Izaya wanted him. At least, that's what Masaomi had gathered from their encounters thus far. Izaya was the one who had come on to him, and tried to convince him to become his once more. They had been intimate again, during which the informant expressed desire to take him back as his lover. But surprisingly, apart from when they slept beside each other the second night, Izaya didn't guide Masaomi to the bed—or the couch or desk. He wasn't showing any sort of interest in the boy he had seemingly worked so hard to secure. When they had first become lovers, years ago, it was different. Izaya made out with him, initiated the exchange of sexual favors, and invited him to sleep over. Between those times, Izaya teased him with dirty jokes and seductive looks. Now, however, it was as if Masaomi was only in his apartment to be the employee of the busy informant.

Of course, when he approached Izaya for a job, their current situation was what he had planned on. He was working as a sort of assistant rather than someone Izaya occasionally called on for certain jobs, and he had anticipated spending some time in the luxurious apartment, quietly doing paperwork and gathering information online. This was what Masaomi had hoped for.

Letting Izaya touch him was not part of the plan. He had expected some temptation, and even some flirtatious teasing on the seductive man's part. But he didn't want to gain a new lover. He already had one, after all. Now he found himself making subtle passes at Izaya, but he was turned down in a similarly subtle way. Masaomi desired him. He began to constantly think about their relationship—or lack thereof. Had he misinterpreted? He had initiated the first kiss, but only because Izaya had been baiting him. Maybe Izaya didn't want him as much as he'd thought.

A sexual relationship was what Masaomi had expected ever since that day about two weeks ago. Of course, he hadn't explicitly agreed to anything. He never said that he would sleep with Izaya regularly. However, he thought that was at least heavily implied. Had Izaya not understood that he wanted to have a sexual relationship with him? Was he too vague? Had his stubbornness made Izaya think he wasn't worth the effort?

There was really nothing Masaomi could do. He was far too proud to initiate anything, and it would be too embarrassing to outright ask Izaya where they stood, or propose that they become lovers again. Due to his pride and fear, all Masaomi could do was quietly complete his work and hope Izaya would show some interest.

So at seven on that Thursday evening, Masaomi handed Izaya the work he had completed, gave him a quick, awkward goodbye, and left the apartment. He dreaded the next day, when he would have to endure the confusion and discomfort once again.

As the days passed by, Masaomi grew more restless, but Izaya grew more entertained, and more excited. He briefly glanced at his employee every so often, relishing the occasions Masaomi's expression gave away all of his thoughts—his desires. Izaya loved watching one of his favorite humans struggle to comprehend the situation he was in, and attempt to build up courage to confront him. But, as anticipated, he wasn't able to do it. So Izaya continued to work at his desk, all the while watching his former lover agonize over what to do to fix the situation he now found himself stuck in. His plan was playing out perfectly, better than expected, even. Masaomi's expressions and behavior allowed Izaya to practically read his mind, and that was something that gave the informant great pleasure.

Izaya was an attractive man. He had never had problems finding a sexual partner. He knew that he had stunning looks and a charming personality that made people swoon. When he decided to first begin having sex, he found himself a girlfriend to regularly sleep with. As he matured, and the people he was attracted to subsequently did the same, he no longer needed to woo a girl into bed by first starting a romantic relationship. It was also easier to sleep with men, since he'd avoided standing out being labeled as homosexual by his judgmental classmates following ignorant social norms. He never had a "boyfriend." So as humans aged with him and slowly lost sight of the idea of needing to be in a romantic relationship to sleep with someone, Izaya found himself convenient lovers to occasionally sleep with. He didn't have much of a sex drive, so his encounters were mostly infrequent, but he always had someone to go to when his urges became too uncomfortable to ignore. Although he didn't engage in sexual relations often, it was still a favorite pastime of his, as he was able to watch people surrender to him, and let themselves be completely vulnerable. He enjoyed that part of the encounter far more than the physical gratification.

