military build-up yet it didn't appear to be aimed at the Goa'uld System Lords.

This concerned them as any power that could cause Jolinar of Malkshur to react like this was also likely to possibly be in imminent threat to their own domains.

The Ori Prior stepped through the stargate and was surprised that he was ignored until he stated preaching the Ori religion "Origin".

No sooner had he done this then armoured men appeared to stop him.

This didn't concern the prior as he had his Ori staff to protect himself.

He used his staff to cast the first armoured men aside.

He became more concerned when the next group of armoured warriors arrive and drew swords of light that then cut his Ori staff in half.

The Ori Prior would have shown his displeasure at this action if it hadn't been for the fact that the next strike of the light swords cut the Prior in half and his body combusted in the fires of origin.

The Ori were concerned, the new galaxy of followers they wished to convert appeared to have warriors who were technologically advanced enough to fight the Ori's forces on even ground.

The Ori's crusade to turn this Milky Way galaxy to their religion "Origin" has just taken a turn for the worse.

And if their suspicions were correct then they might be fighting a crusade against an equally powerful opposing religion.