Chapter Seven

Cloud stirred his coffee while he covered his face with his hand, his elbows resting on top of the dining table, his raven hair covering his blue eyes, next to him was Tifa, who was sitting still with her eyes tightly closed, her light brown hair disheveled and dry looking, across from her was Vincent, his arms and legs crossed while he too has his eyes closed, part of his blond bangs covering an eye completely, and sitting next to him was Yuffie, who was sporting an overly wide grin while she raked her eyes towards Cloud and Tifa, she twirled the tip of her red hair while doing so, adding to her already insane looking face. No one was speaking for the past thirty minutes after that traumatizing event inside Cloud's bedroom.

Vincent's phone suddenly rang making them all jump. They all sighed in relief at the sudden ice breaker, Cloud still couldn't into Vincent's eyes directly, he still remembered how the gunslinger's clothed manhood was pressed into his own naked one when he was strangling him.

Just kill me.

"Reeve." Vincent said, he furrowed his brows while he listened to the person on the end of the line. All of them looked at him intently. "Yes." He flipped his phone shut.

"What did he say?" Tifa asked.

"They didn't manage to make the captive speak but they extracted his blood and is waiting for the results on what kind of substance was injected to him, they assume is was Mako but..."

"You should flaunt yourself tonight Magnus, we need you to be captured so we can infiltrate their hideout."

"You can flaunt yourself in front of me." Yuffie said nonchalantly then she cleared her throat. "Sorry." Vincent raised an eyebrow at her direction.

"We should go, Quinn." Vincent said as he stood up, Tifa followed suit but Cloud grabbed her wrist. Vincent stared at them but decided to go ahead and wait for Tifa at the entrance. Yuffie stood up as well to leave them alone and go to Vincent. Cloud stood up without taking his eyes off her.

"Tifa..." He cleared his throat, both of them blushing.

"It's Quinn." She said without looking at him.

"Quinn, I'm so sorry... About what happened..." He blushed further, Tifa decided to mess with him a little, he had been messing with her feelings for years.

It's pay back time, jackass.

"What are you talking about, Cloud?" She said innocently. Cloud gave her a confused look.

"You know... The..." He gestured his head towards the direction of the bedroom. Tifa raised both eyebrows.

"The what, Cloud?" She asked again. Cloud furrowed his brows and she was already struggling with her laughter.

"The..." He looked around then he leaned closer. "The sex..." He whispered in her ear making her press her lips together.

"I'm sorry I didn't get that." She said. Cloud sighed before he leaned forward again.

"When we had sex." He whispered again.

"My hearing is kind of-"

"When we fucked!" He raised his voice though he didn't mean to, he stared at her with his eyes wide, she pressed her lips together then she turned around to walk away. Cloud was dumbstruck at what just happened and when he realized that Tifa was messing with him, he hurriedly ran after her to turn her around then he grabbed the back of her head before he kissed her fiercely on the lips, her eyes widened and was yelling but it was muffled by his mouth, he pulled away biting her lower lip then he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He then turned around to walk away, a smug smirk plastered on his face, Tifa was left alone, thunderstruck.

What just happened?!

Vincent had just left to 'flaunt' himself so the kidnappers would target him, their wedding bands also served as a tracking device so Tifa could monitor him from the hotel. She could see him in an isolated area, hoping to be kidnapped.

"Maybe he's too scary or something..." She said when he was still there after thirty minutes. She started thinking about Cloud and his naked deliciousness. She suddenly felt hot shots down her admomen, wanting to feel him all over her again. She stated hallucinating that he was there, approaching her with a sexy smirk on his face, his raven hair cascading his blue eyes like curtains, he leaned forward to kiss her wildly with his tongue exploring every part of her mou-

A loud knock on the door was heard making her snap back to reality. She yelped and jumped then she straightened herself before she went ahead to look at the peephole, she furrowed her brows when she saw Yuffie outside and she looked like she was panicking. Tifa hastily opened the door to let her in.

"What happened?" Tifa asked immediately when Yuffie was in.

"Cloud... He..." She held her forefinger in front of her while she rested her palms on her knees. She exhaled before she spoke again. "He went out this morning after you and Vi... Magnus left, he hasn't come back ever since and I couldn't contact him." Tifa stared at her with wide eyes.

"Do you think...?"

"I don't know but we have to do something!" Yuffie said, "We gotta tell Reeve!"

"Don't worry too much about Cloud, he's the planet's hero for Gaia's sake." She said, but she was worried, if he was caught and they have nasty experiments going on, it wasn't going to be good for him and his mental state, he had enough of being experimented and he didn't need to experience those again.

I'll be your knight in shining armor this time, Cloud. Tifa though with her face full of determination. She took a look at her tracker and found Vincent still in the same spot. Just get captured already dammit! Oh Cloud... She groaned loudly in frustration.

Cloud slowly opened his with a groan escaping his throat. He tried to look around while he squinted his eyes from the pain of his head. He realized he was lying down on an uncomfortable surface, with his hands and feet bound.

Where am I...?

"You're finally awake." A loud, raspy voice sounded on his right. He turned his head to look at the direction of the voice he couldn't see what the person looked like, he wore a scrub suit, a surgical mask, surgical gloves, surgical cap and some thick sunglasses. He started approaching the blond while he held what looked like a huge syringe, making Cloud inwardly shudder.

"Who are you and what are doing to me?" He asked as he squirmed in his confines. But the man didn't answer him and he forcefully stabbed Cloud's arm with the syringe.

His loud screams echoed through the night, unheard by his friends who were frantically looking for him.