Hey guys, so this is a new fic, I really liked the idea when it popped into my head, but things kept changing, and so far I'm satisfied with this chapter, but I'm probably going to need some help with this story, so this will probably be a slowly updated stories unless I get consistent reviews with some suggestions, I'm not really sure where to start off the next chapter. But if you don't review it I never will!

Warning for Torture and implied rape - non-con

This fic is rated M, over all warning for sensitive content, the subject of rape and other.

xx Autumn

Chapter One- Hush little baby

"Lock her away" King Leopald demanded, his hand risen to point at the large wooden doors, awaiting his guards to do as ordered.

The two Knights looked at each other, then at the King, then to the princess Snow White, then finally to the queen herself unsure of what to do.

"Daddy... What is the meaning of this? Regina hasn't done a single thing!" Snow White protested, the young thirteen year old girls face a mix of confusion and dismay.

"Hush now my snow, it is nothing that concerns you my dear, this is between me and my wife" he spoke slowly, his voice cold, dismissing her.

She looked between her father, the man she loved so dearly, and her step-mother, the woman that saved her life as a child, a woman that she had grown very fond of, and when snow did look at Regina, she saw the look on her face, the look of pure heartbreak, of betrayal and confusion all mixed together and coming out in the form of tears that streamed down her face.

"Snow..." She whispered desperately, "it's ok... Just... just go..."

Snow simply looked at her, then at her father once more, before she shook her head and wiped at a tear then stalked angrily out of the room.

"My love... I... I don't know what I have done to upset you so b..but please... Don't make the girl suffer for it as we-..." She said weakly, coming slightly closer to her husband, but stopping when he held up is hand. He then moved to the chair resting by the fireplace and picked up a book. When she let her eyes fall upon the book she realized that it was her diary. Her eyes widened and her lips fell open every so slightly.

"Last night a man gave me a gift, and though it was but a simple mirror, it awakened feelings in me that I abandoned long ago. Hope for love, and companionship. Even though I am trapped in my husbands court."

He read allowed and she felt more tears rush from her eyes, yes, she has written those things, but it was just a simple mirror, the man that had given it to her was long gone, and it wasn't love for him she had felt, it was more, the availability to love again, this man had given her hope for a happy life, even if not with him, with someone.

"My love-" she began, only to be stopped by a knife at the neck. It dug into her skin and she swallowed hard, terrified of this side of her husband. Suddenly wishing for her father, Daniel, hell, even her mother if it would make this stop, if it could get her away, she wished that she could just take snow, the child she had loathed, but learned to love, and leave, flee together, but she couldn't, he would find them, and there would be hell to pay.

"You betrayed me... Your heart does not belong to me... But soon my dear... Soon I will fix that..." He said, digging the knife harder into her neck before he let it pierce her skin, only a nick but it hurt and she cried out, then he pulled the knife away and licked at the droplet of blood on the tip.

"Take her to my bedchamber" he said, dismissing the guards with a flick of his wrist.

"N-no! Please! I would never betray you! Plea-" her voice dropped when the guard shut the door.

He sat alone for several minutes before he heard the doors open again, this time his beloved Snow White entered and approached him.

"Father... What will you do to her...?" She asked hesitantly, worry evident in her voice. She was clearly concerned for the woman, and the King would not stand for that, if this girl was not careful, she would be next, he thought.

His head snapped up to meet her eyes, "that is my concern not yours." He stomped out then and slammed the door behind him.


The guard practicality carried Regina to the kings bedchamber, she was sobbing, sobbing in fear, and heartbreak, and the lose of the only thing she felt she had control over, her free will to walk among the castle walls. Now, not only could she not leave the castle, but she couldn't even walk around inside of it. They carried her into his room, and shoved her inside, then slammed the door shut. She stayed, on her knees, sobbing in the center of the floor for a long while before she stood and looked around the room, only looking for an exit through her blurry vision, the balcony! She thought and pulled herself to her feet, running to it before stopping, thinking of snow, she couldn't leave the girl, she would take this punishment and then, they would leave, together. Her thought were interrupted by the sound of the door opening once more.

