Trees loom over us as in this forest clearing. This lady wears a blank look on her pale face. Her black shoulder length hair is a contrast to her deathly pale skin. Interestingly, she wears armor similar to Queen Arte, but it's not her. I charge at the woman wielding a sword. I'm separated from the main body of the army, but I figure that taking down a single soldier would be simple. I swing the Yato down. She parries though and brings the hilt of her sword down onto the hand that held Yato. My hand goes numb, and I drop my blade.

"What?" I gasp and her arm wraps around mine as her grip settles at my elbow. Turning with enough momentum, she throws me to the ground over her shoulder. I was careless! I land on my side with the wind knocked out of me. I hastily try to regain my breath, but she removes the armor from my right arm.

"Kinda useless without a weapon aren't ya?" Her sinister voice makes me freeze. Bending my arm over her knee, she snaps it hard. My elbow cracks as it bends backward as something pierces my skin from within. What the hell?! My bone's jutting out from my arm! I shriek in pain and struggle in her grip.

"It hurts! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!" I cry out as tears well in my eyes.

"We aren't finished yet!" Rolling me onto my back, she removes my stomach armor and slits into my abdomen with her sword. I squirm from the pain, but she just cackles. "You will be torn open from this crack on your belly! You'll suffer immense pain unlike anything before!"

My eyes go wide with horror, but it's too late. Her fingers are already tearing at my stomach and digging into my entrails.

"Stop it! Ah, it hurts! Stop! Kaze!" I scream and sob for him harder than ever before. I feel a sharp pain down below as the woman tugs and rips flesh from within. Nothing can feel worse than the agony I feel at this moment. She's really digging into my insides! I can't even put up a struggle as my brain feels like it will explode from all the nerves signaling how much it hurts! Why is this happening to me?! I wish I could force myself to lose consciousness, but I'm not that strong willed. Any terrifying nightmare would be better than the reality that is happening now. Interestingly, her hands aren't moving that fast. They are moving slowly as if performing a delicate procedure. I feel another tear inside of me. I want to scream, but I can only let out a choke. I can feel the tears falling down my face as I cry silently. The stench of blood is overwhelmingly metallic smelling. It feels like an eternity and no one is coming to help me. My torturer is taking her time and savoring my torment the whole while.

The pain dulls though as her hands leave my body. I feel her hands on my face. They're caked in something warm and sticky. It's my blood. I feel her tracing something on my forehead. My torturer stands with a satisfied grin on her face. She leaves my line of sight, but I can still hear her. I can hear her heavy footsteps fading away as she leaves. I hear something wet being dropped on the ground. Did she take something from me? I suppose she's going to leave me to die. Here alone, my body feels frozen. I'm so cold. I don't want to die here. Memories from my life whiz by me, but everything slows as I remember the time Kaze and I first met. It's quite funny that we met because I almost killed him back in Nohr. I refused to kill him though and spared him his life. I almost paid for it with mine, but it was worth it. As I'm lying here though, I swear I see him leaning over me.

I mutter, "K-Kaze…"

The battle ended, but I can't find her anywhere. Where is Corrin? Where is my wife?! I'm frantically looking around when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around come face to face with my brother, Saizo. Even with his mask on, I can tell it isn't good news. His face is pale and stoic.

"Brother, I found Corrin. I can't move her though." His voice is grave as he speaks. "It…it's not good. Come see for yourself."

He takes off right away, and I frantically run after him. The aches from my muscles disappear as a rush of adrenaline overtakes me. The bruises and cuts on my body are mundane. My heart just keeps racing faster. All I can hope for is that it isn't that bad. Perhaps my brother is mistaken. When we reach her, my hopes are gutted and tossed aside.

Corrin is on the ground. Her skin is deathly pale, and her whole front side is covered in blood. It's all her blood. A bone is jutting out from her right arm under her elbow. I run to her side and lean over her. Tears are still falling from her eyes. Above though on her forehead, is a bird drawn in blood that I assume is Corrin's. When my eyes reach her stomach, my blood runs ice cold. There is a giant hole in her stomach that exposes her insides. I want to scream, but I can't. It's too horrible! I lurch and I vomit beside her. The stomach acid burns my throat. When I look back up, further ahead is a mass of flesh. I can't tell what it was, but it was torn out of my wife. I want it all to be a simple bad dream, but it is reality and nothing can change this grisly scene.

I quckly dig out an elixir and prop her head up.

"Please drink this, Corrin." I urge her. Will this even work? If it doesn't, then that means I can't do anything for her! I hold it up to her lips and slowly let it flow into her mouth. I feel her throat to check for signs of swallowing. I hold my breath and then,

"K-Kaze…" she breathes. Her eyes are still half closed, but she's alive! Her complexion starts to show some color, but if the wound is not taken care of immediately, her condition will start to deteriorate again. We need a healer. All of them are at the clearing, but we're still a way in. Wait! I hear footsteps behind me!

"Don't worry my love. If I have to I will die to protect you! I won't let anyone take you from me! You're going to be alright!"

I am ready, but as I turn, I see that Saizo, Sakura, Jakob, Felicia, Elise, and Azura are all running towards us. Healers!

"Please help her!" I plead, "There's nothing more I can do!"

Sakura and Elise burst into tears upon seeing the horrific state Corrin is in. Azura screams and collapses as Jakob tries to support her. Felicia silently cries to herself, but quickly regains enough of her composure to speak through her tears. I cradle Corrin's head in my lap and pray to the gods for a miracle.

"Well, I'm not sure what we can do, but we'll try to help. Okay everyone, let's try it." The healers all bring up their rods, and the rods start glowing. Nothing is happening though. Why is nothing happening?! She is unconscious and her condition isn't changing.

I shout, "Corrin! Hang in there! Please stay alive for me!"

Off to the side, Azura says, "Corrin, you can pull through. I know you can!"

"Please be okay Corrin. Don't leave me already." I mutter as tears fall from my eyes. They fall onto her face and mix with her blood.

Jakob exclaims, "How cruel that someone could do this to her. Kaze, were you here when this happened?"

"No, I wasn't." If I were there with her, then this never would have happened. I only have myself to blame. My heart feels broken as I look at her.

"Hey, it's working! The wound is closing up," Elise says.

I look up from her face and toward her abdomen. Surely, the gaping hole in her stomach is starting to close. "Oh gods! Please live, Corrin. I'm right here beside you." Seconds feel like hours as the healing process takes place. How long is this taking? I say through my tears, "How long should this take?"

Elise answers, "Well, it was a large external wound along with the internal wounds, so it will take some time. I would give it a couple more minutes. She's gonna need treatment though."

The crevice in her stomach finally closes up after around five minutes. Jakob, Felicia, Elise, and Sakura, drained, collapse on the ground. I guess it must have taken everything they had to heal something of that magnitude. A large puffy scar is left in its place, but that doesn't matter. She is still caked in blood, but she won't lose anymore.

"Hey K-Kaze, I think she's stable enough to take back to Fort Jinya," Sakura says through her tears. The others continue to converse but they all sound far away.

I don't take my eyes off of Corrin, but I say, "Thank you everyone."

I pick her up in my arms and run through the forest into the clearing. Everything is a blur. Xander and Ryoma approach me, but I ignore them. I have to get her back to Fort Jinya so she receives thorough medical attention. I don't care if she's stable. She needs help now! Why can't I do anything more? Why wasn't I there to protect her when she needed me? Why did she have to suffer like this?!