"Sun City, a place where every animals can live together peacefully and in security. Sun City, the utopian city!" That's why I protect this city, to conserve its security and its beautiful harmony.

-Judy Hops

"Sun City, a place where every animals can live together peacefully and in security. Sun City, the utopian city!" That's why I will never stop seeing this city as the biggest comedy show.

-Nick P. Wilde

Nick Wilde wakes up in his improvised bed, in a drawer. This apartment was built for bigger animals than a fox, but at least, it is still a luxury apartment! Almost. If you get used to the permanent water leaks coming from the pipes standing out. Anyway, this three room apartment is enough for a fox like Nick.

Getting up, Nick heads for his small bathroom, watching his step so as not to hurt his head against a pipe. Half awake, he looks himself in the mirror, rubs the fur on his neck while adjusting his collar that threatens him of a painful shock at the detection of anger. Noticing the tired look on his face, he shakes himself and adopt a more confident look with a smile on the side. By using a toothpaste called "dent-so dull" he brushes his teeth. Following his routine, he enters his shower and washes his fur with a special shampoo for semi-long fur.

Getting out of the shower, Nick dries himself and then looks at a motivational poster on his wall. "Make it happen!" with a smile, he says to himself "hmm, if I was a wizard I would make a lot of things happen." He then then sprays himself with a product called "musk destroyer". He finishes his routine by dressing himself with a pale blue shirt with an already knotted tie from yesterday and grey pants. A businessman must look credible after all. At least a little bit.

Leaving his apartment, Nick runs into the establishment's owner leaning against a wall. Bord, is a fat, lazy bear. He is also rather boring, so no one wants to talk to him, including Nick. The bear also wears a shock collar like every other predator, in case he "follows his aggressive predator's instincts." The collars may be unpleasant for predators, but it is for the security of the utopian city after all! Nick often likes to joke around preys saying that he is glad he has his shock collar, otherwise he would jump at the throat of everyone!

Bord watches Nick and tries to start a conversation "slept well, Nick?" as he tries to hurry out of the building, Nick answers that he had a wonderful night. In a monotone, the bear continues "you know, I dreamed I was watching television today" leaving the building, Nick answers "well, what an exciting dream! Sorry Bord but I have a very important appointment, bye!" without allowing Bord to answer back, the fox in a hurry goes outside. Living in the rainforest district, he is greeted with a heavy rain.

Nick heads towards bus stop and waits in queue behind other animals: a panther dressed up in a sports uniform and a mother squirrel with her daughter. Taking his flip phone out, Nick checks out the news: PAWX NEWS: "a predator (an otter) kidnapped a baby elephant!" Nick reads news articles only to pass the time, because he finds that most articles are completely out of relevance.

The little squirrel child, after starring at Nick for quite some time suddenly asks his mother "Mom, why does the fox has an old phone?" her mother, surprised, attempts to answer her daughter, but Nick quickly interrupts her while showing his phone to the little creature under the rain "it is because new phones are very, very expensive, so, I save a lot by buying an old phone that way, I stay rich. Plus, this one is water resistant!" the little squirrel immediately answers "wow, this is so smart! I will never buy a new phone so I'm going to get rich too! You heard mom?" The bus finally arrives and the panther enters it first, followed by the mother squirrel telling her daughter: "Do not talk like that to strangers, Sarah!" the mother, that is probably a quarter of the fox's size turns back to Nick and smiles awkwardly. He answers with a smart smile while entering the bus.

The squirrels are standing on a boundary intended for smaller mammals. Nick notices that the mother whispers something to his daughter, but doesn't give it too much attention, instead, he continues looking the news on his phone "the polar mafia makes another victim!" The innocent squirrel answers her mother with a louder voice "But, why especially foxes?" the mother, embarrassed, turns to take a look at the fox, but Nick is pretending he didn't hear anything and keeps watching his phone. To avoid hearing anything else, he takes out his giraffe earphones with a wire way too long for his height. Thankfully, the wire is folded to adapt for his size. Plugging it on his phone, he listens to music for the rest of the way. (The Way, by fastball)

Now in HappyTown, Nick leaves the bus while giving a nice, thankful smile to the driver. HappyTown is a part of town where he lived with his parents. It is a rather poor place, but many of Nick's friends live here. He enters an abandoned house of his size, who knows, maybe foxes lived here. Underneath this house, his friend honey, a female badger, lives in a bunker. She's kind of crazy, she believes in a conspiracy on sheep and seems to dedicate her life accusing sheep for every problem in the world.

In the kitchen of the house, Nick takes a phone on a table with a wire leading to below the sink. He dials the number "666". A fast voice answers: "Who are you?" Nick responds with a humorous tone: "It's me, your favorite fox!" Still serious, Honey responds "Password.". "What? There's a password now? Your hidden bunker and phone number wasn't enough?" the badger persist "Password!" In a falsely disappointed way, Nick says "Well, it's a shame that I never knew the password and that my own friend doesn't trust me, I'll have to give all the new secret information I found on out on our sheep president to someone else!" after a moment of hesitation, the badger speaks "alright… I'll open you the door, but next time, know that the password is: felagul, misepo, tamiramiref, segogulamalipum. I cannot take the risk of letting a sheep in disguise enter." A trap door opens from beneath the sink.

