Summary: Edward Nygma and Winifred James had many things in common. They liked puzzles and brain teasers. They were forensic analysts for the Gotham City Police Department and shared the same workspace. And they both had rather ridiculous names. However, they'd never met, never officially met, until an old case is reopened and 'Freddie' is forced to face the demon from her past.


The White Rose Murderer

There was always an allure to darkness for him. Daylight always seemed too harsh, too happy. But night, night was soothing and somber. He never understood how or why people were afraid of the dark. If he were sane, he might have contributed to it being a fear of the unknown. However, he wasn't and logical reasoning was something he cared little for.

It only constrained yourself to a box.

The man's eyes darted over to the open window where streams of moonlight filtered through the glass. The bright city lights twinkled in the distance casting an ethereal glow on the skyline. It was a stark contrast to the stiff tension in the room.

A tiny whimper sounded from the other side of the room. The man turned on his heals studying the two terrified faces illuminated by the soft moonlight. Mr. and Mrs. Kohler were both gagged and bound to two wooden chairs in the middle of their spacious living room. Mrs. Kohler had tears streaming down her pretty face, rolling off her nose, whilst she sniffled pathetically. Mr. Kohler struggled against his bindings casting worried glances to his wife and scathing glares to the man standing by the windows.

He tsked quietly to himself before crossing the room over to the couple. Stopping in front of Mrs. Kohler, he took her chin firmly between his thumb and index finger, tilting her face up to meet his eyes, and sighed. "Stop sniffling, love." He chided almost gently, "It does nothing to change my mind. Oh, what a kind world that would be, huh?"

Behind him Mr. Kohler made grunt of protest when the man brushed his lips tenderly against his wife's forehead. Mrs. Kohler shied away from his touch, tears increasing tenfold. The man let her taking a step back and focusing on the rolled bundle sitting on the coffee table. With nimble fingers he untied and rolled out the cloth case.

A dozen small surgical tools glittered in the moonlight. He examined each one thoroughly holding it up to the light in his latex gloved hand. He settled on the small scalpel; removing it from its place and twirling it between his fingers. The couple watched warily as he turned holding the small knife between them as if he was looking for their approval at his choice.

"Shall we begin?"

Author's Note:

Okay so I said that I wouldn't, but apparently I possess little self-control. When I think of a new story, I just have to start writing it... it's my impulse. :(

I've recently started posting stories to AO3, so if anything happens to this one it'll be there as well. My pen name is J_L_Hynde to those that are interested. I've decided to start using AO3 for fandoms that might be a little more on the MA then M. This is one of those stories that might lean more that way in later chapters. For the most part, I intend to keep it strictly M; which on this site means ages 16+. If you're younger than that you should probably not be reading this.