Masaomi was different. He held the title of the strong leader of a powerful gang, and he was merely fifteen. He possessed more maturity than others his age, and didn't express any desire to sleep with Izaya. Although, his attraction was obvious from the way he became flustered when close to him, and stared when he thought Izaya didn't notice. But he never made any kind of advances. Izaya obviously didn't expect everyone who found him attractive to make an attempt to get romantically or sexually with him, but the way Masaomi acted was interesting. The young leader quickly became his new obsession.

Izaya surprised himself when he came to the conclusion that he desired Masaomi in a sexual sense. A fifteen-year-old boy was not the type of human Izaya normally found himself attracted to. But Masaomi was impossibly cute, and he couldn't help yearning to see his wonderful expressions of desire and hearing the beautiful noises of pleasure Izaya could induce.

So Izaya decided to pursue him. It took a while, because he used a subtle approach, but eventually, he successfully seduced Masaomi. He was obviously inexperienced, and needed to be taught many things, but the way he acted greatly made up for his timidity and awkward behavior. It was even better than Izaya had imagined, and he even made the boy his exclusive sexual partner, despite that they never actually slept together. He wanted to hold out on him for as long as possible, and use it as a weapon in the perfect moment. As Masaomi became more skilled in the bedroom, Izaya found himself thinking that he wanted to always be with him, and that was a frightening idea. After closing himself off to humanity, a mere teenager had found his way into his heart, and it could not continue, lest Izaya end up broken. He knew that breaking Masaomi would drive him away, and he would lose his lover. It was a difficult sacrifice, but he was forced to betray him to protect himself.

Now Masaomi had returned, albeit reluctantly. As much as he wanted to pin Masaomi to the nearest piece of furniture and elicit those arousing moans, he only allowed himself a small taste. Soon enough, Izaya would be able to do as he pleased, he frequently reminded himself. He had to wait a bit longer. In order to hook Masaomi in, he had to make the boy barely be able to hold back his desires before taking him again. If Izaya showed too much interest from the beginning, Masaomi wouldn't think about him as much, and might eventually become bored of sleeping with him. So he waited for his former lover to initiate something on his own, and it happened two weeks later.

Masaomi was sick of the frustration and worry. Maybe Izaya wasn't touching him because he hadn't been getting adequate stimulation in return. In the past, he almost always declined when Masaomi offered to get him off, and seemed to enjoy pleasuring the blond much more than receiving anything. Had things changed since then, now that he was more experienced and capable of adequate performance in the bedroom? It seemed like the most plausible explanation.

Just before he left work that day, he made his way around the back of Izaya's desk and stood in front of him with a blank stare. The man appeared to be greatly amused as he turned his chair to face the blond and smirked. For once, he didn't say anything, only smirking wider when Masaomi rested his knee between his legs and kissed him. He returned it without moving anything other than his lips, allowing the younger man to do as he pleased.

Looking up at him with the same empty expression as before, Masaomi dropped down onto his knees and pulled out Izaya's flaccid length. Only this time, there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. "Do you want me to do this?"

The question was met with a smile, as Izaya remained composed as ever, seemingly not affected by the way he was slowly hardening from the strokes of Masaomi's hand. "If I didn't want you to touch me, you wouldn't be."

A heavy sigh passed the blond's lips. He was aware of Izaya's sentiment, but he had been searching for a deliberate answer to his question. Masaomi wanted to hear aloud that Izaya desired his touch, even if it was a half-hearted, vague reply. It seemed that Izaya refused to give him that. With a frown, Masaomi stood up and averted his gaze, staring out the window as he thought about how to proceed. He felt embarrassed for initiating such an act after so deliberately stating that he didn't plan on resuming their intimate relationship, and knew that Izaya was only amused by his contradictory behavior. Chewing on his lip, he crossed his arms and turned to face the windows. Before he could think of something acceptable to say, though, the arms of the man that had moved behind him wrapped around his waist. He considered pushing Izaya away, but he couldn't deny that it was relaxing to be held so gently, but securely. His eyes fluttered shut as the feeling of teeth on his neck made him shudder, and some groping of his front area followed right after.