Nick goes down the ladder, then finds himself in the bunker of Honey. Multiple sheets, plans and maps related to sheep are placed in a disorganised fashion on the metal walls. Various objects are lying all over the floor, some of them are "weapons" against sheep, such as shears, thistle guns, and paint grenades.

Honey is standing in front of Nick. "Alright then, tell me everything."

Smelling a strong badger smell in the room, Nick asks, "Honey, dear, could you use products that reduce the smell of your musk, please?"

Honey, surprised, answers "No, these products are indirectly made by sheep to transmit diseases. Also, I don't smell anything weird here… so you said you had information?"

Nick, smiling, says "yes but first, you shall give me information"

"Oh no. No. Nope. I know that smile! It's never good!" says the badger, pointing her finger at the fox.

Still smiling, Nick replies "well, you wouldn't want to lose valuable information about sheep now would you? I just want to know where I could find a sheep barber shop."

"Why would you want to know this?" Asks Honey, confused.

Nick, answers: "I am thinking about getting myself some money by picking up sheep wool and then donate it to sick sheep at the downtown's hospital. These sheep don't have wool anymore and are in need of donations."

Still confused, Honey continues questioning him "But it's a donation, you can't make money out of that!"

"If I look miserable enough, I'm sure the hospital's manager could return me a small donation too." Says Nick

Honey heads towards a wall full of maps and snatch a small one titled "companies owned by sheep". Showing the map to Nick, Honey explains the location of a sheep barber shop while he nods at her directions.

"Well, thanks for everything Honey, it was nice to visit you, bye!" says nick turning his back.

The badger, holding Nick's shoulder, says "Hey! You said you would give me information about sheep!"

Nick mockingly replies "I think sheep count badgers before falling asleep!" as he takes off the badgers paws from his shoulder.

Honey, frustrated, says "I knew that you knew nothing! You're only a liar, you aren't helping your stereotype, do you know that?"

Nick, climbing the ladders, says "Relax Honey, or you risk triggering your collar. You should go outside more often and breathe some fresh air, if you want, I'll even buy you an ice cream!"

Just before Nick shuts the trap door, Honey says "Hey, don't forget the password!"

By taking another bus, Nick finally arrives at the sheep barber shop: "cheap sheep shearing!"

Casually, Nick enters the shop, takes a garbage bag he found lying on the floor, and starts picking wool that fell on the ground. A wooldresser notices Nick "What the hell are you doing here, fox?" Nick naturally responds "I work here, didn't the boss told you? I'm cleaning up the place." Laughing, the sheep replies " hahaha, the boss, you have him before you! But if you really want to volunteer cleaning my shop, by all means, continue. But remember, I'll keep an eye on you." With a smug smile, Nick replies "I knew we would come to an understanding" as he continues to pick up all the wool he finds until he fill two bags of his size. "Chao! Thanks for everything!" says Nick as the sheep boss shakes his head, confused to see a fox with bags filled with his client's wool.

Arriving at the hospital, Nick enters the "medium sized animals" section and heads towards the reception counter where a gazelle greets him "Hello, what can I do for you?" "I have two bags filled with sheep wool for patients who lost their wool!" The gazelle, surprised to see the quantity of wool Nick carries, says she has never seen such a quantity of wool for donation, she then leaves to get her manager. The manager, a female deer, come to the counter and looks down to the fox that is way smaller than her.

With a monotone, she says "okay, not bad. And why would you do such a big donation?"

Nick enthusiastically responds "well, my children and I were in the mood to help sheep in need, so we went door to door collecting sheep wool!"

Skeptical, both preys look at each other, then the manager turning back to Nick, replies "So you want money in return, is that it?"

Nick is surprised by her answer, but still continues his play "No, It's a pure donation, my children helped me collecting because they knew how hard it is to be sick."

The manager, still with a cold tone responds "I do not pity you fox, stop trying. You will get nothing and we do not want your "wool" found in a shifty alley. Now please, leave before I call security."

Nick, stressed, quickly answers "No, wait! This is real wool, I swear! I have no children, but I really am poor! Could you at least give me a little gratitude gift?"

Always coldly, the deer answers "nice try" and calls security to the "medium sized animals" section.

Containing his anger, Nick smiles at the receptionist and at the manager. He turns his back and leaves the hospital with the two big bags without looking at the customers around staring at him. Outside, he throws the two bags in a trash container. Today is a day without profit.

It's already nighttime. Back in the rainy rainforest district, Nick stops by an insect store to buy a locust Burger. The predators obviously can't eat meat, so they content themselves to eat insects and fish instead. The small restaurant was full of predators of any kind, shock collars could be seen everywhere. "A small locust hamburger please. Oh and it's a takeout" says Nick, emptying his wallet of his last bucks. Trying not to wet his burger under the rain, Nick finishes his meal before arriving in front of his apartment building. He notices that Bord is strolling in the hall. To avoid a conversation with the bear, Nick takes out his long earphones and pretends to listen to music. Entering the building, he hears the bear say "Hi Nick, wanna tell me about your day today?" Nick doesn't stop himself from walking and points his headphones in his ears. The bear simply nods and waves Nick goodbye.

Arriving home, Nick takes deep breaths, his eyes are filled with tears and he is shaking but he isn't crying yet.

His neighbors heard two cries. One of desperate anger, and one of pain.