Hello my lovely readers. So many ideas, so little time! This will be a two or three part fic. I have yet to decide. Please review and let me know what you think.



The Pitch

"Mr. Malfoy, tell us are you excited to be drafted by the Falmouth Falcons?"

This was his first press conference since his accident two years ago and it had been a rocky two years. It seemed as if no one was willing to take a chance on him. He'd shown promise at all open scoutings, even managed to make it on the Moose Jaw Meteorites reserve team for a few months, but Canada living was not his idea of a good life.

He was surprised when his agent owled him the good news that the Falmouth Falcons were looking to add him to their regular season roster as seeker. He'd heard recently that a new manager had taken over the team but had yet to hear who. Whoever it was giving him this chance, he was taking out for drinks.

"I couldn't be more thrilled to be joining the Falcons. Any team with the motto 'Let us win, but if we cannot win, let us break a few heads' is a team I want to be on." The reporters mumbled notes into their wands.

"Have you met the new manager yet Malfoy?"

"Can't say I've had the pleasure to meet the bloke yet, but I'm looking forward to shaking his hand." The crowd gave a hearty laugh causing Draco to release a smug smile. He had missed being in the lime light. It would feel even better to get into a proper uniform and start a game. To say he was pleased was an understatement.

"Final question." The team publicist called out to the reporters and a few hands shot up. Draco noticed an attractive blonde in the crowd and pointed to her.

"Go ahead Mrs…"

"It's Miss actually. Miss Lancher. Grey and white aren't really your colors Draco. Any chance on getting them changed to something more suiting to your complexion?" The men around her gave a hard laugh. Witch Weekly always sent one of these types of reports out to these events.

"Although black suites me better, I willing to give grey a try. If grey is what it takes to get me off the bench, I'm happy to oblige." He flashed her a charming smile but it seemed she had more to say.

"I'm sure I have a few readers would are dying to get you off the bench if you know what I mean." She gave a wink as once again the men in the crowd laughed. Draco caught himself before taking it too far.

"Well, they know where to find me," with that, he stood from the table. Flashes from the cameras went off as the publicist escorted him from the stage.

"So, can we send someone back to get me a date with her?" Michael, the publicist gave a sarcastic laugh.

"I wouldn't touch that one with a ten foot pole mate." Draco gave him a grave face as they headed off towards the manager's office for the first time.

No plaque had yet been placed next to the door. He could still see the space where the previous plaque had been placed.

"Ah boss, he's ready to see you."

"Thank you Michael. Send him in." To say that Draco was surprised to hear a female voice come from the room was an understatement. The room was bright, she had the curtains pulled back and he got a look at her perfect view of the pitch. Light shades of grey and white were incorporated into every bit of décor in the office. Her chair was turned and all he caught view of was her brown, curly hair up in a messy bun.

"Please come in Malfoy and take a seat." Doing as asked, he strutted his way over to the chair placed in front of her desk.

"I wanted to thank you for giving me this chance. I know it's been rough since my accident, but I know I can help take this team to the World Cup."

"I know that Malfoy, that is why I picked you to replace that wanker Terence Higgs. He had one job, but here we are, sitting with a losing record. I don't like losing Malfoy. Is that understood?" She had yet to turn her chair around, but so far everything she said so far was exactly what Draco'd been looking for in a GM.

"So I expect you to do your bloody job and get this team to the World Cup. Is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am. I won't let you down." The way she spoke made him feel like a soldier going to war, but at the same time, her voice seemed oddly familiar.

"Excellent. Welcome to the team Malfoy." She'd finally turned her chair around and he was face to face with none other than Hermione Granger.

"Granger?! What the bloody hell are you playing at?" Shock was plastered across his face. It was warranted however since he'd never heard anything about Granger being involved in Quidditch. As far as he knew, she detested the game and couldn't stand to fly.

"Well, I'm not really 'playing' at anything Malfoy. What I'm doing to building a team to win. Are you planning on being on that team or should we not move forward with completing your paperwork?" She was stern with her tone and Draco stared her down, trying to make heads or tails of what was happening.

"Why me? You hate me, we're enemies."

"We're enemies Malfoy and that seems like a lifetime ago. I've grown, surely you've grown as well. Granted, one can never be too sure." She was fumbling through the paperwork on her desk, collecting items as she went. It became apparent she had a meeting to attend after this little meet and greet. When he still hadn't responded, she gave a frustrated huff.

"Look Malfoy, I needed the best and unfortunately for the both of us, you were the best available. Plus, I spent years watching you play at Hogwarts. I know how you operate. I know you'll take risks and I know you'll do what it takes to win. Can you do this for me?" Her eyes appeared tired and he could tell by blanket thrown over the couch, she'd been her a few days.

"I have one condition."

"Of course you do. What is it Malfoy? What else could you possibly want? I'm trying to make you a star here." She was on the verge of breaking down. He could tell she'd tried to prepare for this meeting but he knew it was hard to need help from someone you don't enjoy the company of.

"I want to teach you to fly."