"My Dear Regina, no need to cry darling" he spoke eerily calm as he removed different items from a chest that rested at the foot of the bed.

She slowly looked up, daring to see what he had, and when she did she wished she hadn't. She could see that he was lifting torturous items from this chest, she saw a whip, a riding crop, shackles, and things she just didn't know the name of, and when she looked around the dark room she saw that there were things placed, and already set up. A wooden horse sat near the fall wall, and weights places on the floor next to it. Metal chains hung out from the wall behind it, cuffs on the end of them.

"Leop-" she wanted to reason with him, explain to him that this was not the best way to go about things, but she didn't get the chance, for he struck her with the leather whip before she could get out his name. She cried out and shrunk back from him.

"Don't speak, unless you're spoken to, that will be today's lesson" he yelled, and began something she would surely never forget.


Snow paced the thrown room awaiting her father return, he had been gone for hours, and she simply wanted to know if Regina was alright. Surely he wouldn't hurt her, he could never do such a thing, not her father, he was a good man. As he thoughts took over she hasn't realized the sun had set and she still hadn't heard from either of them.

She was about to go and check on them when she saw her father walking toward her, not wanting to draw attention she began to play innocently with the flower in her hair as he passed, and when he did, she ran, ran right to his bedchamber and barged in. The room was silent, and she slowly did a sweep with her eyes, it looked empty until her eyes found the far wall, where she saw Regina, her hands chained, slightly above her head, her body bent over her folded knees, her beautiful long black hair, knotted and in her face, her white skin covered in sticky red blood. Whip marks covered her step-mother back and arms, she bled from them all.

Snow let a sob escape her mouth before she brought her hand to cover it as she ran to Regina's side.

"R-r-regina..." Snow said, reaching out to slowly touch the older woman's slumped shoulder. At the slightest graze of snows hand Regina jerked violently away.

"Regina... Regina it's snow..." She whispered soothingly. Hoping her voice would calm to woman.

Slowly, Regina raised her head to face the girl, only six years younger than Regina herself.

"S...snow..." Regina muttered sleepily, her head bobbing slightly.

"Oh no no no... Regina... Stay awake... Regina... Regina please..." Snow said desperately. She wasn't sure what would happen if Regina did fall asleep, but she surely did not want to find out either.

"I... I... I'm... O..ok..." She muttered again her head still bobbing as she was struggling to keep it up, her eye lids drooping.

"Oh lord... I can't believe he did this to you... We need to get you out of here... We need to get you help..." Snow said tugging at the chains in vain.

"Y...you ca..can't b..break them..." Regina coughed out, some blood spilling from her mouth.

"I have to try!" Snow sobbed, still pulling, she only stopped when she saw Regina wince at the moment.

"No... Just leave me... He'll send.. For a healer... He doesn't want me dead... Yet..." She felt her head bobbing again.

"No Regina!" Snow sobbed again. Shaking her head. She couldn't leave her, she would never do that, she wouldn't be able to live with herself.

"I... I can... I can take it... I can... Just... Leave... Go snow... Leave the castle... Just get away... Before he turns on you to..." Regina stuttered out, turning into a coughing fit.

"I can't leave you" snow shook her head.

"Yo.. You must..." Regina said, letting her head fall forward, and her eyes fall shut. "I.. Love... You... Snow..."

Snows eyes gleamed with more unshed tears as she kissed Regina's forehead, she stood then, and silently made her way out of the bedchamber and to her own, filling a bag with some clothes, a picture of her mother, and one of Regina.

"I love you to Regina... Someday, when I'm stronger, I will come back for you Regina, I promise" she swore to herself.


So i hope you all liked it and please review to let me know what you thought of it, i have another chapter written if anyone is interested in reading let me know, also if anyone has any ideas or suggestions they are very welcome... xx