The blush returned to his cheeks as Izaya's hand moved to his zipper, and both of the normally chatty men remained wordless for once. It was silent in the apartment other than barely-audible moans and shaky exhales that left Masaomi, growing louder as the amount and intensity of the contact increased.

"Drink this," Izaya requested, finally breaking the silence as he grabbed a small red bottle from a drawer of his desk. He held it in front of Masaomi's face.

"What is it?"

"It's similar to an aphrodisiac, with slight sedative properties." The informant grinned widely when Masaomi gulped the liquid down without a word and gave the empty bottle to the man behind him.

"Good boy. That will be useful a little later. We'll continue now."

After Masaomi's pants and boxers met the floor, Izaya's slicked fingers traveled around to stretch him out, causing the other to place his hands on the window for support. He lowered his head, embarrassed by the lewd expression reflected back at him from the glass.

"Iza...ya," Masaomi moaned quietly. He panted heavily as the man's fingers dug inside him, and was reminded of the many other occasions this had occurred. That was a time of bliss, where he thought Izaya had genuine feelings for him. While it was better to think the man cared for him, he was content now, understanding his stance with him. He had no doubt that Izaya was only using him for personal gain, and it was comforting to be sure of the truth.

"Masaomi~," he purred into the younger's ear, grinning as the sound of him unzipping his pants caused Masaomi to tremble in anticipation. Izaya pressed the tip of his length against him and teasingly moved it around a little, deciding he could wait a bit longer in order to hear those glorious whimpers of desperation and need.

"Let's get you in a different position, hm?" Izaya turned them around and pushed Masaomi's torso against his desk. "Yes, I like this much better," he hummed, grinning when he was met with no protest. Instead, Masaomi spread his legs and strengthened his stance so his legs wouldn't wobble too much. "What a beautiful sight."

"Just shut up and fuck me already," Masaomi grumbled, resting his forehead on his arm as he waited for Izaya to start.

"You're too eager, Masa-chan. Anticipation is an important part of sex, you know." When he didn't receive a reply, Izaya coated his arousal in lubricant, grabbed Masaomi's hips, and thrust inside him roughly. His smirk returned from the cry his sudden action caused, and he wasted no more time, picking up a quick and hard pace, delighting in the sounds elicited from Masaomi.

After a few minutes had passed, Masaomi began to feel weak and dizzy, and his pleasure somehow increased. "Izaya, why... hah.. did you give me an aphrodisiac when I was a-already going to put out?"

"Because someone is coming over, and I don't want you to be too embarrassed to continue. It's more convenient this way."

Masaomi didn't get a chance to respond, because in the next moment, they both the noise of a doorknob being rattled with incredible strength. Shortly after, a cracking sound filled the apartment, and another blond entered.

"Iza—" The yell cut off when Shizuo Heiwajima turned his gaze to the men across the apartment. He stared from one to the other, seemingly waiting for them to stop. When Izaya simply kept thrusting into Masaomi without any protests, however, Shizuo crossed his arms and studied the youngest man's face. "...Hey, flea, is that kid drugged?"

"Yes, you could say that," Izaya said with an unflinching smile. He pushed Masaomi's shirt up and lightly scratched his bare back.

"You—" Shizuo's protest was cut short by Izaya.

"Don't worry, Shizu-chan; I'm not assaulting him. I told him what was in the bottle after we got started and he willingly took it. I assume he figured it would add some extra pleasure. Isn't that right, Masa-chan?"

Masaomi nodded weakly, staring at Shizuo with an open mouth and heavy breaths and quiet moans escaped. "And it's... nngh... amazing."

"There you have it. We'll be done soon, so take a seat on the couch, Shizu-chan."

Shizuo, although obviously uncomfortable, obeyed the order. He seemed rather familiar with the situation, as though it happened plenty of times in the past. But still, he clearly would rather not be witnessing the scene.

