Please enjoy reading the latest chapter and tell me what you guys think~! Also thanks to TheDarkShaolin and Shirosaki69Grimmjow for being my betas.

Ok, ok, ok, cool it, take this slow, don't freak out, all right, all right…calm down Kensei….SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! Did I even hear him right?!


"Why do men ejaculate while sleeping?" Shuhei said again, looking suddenly uncomfortable.

"Um, well, there's lot of reasons kid. Sometimes it happens because you're just horny, or maybe you had a dream that was extra nice." Kensei mentally faced-blamed at his reply as he waited but Shuhei just kept staring at his lap while twisting his blanket in his hands.

"Is to stop it if possible?" The red-faced Lieutenant stammered, his gaze still cast downwards, away from Kensei.

Kensei could practically hear the brat's embarrassment. Poor brat, He thought. Everything is so freaking new. "Well, jerking off helps-"

"I've been doing that. But it is still keeps happening to me." The younger male blurted out, flushing even more.

Don't think about the brat with his hands in his pants. Don't. You. Dare. Stop imagining it.

Too late. Thoughts of Shuhei touching himself in all kinds of ways slammed into Kensei's mind. And of course, Kensei quickly felt himself stiffen abruptly. Enough, He told himself, get a hold of yourself. Come to your senses.

The ex-Captain almost slapped himself for his choice of words in his head. Move on, dammit.

"Ok. Maybe it's still happening because you're new at this whole….thing? Seeing as your Captain was an overbearing fucking asshole with-" His voice drawled off and soon cut off at the dirty look Shuhei suddenly sent him.

Okay, okay…point taken. Don't mention his Captain.

Or…uh…Does your skin feel more sensitive then it did when you went over to the bathroom?" Kensei sat up without warning, mostly because if he didn't he'd start rolling and grinding his hips on the mattress like Shuhei had probably done. He lifted one knee up so the white sheet tented and hid his growing erection. Well….he hoped it hid it.

Shuhei paused, tilting his head to the side thoughtfully before nodding curtly and slowly stopped fidgeting. "Yes…Do you think that's the problem?"

"Maybe. When I was going through puberty it felt like just one touch could get me off. It was frustrating to do deal with, but it thankfully passed. Your body gets used to it eventually. Dreams about sex don't happen as often either. I mean, if that's what you're dreaming or thinking about," Kensei babbled. He tried to inhale and exhale slowly and quietly, refusing to admit how aroused he was getting just from imaging Shuhei's….problem.

"Yes, the dreams are sexual in nature...I won't deny that….but the dreams focus on what I cannot have, but want very much," Shuhei confessed quietly, nervously crossing his arms over his chest.

Now that perked up Kensei's curiosity. "Why can't you have it?" He asked before he could stop himself. Idiot…don't ask such personal things…

Kensei silently watched Shuhei curl in on himself slightly and turn his head away before speaking. "You don't really need to know…forgive me for waking you."

"Oh, just spit it out!" Kensei snapped, his exhaustion and curiosity getting the better of him.

"I…I dreamed me..."


All the breath suddenly left Kensei's lungs. His mouth dropped opened and closed a few times before he managed a coherent thought.

"W-why can't you...have-with…me-?"

"You're my mentor and also much older then me. It would be inappropriate for me to like you and do it with you." Shuhei stated bluntly.

The last few weeks slammed into Kensei's head all at once. All the times the kid had stared intently at him, all the brushes of fingertips, all the times they stood so close that their sides touched, all the times he noticed how good the brat really damn good, all the times Kensei felt himself grow worried when Shuhei didn't return home until past midnight. And hell, now that he thought about it….those looks and quick glances Shuhei gave him before he would go to Soul Society for a day or two weren't because he just enjoyed the ex-Captain's company.

It had been because he liked him?!

Why him!?

How can I have been so blind?

"S-sometimes such relationships can evolve i-into..." Kensei's mouth was apparently losing the ability to form words.

His mind was trying to catch up to his body, which was making itself very obvious.

"I'm sorry….I've made you uncomfortable," The Lieutenant muttered, back to fiddling with the blanket with his fisted hands.

Before Kensei could really think about what he was doing at that moment, he flipped his sheets off, got off his bed, and sat on the edge of Shuhei's bed, placing one gloved hand on either side of the slimmer male's waist.

Of course that made Shuhei snapped his head up with a startled look. As gently as Kensei could manage, he leaned in so his lips met Shuhei's, causing them both to gasp ever so softly.

Sensing the teenager's willingness, Kensei pulled away enough to open the kid's mouth a tiny bit, then leaned in again to cover Shuhei's lips with his, this time pulling away with a tiny amount of suction.

God…the brat tasted so darn innocent.

"Y'know…I…I have been wondering for a while if you could teach me what's the difference between a French kiss…and just…normal kisses…like that one.." Shuhei asked breathlessly with a faint chuckle, right after Kensei pulled away and broke the kiss, letting them both catch their breath.

Heat flooded through Kensei's body right away and he had to look away, his stomach churning.

"You can't just ask to be taught such stuff!"

"Why not?" Shuhei asked softly, already looking like an injured puppy.

"Because you just can't say crap like that and now you're trying to make me feel guilty. That's a low blow brat…"

A hand gently cupped his cheek to Kensei's surprise and made him pull his head around to face the Lieutenant, who still smiling fondly, making Kensei go into slight shock.

Did he just smile?!

Without breaking away, Shuhei propped himself up on his other arm and then leaned down to kiss the older man.

"You don't need to utter 'crap like that'," Shuhei murmured lowly when he pulled away. "Nor do you need to bother pretending to be angry…just teach me."

"Tch….yer a frustrating brat to deal with…needing me to teach you all sorts of things…"

At that Kensei grinned up at the teenager, before tangling his gloved fingers in Shuhei's soft, raven hair and yanked him down for an unforgettable heated kiss. Shuhei groaned ever so softly into the kiss and reached out, caressing Kensei's cheek and when Kensei finally hauled Shuhei on top of him, he ended up cupping the ex-Captain's other cheek with his other hand.

Even though Shuhei was currently struggling to adjust to the fact that he was currently kissing his mentor, and the male was returning it just as feverishly, he could admit to himself that it felt heavenly, like nothing he'd ever felt before.