True to his word, Izaya finished up with Masaomi rather quickly, releasing inside him a few minutes later, shortly after the blond's own climax. He fixed himself up, wiped off Masaomi, then gathered the blond into his arms and carried him over to the couch. He sat down and placed Masaomi on his lap, grinning as he squirmed. "Is something the matter, Masaomi?"

"I'm still horny," he murmured in embarrassment. "Must be because of that drug or whatever."

"I see~! Well, we do have another guest here. Maybe you should go over and let him join in, hm?" He let go of Masaomi, but when he stood up and began stumbling over to the other man, Izaya grabbed his hips and pulled him back down. "I was only joking. You're mine, and I don't intend to share you with a beast. I'll just make you feel good while I have a conversation with Shizu-chan." He spread Masaomi's legs and slid his fingers inside him. As Masaomi moaned and writhed, he looked at Shizuo with his usual smirk.

"As you can see, I've been preoccupied with my old lover. That's why you came here, right? To ask why I haven't been visiting you? Well, I wanted to be just as deprived as him until I finally gave him the fucking he deserves. But now... I've decided that I only want to be with Masaomi."

Shizuo crossed his arms. "Tch... Whatever. I don't care."

"Ah, but you do! You're a possessive monster, you know? You always get upset when you see me with my other lovers, or if I even mention them to you. Maybe you developed feelings for me, somewhere during all that hate-fucking?" He held up a hand to stop Shizuo from protesting. "Whatever the case, you'll have to find another partner and get over me. You're aware of how much I adore my darling Masaomi, aren't you? After all, you were quite upset the first time around when I stopped sleeping with you to focus on him. Now I'm doing it all over again. Does the rejection hurt, Shizu-chan?" He dug his fingers harder into Masaomi and slid his tongue along his neck, chuckling when he received a loud moan in response.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, damn flea."

"It's okay, he won't remember this conversation. He'll only remember vague murmuring and the way I made him feel. So you don't have to worry about your little secret getting out. But really, find someone else to fuck you, because I intend to be with Masaomi from now on. I got him back, and I'm not letting him go. He's far more entertaining than a protozoan like you." Izaya wrapped his arm around Masaomi's waist and pulled him closer when Shizuo balled his fists and stood up. "Ah, ah... Don't get hasty, now. You don't want to hurt an innocent man, do you? It's not Masa-chan's fault that I don't love you. That's because you're a monster. There was never any kind of future for us, and it's pitiful you thought there could be despite my openness that you would never be the only one. No one can satisfy me the way he can."

Izaya laughed airily. "How funny! I bet you never thought I could commit to anyone. But really, all this time, I was just waiting for Masaomi to come back." He smiled softly when Masaomi cried out and climaxed again, and grabbed a kleenex to clean him up again. "Ah, how cute... The drug made him fall asleep. Isn't he adorable?" Izaya wrapped both arms around him and kissed his cheek.

"...Do you love him?" Shizuo finally asked, looking at Masaomi with an expression that hid his disappointment.

"I wonder... I do love humans, so I love him in that way. Romantic love, however, I'm just not sure. I've never really felt a desire for romance—going out on dates, holding hands as we walk down the sidewalk, sharing words of affection... That has never appealed to me. Still, if I have Masaomi, I don't need another sexual partner, and although I don't quite know yet what way it will be, I would very much enjoy keeping him by my side for as long as possible—maybe even until one of us dies. But that's too far into the future to decide. For now, I'll just tell you that I want to spend my days with him, and only him."

Shizuo crossed his arms again, still not meeting Izaya's eyes. "Yeah, whatever. I guess I'll go now." After a moment, he awkwardly left the apartment, gently shutting the apartment door behind him.

Once they were alone, Izaya laid Masaomi on his back, and then got up to grab the boy's clothes. He placed a kiss on his forehead as he put on his clothing. "So, we've gotten rid of my baggage, Masaomi." Izaya sat down beside him and stroked his hair. "Now it's time to get rid of yours."